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06x02 - The Legendarium

Posted: 10/28/22 07:59
by bunniefuu
- ♪ here we go, here we fly

♪ sparkle wings way up high

♪ where the rainbows
and the stars align ♪

♪ fairy friends,
heroes strong ♪

♪ shimmer bright,
hear our song ♪

♪ we're the smile
in your sky tonight ♪

♪ you can feel
the music lift you ♪

♪ off the ground

♪ nothing's gonna stop us now ♪

♪ we are the magic winx

♪ rising up together

♪ we are the magic winx

♪ we are the ones
you believe in ♪

♪ you keep the dream alive

♪ girl power's gonna shine ♪

♪ forever

♪ we are the magical winx

- The trix sought
revenge on the winx

By targeting a newly
corporeal daphne,

The nymph of domino.

After unleashing the beast of
the depths onto domino palace,

It was up to the winx
to remind daphne

That she is just as powerful
as she was before.

[birds chirping]

[all chattering]


- Hey, how are you?

- It's great to be back.

- You look great.

- How was your break?

- I can't believe
we're finally here.

- Neither can kiko.

Go on. Lead the way.

He couldn't wait for today.

He hardly slept a wink
last night.

Oh, daphne.

You're going
to really love living at alfea.

You must be so excited.

- Nervous is more like it.

- But why?

You shouldn't be.

You're going to be an amazing
history of magic teacher.

- [sighs]

- If anybody knows the history
of magic, it's you.

- Thanks, bloom,
but I just can't seem

To shake those
first-day jitters.

- [purrs]

- Kiko's right.

Stand tall and proud.

This is going to be
a great year.

- [sighs]

- I heard we have
a new magic teacher.

- I love your top.
It's so cute.

- Check out the new students.

They're going to be
fairies just like us,

And they'll need someone
to count on--

Someone like you.

Isn't that great?

- Sure, but now I'm terrified.

- [giggles]

- Girls, girls, let's move.

This is not a party,
young ladies.

Now, come on.
Gather 'round.

- Yes, ms. Grizelda.

- Oh, not you, professor.

I meant the students.

All right, everyone,
now, listen closely.

Girls, girls!

Listen when spoken to.

That is rule number one.

- Some things never change.


- And now room assignments.

Come along.

- [sighs]
home, sweet home.

- Hi, bloom.

- Hi, musa.


- Hey, bloom.

Great to see you.
So what do you think?

- I can't believe how settled in
you guys are already.

- This place is getting
way too crowded.

- I think it's so cozy
and personalized.

- More like cozy and chaotic.

What we need to do here
is to simplify.

Now, let's see.


Clutter-free suitcases.

- [gasps]

- [grunting]

- Kiko.

- Oh, ah!



- So where's stella?

- Up in her room working.

- All right.

Workout complete.

- Thanks, stella.


- Oh, wow.
- Check it out.

- All of these students
are coming from stella's room.

- Wow.

- Hey, look.

- Whoa.
- Oh.

- Wow.
- What is stella up to now?

- Stella couture boutique:

Don't follow fashion;
be fashion.

- A clothing boutique here
at alfea?

- Next.

- I need to see this
with my own eyes.

- No kidding.

Me too.

- Uh, stella? Stella?

- The designer, deep in thought.

- Winx!

I am so happy you're here.

You're looking at the start
of something mega big.

Soon I'll be the most
sought-out designer

In the entire magic dimension.

- Ow! Oh, ow.

- And that's not even
the most exciting part.

Wait until you hear this.

- Should we be worried?

- You, my good friends,

Are the official faces
of stella couture.

Every new look starts with you.

- Oh.

- Sweet.

- Oh, wow.

- All right.

- Oh, tecna,
you look so slammin'.

- Why, thank you, stella.

- Ladies?

- Anyone up there?

- Grizelda.

She can't find out
about my boutique.

- What are you doing in here?

Hmm. Humph.

- Uh, just cleaning up
for the new school year.

- Well done, stella.


- [nervous giggle]

- Huh?

- Oh.

- I believe that this belongs
to you, bloom.

- [chattering]

- [gasps]



- You are expected in the new
history of magic classroom

For headmistress faragonda's

- Dear students and professors,

I am pleased to inaugurate
a new school year here at alfea.

This year,
a very special

History of magic teacher
joins us,

Princess daphne of domino.


- Yay!
- You go, girl.

- Way to go, daphne.

- [laughs]

- Lower, lower, lower.

- Oh.

- Whee!

Hi, everyone.

It's us.


Ms. Faragonda.

- Whee!
- Guess who.

- Lockette.

- Piff.

- Kora.

- Amore.

- Cherie.

- Chatta.

- The pixies.

- We just had to be here
to celebrate.

- That's right.

It's miss faragonda's th year
as headmistress.

- Why, I had no idea.

- It was meant to be a secret.

Anniversaries make me feel old.

- Let's hear it
for miss faragonda, yeah!

[cheers and applause]

- And that's not all.

We brought you
a special surprise.

It's outside in the courtyard.

- Oh?

- Come on, everyone.

- I can't wait to see it.

- I wonder what the surprise is.
- Let's go.

- First, the perfect weather
for celebrating.

[cheers and applause]

- Second, a pixie present.


Let the party begin!

- ♪ p-p-party time

♪ the energy's rising, yeah ♪

♪ you feel the good vibes

♪ I'm having the best time
of my life ♪

♪ and tonight's
so unforgettable ♪

♪ p-p-p-party time

♪ the music is playing

♪ and you're out of sight ♪

♪ another sparkle in your eyes

♪ so let's dance
the night away ♪


- Yeah.
- Whoo.

- Yeah.


- Girls, miss stella,
please contain yourself.

- Uh-huh.
Oh, my bad.

- You should relax, grizelda.

This is a party.

May I?
- Of course, headmistress.



- [gasps]

- Welcome back, everyone.

With each new year comes a crop
of young students aspiring

To fine-tune their craft
and sharpen their minds.

I expect all of you
to support these eager freshmen

As some of them set forth
on their path today.

Here at cloud tower,

You'll become modern witches,

But first
you'll need to prove your worth.

Now, who would like to go first?

What's your name?

- My name is selina,

And I'm from earth.

- Right, selina.

Show us what you can do.

- With great pleasure.

This is the legendarium.
- Go on.

- In its pages are all the myths
and legends of the worlds,

And I have the power
to bring them to life

Simply by reading them out loud.

- Interesting.

Show me how it works.

- This is the legend
of the gloomy wood trolls.

They used to live
in forests of magix,

Spreading terror and destruction

Until they were defeated
by the pixies.

- I know that story.

The pixies chained the trolls
under their village.

- That's right.


Trolls of gloomy wood,

I release you to take vengeance

On pixie village.

- [humming]

- What's going on?

[all shouting]

- [growls]


[pixies screaming]

- [growls]

- [screams]

Ninfea, the gloomy wood trolls
are back.

- That's impossible.
How did they break free?

- Whoo.
- Uh-huh.

- Yeah, yeah.

- ♪ doo, doo, doo, doo

♪ doo, doo, doo, doo

♪ doo, doo, doo, doo

- Stop the party!

I need everyone to stop what
you are doing immediately.

Pixie huddle.

Come back to the village now.

The gloomy wood trolls
are attacking.

- Huh?
- What?

- I thought those creatures
were locked up centuries ago.

- Pixies unite!

- We must leave.

The pixies are in danger.

- And the winx are right
behind you.

Magic winx sirenix!

fairy of the dragon flame.

- Musa, fairy of music.

- Tecna, fairy of technology.

- Flora, fairy of nature.

- Aisha, fairy of waves.

- Stella, fairy
of the shining sun.

- [screaming]

- Not on my watch.

- [growls]

- Ah!

Take that,
you terrible beast.

- [growls]


- Come on, winx.

- You interrupted a party,
and that's a huge faux pas.

- Uh, they're also tearing
apart pixie village.

- Oh, right.

We'll get you for that too.

Light diamond!

[both groaning]

- Deafening chord!

- [groans]

- [sighs]

- [growls]

- Ah!

- Neptune's sting!

- Well, that wasn't so bad.

I hope these guys
have learned their lesson.

[both gasping]

[all growling]

- More trolls.

How many are there?

- Definitely too many.

- Come on, winx.

Let's send them back
where they came from.

- Ah!

- [growls]

- [whimpers]

- [growls]

- Oh!

- [growls]


- These beasts are popping up
all over the place.

Maybe if we close that hole...


- This is getting out of hand.

[all growling]

- Let's get the pixies
out of here.

[pixies crying]

- You possess a rare power,

If what you are saying is true,

It must be utter chaos now
in pixie village.

- That's right.

- I need to see this for myself.

Magic eye.

- [crying]

- [gasps]

That's enough.

This legendarium
is extremely powerful.

You have proven your prowess,

But you must put an end
to this destruction now.

- May the story
of the trolls end here.

- [crying]

- [screams]

[all gasp]

- Whoa.

- What happened?
- Check it out.

- Whoa.

- Um, the trolls,
they're gone.

- And so are the pixies.


- Where did everybody go?

- Maybe they teleported
themselves somewhere.

Hold on. Let me see
if I can sense anything.

Oh, no.
This is crazy.

This is not good news.

It's as if the pixies
no longer exist

In the magic dimension.

- Oh!

- How could this have happened?

[thunder cracks]

- The legendarium.


This is truly remarkable.

Without a doubt, it is
one of the most powerful objects

I've seen
in the last two centuries.

- [chuckles] yes.

- You got that right, griffin.

[all gasping]

[trix cackling]

- The trix!

- Well, well, well,
and who do we have here?

Look at you,
bursting with talent.

- Thank you.

- You weren't expecting us
for roll call, were you,

Headmistress griffin?

- We just missed
cloud tower so much.

- How dare you return here
after all that you did?

- [laughs]

Oh, please.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

- [grunts] out!

Get out of my school!

- Griffin,
you're disappointing us.

- It's time for the trix
to rule this school.

- [groans]



You'll have to defeat me first.


- [laughs]

As you wish, but don't say
we didn't warn you.

- Ah!

- Oh, no.

- What's happening?

- [cawing]

- Stormy, put that sad
little bird into a cage.

- Right where she belongs.

- [cawing]

- [groans]

[thunder cracks]

- [laughing]

There's no need to be scared,
young witches.

I'm in charge now,
and this is just the beginning.

Each one of you
will have a future

Full of glory and adventure,
because soon the witches

Will rule over the entire
magic dimension,

And nothing will be able
to stop us.

All: Trix, trix, trix, trix!

- [laughing]

All: Trix, trix, trix,
trix, trix!

- Now, be quiet and hold on.

Ready, sisters?

[birds cawing]

- [laughs]

[birds cawing]

- Ooh.
- [laughs]

- [gasps]
- oh.


- The journey begins.

First step:
Conquer all the magic colleges.

- [cawing]

[thunder cracking]

[distressed cawing]

- Class dismissed.

Young witches, return
to your rooms and stand by.

We've got some fairies
to take care of.

- Not so fast.


You, hang on a sec.

We saw what you did
with that book.

- Yes, that one.

- The legendarium?

- The legendarium, of course.

You are a very talented witch.

- We could learn
a few things from you.

- Are you serious?

- Oh, yes, very serious,

And we'd like
to make you an offer.

- We'll teach you all we know
about dark arts.

- In exchange,
we only ask you to read us

Some tales from that book.

- Sounds good to me.
I'm in.

- Oh, this is going to be fun.


- Don't worry, pixies.

Faragonda will help us
understand what happened.

- [gasps]

- Watch out!

- What was that?

- Oh.

- It's losing control.

- Morphix cushion!

- [caws]

- Oh.
- Is it...

- It's alive, luckily,
but it's hurt and exhausted.

Poor little thing.

- [caws]

- It's all right.

We'll take care of you.

- [caws]

- Hold on, winx.

It looks like it wants
to tell us something.

- I don't speak crow-ese.

- Well, neither do I, stella,

But I do know someone
who can help us.

- The specialists
invite the winx over

To linphea college

For a special
arena training class.

Meanwhile, selina reads
the story of the treants

From the legendarium,

Causing the enchanted trees
to wreak havoc at the school.

The winx are up against
the most powerful magic yet

And struggle
to stand their guard.

- ♪ winx, we're
living the magic ♪

♪ and day by day, we will
light up your world ♪

♪ winx, together we'll make it ♪

♪ your power
will make you shine ♪

♪ and we will fly
in the sky ♪

♪ winx, we're living the magic ♪

♪ sing that song, we'll be
friends till the end ♪

♪ winx, together
we'll make it ♪

♪ love is all around us

♪ it's the wonderful world
of winx ♪