05x04 - End Times

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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05x04 - End Times

Post by bunniefuu »

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Yes. Yes!

The Master has arisen!

Long live the Shredder!

I am... cold.

Is this truly the earth?

Or another illusion?

I have been gone for eons.

No. Many months,
but not eons, Shredder.

You need to recover.
Kavaxas, will he heal?

- In time.
- What?

Restore him now!

I do not want an excuse
to keep you here.


Kavaxas stays with us, Tiger Claw.


Soon this pitiful world will be ours.

[lively music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Now we're talking.

I've got an idea.


Aww, sewer apples.


♪ ♪

Such a strange alien dimension.

I've never seen anything like it.

Captain Ryan.

The alien simply known as "Z"
has found us!

What are we going to do...

What do you want, "Z"?

I want to destroy everything.

Reality is boring
and meaningless to me.

- But what about love?
- [grunts]

Come, my friend.

Let me introduce you
to our "Pleasure Ray"

which will let you feel human emotion.

I'm ready, Captain.

To feel... emotion.




But that was
a Photon Eradicator, Captain.

You just violated
Confederation Rules...[grunts]


You're missing another classic

The Next Generation," guys!

We gotta get ready
for the recon mission.

Like you should be doing.

Ugh, I gotta collect more data
on Hot Head.

Now that Tiger Claw
has all of the pieces

that can resurrect Shredder,
we don't have much time.

You realize Leo is gonna be stupid mad

when he finds out you watched
"Space-Heroes" without him!

Um, where is Leo anyway?

Where else?
He's in the dojo, meditating.

I feel so bad for him.

The weight of the world is
always on his shoulders.


I can't do this anymore.

It's too much.

I felt the same way many times
in life, my son.

But we always endure.

Father, why can't you appear
more often?

Why do you have to leave?

I have come to tell you, Leonardo,

that you must be spiritually
prepared for what is to come.

We're getting ready, Sensei.

But it's not the Foot
I'm worried about.

It's that dragon man.

He's even more powerful
than the Super Shredder.

Yes. And if he roams free,

the earth will forever
be cast in shadow.

My son. Remember what
I told you before.

In darkness, look towards the light.

What does that even mean?

How can we stop him, Father?

All right. I need to get
one last reading

from Kavaxas to calibrate
my new invention.

Team, it's time to go.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

So far, so good, guys.

No creepy robed Foot dudes anywhere!





They look like...
Shredder freaks.

[all chittering]

There's too many.


Back, you wretched,
stinking Shredder beasts!

They have a weakness
after all. Fire.

No. Bright light of any kind.

All right, trout-mouth,
why did you help us?

You got three seconds to
explain yourself.

I'll give him two before
I open up a can of sardines.

Take it easy.
He means well.

For once.

I don't think it's a trick.

All right, Fishface.

You want to know the truth
of the Shredder mutants, yes?

Well, prepare yourselves
for a wild tale.

Remember when Shredder fought Splinter?

Some of Shredder's experimental
mutagen blood

spilled in the sewers.

Well, not long after,

a man roaming the sewers
found the green glowing ooze.

For some reason,
and I do not care to know why,

he touched it
and transformed into the first

of these horrible monsters.

He captured more people
from the streets,

transforming a small army.

All possessing random thoughts,
memories of the Shredder.

These clones built an
underground shrine to Shredder,

and that is when Tiger Claw,

hunting for you Turtles, found them.

He used their power
and their dedication

to build a new Foot army.

Man, that is the craziest
story I've ever heard.

Even weirder than your stories, Mikey.

I really did meet Megan Fox
on that rooftop, yo!

Anyway, thanks, Xever.
For helping us.

So, are you gonna help us
take Kavaxas down?

Heck no.


This is getting to be too much,

even for a talking fish.

Shredder is back, and he is all gross

and undead and disgusting.

[all gasping]

They already brought Shredder back?


Ah, yes.

I want to go back to a
nice life of crime,

stealing stuff, romancing the ladies,

that kind of thing.

Later, tartarugas.

Eh, who needs that robo-guppy
anyway. Let's do this.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

They're here. They're close.

[maniacal laughter]

Welcome, my enemies.

[both chittering]



How many millennia have I waited.

I will send you to the Netherworld...

to take my place.

Now I shall have...

my revenge!


Booyaka... ungh!

[all grunting]

Get him!

[all grunting]


- [roars]
- Ahh!

- Ahh!
- Goongala!

[all grunting]


Huh? No!

Yes! Thanks, Kitty Claw.




Ah-ha! All right, Hot Head.
Attack Zombie Shredder!


Cannot... disobey.


It's just like a video game.



Aww, yeah!
Level up!

- Nice try, Turtle.
- Whoa!

Heads up, T.C.


You obey only me, your master.


I got the readings I need.
Mikey, we need an exit.



I hates when they do that.


How easily you turned on us.

What is your game?

Only to serve the one who
holds the Seal, Master.

Shredder, what will you have me do?

Banish the Demodragon
back to the Netherworld?

No. Kavaxas is a powerful ally.

He will remain on Earth with us...

- as my second in command.
- What?



There. Finished.

Based on this new data,

my spectral blasters
will be good to go.

These babies are specially designed

to take down supernatural entities.


Oh, this is the coolest thing!


[all grunting]

- Ahh!
- Heh.

I'll just put this down right here.


I've got five spectral blasters,
one for each of us, except Casey.

What? That's racialist, yo!

We just don't trust you with
anything that sh**t anything.

Especially lasers.
Sorry, Casey.

Ah, weak!

[dramatic music]



All right, let's move out.


Leatherhead! Yes!

I called for some back-up,

Karai, I thought I told you to
heal up, we'd take care of this.

Like I was really going
to listen to your advice, Leo?

Come on.

Well, we got the tools,
we got the talent.

Let's kick some undead Shredder butt,

and take Hot Head down
once and for all.


I question whether
Shredder is alive at all

or simply the puppet of Kavaxas.

I feel you, T.C.
What are you gonna do?

Go on mutant strike?

Tiger Claw.

Now that Kavaxas
is my second in command,

you will relinquish
the Seal of the Ancients to him.

Right now.


No, never.
It is too dangerous, Shredder.

I will not allow it.

If you will not obey me,
then you shall be destroyed.


[both grunting]

Yes! Finally! It is done.

What? What is done?

I had to achieve three deeds
to end this world.

First, destroy a great warrior: Tatsu.

Next, resurrect
an evil warrior: Shredder.

And finally,
destroy the Seal that binds me.

And now, I can unleash the
spirits of the Netherworld

onto the earth and control both worlds.

Master Shredder, we must stop him!

Don't you understand, Tiger Claw?

You were right.

Kavaxas is my master now.

[evil laughter]


as the world ends.

[dramatic music]


[all screaming]
[cat screeches]

♪ ♪

[all screaming]

[car alarm blaring]

[faint whispering, moaning]

[all screaming]

[all screaming]

[faint evil laughter]
[both gasping]

You've gotta be kidding me.

I don't play with dead things, yo.

[evil laughter]


Oh, no, Ho Chan?

[evil laughter]

Oh, boy. You're doomed!

Mikey, Karai, and Leatherhead,
you're with me.

We're going after Kavaxas.

The rest of you take down these ghosts.

I don't need it, Casey.
I got Leatherhead.

both: Booyakasha!


Totally metal.

[all yelling, grunting]

- Fight, my undead minions.
- [roaring]

This is too freaky-deaky
for me, dog!

Let us make like tree and run.

[maniacal laughter]



[both grunting]

In a dimension of suffering,
in an age of pain,

I ruled on a throne of bone.

I, Kavaxas, swore one day
I would rule all dimensions.

The time has come!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- [grunting]
- [screaming]

[evil laughter]

They just keep coming.

Oh! Giant hands!



Pecs... getting... crushed.

Why don't you pick on someone
your own size, Ho Chan?


[dramatic music]

- Splinter!
- Sensei?

- Father?
- Hamato Yoshi?

Now this really ticks me off to no end.

I will send you back to the Netherworld

from where you came, demon!

Whoa! Ahh!


Now is the season of evil.

Humanity's last cry.



- [goofy attack cries]
- [grunting]

Your power is waning, wizard.

[goofy attack cries]


[grunting] Eat hot plasma, Tatsu.



[faint whispering]

It's endless.

I hate dead things.


[laser fire]


[screaming, grunting]




[roaring, grunts]









[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Yeah, boy!




What are you doing?



[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

Impossible! The Seal cannot be fixed.

How... how is it working?

'Cause I'm super dope like that, fool!

Okay, Hot Head, you're gonna
stop the ghost invasion

and make everything normal again!

Your new boss, Mikey, commands you.

I must... obey!


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[evil laughter]



It is time to go back
to your abyss, Ho Chan!

No! Please! Seriously!

I don't wanna!


In darkness, look towards the light.

I get it now. Mikey!

Force Kavaxas to open up a portal
back to the Netherworld!


You heard him, Hot Head!
Open up that portal, now!


As... you... commmand, Master.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪



We do not belong here, demon.



♪ ♪


Good-bye, my family.

I love you all.

So long, Master Splinter.

We've got the Seal.

We're gonna smash it into dust
and spread it over the ocean.

That power will never be used again.

Tiger Claw helped us.
He left, declaring a truce.

Wow. Who would have thought?

I guess miracles really can happen.


Like that amazing sunset.

I was pretty sure we'd never see
one of those again.

Come on, team.
Let's go home.

Hold on, Leo.

I just want to
appreciate this moment...

for a little while longer.
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