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03x14 - Kooky Prank Day/Back to School

Posted: 10/27/22 08:45
by bunniefuu
♪ One fine day,
with a woof and a purr ♪

♪ A baby was born
and it caused a little stir ♪

♪ No blue buzzard,
no three-eyed frog ♪

♪ Just a feline, canine,
little catdog ♪

♪ Catdog...

♪ Catdog

♪ Alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Out on the road
or back in town ♪

♪ All kind of critters
putting catdog down ♪

♪ Got to rise above it,
got to try to get along ♪

♪ Got to walk together,
got to sing this song ♪

♪ Catdog...

♪ Catdog

♪ Alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Catdog...

♪ Catdog

♪ Alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪

( Snoring )

( Ringing )

Good morning, dog.

Hey, time to rise and pound!

( Screams )

This can't be!

( Snickering )

Have you lost your mind?

Kooky prank day!

What are you ta...
Kooky who?

Kooky prank day.

Don't you remember, cat?

Oh, is it that time
of year again?

I hate kooky prank day!

the only reason

You hate kooky prank day

Is because you could never
come up with any good pranks.

That is not true.

Yeah, right.

The day youse
pull one over on me

Is the day I'll buy pizza
for the whole stinking town!

Come on, cat, let's go out and
play kooky pranks on everyone

And get kooky pranks
played on us.

It'll be great.

Dream on, dog.

I for one refuse to participate

In such ludicrous
and childish behavior!

Not me!

Besides, today's the annual
nearburg park picnic/barbecue.

I've been planning
for this for months.

Everyone's going to be there.

Radio announcer:
news flash: alien space
creatures have

Landed in nearburg park.

Mean aliens with ray beams...


Terrorizing the citizens
of nearburg.

In weather, thunderstorms
throughout the day.

Nice try, dog,
but there are no aliens

And the weather is
going to be beautiful today.

No! This is impossible!

The picnic!

Hey, wait a minute.

( Winslow laughing )

Kooky prank day, sucker!

Excellent prank,

Yeah, right, you're
just lucky I'm busy!

You and mervis ready
for the picnic?

Um, we got a problem.

What do you mean... Problem?

He was trying to open a peanut,
and well...

You can guess the rest.

This is horrible!

Why, oh, why did this
have to happen to him?

He was supposed
to bring the hot dogs!

Mervis, talk to me.

Where are the hot dogs?


That was cool!

kooky prank day?

The old fake
mervis in a
body cast gag.

That is so original!

Can we please
just get to the
picnic now?

Double whammy!

We are so late
for the picnic.

Oh, perfect, just
what I need.

Um, I'm sorry, officer,
but i...

Wait a second, another
stupid kooky prank?

Kooky prank?

Duh, I'm afraid this
is no prank, sir.

Duh, of course not, and
you're not the greasers.

Those disguises
are pathetic!

Um, cat...

You call this
a mustache!

Look how stupid
he looks!


You really did glue it on
pretty tight, though.

What is it, dog?

Oh, I bet you're
wondering why I did that.

Oh, mama.

Boy, cat, you're lucky
they let you off

With just a fine.

and a free billy
club demonstration.

None of this would've happened

If it weren't for
wacky prank day.

It's kooky prank day.

So sue me, this
stupid holiday

Has gotten me
pummeled, splashed

Blown up, arrested
and fined!

And now I'm
going to miss

The picnic/barbecue

That I've been
looking forward
to all year!

Well, gee, you don't have
to blame kooky prank day.

We still have time
to make it.

Sorry fellas,
the park's closed.

No picnic/barbecue today.

What, what, what, why?

A pack of wild, rabid,
radioactive bears

Escaped from the circus

And they're running amuck
in there.

Wild, rabid, radioactive
bears, oh my!

Wait a minute,
radioactive bears?

Oh my!

You said that.

I don't believe you.

This has stupid prank day
written all over it!

First of all,
it's wacky prank day...


Second of all

If you don't
believe me

Talk to
the bears.

I hate to say
"I told you so"

( Screaming )

Kooky prank day!

You guys
are the best.

Why, yes, yes, we are.

Wow, that
was a good one.

Cat, wasn't
that cool?

Well, go on in,
enjoy the picnic.

That was so great,
I was completely fooled.

I mean, did you see
all that drool?

Good job, fellas.

Quick, zip up the suit,
someone else is coming.

Sorry, folks,
the park is closed.

What, why?

Oh, never mind, go on in.

Cat, your shrimp
kabobs are amazing.

Why, thank you,

And may I say
that's a lovely tie?

Yes, 100% silk,
here, feel it.

Very... Ah!

It's kooky prank
day and I love it!

Great gag, randolph.

Hola, gatoperro.

I made potato salad
just the way you like.

Kooky prank

Oh, that's a
good one, lola!

Lola, of all people,
I thought you

Would've been more
mature than this.

Oh, lighten up,
p*ssy cat

Here's the salad.

I'm sorry, cat.

I just couldn't resist the
old double whammy, you know?

Here, my world-famous
potato salad.


Ooh, lola, it looks del...

A triple whammy!

This time for
sure, p*ssy cat.

That does it!

You guys have had
your last laugh on me!

I am through with
kooky prank day!

Cat, you just need to get
into the spirit a little bit.

I need to get into
the spirit a little bit?

I need to get into the spirit?

I practically am the
spirit of kooky prank day!

I have been the butt of every
single prank all day long.

Without me there wouldn't
be a kooky prank day!

So I'm canceling it!

Get me?

You can all go home now!

Nothing to see here!

I'm done!

Gee, there goes
the holiday.

What is that?

Come on, come on, cat,
let's get out of here.

Cat, cat, come on,
snap out of it!

We gotta go!

Pardon me?


( Whispering ):
dog, kooky prank day.

Kooky prank day!

Oh, that was beautiful.

You should have seen your faces!

You all fell for it
like a ton of bricks!

"Oh, no, aliens
are invading!"

You guys are
so gullible!

You did this? How?

Well, first
I made the

From papier-mache

And old plumbing

Then I used this crane
to lift it into the air!

Then I controlled the entire
thing with this remote control.

It took months of planning
but it was worth it!

Oops, sorry.

Cat, you are
the prankmaster!

Yeah, yeah,
I am.

that was great.

It really
was amazing.

I mean, the spaceship,
the laser beams

And great double whammy
with the aliens--

They look so real.

Yeah, well, you know

When you dedicate

Did you say

Oh yeah, and boy,
did they look great!

( Panting and hissing )

The other ship
looks cool, too.

Those aren't mine!

Really? Then where
are they from?

Alien ( in deep voice ):
puny earthlings!

Oh, boy!

We are from the planet zorkton.

We are going to eat you all!

Surrender and we promise
to eat you quickly!

( Yelling )

Good-bye, dog.

All three ( in squeaky voices ):
kooky prank day!


We're not really zorktonians!

We're frenuvalites

From the fun-loving
planet of frenuvia!

You should've
seen your faces.

We really got them.

I thought I was
going to lose it

When we said we were
going to eat them.

Wow, you mean
even other planets

Love kooky prank day?

Love it?

It's our
biggest holiday.

We spent an eon just
working on this gag.

Yeah, us, too!

( In deep voice ):
kooky prank day!

Looks like the pizza
is on winslow.

I love kooky
prank day!

So do i, dog,
so do i.

♪ time to sing
a nostalgic tune ♪

♪ About the good old days
when we were back in... ♪

Hey, dog?

I was going to wear
my old letterman's jacket

To school reunion dance tonight.

That was my jacket, cat.


One of my many awards
for scholastic achievement.

Hey! I won this
for diving!


( Sighs )

Our old yearbook.

Oh, dog, that was

The best time of our...

( Gasps )

Sally chenille!

Oh, sally... Sally...

Tonight we shall
rekindle our romance!

She had quite
a crush on me.

I thought you had
the crush on her.

Oh, yeah, yeah...

Oh, and here's
our diploma.

Hmm... Hey, how come
your name's not
on it, cat?

Don't be ridic...

My name's not on it?!

Someone made a horrible mistake.

Dog, we must correct
this at once!

sorry, whiskers

According to our records

You never graduated.

And if you
didn't graduate

You can't go to
the reunion dance.

What, my big night?!

The rekindling
with sally.

I have to go!

Hey, you didn't finish
your last day of school.

If you want to graduate
and go to the dance

You have to go
back to school for one day.

Go back to school?

For one day?

Uh, that might not be too bad.

I could relive
my glory days!

If I may quote you, dog:


It still smells the same

But it's weird...

I don't remember missing
the last day of school.

Maybe something horrible
happened that day

And you blocked
it out

Of your conscious
mind forever.

Yeah, right.

Then why wouldn't
you remember it?


First class, science--

My best subject.

please welcome

My neighbors and
good friends, catdog.

Hola, lola!

Time to get scientific.

Look, cat!

It's shriek's
little niece, squeak.

What are you lookin' at?

Here, bull breath!

And isn't that
lube's nephew?

Well, if it isn't
a bi-cranial quadruped

Commonly known as "catdog."

Are you sure
you're related to lube?


hey, cliff's nephew,
biff, is here, too.

I don't remember school
being like this.

quiet, cat.

Time to begin your
final experiment.

Oh, check it out, dog.

I'm going to turn

Saltwater into gasoline--

A guaranteed a-plus

Ought to put me
at the top of the class...


( Humming )


( Singing )

( expl*si*n )

Ha! That was wicked decent!

( Laughing )

( Straining )

( Blathering )


The dog's
okay by me.

yeah, dog,
you're super cool.

you know, we're
like really tight.

( Students talking )


The teacher is sally chenille.

Oo, what a coinky-dink.

Get in your seats.

Today, we will study

A wonderful book--

The great catsby.

( Students admiring dog )

he's cool, he's the best.

Dog... Pass
this note to... Sally.

Yo, sally!

Here you go, teachy.

Not like that!


Passing notes is forbidden.

Read it out loud.

Um, no, but it's for...


"Roses are red,
violets are blue

"Can't wait till we dance
at the reunion tonight

My little... Tizzy-poo."

Well, I thought
it was beautiful.


( Dog humming )

( Cheering and yelling )

So, um... How about
those after-school

Well, I don't think my
boyfriend, the gym teacher

Would like it.

Oo, the gym teacher.

Does he teach driver's ed, too?

Sally's taken.

What else can go wrong?

ring, ring, ring, ring!

Lunch time!

Creamed chipped beef
on cream chipped toast.

Bon appetit.

Mmm, yummy!

Hey... What's up?

Mind if we join you?

Yeah, we do.

This is for cool kids only!

Can't you read?

( Laughing )

"cool kids only."

Hey, you can stay, dog

But cat sits over there!

Um, mind if I join you?

Indeed we do,
we're nerds, not losers.

Oh, that's...
Thank you for that.


Food fight!

Hey, no, don't!

That's wasteful!

( Blowing whistle )

Who started this?

Who, who, who?!

he did!

No... No...

School was never like this.

It's a total disaster.

Thank goodness I only have
one class left.

Yeah, and it's only gym.

( Maniacal laughter )

Welcome to my domain.


You're the gym teacher?

What can I say?

I love kids.

Student ( snickering ):
he loves me...

Today is nearburg
fitness testing day!

Each of you has
got to climb that rope

And ding that bell!

Oh, no, not the rope--

Anything but the rope.

Oh, yeah,
cat, the rope.

( Laughing )

And guess what?

You're first!

( Laughing )

I had a feeling this was
going to be very entertaining.

So I invited someone
very special.

Come here, babycakes.

( Whining )

Oh, and one more thing:

Cat's got to do it
by hisself--

No help from you!

Now, climb!

go on, cat

You can do it.

I'm, well...

Um... I'll try.


( Straining )

Talk to me!

Keep going cat,
you're almost there!

Oh, man.

( Yelling )

( Laughing )

( Chanting ):
loser! Loser!

Cat is a loser.

Loser, loser...

This seems
very familiar.

Loser, loser...

( Yelling )

Dog did it!

Heck, my son, cliffy, did it...

With one paw!

loser, loser, loser...

Loser, loser...

I... I can't do it.

( Cat sobbing )

Cat is a loser, loser, loser...

( Cat crying )

I am a loser,
I am a loser.

I am a loser,
I am...

Cat, you deserve
that diploma

And you can climb
that rope!


Once a loser

Always a loser.

Loser, loser,
cat is a loser.

You are kind of a loser.

( Laughing )

Stand back, sister.

School's out for summer

And cat's not
a loser anymore.

( Yelling )

you'll never make it.

it's a million-
to-one sh*t!

Can't... Quite... Make it.

Ha, nice try, loser.

( Straining )

( Dings )

Don't they ever wash that thing?


I don't believe it.

( Cat yelling )

Believe it!



Big deal.

Here's your diploma.

Vinny, climb up there
and clean the bell!

How about you pick me up
for the dance at 7:00?


Well, hope
you brought your
boogie shoes, sally.

( Purring )

That's the only kind
I own.

( Siren blaring )

License, please.

But we're you just...?

W-w-w... Didn't you
used to...


This is only good
for dog.

Looks like you were
one day short

Of getting your
driver's license, buddy.


Oh, I knew
you were a loser.

( Cat screaming )

[Captioning sponsored by the
u.s. Department of education

And nickelodeon]

♪ One fine day,
with a woof and a purr ♪

♪ A baby was born
and it caused a little stir ♪

♪ No blue buzzard,
no three-eyed frog ♪

♪ Just a feline, canine,
little catdog ♪

♪ Catdog... Catdog

♪ Alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Out on the road
or back in town ♪

♪ All kind of critters
putting catdog down ♪

♪ Got to rise above it,
got to try to get along ♪

♪ Got to walk together,
got to sing this song ♪

♪ Catdog... Catdog

♪ Alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Catdog

♪ Catdog...