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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 10/28/22 06:50
by bunniefuu
'Chapter One. Sorrow.

'There were many
who considered Atticus Pund

'to be the world's
greatest detective,

'but as he walked down
Harley Street on that awful...

'no, fateful... yes...

'day in the summer of 1955...

'Chapter One.

'There were many
who considered Atticus Pund

'to be the world's greatest...

'A single magpie watched him
from a tree as he returned.

'What was it telling him?

'He was about to find out.

'The Church of St. Bartles
had a long and varied history.


'As Pund walked home,

'he was already putting it all
into context.

'Brent, the gardener
at Pye Hall...

'Chapter Five.

'Come on, come on, come on,
come on.'


'Clarissa Pye was...

'Robert Blakiston had never...



'Detective Inspector Chubb

'very much liked grabbing
a suspect by the throat.

'That was his method,
and it might've worked for him,

'but Pund wasn't so sure.

'Chapter Seven.

'A Secret Never to Be Told.

'What else can I tell you
about Atticus Pund?

'He had solved his last case,

'the death of Mary Blakiston,

'soon followed by another death
at Pye Hall.

'And of course the tragedy

'that had taken place
twelve years before.

'Three deaths that seemed
to have no connection

'until Atticus Pund brought them
together and made sense of them.

'He was more than a friend.

'He was the kindest
and wisest man I ever knew.

'The end.'

- Halt, halt, halt. Stop, stop.
- What?

- Your phone.
- Oh.



Uh... Charles.
No. I'm...

I'm at the book fair.

- Yesterday was...
- Please!

...wall-to-wall, so,
and I've got Klaus at nine,

so can I call you back later?

Yeah. OK, bye.
Bye. Bye.

Entschuldigung, ich...
Ich habe vergessen,

dass es in der Tasche w*r.

Oh, hi, Susan!

Oh, hi!


- Morning, Klaus!
- Atticus Pund.

- You have considered my offer?
- Yes.

- And?
- It's not enough.

I don't agree.

- Well, you wouldn't, would you?
- Come on, Susan.

We're old friends.
We don't need to haggle.

Oh, I thought
that was what I was here for.

Eighteen million copies
sold worldwide,

two and a half million
in this territory,

thirty-five languages,
and a TV series on the way.

are no longer interested.

Oh, we left Worterhaus.

- Alan Conway didn't like them.
- He reads his translations?

He reads his royalty statements.
They were getting lazy.

- Vielen Dank, Theo.
- Bitte.

We can go to 75,000 Euros.

- No, we won't go below 100.
- That's too high.

Well, he has a new book.

"Magpie Murders" -
have you read it?

He hasn't delivered it yet,
but it'll be number one

like the last one,
and the one before.


I can give you an answer
this evening.

Not here.
How about a drink at your hotel?

You're not the only
interested party, Klaus.

Nice doing business.

- Miss Ryeland.
- Yes?

Your champagne.

I didn't order any champagne.

Are you sure?


Then I must have the wrong room.

No, um...

I think
you should leave it.


why don't you
share it with me?

I'm sorry, madam.
Hotel policy...


I was told it was
a full-service hotel.

It can be.

How did you know
where to find me?

I rang your office.
Alice told me.

Remind me to talk to her.

You don't know who
you might have found me with.

- Klaus Eckerman?
- Oh, pft!

God, no.

Credit me with some taste.

Aren't you supposed
to be teaching?

I took the day off.

- You came all this way.
- Mm.

God, you're lovely.

Where did you get
the waistcoat?

I bribed a waiter.


Glad to see you.
I've had a horrible time here.

We can go home together.

Same flight?


Alice is promoted.

We have the weekend.

- Great.
- Mm.

Can't wait.



'The train now arriving
on platform four...


'Stansted Airport,

'calling at Stansted Airport

I'm going to take a taxi.
Do you want to share?

I'll take the tube.

What time am I gonna see you

I'll come at lunchtime,
but I'm out in the evening.

Oh! Where?

We're rehearsing
the school play.

OK. Well,
see you when I see you.

And thanks for surprising me.

Thank you.

So, how was Frankfurt?

Oh, the usual madness.

This is for you.


- You shouldn't have.
- I didn't. It's from Andreas.

- And no smutty jokes.
- Oh. He found you, then?

Yes, I'll talk to you
about that another time.

Just tell me it's arrived.

- Charles wants to see you.
- Meaning?

He looked happy when he came in.


- Ah!
- So?

I had dinner with him
last night.


He was his usual
charming self.

But he's finished it.

- "Magpie Murders".
- One for sorrow, two for joy,

three for a girl,
and four for a boy.

Five for silver, six for gold,

seven for a secret
never to be told.

It's very Agatha Christie.
Have you read it yet?

- I've started it.
- And?

Number one in time
for Christmas.

Yay! That's my weekend
taken care of.

Oh, one moment, Susan.
We have the meeting next week.

- Oh, Cityworld Media.
- Oh, don't say it like that.

You make them sound
like the enemy.

They don't understand

Which is why they want you
in charge after the buyout,

but they are gonna need
an answer.

I don't know, Charles.
It's all right for you.

Retirement. Cruises.

I will still be here for you.
I've told you.

I'm just not sure that
I'm cut out to run a company.

Finances. Targets.

It's not what I'm used to.
I'm an editor.

And you're the best
in the business,

but, look, this is
a huge opportunity for you.

A proper salary more than
I could ever afford to pay.

Plus a five per cent share.

- After five years.
- You'll be rich.

Not as rich as you.

Think of the company!
Think of what you could make it.

Let's talk on Monday.

- Enjoy the read.
- Yes.

Thank you, Aziz.
Thank you. Sit down.

Omirou odysseia.

Homer's Odyssey.

One of the greatest epic poems
ever written.

Who can tell me what any
of those words meant? Aziz?


Six of them.
Just six.

Last year it was eight.

Do you know why they even
have it as an option?

Well, you got to have somewhere
to put the nerds.

Because it's tradition.
It makes the school look good.

I've been watching you walk by

And I haven't said a word

But now I'm ready to get you

Baby, I want to be your girl

I take what I want

Baby, I want you

Come and pick me up

Carry me away

Pack it up now, baby

Pack it up today

Cos I take what I want

Don't you know I want you?

Yes, I do

I'm gonna get you, baby

I've got a claim on you...

'Chapter one. Sorrow.

'There were many
who considered Atticus Pund

'to be the world's
greatest detective,

'but, as he walked down
Harley Street

'on that fateful day
in the summer of 1955,

'he knew that he was facing
the greatest mystery of all -

'his own mortality.'

You can get dressed now,
Mr Pund.

So, Dr Benson,
tell me the worst.

Well, there's no sign
of any further deterioration,

but I'm afraid
it's still not good news.

- Oh. How much time do I have?
- It's not easy to be precise.

I'm afraid the tumour
is very advanced.

Had we been able
to spot it earlier,

there's a small chance we might
have been able to operate.

I'm sorry.

There's no need to be.

I've had a long life.

And I will say in many respects
it's been a good one.

I've expected to die
on many occasions before now.

You might even say that death
has been a companion of mine,

always two steps behind.

Now he's caught up.

Even so, it would help me
to know, for example,

if I were considering a skiing
holiday in the Bavarian Alps...?

It wouldn't be a good idea.

Do you ski?


And now I never will.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- 'Tell you what, Susan?'

I've just finished
the first chapter,

- 'Atticus at the doctor's.'
- Ah, yes.

Did he tell you
he was gonna k*ll him off?

Well, I haven't got
to the end yet.

It might not be terminal.

Well, it bloody well
better not be.

Ah. Sorry, can't talk.

My car is here.

Where's Alan?

'In London.
Heading back home tomorrow.'

Well, maybe you should call him.

'Finish the book.
We'll talk Monday.'

Thank you.

Excuse me.
Eh, are you Alan Conway?

- Yes.
- I just want to say,

I love your books.
When's the next one coming out?

- Soon.
- Oh. I know it's a bit cheeky,

but I don't suppose I could get
a quick selfie with you?

- No!
- My husband won't believe I...

No. I'm sorry.
I'm late for my train.

'Passengers are reminded
that smoking is not permitted

on the station concourse.'

'The end.'

Not necessarily.

The cancer's at stage 4.

That gives you
a ten per cent chance.

Ten per cent is my royalty.

Never enough.

'Dear Charles, I'm very sorry
that I wasn't on my best form

'at dinner last night.'

"The Magpie Murders".

Not "The Magpie Murders"!
"Magpie Murders"!

That's the bloody title!

Excuse me?
Are you Alan Conway?

I love your books.

- Come here.
- Oh, stop.

Get a room.


Who was that?

My dad.

You don't like him much.

I wish he'd drop dead.

Not again.

Suck it.

I hoped you'd already gone.

Just thought I'd say goodbye.

Well, goodbye, then.

Did you deliver the manuscript?

- Am I still in it?
- Do you care?


I think we've said everything
we need to say, don't you?

I don't.

Well, I do.

I'm sorry.

Sorry about what exactly?

Humiliating me? Disappearing
whenever you fancied it?

Partying with your friends

and presumably having a good
laugh about me at the same time?

I've had enough.

Just get out.
Go on.

You can leave the car.

My car, you mean?

I think you'll find it's
my name on the registration.

Just out of interest, how am I
meant to get to the station?

Call a taxi.

You can't do this to me, Alan.
I have rights, you know.

You have nothing.

Goodbye, James.

You never did like Alan,
did you?

He's an unpleasant man.

You knew him before I did.

I knew him when he was
just a teacher,

before he married Melissa.
He was unpleasant then.

Tzatziki. Keftedes.

Greek halloumi and hummus.

- What would I do without you?
- You wouldn't eat.

- Retsina?
- Why not?


Charles wants me
to give him an answer.

- Mm, the job.
- Yeah.

Are you going to do it?

I don't know.

I'm an editor.
It's all I've ever done.

- Running a company...
- Don't undersell yourself.

You're brilliant.
You could do that.

It's not that.

It's just once we're owned
by an investment company,

all they're interested in
is their figures,

- and if things go wrong...
- But they won't go wrong

because you have Atticus Pund.

Thank God.

The new manuscript arrived.


"Magpie Murders".

It's 1955, and we're in
the village of Saxby-on-Avon.

Where's that?

Oh, that doesn't exist.
They never do.

Mary Blakiston
is found dead at Pye Hall.

It's the ancestral home
of Sir Magnus.

She was his housekeeper.

- What happened to her?
- She fell down the stairs.

Or was she pushed?

Another two-hundred pages,
and I'll find out.

So, I'm gonna have
to abandon you this afternoon.

No! No, no, no.
I don't know what I'll do.

Who are you playing?

Man U.

Kicks off at three.

And then I've got
the school play at six.

'As Pund walked home,

'he was already putting it all
into context.

'It was just another
throw of the dice,

'and in a way his entire life
had been lived

'against the odds.'

- There you are!
- Hello, James.

I was getting
quite worried about you.

- Why?
- You're late for elevenses.


- Where have you been?
- To see Dr Benson.

Is he a client of ours?

No, she's a doctor.

- Anything I need to know?
- I don't think so.

Well, you have a client
arriving in ten minutes.

- I put an extra cup out.
- What client?

Joy Sanderling.
Don't you remember?

You may have forgotten
to tell me.


Well, she rang
the day before yesterday,

and you don't have anything
on your desk at the moment,

so I said
it would be all right.

Forgive me, James.
I'm not in the mind

to take on a new client
just at the moment.

She's come a long way.

She sounded very distressed.

I'm very much in love
with Robert Blakiston.

We were childhood sweethearts.

And I'm going to marry him,
no matter what anyone says.

And what do they say,
Miss Sanderling?

About me?

About your fiancé.

They think he k*lled his mother.

That would be enough, I think,
to make anyone think twice.

But I know they're wrong.

It's just village gossip.
It's a lot of nonsense.

So, what is it that occurred
to give them this foolish idea?

Robert works
in the local garage,

and his mother, Mary Blakiston,
lived in the village.

The two of them didn't get on.

She was always nagging him,
and going on at him.

It was almost like she didn't
want him to leave home.

Sounds like my mother.

This whole thing began
because of a silly argument.

Robert's got a temper to him,
I'll admit that.

But she'd been going on at him
to mend a light in her cottage,

and she just picked on him
at the wrong time.

- The bathroom light.
- I know.

- You said you'd mend it.
- I will.

It's been a week now!

I'm on my own.

You should be ashamed
of yourself.

I'm having a drink, Mum.
All right?

Every minute of every bloody
day, you never leave me alone.

Don't use that language with me.

- I'm not a child any more.
- No?

I'll tell you what you are.

You're the biggest
disappointment of my life.

Well, then get someone else
to do it!

All right?
And if you can't find anyone,

then just drop dead
and give me a bit of peace.

'She was found dead
the very next day.

'At Pye Hall.

'It's the ancestral home
of Sir Magnus Pye.

'She was his housekeeper.'

Mary Blakiston
made Saxby-on-Avon

a better place for everyone.

'And of course everyone's
saying that he did it.

'That he pushed
her down the stairs.

'How can they be so unkind?'

So, although we are here today
to mourn her departure,

we must also remember
what she left behind.

'And what do
the local police make of this?'

'They're still

But they talked to Robert
several times.

They clearly
have their suspicions.

Miss Sanderling, you say
you're engaged to be married

to Robert Blakiston - what
did his mother think of this?

She was against it,
of course.

For what reason?

I don't want to talk about it.

Forgive me, but some might say
this gave him exactly the motive

to wish to do away with her.

People are saying all sorts
of horrible things, Mr Pund.

But none of it's true.

I was with him
the morning she died.

He has his own flat,
and I stayed over that night.

So, it couldn't have been him.

Then what exactly is it
that you want me to do?

I want you to come
to Saxby-on-Avon.

Just for one day.

If you look into it and tell
people it was an accident,

I'm sure they'll believe you.

You're famous.
Everyone knows who you are.

That's all I'm asking,
Mr Pund.

Come to Saxby.
Tell them the truth.

- Yes! That's it!
- Oh!


It's all right.

I take it that was Arsenal?

Xhaka off a free kick.
What a player, eh?


- What did he say?
- He won't do it.

He says there's nothing
he can do about village gossip

and that if we just ignore it,
it'll go away.


No, I liked him.

I think he would have helped
if he thought he could.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

Well, there are
other detectives.

No. I don't think so,

I'm not gonna let them
take you away from me.

I love you, Joy,
and I'm not gonna be driven away

by people
who don't know anything.

It's not going to happen.
We'll get through this.

We don't need
to get the train yet.

- Let's have lunch.
- Lyon's Corner House?

My treat.

Oh, for God's...

- I just...
- Claire. It's not a good time.

- You're watching the football.
- Trying to, yes.

Five minutes. You can talk to me
and watch it at the same time.


I want my old job back.

I thought we both agreed
it wasn't working.

I need the money, Alan.

I might as well
be honest with you.

You know there's not much work
in the country,

and, well, you wouldn't want
to see your own sister

- stuck working behind the bar.
- Oh!

Anyway, I enjoyed
being part of your world.

- That's not what you said.
- I was wrong.

I'm sorry, but I was
under a lot of stress,

and frankly you weren't exactly
paying me a fortune.

Even so,
I spoke out of turn,

and, well, I was just wondering
if you might think again.

I don't know.

Oh, you're still coughing.

I thought you were
getting that looked at.

I've seen a doctor.
It's just a chest infection.

- Nothing to worry about.
- Mm.

I see you've finished
the new book.


Who typed it for you?

I did, Claire.
I can type, you know?

Oh, for God's sake!

Sorry, I've got to take this.
Excuse me.

'Hi, Alan, I was just
talking about you.'

Yes, stop talking.

I want you to get the papers
over to me as soon as possible.

I'd like to sign them
this weekend.

'The sister.

'Unmarried, unloved,

'and always desperate for cash.

'Clarissa Pye looked ridiculous,

'and she was the only one in
the village who didn't know it.

'She had grown up in Pye Hall,

'but her brother
had cast her out.

'And now she was alone.'

I don't suppose
there's any chance

you could drop them in
tomorrow, is there?

- 'On a Sunday? Well...'
- That's great!

Thank you.
See you then.


The bloody manuscript!

- I can't believe it.
- It was that bad?

I haven't finished it.
There's no last chapter.

Alice or Jemima must have
buggered up the photocopying.

It's missing the last chapter.

So you don't know who did it.

It's not funny, Andreas.
It's bloody annoying.

I'm sorry. Can't you
work it out for yourself?

No! These things are always
way too complicated for me.

Oh, is there anything
more useless

than a whodunit
without the ending?

- Maybe I should call Charles.
- Why?

Well, he might have
the missing pages.

Don't. It's Sunday morning.
Talk to him tomorrow.

Come on. Get in.

- Come here. Come here.
- Ugh!


I forgot to ask,
how was the school play?

Well, they knew their lines
at least.

You got home very late.
Must have been midnight.

Well, I stayed on for a drink.

- With the kids?
- With the teachers.

- I tried not to wake you.
- You didn't.

Susan, there's something
I haven't told you.

Oh, God. You're going back
to your wife.

- No. She wouldn't have me
- She adores you.

- Only because we're divorced.
- Oh.

Well, go on.

I'm thinking of leaving the
school at the end of the term.


- Why?
- Because I am wasting my time.

Half the kids there
don't want to learn,

and the other three are going
to turn into bankers or lawyers.

You should move
into the state sector.

- Ancient Greek?
- Oh, yeah.


What else can you do?

Well, the thing is
that my cousin, Yannis,

has been offered a hotel in
Crete, near Agios Nikolaos, huh.

And he wants me to go in
with him to buy it and run it.

In Crete?

We're just talking,
but it's an opportunity.

For me and for you.

You want me to go with you?

I wouldn't go without you.

You haven't talked to me
about this before.

I was going to mention it
earlier, but I couldn't.

Why not?

Well, obviously
with this buyout,

you becoming CEO
and everything...

No, but I haven't even made
my mind up about that yet!


I'm waiting for you to say no.

No, Andreas!

Even if I don't take
this promotion,

I'm still going to stay
in publishing.

It's all I've ever known.
I mean what the...

What am I gonna do
in Greece? Hmm?

I'm not Shirley Valentine.

I just thought
we could talk about it.

We are talking about it.


'And the latest
traffic news for London

'on this sunny
Monday morning.

'Slow-going on the A501...'

When's your first lesson?

Not until ten, but I need
to be there for assembly.

We'll make it.

- I'm sorry...
- I'm sorry...

No, I... I shouldn't have
just sprang it on you.

Not when you've got
so much on your mind.

I'm just a bit surprised,
that's all.

If you're not happy,

I am happy with you.

Yes, but I'm here.

In London. You know,
it's my work, it's my home...

This traffic!

Look, I'm not making
any decisions, I promise.

I just want to talk.

You should've
mentioned it earlier.

- You free tonight?
- Yes.

Let's go and have dinner.
Somewhere, you know, quiet.

Not Greek food.

I'd like that.


- I'll get out here.
- Oh.

I'll get there faster by tube.

I hope you find your chapter.

- See you tonight.
- Yeah.

- Hey, Susan.
- Hi, Alice.

- Good weekend?
- Yes, thanks.

Uh, this manuscript that Charles
gave me, "Magpie Murders",

- did you do the photocopying?
- No, it was Jemima.

Where is she?

I haven't seen her.

I think she might have left out
the last chapter.

Oh! Do you want me
to chase it?

Yes. Could you, please?
Is Charles in?

- Uh, he's in his office.
- Great.

Charles, I can't believe
you did this to me.

You gave me a book
without the last chapter.

I know. Uh, uh...

- Sit down, please.
- Do you have it?

Please, Susan, sit down. I've...
something terrible to tell you.


Alan's dead.


I read the book at the weekend.

Like you,
I got to the last chapter.

It wasn't there,
so I tried to ring Alan

to see what had happened.
I must've rung him

half a dozen times
on the Saturday and the Sunday.

and then, last night,
I got a call at home.

Who called you?

His solicitor,
a man called Sajid Khan.

He found him.

God, that's awful.

Charles, I'm so sorry.

What happened?

Well, it looks as if Alan fell
off that bloody tower of his.

He fell?

That's what he said
on the phone.

Look, I'm afraid
it's rather worse than that.

I was going through my mail this
morning and I... I got this.

It's from Alan.

It's a su1c1de note.



Why would Alan
want to commit su1c1de?

He was successful.
He had a partner.

Well, maybe I had a part in it.

I had dinner with him
on Thursday night

while you were in Frankfurt.
Well, I... I told you.


It wasn't exactly
the cheeriest evening, but...

maybe I should've reached out.
If he had this on his mind...

"I'm very sorry,

"but I wasn't on my best form
at dinner last night."

He's apologising to you.

That makes me feel worse.

"By the time you read this,
it will all be finished.

"I have achieved great success

"in a life that has gone on
long enough."

- He had cancer.
- If I'd known that,

perhaps I might have been
a little more... I don't know...


Is that why Alan decided
to k*ll off Atticus Pund?

He had cancer,

so he wanted to take
his beloved detective with him.

I have no idea.
He didn't say anything.

He seemed absolutely fine
when I saw him.


- I'm gonna talk to Jemima.
- Why?

She photocopied the manuscript.

Well, I checked the page count
on the photocopier.

Three hundred
and thirty two pages.

It matches what we were given.

So, then Alan didn't give us
the whole novel.

I don't believe this.

I don't believe any of it.

First of all, I'm sorry.

I never got on with him,
I admit that,

but you've lost a friend.

It's more than that.

I know.

Our number-one
bestselling author.

What are Cityworld Media
going to say?

Well, they won't be very happy.

But the valuation
was based on the backlist.

Eight books plus one new one.

Yes, but the new one
is missing the last chapter.

A whodunit without the solution.

It's not even worth the paper
it won't be printed on.

So, what happens now?

The Suffolk police
are on their way.


It's just so weird.

"I have left you some notes
with regard to my condition

"and the decision I have made."

- Does that even sound like him?
- Alan clearly wasn't himself.

Yes, but... suicidal?

You know how he was.

Always good
at hiding his emotions.

Doesn't say
the cancer was terminal.

He could have got treatment.

Perhaps he didn't want to go
through with any of that.

But he had dinner with you.
Why not just tell you

to your face?

Detective Superintendent Locke
is here.

I've put him
in the conference room.

Thank you, Alice.

When did you
receive this?

It came in the post
this morning.

And you last saw Mr Conway
on Thursday night.

Yes, he stayed over in London.
He had a flat.


Thank you for bringing this
to my attention, Mr Clover.

Of course, it puts a different
complexion on things.

You assumed
it was an accident?

That's right.

Dark night. Low parapet.

I'm surprised he hadn't had
a handrail installed.

Was his death instantaneous?

I'm afraid not.

No, according
to the police doctor,

he may have lain there
for some time.

Had he been drinking?


Then he knew exactly
what he was doing,

and I have to wonder
why he would do it like that.

I mean,
is that how you'd do it?

Jump off a tower
on a Saturday night

and lie there on the grass
with half your bones broken?

Why not take sleeping pills
or hang yourself?

Have you had experience
of suicides?


And perhaps you can tell me -
is this his handwriting?

Suppose somebody made him
write it?

And why would they do that?

- It doesn't sound like him.
- Susan.

- Oh, Miss Ryeland.
- I prefer Susan.

When people become suicidal,

they don't always
think things through.

They're not themselves.

At a basic level, their
state of mind is not normal.

There's no mystery here.

Mr Conway had terminal cancer.

How well did you know him?

- We didn't get on.
- Why doesn't that surprise me?

Thank you for contacting me.
You've been, uh... very helpful.

The letter's handwritten,
but the envelope is typed.

Thanking you.

I don't know why you had
to get at him like that.

- I didn't get at him.
- You weren't very polite.


Listen, Charles.

I don't really care
how Alan died. I'm sorry.

Right now, I think
we should be concentrating

on what happened
to the missing chapter.

How do we even know
he wrote it?

Well, we... we don't.
But we need to find out.

You want me to take over
after the buyout,

but you know as well as I do
that if we don't have this book,

the investors could pull out and
the whole company could just...

- ...fold.
- Exactly the right word

for publishers
going out of business.

So, what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna go to Suffolk...

and look for the missing pages.

Alan gave you the manuscript
on Thursday night.


But he always used a pen
for the first draft.


So, there'll be
a handwritten draft,

first draft, second draft,
notes, other copies.

- There's got to be something.
- Where will you stay?

Uh, I've got my sister
in Woodbridge.

- She can put me up.
- All right, take care.

- Let me know how you get on.
- Yeah.

I can't believe I finally get
to see his house.

Just had to wait
until he was dead.


Hi, Andreas, it's me.
Um, listen, I'm really sorry.

Something terrible
has happened at work.

Don't worry.
I'm... I'm OK.

I... I just haven't got time
to explain now.

I've got to go to Suffolk
to find this missing chapter.

'Look, you're not really
going to Crete, are you?

'At least give me a day or two
till I get back

'and we can talk about it then.

'Missing you already.
Love you.'