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01x04 - Bad Medicine

Posted: 10/28/22 06:45
by bunniefuu
The men who robbed the bank wore masks.

No one in the bank saw their faces.

Far as the victim,
the g*n that shot him was never found.

No residue on you or your clothes.

Despite giving you a right bloody kicking,

the officers that arrested you
could attest to nothing

but that you were giving the victim CPR
at the time.

They can't put you in the bank.

They can't put you with the g*n.

They can't even put you with the money.

What was his name?

The cop.

Constantine Floris.

Sounds Greek.

Connie? Con.

Or Gus. Sometimes they use Gus.

I should write his wife a letter.

Are you mental, Dale?

They told me you're off the heroin.

I'm clean.

First time in a long time
I can see everything straight.

Then see your way through this.

Why would an innocent man
write the victim's wife a letter?

One of the things we've got going for us

is that you haven't
put anything in writing.

A man was k*lled.

Am I supposed to just act
like that never happened?

Listen, Son.

You sound like you're in a bit of a state.

You've made some mistakes.

It's to your credit you feel bad

about whatever those alleged mistakes
might have been.

How much is my mum paying you?

Exactly what I'm worth.

Help me help you
not balls the rest of your life up, Son.

That's what your mum has paid me for.

In the matter of the State v. Conti,

Mr. Conti, how do you plead?


I'm guilty.

A man can live in a city
with a broken heart and mangled pride.

But to survive in a slum,
he must unfurl it for all to see.

And if I did that here,
maybe I'd get a second chance,

a reckoning with my fate,

but I didn't know that then.

I treated it
like another sentence to be served,

and in my ignorance,

I decided it was my job to fix
a thing that they didn't see as broken.

Assalamu alaikum, Mr. Lin.

I see we're keeping you busy, huh?

I'm doing what I can. Trying, anyway.

No one expects any more from you.
We are lucky to have you with us.

Son am.

- What on earth are you doing?
- Minister Pandey.

Deputy Minister.

Not for long. Rujul is khalaas.

Walidbhai sends his blessings.

You would be wise to accept them.

Listen to me.

I can't treat it if I can't see it.

No, I can't do this with you.

Okay, look. Did you go to the hospital?

Why don't you understand?
I am a married woman and can't do this!

I just need to see it.

Please do not touch me!
This white man is crazy.

Okay, Son am, why are you here?

Somebody, please help me!

Lin needs you quickly.

- Where are you taking her?
- She's got work to do!

Parvati, thank God.
She won't let me examine her again.

Parvati, please explain to him.

He is touching me everywhere.
He was telling me to take off my sari!

Lin, what is this? She's a married woman.

You cannot be making her naked, alone,
the two of you in this hut.

- I told you this last time, na?
- Then why did she come back?

If they're her bloody rules,
why doesn't she stick to them?

- Or bring her husband with her?
- Her husband is a working man.

He is spending many hours
on the building site.

He cannot just drop everything
and come to you.

When you two have stopped arguing,
we are ready.

Dr. Lin, now you ask.

Look at her wound again. Please.

Show me, Auntie.

It looks redder and worse than last time.
Redness is spreading all around.

It is looking red
and much worse than before.

I can't eat or sleep.

I'm sweating all night
and my stomach hurts.

Also lots of sweating and stomach pain.

There is sweating and pain in stomach.

The infection's spread.

All she had to do was go to the hospital
and get a shot.

You did not go to the hospital?

I went three times to the hospital,

but you know how it is.
No one will see me.

She tried three times to go,
but they didn't take her.

She went three times,
but they did not take her.

What do you mean, "not take her"?

I'm sending people there 'cause I can't
give them what they need here.

You are sending them there

and then they are sending them here
back to you.

Did you hear what I just said?

If she doesn't get antibiotics,
she's gonna die.

You know what? f*ck this.

Parvati, tell Son am
we're taking her to the hospital.

- I need you with me. And Parvati, you too.
- Linbaba, I have work to do.

- Okay, I'm coming. I'll help, of course.
- I'm going to fix this.

Madam. A pleasure to meet you.
I am Akash Pandey.

Thank you for meeting with me
on such short notice.

Congratulations on your new position,
Minister Pandey.

Nothing is decided as yet.

I hear it is a formality.

As I hope our business will be also.

The development bid I represent
for Sagar Wada

had already been approved
by Minister Aadekar.

Four skyscrapers
overlooking the Cuffe Parade bay.

Thirty floors,
four flats a floor, at five crores each.

That's almost 200 million US

with a plan how best to serve
the local community and economy.

Naturally, we planned
to reward Rujul very generously.

And in his sad absence,
those rewards would now come to you.

I think you would find us to be very
appreciative partners, Minister Pandey.

I'm sure. But…

Well, madam, there is one tiny problem.

And what is that?

Sagar Wada is spoken for.

Spoken for? By who?


I'm Walid Shah.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Shah.

I heard you were beautiful.

The stories really don't
do you justice, huh?

Khaderbhai's always had appreciation
for the fine things in life.

Myself, I've always been
a little rougher in my ways.

Now, I want to respect Khaderbhai.

But if he makes any moves on my new friend
Minister Pandey, it will mean w*r.

And fine things never survive a w*r,

Mr. Shah, I represent a consortium...

Don't, huh? We all know who we are.

We all know what roles we have to play.

Yours is to go and tell Khaderbhai
Sagar Wada is mine.

- All good, boss.
- Mr. Ford. Mr. Ford.

Come, come, come.
Sit, sit, sit. Come, come. Sit, sit, sit.

So busy I was today, but I have cleared
all my patients just for you.

- We appreciate it.
- Please, sit.

So, Son am here has
a seriously infected wound.

She needs IV antibiotics.

She's been here three times.
She keeps getting turned away.

See, very busy I was.
But now I'll fit her in.

Only for you, I'll fit her in.

What? You want baksheesh to see her?

This is a government hospital.
Supposed to be free.

Do you have a physician's referral?

- How do I get one of those?
- Only from a doctor elsewhere.

Who's gonna charge her for it.

I need a referral or money,
or go and wait outside with the rest.

This is the system.
Look, even she can understand as well.

So you're just going to let her die?

What kind of f*cking doctor are you?

We are seeing 600 patients every day.

My staff and I
have not been paid in months.

Who are you to tell me
about being a doctor?

- Get out now, you and your faltu friends.
- All right.

- I'm gonna bring security right now.
- Listen.

Sorry, sir.

Lin, we should go.

There are many police here.
Big trouble. Come, quick.

I didn't want to wake you.

Thank you.

How do you feel?



less every day.

Thank you, Sebastian,
for coming to get me.

I had no one else I could call, so…

Why would you call anyone else?

I will look after you, Lisa.
You know this.

I think it's time
I went back to my own place.

Whatever you want.

You know how I feel about you, Lisa.

I do.

And I care about you too. But I'm just…

It's been a long time since I even knew
how to feel like that about anyone.

Even myself.

Will you come with me to my place?

I don't wanna be there on my own.

I'll hustle until we get enough money
for Sonam's medicine. Deal?

Deal, Linbaba.


Few weeks ago, I was one of you.

I made all the mistakes
that you're about to make.

So if you want to avoid that
and save some money, come talk to us.

The more of you that come,
the cheaper it'll be.

Good food, good price, good hotel,
very sexy business, boss.

- Come.
- Come.

Did Rujul have to die?

Once we knew, we could have confronted him
and brought him back to us.

Now we're back to square one.

I supported Rujul for 20 years.

What kind of message would I send
if I allowed his betrayal?

Tell me about the new minister, Pandey.

He's well-respected
in the community and ministry.

Devout Hindu,
wife of 12 years, two children.

It was arranged.
She had money. He had a career.

Her father funded his campaign.
Still does. Nothing stands out.

Dig. All men have secrets.

Let's see if his are useful.

He is the key to Sagar Wada.

How did it make you feel
when Walid appeared?


And he knew it. Enjoyed it.

I felt very small and alone
in that moment.

- See you tomorrow morning.
- Thank you. Bye-bye.


Nah, nah, nah, no. I need all of it, mate.

I need to buy medicine.
That's what I came down here for.

Linbaba. Doctoring is your business, okay?
Not mine.

My business is saving moneys
to marry Parvati.

You're joking.

Your plan won't even work, boss.

Okay, even if I am giving you,
where are you getting the medicine?

You're not having prescription,
ration card, ID card, no doctor's note.

Illegal medicine.

Nobody is knowing you,
trusting you, or selling it to you.

- Prabhu, Son am is gonna die, for nothing.
- Lin, no one will blame you.

I will blame me.

You're f*cked.

Lin, where are you going?

To buy medicine.

There is no shame in being afraid.

Courage is being scared and acting anyway.

You will never be alone, Karla.

And our developers,
do they need to be further appeased?

Good. Did they like the ghazel singers?

I didn't know you'd be there,
with such a strange bedfellow.

I now know why you like Mr. Ford.

What do you want with him?

Well, maybe I just see someone
who needs help to find their path.

You pretended not to know me.

You didn't want him to know
we're connected.

We've kept our relationship a secret
for your protection, not mine.

Stinks of dope in here.

Take what you need and we can go.

Stay with me.

Leave this shit behind.

No, we have to clean it up.

- Lisa, there's no need...
- I have to clean this up.

I have to.

Do you understand?

Hey, Ramesh, right? You remember me?

I was here the other day
with Abdel Khader Khan.

Listen, I need you to get a message to him

that Lin Ford
wants to talk to him urgently.

Can you do that?

- Yes. I will.
- All right. Good man.


I didn't…

It's okay.

If you need it,
if a little will help, then…

Whatever you need.

I need you to say no.

I need you to f*cking say no!

Tell me when I'm wrong!
Stop me! Just f*cking stop me!

Why won't you...

Don't just say yes to me, Modena.

You wanna be there for me,

you want there to be anything between us,
then don't just say yes to me.

Be strong for me.

Never let me touch that shit ever again,
no matter what.

I promise.

Let's get the f*ck out of here.

Mr. Lin.

Lin, it's good to see you.

- Yeah, thank you for seeing me so quickly.
- You told Ramesh it was urgent.

Yeah, look,
I'm sorry for bringing this to you,

but I need medical supplies.

I keep sending people to the hospitals,
but they get no help. Not unless they pay.

I'm not looking for a handout.
I'll pay my own way.

And what exactly are you asking for?

I don't have a connection
for black market medical supplies.

And you assume I do.

Because… Why?

I'm a gangster?

No, I just… I th...

That was a joke.

Most people don't know this,
but when I first came to Bombay,

I lived in a jhopadpatti
just like Sagar Wada.

I will make this connection for you.

Thank you, Khaderbhai.

Abdullah will make the arrangements,
and he'll get in touch.

Do you know when?

It's just, there's this one woman
who's gonna die

if I don't treat her quickly.

Then we must hope, in shall ah,
that, together, we can avoid this.

It was nice seeing you, Lin.

Thank you.

I could take him now. Why wait?

The more desperate Lin becomes,
the more grateful he will be.

Turn it up.

My supplier insists half payment up front,

and then Modena brings you the goods
and you give him the rest.

How do I know you will deliver?

How long will my business last
if I cheat, huh?


Hard to run a business
when you're in small, small pieces, huh?

You know, you are a long way from home
to be making threats, Raheem.

Buy it, or don't buy it.
I have plenty other business here.

But if you could find
what you needed in Lagos,

you wouldn't be in Bombay. You know?

So you like these fellows, Lisa?
You think I should trust them?


Do you know what we were talking about?

No idea at all.

But I trust them. They're my best friends.

I don't know.

But I'm going to trust you, I think.

You are too beautiful to lie, huh?

That would break my heart.

All right.

I'll take one kilo as a test run.

If it's good, we can do more.



You know, Lin mentioned this man to me.

Something to do with you and Lisa
and the Palace, I think.

And now it seems that you and Lisa
are on the outs and Lin is gone.

After all this time,

you are going to start asking questions
that don't concern you?

No, no, no. No. Actually, yes. Just one.

Are you all right, ma chère?

I'm fine.

Lin is still here.
He's living in the slum.

Excuse me.

You just can't leave me like this.
Karla, please. Details.

Spare me the lecture.

I don't blame you for leaving. I just…

Wanna know you're all right.

How big of you.

You know how superior that sounds?

You should come back.

You're not what I need.

And those two are?

- I thought you wanted to change, Lisa.
- f*ck off, Karla.

You've never trusted me
and you never will.

I'm not using. I'm not hooking.

I'm working really hard to stay clean.

Modena's helping me with that.

He actually means it
when he says he loves me.

They're gonna get you into trouble.

And you didn't?

Seen the papers lately?

And you're just sad, Karla.

Deep down, you're just sad.

And I don't wanna be sad,
I wanna have fun. Remember that?

To laugh, joke, smile? That's what I want.

Prabhu, right?

Yes, and you are Karla Ma'am.

I'm looking for Lin.
Can you take me to him?

I am in the middle of
tourist guide business. Sorry, huh?

How about you guide me to Lin?

Lin is giving lots of dollars to build.

- Why?
- He's a good man.

Good friend of Sagar Wada.

My good friend first, but now
everyone is loving him too much, huh?

Big doctor he is now,
healing everyone all day long.

Can we get chai nashta…

For me and my good friend, Karla Ma'am.

How dare you show your face here!

Where did you take Parvati all day?

- Hospital only, with Linbaba.
- Hospital only. Please!

I chose to go. Don't blame him.

You two were roaming around Colaba
the whole day.

We did nothing wrong.

We were helping to save a life, Mother.

We were looking for you since morning.

Ask anyone. We have been looking for you.

You should have told us.

How'd you get in here?

I didn't realize it was illegal to visit.

I paid your friend Prabhu to bring me.

Prabhu told me you gave them
money to rebuild.

I assume that's the money I gave you.

- Yep.
- Linbaba.

No wonder you're so popular.

What are you still doing here, Lin?

A few days ago,
you were desperate to get out,

and now you're playing doctor.

These people helped me
when no one else would.

Look, someone came after me here.

Zhou, I guess, looking to finish me off.

That's how the fire started.

And how is that your fault?

That little boy's mum is dead
because of me.

I owe them.

I got one thing I can give them,
as useless as I am at it.

Aren't you worried
about someone else coming,

about your passport situation?

I'm f*cking terrified.

But Lakshmi was scared too,
so I don't get to use that as an excuse.

I saw the paper.

That Rujul fella's dead.

Do I have to feel guilty
about that as well?


"No," because you don't care,
or because it's got nothing to do with us?


Rujul Aadekar was a corrupt official.

He was hurting
a client of mine's business.

I wanted to warn him.

That's as far as it goes.

The papers say he got robbed.

Rich man in the wrong part of Bombay.
It happens.

What are you doing here, Karla?

I got a shock seeing you the other night.

I assumed you'd turn up at Reynaldo's.

- When you didn't, I just…
- Easy. I might start to think you care.

Guess I probably deserve that.

Although, to be fair,
you did give me the money to leave.

And then you gave it away.


What were you doing with Khader Khan?

Smoking, drinking tea.

For a man who doesn't want trouble,
you keep interesting company.

Does that include you?

I hope so. I'd hate not to be interesting.

Yeah, I can't see that happening.

Too bloody mysterious.

I should be getting back.

Poverty looks good on you, Lin.

If you get really down and out,
you could be irresistible.

Don't be a stranger.

You're going to make her better, Dr. Lin?

Why isn't he doing anything?

Can't you give her medicine?

All right, what are we doing?
Getting them in the bowl?

You can do it!

- Yeah!
- So close.

So close.

Go on, Jitendra, old mate.

Linbaba, you are home?



Yes, Prabhu, I'm home.

You've already eaten, Lin?

No, not yet.

Good, because Ravi is bringing you
ekdum special food now.

Bombil. This is Bombay duck.

Most famousest of fishes.

Eat. Eat, na?

It looks amazing, Ravi. Thank you.
You didn't have to do...

Sorry I am trying to hurt you.

Maybe Karla was right.

Maybe I courted danger.

Because danger in the here and now
was one of the few things strong enough

to help me forget the past.

See, Johnny? He's been going again.

How are you this morning, Lin?


See, he's saying this,
but he's meaning the opposite. I can tell.

And he's already been making motion
once this morning. I saw him.

Jitendra was right.

What are you two going on about?

your neighbor Jitendra is telling us

last night, you have been to the water
three, four times.

Keeping him up all night, you are.

Jitendra's one to talk.

Him and his missus were going at it
hammer and tongs.

Jitendra and Ratna's sexy time
is most famous in Sagar Wada.

You tell, you are having loose motion?

All right, Prabhu, I've got the shits.

Are you happy now?

I can't help thinking it was that fish
you and Ravi brought me.

Arre, Lin, no.

He caught that fish himself
as a peace offering to you.

He... Very fresh. He brought it to me
to help him bring to you.

Okay. It wasn't the fish.

I recommend a drinking of chandu chai.

It will make your motions harder
and good color again.

Mr. Lin, you must come with me.

He's a very danger man, Lin.
Murderous fellow.

It's all right, Prabhu. I know him.

How are you knowing him?

Don't worry about it.

If anything happens to you
with this man, I cannot help you.

What is the problem?

No, there's no problem.

I am only wondering
where you're taking Lin.

He's my partner and we are having business
in the side gully of Regal.

What is your name?


You must be a big man,
asking me questions.

Maybe I should call you "Prabhubhai."

Maalik of Colaba Market.
Sarkar of Sagar Wada?

- Go now, back to your backside business.
- Easy. Abdullah, he's my friend. Please.

You want your medicine or not?

It's fine.

Tell Auntie Ruby
that Abdullah Taheri has come.

I'll make the introduction.
The rest is up to you.

Namaste, Auntie.

This is Ruby. Boss of Kala Topis.

The best smugglers and thieves
in all Bombay.

Greetings. My name is Lin.

Show her your list.

It's in English.

I can get it translated if you need.

I wasn't born like this, you know.

Once, I was a chartered accountant

with my own flat in Mahalakshmi.

I meant no offense.

Will you take tea with me?


I can get you all of this.

One lakh. 50,000 rupees.

I don't have that much money.

I was hoping that you could...

That we could make some kind of deal.


These people have nowhere else to turn.

You want me to help these people,

who'd turn their backs on us?

Forcing us to live here like animals?

No. I'm a businesswoman.
This is the price.

At least give me
the antibiotics and the IVs.

Give him the penicillin and two IV kits.

Keep it.

I'll be back for the rest
when I raise the money.

- Could you pull over?
- What?

I need the toilet.

- Toilet?
- Yeah.

In there.

- Here?
- Yes.

Hold that.

Mate. This a toilet?

You're dead, sister fucker.

Today you die, Rafiq.

Hey! Hey, hey. Hey.

No one has to die here today.

We need to be somewhere else. Now.

Mate, I need to get these supplies back.

And I will take you.

Faster than if you walk,
but I want to speak with you first.

Sitaphal. My favorite.

Then try chikoo and the sweet lime.

What, so that's it?
Try to k*ll a guy and then eat ice cream?

Should've let me.
There'll be trouble down the road.

It wouldn't bother you?

Before I came here, in Iran,
k*lling was all I knew.

Just didn't know why.
I went where I was pointed.

I had two brothers,

gone now.

It's a bad thing to be an only brother.

Now… Now I know what I fight for.



Khaderbhai is a man who makes the future.

Us, we wait for the future to come.

But he dreams the future, plans it,
and makes it happen.

When Khaderbhai sent me to you,
I was not sure.

What kind of man is this gora
who wants to be a doctor?

But you saved my life today.

And I saved yours.

Khaderbhai saw something true with us.

Perhaps we really are looking
like brothers.

Abdullah, I can't get involved
in whatever it is you guys do.

I need Khaderbhai to understand
that I need to stay invisible.

No trouble. No attention.

What you want matters little.

People like us,
our destiny has already been written.

I really do need
to get these supplies back.

The f*cking latrines?


Have you been feeding me shit fish?

This one…

Is for you too.

Good one, mate.

Are you telling Qasim Chacha?

- No.
- Why?

'Cause I'm hoping one day
maybe you won't hate me.

Yeah, okay. Great.

How do you say, "You will get better now"?

Son am.

No, no, no.

You think Walid sent Rafiq after you

because of Sagar Wada?


Just because the bhais
and their councils make peace

does not mean the soldiers forget.

Rafiq hates me.

He saw me alone,
and he tried to take his chance.

He would've done it, if not for Lin.

He saved your life.

Risked his own to do it. No hesitation.

But he would not let me k*ll Rafiq.
He's a strange man.

You like him?

I do. He has honor.

He got what he needed from Ruby?

Only a small part.
He doesn't have any money.

Not for what he needs.

What price would I put on your life,

This is the gift he gave us today,
this new brother of yours.

And Rafiq?

Do I finish it?


Not now.

If w*r with Walid must come,
we cannot be the ones who started it.

What if he tries again?

Make sure no one finds his body.

You're a hard man to find.

Abdullah. What are you doing here?

Khader sent me back to Ruby.

What does he want for it?

Perhaps Khaderbhai knows
that your pride will get in the way

of all the good work you are doing.

Do you want it or not?

Now you are also part of the plan,
isn't it so?

I knew I'd made a deal with the devil,

but whatever it was,
I wanted to be part of it.

A man in my position
should have been afraid.

Instead I was excited.