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01x01 - The Three Nos

Posted: 10/28/22 06:43
by bunniefuu
It took me a long time
and some hard lessons

to learn what I know
about love, fate, and chasing redemption.

That story saw me beaten, loved,
befriended, and chained

on three continents.

But it started with a simple choice,

escape or die.

Back in here at one o'clock, you bludgers.

Not quarter past after a smoke.
You hear me?

- Yeah, yeah.
- I know.

- Ooh, here he comes.
- Hello, doggy.


You f*cking dog!

- You're in trouble now, mate.
- Dead man!

You're gonna get yours, dog.

You're a dead man.

They let Barnes out of the slot.

I know. I just saw him.
I thought he had another month to do.

He's got friends in high places,
hasn't he?

I'm not ready.

Dale, would you just forget
about escaping?

Tell that bloody cop
what he wants to know.

And then what? I'm not a dog, Ned.

Well, every f*cking convict out there
already thinks that you are.

Shit, Barnes,
he almost k*lled you last time, didn't he?

What, you think
he's just gonna not finish the job?

- f*ck it. I'm going now.
- You're what?

Dale! What about me?

You gotta take me with you.

Dale. Dale!

It's nearly one o'clock.
It's never gonna work with these things.

Dale, we've gotta go back.

Dale, listen to me!

We can get back onto the wing
before the next count.

There's a buzz saw downstairs.

- No. They'll know it was missing.
- Or they won't.

Well, they'll bloody well hear it,
won't they?

We'll wait until the work crew come back.

- It won't work.
- It will work.

Because they'd never think a convict
would be stupid enough to use a power saw

to escape over the front wall.

And they'd be bloody well right.
f*ck this, man. We have to go back.

Mate, I can't go back.

- Come on, come on.
- You four.

We need to make a start

and then bring those upstairs,
through into the back.

f*ck it!


Stay tight. They can't see us from here.


How high is it?

- Thirty, 40 feet, maybe.
- Uh-huh.

We could bloody break our legs.

- Move.
- Dale, I'm scared of heights.

You're gonna be fine, mate.

You know what? You go, all right?
I'm gonna go back, but you go.

- For f*ck's sake. Calm down.
- Just let me go. I can't f*cking do this.

You can't go back.
'Cause then they're gonna know I'm gone.

- Yeah b...
- Hey, yeah. Mate, you're going first.


In that moment,
I was waiting for the r*fle shot.

I didn't dare think I might be free.

The cops been here?


Where did you go before coming here?

I didn't.

Not to your mother?

That's the first place they'd be waiting.

I was the next person you thought of. Why?

I don't know.

I didn't give it much thought.
I just jumped the wall and got away.

I didn't have much of a plan beyond that.

Well, I'm sure you have friends who can be
much more use in your current situation.

Practically, I mean, to a fugitive.

You're not my student anymore, Dale.

And I'm not in the business
of helping escaped convicts.

Sir, I had to escape.

They were gonna k*ll me in there.
I really didn't have a choice.

Choice is all you have.

That's easy to say.

I mean, I can't go back to college.
I can't be a paramedic.

There's not much left.

I was so proud…
…of getting out of where I came from,

of how proud my mum was…

proud of what you saw in me.

And now look at me.

I'm a failed student, a failed son…

…a failed criminal, failed addict.

You're better than all those things.


No, I know what I did…

what I need to pay for.

Dying in prison
wasn't gonna make it right.

You haven't escaped anything
unless you go on to something, so…

what do you want to be?

I wanna be the man I was gonna be
before all of this.

You can't. Not here. Not anymore.

Then I have to leave.



Because I know who you really are.

And I think you came here
to have someone remind you of it.

No more g*ns, Dale.

No more armed robberies or heroin.

Don't you make me into a fool.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to Bombay.

While opening the overhead compartments…

- Go. Go on.
- …please take care.

The first thing I noticed was the smell.

In that first Bombay minute,
I didn't recognize it.

But I do now. It was the smell of hope.

- Next.
- Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to Bombay International Airport…

But standing there
with another man's name and fake passport,

hope and fear felt much the same.

Good morning, sir!

I am number one guide in Bombay.

I know everything there is to know
about my golden city.

You are in need of assistance?
I can show you everything.

- Hey... Thank you, but no.
- Sir, let me assist you, sir.

Yes, sir.

But forgive me, sir,
this was only a one-time no, huh?

And here in my India,
a one-time no is not a true no.

Yeah? So what's a true no?

Only after three noes, it is a true no.

Please, sir, allow me
to show you cheap, clean hotel.

And after, you decide what to pay.

What if I decide to pay nothing?

Then that is your choice, sir.

But I don't believe
it's a choice you'll be making.

I am number one guide in Bombay.

Number one pain in the arse.

Yes, sir. Very big, sir. Everyone agrees.
You are knowing me too well.

- Ah, you want to see our merch?
- No.


Myself, Prabhu.


- Lin-see.
- Lindsay.

Lin-see. Sir, don't mind, huh?

…this is a not-so-good name.

- No?
- No. No, thank you.

It is too long and squeaky
for, uh, how Indian people speak.

- Okay.
- I think short name, short name.

- That's...
- "Lin" is better.

- Yeah, no problem.
- You do not object? I can call you Lin?

- Uh, Lin's fine.
- Very good.

Also, it has a very lucky meaning.

- Oh, yeah? What's that?
- "Great penis."

Great penis?

It is not meaning this exactly,
but it is sounding like ling,

and that is meaning, "great big penis."

Watch out.

No, no, no. I'm telling you,

it is full power name, too lucky name.

Everyone will love this name
when they hear it. You'll see.

Okay, you win.

Show me a hotel.

Sir, come, sir.

You like?

I like.

Where are you coming from?

New Zealand.

You studied philosophy, hmm?

How's that working for you?

That why we're here, to debate philosophy?


What, you think you're too clever for me,
do you, Dale?

I'm just a dumb policeman.

But years of experience
has given me a philosophy

based on, uh, you know, empiric research

that, just like day follows night,
every man succumbs to his nature,

even a smart boy like you.

You think your mother's proud?

I was watching her in the courtroom,
blaming herself.

- Well, you broke her heart.
- Don't talk about her.

You know why you are worse
than all the scumbags in here?

Because you had
the chance to be different.

All the advantages she worked so hard
to give you, and yet here you are.

And a good man is dead.

Who k*lled Officer Floris?

Give me the name.

Come on, mate.

I can't remember.

You will.


Wake up, Linbaba!
I have so much to show you.

I charge 100 rupees a day.

For this, I will show you everything.

Tourist pay for taxi.

Should we take this
white m*therf*cker the long way round?

Chai also.

- I pay?
- Mmm.

How long
has this m*therf*cker been in town?

What is this "maderchod"?

Oh, "m*therf*cker."

Very good curse, Linbaba.
Everyone is using it.

"Bhenchod" also. Sisterfucker.

- Sisterfucker?
- Mmm.

Bloody hell!

Is he f*cking mad?

And if we stop for lunch…

How much do you charge
this white m*therf*cker?

Who are you calling "m*therf*cker"?


I was a wanted man
with a price on my head,

on the run with no home and no country.

But for now, I was free.

Every day on the run is your whole life.

And there's hope and excitement
in the new.

I don't really need any fabric.

You know, I'll come back maybe tomorrow.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

You're going to come back here.

Thank you.

Look out!

You're lucky I was here.

Maybe you're my guardian angel.

No. Definitely not.

There's too much devil in me for that.

- How much devil are we talking?
- Hey, Karla! Come on.

If you come to Reynaldo's sometime,
maybe you'll get to find out.

Oh, Karla!

- Who is this?
- You made a new friend?

You found it then. I'm Karla Saaranen.

Lindsay Ford. People call me Lin.

They do?

Yeah, I'm aware of
the whole "great penis" thing.

Just "penis," no "great."

Just means, you know, everyday,
average, kind of…

All right.

Beware her riddles
and her seductions, young man.

- Didier Levy.
- Lindsay Ford.

- Were you leaving?
- Yeah? Just got here.

Then why on earth are we standing?

Come. Join us.

You can stand to eat a meal if you must.

You can stand to make love if you're able,
but it's impossible to stand and drink.

It's the act of a barbarian,

an animal at the watering hole.


…the same.

Reynaldo's was an unofficial free zone,

scrupulously ignored by the local police.

Didier was a permanent fixture,

putting together buyers and sellers of
anything that could earn him a commission.

But strict rules apply to
all the business conducted there.

Deals for dr*gs and contraband
were openly transacted at the tables,

but these agreements could only be sealed
on the pavement outside.

Hookers, dealers, gamblers and gangsters.

Men who might k*ll each other any day
and knew it.

But, in Reynaldo's,
no blood was ever spilt.

Dangerous man, that one. Rafiq.

He used to run a black market in books.

- Books?
- Passports.

Rafiq is bitter
about losing his book business.

Men were k*lled.

- What about that guy?
- The victor.

Abdullah Taheri.

He works for Abdel Khader Khan,
one of the great crime lords of the city.

Didier, you talk too much.

What, are you expecting
many serious injuries here in Bombay,

huh, Linbaba?

Force of habit. I was an ambo back home.

- Ambo?
- I drove an ambulance.

Better w-we pretend you're a doctor.

We could be making
so much money like this.

Many patients I could bring you
for a small commission.

Better we don't mention it at all.

Very cool, these sunglasses.
Like Amitabh in Trishul.

Don't do that.

It's style, boss.

Do you wanna swap?

- Huh?
- Do you wanna swap?

But... In all honesty,
these are cheap and not so good.

Do you want them or not?

Why you do this?

Because you're my mate.

- What?
- I walked here barefoot

'cause a guy came in my shoes.

He looked totally straight,
then I went into the bathroom.

When I came out,
he was there with his cock in his hands,

splashing his junk in my shoes.

Oh, my God.

Ugh, Lisa.

I liked those shoes.

- Mmm, poor darling.
- How do I wear them now?


Lisa was an old friend of Karla's.

Somehow sad and sexy as hell
all at the same time.

Crazy people love me.

No, they pay to love you.
That's different.

Have I told you to get f*cked yet, Didier?

No, but I forgive you for the lapse.

Between us, Lisa, darling, such things
are always implied and understood.


You should do an interview, Lisa.
Anonymous, of course.

- Yes.
- People will be fascinated by your story.

They will be fascinated
by the man who came in her shoes?

- Yeah.
- Who would read this, Kavvie?

Vikram Khanna was a Bollywood stuntman.

His sister Kavita was a journalist.

Smart and ambitious
and eager to make her mark.

What brings you to Bombay, Lin?

Tell her nothing, Lin.

In Bombay,
everyone's story is their own to keep,

which drives Kavvie crazy.

Arre, that's true. That's true.

Oh, Maurizio.

Wherever Lisa went, her pimps
Maurizio and Modena

- were never far away.
- This is Lin. He's from New Zealand.

Lin, Maurizio and Modena.


Means "prick" in Hindi, right?

He looks like a prick to me.

It takes a prick to know one.

My grandmother was from Padova.


Any other languages we should know about,
just to avoid further embarrassment?

I swear pretty good
in Marathi and Hindi these days.


I can even speak
fluent American if the occasion demands.

It's pretty good. Do some more.

"Well, I'm not asking you to forgive me.

I'll never understand or forgive myself.

And if a b*llet gets me, so help me,
I'll laugh at myself for being an idiot.

But there's one thing I do know.
That is that I love you, Scarlett."


- Arre, do Clint Eastwood. Can you?
- Yeah. Yeah.

you gotta ask yourself one question."

'Do I feel lucky?'

"Well, do you, punk?"

- What is...
- It's Dirty Harry.

- Is that a Western?
- You don't know Dirty Harry?

Dirty Harry!
You don't know Dirty Harry?

Is that Clint?
If it's not a Western, I'm not seeing it.

You should be an actor or something, Lin.

And we should have dinner sometime.

You can talk American to me all night.
I'd like that.

Bye, bye, bye.

- Ciao, Maurizio.
- Ciao.

- Oh, nice, nice. Ciao, Maurizio.
- Bye.

- Oof, he's angry, man.
- He's like, uh...

- He didn't look happy, yaar.
- I think you embarrassed him.

Those first few weeks, I watched
all of the seekers come and then leave,

heading for the "real India,"

seeking enlightenment and solitude
and self-contemplation.

But I'd had my share of that forced on me.

Instead, Bombay felt exhilaratingly free,

a place where everyone started new.

And I responded to that with all my heart.

You should get out of Bombay, Lin.

This is the place they were thinking about
when they invented the word "the pits."

You should go to Varanasi or Rajasthan.

I don't know. I like it here.

And perhaps Bombay offers our Lin
things he won't find anywhere else.

N'est-ce pas?

Give this to Karla for me?

Tell her I said not to worry.
I'm a big girl.

- Ciao, Didier. Lin.
- Oh, Maurizio.

Andiamo. We don't want
to keep Madame Zhou waiting, hmm?

What's that all about?

In matters of food, I am French.

In matters of love, I am Italian.

But in matters of business, I am Swiss,

strictly neutral,
especially with other people's business.

And I advise you to be the same.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I see a man who might be
of great consequence to my fortunes.

Bonne chance, Lin.

- Something I said?
- No, he's just got business to attend to.

- Looked like your meeting went well?
- It did, actually. Very well.

You just missed Lisa.
She gave me something for you.

Walk with me?

I like that you haven't asked
what this is for.

None of my business.

Yet here you are. How come?

Lisa asked. I like her.

Well, Lisa would spend all her money
on dope if I let her.

I told her she needs to save some
in case she ever needs it.

I hold it for her.

- "f*ck you money."
- Exactly.

She'll never use it.

Even more than the heroin,
Lisa needs to feel looked after,

even if it's by men like Maurizio
who get her into trouble.

Maybe she'll surprise you one day.

I doubt it. She is what she is.

You don't think people can change?

They have to want to.

I think life's like a crowded lifeboat.

Maybe you throw out your pride
to stay afloat,

maybe your self-respect
and your independence.

And then, you start throwing people out,

friends, everyone you used to know,
and it's still not enough.

The boat is still sinking,
and you're going down with it.

That's Lisa.
She'll never get out of the boat.

You're a good listener.

That's dangerous
because it's so hard to resist.

Being listened to...

Really listened to...

It's rare.

Makes a person feel special.

Okay, now you're taking
this good-listener thing a little too far.

What do you do here in Bombay?

Um, for a while, I worked as a translator…

…for business interests
from the West and here in Bombay.

And then I realized
if I was the one making the deals happen,

why not make them happen myself.

Bombay is changing fast.
There's a lot of money to be made here.

Is money what you want?

What I want is to be master
of my own destiny.

Money gives you that freedom.

Have I disappointed you, Lin?

No. No, not at all.

I think freedom is all you can ask for,
however you find it.

What does your freedom look like?

To be able to choose where to be,
what to do…

with who.

Then I'm honored.

This is me.


I'm sorry to have kept you so late.

You should grab a taxi. I'll pay.

I'll walk.
Good way to get to know the city.

- You sure?
- Mm-hmm.

Then thank you,
for this and for walking with me.

I enjoyed it.

Yeah, me too.


Stop right there!

- Come here.
- Hey!

Where are you going?

Nowhere. Just a tourist.
I got a little bit turned around.

Hey, it's past curfew.

There's a curfew?

Show us your papers.

Show your passport.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Look, breaking curfew, very bad.

- I think you should go to jail.
- Ah, come...

Hey! Would you like to go to jail, gora?


I think you would not like
to go to jail at all, Mr…

Listen, I'm leaving Bombay.

It's time I moved on.


I don't know. Goa maybe? Varanasi?

- When?
- Tomorrow. This'll be our last day.

Yeah, yeah. These places all the goras
are going to, I don't think you'll like.

- Can't stay here forever.
- No, I know this.

But you should go
to a real Indian village, na?


I'm listening.

If you are wanting,
I could take some time from my schedule

and take you to my village.

I've never offered to take a gora before,
but you are my good friend.

How far is it?

One train, two bus rides.
It is beautiful there.

You'll come, na?

I would be honored.

And I will charge
same as Bombay only, huh?

One hundred rupees a day.

I assume I'm buying the train tickets?

Hey, very generous of you to offer, Lin.
I accept.

- Who is it?
- Karla.

Laundry day?


I'm leaving town.

Were you gonna say goodbye?

Yeah, I was gonna
come by Reynaldo's tonight.

Come in.

These are quite something.

Yeah. Tough paper round.

What's going on?

I was hoping you'd maybe help me
with something.


Lisa's in a really bad situation.

Maurizio convinced her
to work in a brothel called the Palace.

It isn't good. It caters for all tastes.

And Madame Zhou, the woman
who runs the place, is pretty scary.

What about Maurizio?

Maurizio doesn't give a shit
about anyone but himself.

Parker was coming with me to demand
Lisa's release as an American citizen.

Madame Zhou is powerful, but does not want
trouble with the American Embassy.

Sounds like a good plan.

It was, until Parker left town.


I can't stand the idea
of Lisa being prisoner in that place.

And then I thought of you
doing your accents the other day.

Lisa said you were pretty good.

And you thought
I could pretend to be this guy?


I... Look, Karla, I'm sorry, but… I can't.

You could.

I mean, you're not just some tourist
out to see the world, Lin,

or I wouldn't be here.

Maybe that's why I can't get involved.

Everyone here is running away
from something.

Yeah, I know.
And I plan to keep right on going.

It doesn't work. Trust me.
You can be free of anything but yourself.

You don't know anything about me.

But I thought
there was something worth knowing.

Guess I was wrong.

One way or another,
you're gonna say the words.

So let's just get to it, huh?

Who pulled the trigger?

I'm not a dog.

I'm here to be punished for what I did.

No, no, no.
Doesn't f*cking work like that.

You don't get to feel better.

Punishment is punishment. Pain is pain.


This isn't a path to a better place, kid.

This is all you've got coming.

There's no redemption
for the likes of you.

Don't you knock? Even just once?

We must go and collect
our train tickets for tomorrow now.

This way, no last-minute problems.

Also, we must buy gifts
for everyone in my village.


Help me! Help me!

Call an ambulance!

I'm gonna go get some help.

- This is not our business, Lin.
- Let's go. Lin!

- Please. Help me.
- Let me see. Let me see.

- When was the last time he shot?
- He's dying!

- When was the last time?
- I don't know.

- Give me some room.
- Somebody call the police.

Lin, this is not our problem.
It is very bad business.

- When did he last sh**t?
- It is best we are not involved!

- Lin, let's go!
- An hour? I don't know.

Lin, the police are coming!

- We have to go! They'll arrest us all!
- Please. Please!

- Chalo! Chalo. Down the stairs.
- Please! Don't go! He's dead!

No! Come back! Come back!

You know, I could've saved him.

I've treated overdoses before.

Where are you taking him?

I don't know, Linbaba.
He was looking pretty dead to me.

I could have f*cking tried.

It's nothing to do with me.

It's better not to get involved.

- You have to come with us now.
- I don't wanna come with you.

What's the point, Prabhu,

being here, of any of it,
if all I am is scared?

What is it that you are scared of, Lin?

I gotta do something.

Hey, Lin,
we are leaving tomorrow early, yaar.

Look, go get the train tickets.

I'll be back here tomorrow.
We'll leave as planned.

Right now, I gotta be somewhere.

- Who is it?
- It's me. Lin.

- I'll do it.
- What?


If we can go tonight, I'll do it.

Either way, I'm leaving Bombay
first thing tomorrow morning.

What changed?

Guess I need to be running
towards something, not away from it.

Come here.

Choose something smart.

You've got a lot of men's clothes.

The last two guys
who lived here left suddenly.

And didn't take their gear?

One of them was breaking the law.
He had to leave in a hurry.

I'll leave you to it.

Fits you well.

So what happened
to the other guy who lived here?

He died.

Whose suit is this?
The bad guy, or the dead guy?

I bought it for Ahmed to be buried in.
In the end, we didn't use it.

f*ck me, Karla.

Don't tell me you're superstitious.
A man like you?

What does that mean? A man like me?

I don't know. Isn't that the point?

Who do you report to?

for Political Affairs, Arlen Hayes.

Your hometown?

Lincoln, Nebraska.

The Deputy Chief of Mission?

Donald... Donald Gable.

Rumor is, Zhou is the former mistress
of a KGB officer.

But people say
a lot of weird stuff about her.

Bottom line, she is smart,
vindictive and dangerous.

Lisa wouldn't be the first girl
to disappear from the Palace.

How do you know so much about her?

I get paid to make deals happen.
Some of them happened here.

f*ck me.

Ram ram, Miss Karla.


Sir, if you please, your business card.

Mr. Parker. Karla knows the way.


Is this your American?

Gilbert Parker, with the American Embassy.

This is not an official visit.
At least not this time, anyway.

- You are here doing a favor?
- Yes.

- For you.
- I don't think so.

Are you in love, Mr. Parker?

- What?
- I fear you are in love with our Karla.

Is that how she got you to do
this little job of work for her?

I'm here because I was told an American
citizen is being held against her will.

Don't think for a minute
that Karla will ever love you in return.

I tell you this, Mr. Parker,
as my favor to you.

Duly noted. Now, where's Lisa Carter?

Mmm. Lisa is where she is happy to be.

Well, then bring her out
and let her tell me that herself.

I don't think so.

Let's go. This is a waste of time.


Your business is with me, not her.

You don't look or talk
much like a diplomat.

No. No, I work out of the embassy.

Nobody said I was a diplomat.

My department tends to be
a little more hands-on.


So you should get me Lisa Carter.

Because if you f*ck with me
for one minute longer,

I will have agents camped
on your doorstep,

taking photographs
of anyone coming in or out.

And I'll make it clear
to the authorities here in Bombay

that the Palace and the US government
are now at w*r.

Quite the dog you bring
in here on a leash, Karla.

Is this about Ahmed and Christina?

Nothing you do will change
the fact they are gone.

If I walk out of here alone,
there's no going back.

All right.

I agree to your terms, Mr. Parker.

You can take Lisa with you.

I just wonder if Karla will keep her end
of whatever bargain you made.

She's really letting me go?

Mr. Parker here and Madame Zhou
came to an agreement.

Then I guess
I should be thanking Mr. Parker.

Let's get the f*ck out of here
before she changes her mind.

What the hell were you thinking,
going after her like that?

You wanted her out, she's out.

I wasn't gonna leave her behind.

I need a fix, Karla.

Zhou cut me off
unless I told you I wanted to stay.

But I knew once you got my message,
you'd come running.

Come here.

I'm ready.

I'll quit.

I just have to level off.

- Lisa.
- Hmm?

Give me the name.

Give me the name.


The man I saw was Rujul Aadekar.

It's gonna be okay.


Lin, stop! Come on!


Why? So you can feed me more bullshit
about Madame Zhou

and whatever history you and her have got?

You know, I heard her say
that dead guy's name, Ahmed,

the guy whose suit I was wearing.

- I didn't sign up to feed anyone's habit.
- There's more if you want it.

f*ck you.

You know, I heard Lisa in there.

You got her out
so she could give you some name.

Wasn't to rescue her.

And I wonder what you're so guilty about
that playing the hero was this important.

So this was all just some shit you fed me
'cause you knew I'd bite?

We all have secrets, Lin.

I don't wanna know yours because
I have no intention of telling you mine.

But you're right.
I got Lisa out for my own reasons.

But that doesn't change the good you did.

Don't confuse the two.

I hope you find what you need.

Ah! f*ck!

Police! Run!

I felt like I'd been dropped
straight into deep, dark water.

Everything exploding around me.

I didn't know then how far
the ripples from that night would spread

into the future…

I am number one guide in Bombay.
I know everything there is to know…

…touching everyone,
friends and enemies…

changing everyone's lives forever.