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06x06 - Watch Your 6

Posted: 10/24/22 06:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

- [expl*sive WHOOSH]

That is the IP used

to purchase the rockets
that hit the Crampton.

Concentration of the cell phones,

says that that's the hornets' nest.

JASON: That's him. That's Yasiri.

OMAR: We'll pull up,
get the drop on the guard,

throw Yasiri in the truck,
and we're gone.

- Get us the f*ck out of here.
- We're clean. Let's do this!

We're made. Get us the f*ck
out of here now.

OMAR: Asset was right
in front of us. We had him.

JASON: It's my head. We don't get

another shot here at, uh, Yasiri,

Command's gonna start asking questions.

Yeah, I missed one treatment already.

This raid, I'm probably gonna miss more.

But, you know, look, I'm good.

What if you're able to take out !sis

before it even became !sis?

- Where the hell are you going?
- Commander!


She's Winchester!
We got to help her out!

They're gonna take her alive.

It's the way it must be!


Hey, I already checked
those reserve flaps.

- You think I'm not doing my job?
- Spenser.

Hey, shut your mouth, Karlson.

Hey, protocol is
two inspectors check the gear.

Take a seat.
Rest of us will handle this.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

It's okay. It's okay.

CLAY: You don't trust me
with my own son.

I have overcome every obstacle
that I've ever faced in my life,

and now all of a sudden,
people just think that I'm...

that I'm incapable of the simplest shit.

No, I'm just trying to help you.

- I don't need your help!
- Don't go.

- Clay, don't go!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What in the hell, man?

I almost turned you
into the Blond Dahlia.

What are you doing here?

Stella took Brian to go see her parents.

Apartment felt empty without 'em.

I had your key.

I thought you were in Texas with Leanne.

Yeah, I-I was, until, uh,

Hannah's hurricane sister showed up

and I had to necessitate an exfil,

'cause she don't like me much.

Um, why would, uh,
your-your wife and kid

take a solo trip to see her parents?


my in-laws are Hannah's
sister on steroids.


I just thought maybe Stella
made it onto the list

of people that you're ghosting.

[SCOFFS] I'm not ghosting anyone.

This work's been kicking my ass.

You know, speaking of work... [CHUCKLES]

why the hell are you taking a nap

in the middle of the day
and not out there

training our SEAL pups?

My f*cking leg's been aching, man.

Just needed to take
some time off, let it rest.

Aching how bad, and how much time?

Okay, you know what, Sonny?
Just, that's it.

Enough with
the interrogations, all right?


Okay, you're right. Uh...

Look, um, but Brian and-and Stella,

they're-they're out of town, so, uh...

why don't you and I, we-we
make up for some lost time

and-and, uh, we have ourselves
a little battle-boo-looza?


- Boys trip?
- Yeah.

We always talked about doing
that-that bow-hunting trip.

What do you say we head up
to the mountains

and get our Rambo on?

Wouldn't mind some fresh air
and a change of scenery.


Hey, catch me up.

How was your trip to see Emma

- and Brad and Mikey?
- Whoa. Okay.

Sliding Brad in there
with my kids, I don't like.

- So, it was fine.

It was fine.

How was Afghanistan?

I managed to relocate
a woman to Tajikistan,

- get her settled there.
- Tajikistan?

That sounds like mission success.


Taliban grabbed her colleagues
before we moved.

Sounds like Bravo getting
ripped home from Syria.


That's why you couldn't enjoy
seeing your kids,

all the loose ends hanging up there.

- What happened?

Plug got pulled before we
even got the job finished.

And, uh, also managed
to get a great warrior

k*lled in the process.

It was a complete mission failure.

Complete f*cking mission failure.

Who'd you lose?

The leader of our partner force.

I mean, we were f*cked.

Then she made a move, and, uh,
we were able to clear out.

Sacrificed herself for the team.

That's very Bravo of her.

Yeah, well, the shit birds
who got her are still out there.

I guess unfinished business
is also contagious.


What do you say we get out of here,

go somewhere nicer, just forget
all this bullshit for a while?

Distract ourselves from what
we failed to accomplish?


- I've heard worse ideas.
- All right.

I have to go rattle a cage,
though, first, okay?

- You okay with that?
- Yeah, whatever you gotta do.

- Okay.
- MAN: Number .

That's us. We're up.

We're gonna eat that
burrito, though, first.

That's what kicks it off, all right?



- Ah, you do good work, babe.
- Thanks.

You ready to move on
to tiling the bathrooms?

[SIGHS] Ready or not,
it's gotta get done.

Cannot believe that we are about
to open next week.

- I know.
- Thank you

for keeping the train moving
while I was gone, baby.

So, I was thinking we could set these

in a brick pattern instead of stacked.

Babe, are these the right tiles?

I-I thought we picked out glass.

We did, but I'm just
trying to keep costs down.

Yeah, which is why
we spent the whole week

since I've been back doing
the installation ourselves.

Well, I mean, every little bit helps.

I mean, these were on sale
when you were deployed, so...


[SIGHS] I thought we were supposed

to be making decisions together, baby.

I didn't want to miss out on a deal

waiting for you to weigh in.

And what happened to being grateful?

I kept the train moving without you.

I am. I am grateful.

I'm very grateful, I just...
I'm feeling left out.

And like I let you down.

Trying to hold Bravo up
took my focus away from here.

You think that's ever gonna change?

It's gonna have to if I want to
pull my weight around here.

Bravo keeps me
in my three-foot world, and...

You know what?

Maybe it's time we take a step back

and figure this out together.

- Okay.
- Okay.


SONNY: Lieutenant Davis.

I hope to hell you got a doctor's note

- for this type of tardiness.

No, I don't, but I do have some pickles

from the lunch I just had in Richmond.

Ugh, no amount of pickles
would ever make me

- want to go to Richmond.
- Mm.

What the hell you doing up there?

I was trying to get to know
my committee colleagues

away from the committee.

You know, met in the middle
rather than...

- Okay, how 'bout you?

Why are you haunting DEVGRU
on your leave?

I went to pick up these.

You know, me and, uh, Clay-vy Crockett

are heading up to Full Metal's cabin

to get our hunt on. [IMITATING g*nshots]

- That sounds fun.
- Yeah, man.

A little creepy, but...

- Maybe.


How's Clay doing?

Well, if you weren't so busy

courting your cake-eater friends,

you wouldn't have to ask
the guy who's been

- out of the country for a month.
- Mm-hmm.

- So, he's good?
- Yeah, he's good.

I'm glad to hear it.

And for the record,
I think of him constantly.

The reason that I'm courting cake-eaters

is trying to convince them
that w*r fighter safety

and national security
aren't mutually exclusive.

Yeah, should've known you were
fighting the good fight,

- not just rubbing elbows.
- Oh, well,

it's the least that I can do,
since I let Bravo

take a knife to a drone fight in Syria.

That clusterfuck, that's not on you.

Bravo knows you got our back.

Mm. Well, I gotta get inside.

You'll tell Clay I said hey?

- I will.
- Okay.

And, uh, I'll make sure we k*ll you up

one of them possums for your pickles.

- So stupid.


What are you doing here?

What do you mean, what am I doing here?

We still need to get justice
for our dead sailors

and the YPJ.

Hey, bringing Bravo home
wasn't my decision.

Call came from above.

Okay, so figure out
a way to get us back.

I'm still looking
for something actionable.

Drones aren't f*cking actionable?

Not when the Syrian government

has told the world that they were ours.

I need new intel
to force Command's hand.

Commander Nouri, she was right.

We just used the YPJ and abandoned 'em.

Hey, I've got questions, too.

The report for the Crampton attack

said CIWZ didn't fail, it was jammed,

which is pretty sophisticated tech

for the al-Sham brigade
to have access to.

Yeah, that's a lot of tech
for a local militia.

I agree, which is why I believe
Yasiri's militants

are a proxy for someone stronger.

- Probably a state actor.
- A state actor... who?

I'm trying to figure that out.

Instead of trying, start doing.

Says the guy who twice
had Yasiri in his crosshairs

and came home empty.

- ERIC: Everyone okay?

What's going on?

Just spinning our wheels here

instead of getting
the job done in Syria.

No one likes tucking tail,
but orders are orders.

You know what? Clay's getting

more work done at Green Team
than we are here combined.

- Mm.
- DAVIS: What?

Something wrong with Clay?

- There was.
- I'm sorry.

What do you mean, "there was"?

Spenser's superior suggested
he take some time off

- after some erratic behavior.
- "Erratic behavior".

What do you mean, erratic behavior?

Probably the same stuff you'd do

if you went from being
the Navy's deadliest w*apon

to training the Navy's
deadliest w*apon, Master Chief.

He'll be fine.

As the two of you should be, too.

And whatever this argument is,
wrap it up.

Yes, sir.

I had no idea.

I'm here, and I had no idea.

Just take care of Syria, all right?

I'll worry about Clay.


[GROANING]: Here we go.

Let's get this party started.



CLAY: So, this is how
the Unabomber lived.

SONNY: Oh, yeah.

Be careful. They're listening.

It's not exactly a nice thing to say

about the ultimate team guy.

He's got our picture
in his vacation home.

He wanted us with him,
even when he got away.


- There we go.
- Metal made these?

Oh, yeah, man.

Never seen his drawings before?
He is quite the artist.

That guy said more to me
on his Medevac flight

than the three years
I operated next to him.

Is this a treasure map?

You think he buried cash in the woods?

If Metal played John Dillinger
in his downtime,

would you be surprised?

Oh, man.

I forgot. Check this out.

- Oh, yes, we get settled in.

Then we can watch

the original adventures
of Topper Harley.

I'm, uh, assuming, uh,

you want to have the bottom bunk, yeah?



Thought you were fixing
to do rehab clean.

I was.

And then I realized
I lost my f*cking leg.

I-I've seen you chug Vikes after ops.

You're-you're gonna bust my balls

- for taking one now and then?
- I-I get it, I get it.

Look, the natural stuff
doesn't always cut it

after a long day of Green Team.

Now, do you want to watch me
pee in a cup,

or do you want to watch Valeria Golino

sh**t an olive from her
belly button into her mouth.

Well, technically,
Charlie Sheen triggers the olive

by pressing on her belly.


That's a telltale sign
right there, there's a rat.


There are sharks in the homestead.

[SIGHS] Well...

... if not a Navy movie...

... how about a Navy board game?

- Even if you do cheat.


MANDY: No need to overthink it.

Based on the itinerary I've planned,

you can pack lightly.


Your mind is not on our getaway at all.


Are you still thinking about Clay?

Did I ever tell you
about Theo Papadakis?

- Used to be in Bravo?
- Yeah, lost his leg

to a grenade in Afghanistan.

After his injury, he was out of sight

and out of mind to me, and I just...

I thought I was over that.

And it looks like I'm just doing
the same thing with Clay.

You were front-sight focused
on deployment.

Yeah, I spent more time
looking over my shoulder at Omar

instead of checking in on Clay.

He deserves better from the guy
that put him inside the wire.

Really? You're back here?

- Even Clay doesn't blame you.
- Well, he doesn't have to.

He doesn't have to, all right?

You know, I'm... I'm the one who ignored

the warning signs of my head.

I put him right on the path
to get hit by those RPGs.

So, you only stopped beating yourself up

because you thought he was okay?

- Yeah.
- Clay's struggling

is hard on everyone.

If you need to check on him,
I understand.

How am I gonna do that?
We're packing up right now.

- We're on our way out.
- We are.

But it sounds like Clay
needs his team leader.

And I'm pretty sure that a very wise

and very handsome man once told me

there's no choice in duty.


A lot easier if we just use
flintlock and gunpowder.

It's not sportsmanlike,

but we're opting for stealth over power.

I'm not sure how stealthy
we're gonna be,

the way you run your mouth.

The deer are gonna hear us
from a mile away.

Hey, man, I may have
the right to remain silent.

I just don't have the ability to.


You know, we could just hang here

and pound some beers
and act out Hot sh*ts!

You serious? Come on, man,

we've been planning this
bow-hunting trip forever,

Ernest Heming-Clay.

And it ain't like you
to hide in the shadows

of your mother's apron.

You gonna tell me the timing

of this "can't do nothing" attitude

and popping pills
is just all a coincidence?

Told you, man, Green Team's
been kicking my ass lately.

You think I'm proud of that?

Or needing pills to numb the pain?

What else you think it's numbing?

Falling out of contact with me
while I was overseas,

not spending time with your family.

Clay, these are all problems
that are just gonna snowball.


When I was kicking doors,
I liked feeling dangerous.

Now Stella looks at me
like I am dangerous.

Thinking I'm a threat to Brian
hurts worse than anything

that's come along with this injury,

and that's why I removed
myself from the situation.

Wow. Look at that right there.

Herc-Clay-les finally feels
what it's like to be human,

just like the rest of us.

Let me give you a piece
of advice from a guy

that's been pissing
in the wind his entire life.

You need to get comfortable
with being uncomfortable.

And I'll tell you what.

For all that you and your
wife have been through,

you sure as shit owe it to her

to prove that you are still
the stand-up guy that she loves.

[LAUGHING]: I'm sorry.

There it is right there, look,
you're smiling again, man.

See, look at them pearly whites.

Let's go hunting, man. Come on.

Let's do this. Let's k*ll some shit.

I've had my fill
of sucking at things of late.

But if you're up for an adventure,

we could go see where
Metal's treasure map leads.


Well, it's time to f*cking shine.

Let's go.


Is that so you can zoom in on the stuff

that your old eyes can't see?

Shut your face, Pegleg.

Just in case we have
an emergency out there,

we got this map here for toilet paper.


- Here's Jason! Ha-ha!
- Whoa!

Boy Scouts earn your archery badge yet?

SONNY: Are you kidding me?

What is with the, uh,
coordinated ambush here?

Well, you know, Davis told us
you were here, right?

- Davis?
- Yeah, and, uh, Ray wanted to come,

but a, uh, vet center opening
has him in a time crunch, so...

No reason this can't be
the bachelor party

that Bravo never had.

Unless you got a sasquatch
planning to strip for us,

there's not a lot
of group activities up here.

- Ugh.
- Ooh, what's, uh...

what do you got there?

Metal was a man of mystery.

- JASON: Buried treasure, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

Wouldn't put it past Metal
to pull off the Lufthansa heist.

Or it could be S*ddam's gold.

Or the missing money
from the Captain Phillips raid.

SONNY: Brock, how many times
do I gotta tell you,

what happens on the Indian Ocean
stays on the Indian Ocean.

Well, it's ours now.

So, you know what? I say we go hunting.

♪ ♪

Jesus, Brock, you almost
walked us into some poison ivy.

Threat of a rash make you consider

finding some shirts with sleeves?

Clay, I live by a code...
"sun's out, g*ns out".

Hold up, man, this symbol
means we need to gain elevation.


Up that way.

Six, take us out, will you?

Come on.

The, uh, robot foot's
not built for this terrain.

It's the end of the road for me, boys.

You know what, look,
we'll find a secondary infil.

There's gotta be a switchback
around here somewhere.

Sonny, Trent, recon, will you?

You guys just go ahead,
climb up without me, all right?

Dude, I could
fireman-carry you up there.

No, hey, don't f*cking touch me.

Look, y-you guys just... just
go on ahead without me, man.

You don't need me slowing you guys down.

You know what, this whole
tree-hugging hiking thing's

a bunch of bullshit.

Let's RTB. Come on. Let's roll.

Roll out.

♪ ♪


How's Clay been since you got here, man?

It's not... not like him
to retreat like that.

He ain't retreating, man, he's just

taking care of his leg after that hike.


Guys, uh, we have a problem.

What do you mean, we got a problem?

Uh, Brock, uh...

Brock only brought enough
food to make s'mores.

S'mores. What, did you even think about

bringing adult food, Brock?

That's, uh, one problem.

The other problem is,

looks like a rat got at it.

- SONNY: Son of a bitch.

Guess the VCR was a fresh job.

I tell you what, man,
I would rather share this cabin

with a su1c1de bomber
than a dirty-ass rat.

SGS, al-Sham brigade, now this rat.

Feels like open season on Bravo.

I got enough rats in my life right now.

The hell's that mean?


It means that...


Command knows that I had a shot

at, uh, Yasiri, and I didn't take it.

You think Omar dropped that dime?

In Syria, you said Omar was solid.

He's solid outside the wire,
that's what I said.

TRENT: You worried Command's
gonna start asking questions

about Yasiri, uncover your TBI?

SONNY: Look, nobody
was more against Omar

coming on board than I was, okay?

But Jace, look at me.

He bleeds Bravo now, all right?

Yeah, you know what, this...

this is about Clay right now.

It's not about my issues.

Well... [CHUCKLES]

... he is isolating, and we
have a rodent problem.

So, not exactly
the rager we had planned.

Nah, here's what we're
gonna do, all right?

You know what, we're gonna go, uh,

on a little hunting expedition,

boost some morale. [CLAPS HANDS]

Yeah, there is no chance in hell

you're gonna get Stumpy outside again.

We're not going outside,
we're staying inside,

'cause this rat represents
a clear and present danger

to our weekend.



- Where you going?
- Come on.

f*cking op like this?
I need my best sh**t.

And I know where to get him.

Hey, got an op cooking.
Need my best sh**t.

You almost done?

Yeah. What is it?

I tell you, uh,

Metal sure did have a flair

for interior design, didn't he?

Yeah, form and function. What's the op?

k*ll the rat that's raided our food

and haunting Sonny in his dreams.

Another Bravo victory you can
tell your grandkids about.

Got another option:

we, uh, leave this rat-infested cabin,

and go someplace and get
us some drinks and food,

so we can get froggy.


Well, it's your party, right?

Whatever you wanna do.

That's right.

All right, boys, we're getting froggy.

CLAY: No shit. Swarmed by drones?

JASON: Big drones.

- CLAY: Man.
- JASON: f*cking huge.

CLAY: I'm sure you, uh,
I'm sure you really loved

holding 'em down with those
teenage girls, there, boy.

Oh, don't let him hear you
talk about that, man.

I tell you what, one of them
girls was a real hot-shot.

A little too big for her britches

when we showed up, though.

[CHUCKLES] I'm sure that you handled it

- like a gentleman.

- A southern gentleman.
- She ate his lunch.

- Yeah.
- Breakfast and dinner, too.

Earned herself a Sonny nickname.

Oh, yeah? That's a hell
of an honor. What is it?

- Y. P. Clay.

CLAY: Sounds like you guys
were close to calling jackpot.

It's too bad you got pulled out
before the job was done.

Well, you know what?

We came back with a full head count.

That's all that matters, right, boys?

How 'bout, uh, how 'bout
the new guy, Omar?

He's got issues staying in his lane,

but we're working on it.

I'm sure you, uh...

sure you thought
the same thing about me, too.

- Yeah, but, I mean...

I mean, look, look, look.

Omar is... he's good. He's good.

You know, but he doesn't...
he doesn't hold a candlestick

to you there, brother,
especially with that hair

you got going on there, Rita Clayworth.

You're damn right. You're
damn right he doesn't.

JASON: So how's everything
at Green Team, man?

Having trouble going
from all-star to coach?

Only trouble is they don't make
team guys like they used to.

You know, these Gen Z kids
are all show and no go.

Well, we used to say the same thing

- about you Millennials, man.

SONNY: Case of beer
for an unoriginal thought.

You know what, starts right now. Brock?

- Yeah?
- Get the round, you're up.

- CLAY: So, f*cking on target.

- Mm-hmm.
- We all have norovirus,

struggling big-time,

about to breach, and then I hear,

"Sonny, did you just shit yourself?"


- And he says... he says, "Yep".
- SONNY: Yep.

Ended up opening up
the floodgates for everybody.

Everyone followed my lead.

I'm surprised they didn't
smell us coming.


Hey, uh, you guys remember

the HVT who was watching porn

when we kicked in his door?

Oh, f*ck, dude!

He told us he actually
wanted us to wait.

- Yeah.
- He was like,

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
wait, wait, wait".

I'm like, no, no, that is the last tango

that I would want to see clacking off.

It had a good storyline.



I saw you talking
to my girlfriend at the bar.

I was asking her
if she liked the pilsner.

Yeah. Come on, man.

Sure looked like a lot more than that.

SONNY: Well, he didn't
have his dog with him,

so I'm pretty sure
he wasn't hitting on your girl.


JASON: We don't want any problems, man.

We're just here enjoying ourselves,

minding our own business,
drinking some Liberty Anthems.


But keep your muppet away from my girl.


- Hey, dickhead, hey.
- JASON: You're the muppet.

Show some f*cking respect.

Oh, Clay, hey.

You owe your freedom to that muppet.

- JASON: Clay, come on.
- The hell you say to me?

I said watch your f*cking mouth!


Hey, hey!

Hey, hey!


Hey, hey!


JASON: Hey! Get the f*ck
off him. Let's go. Move.

Get the f*ck out of here. Come on.

Hey, what was with Road House
back there, Patrick Clay-ze?

Just having Brock's back.

No, I had the situation under control.

But those dickbags were
looking for a fight, man.

I was just being a good teammate.

JASON: No, you were looking for trouble.

That would have rung us all up

to Command, including you.

I expect that shit from Sonny, not you.

Yeah, zero to , that's...
that's kinda my move.

Was all your impulse control
in your right leg?

Not a bachelor party
if punches don't get thrown.

I mean, come on.

Isn't this the fun that
we all came up here for?


You know, I might be off Bravo,
but you all are the ones

who forgot what being
a team guy's about.

Let him cool off.




♪ ♪


- You have a moment, sir?
- I do.

- You find your state actor?
- No, something else.

I was reviewing intel from Charlie Team

in West Africa.

Does the name Jacques Tandina
mean anything to you?

- Should it?
- He's the SGS source

that was playing both sides in Mali.

Sent Bravo into the ambush.

Charlie clean him up?

Not quite.

According to this,
the Agency is still using him.

Target packages are being
built off his information,

successful ones.

Well, that doesn't make any sense.

I'm glad you think so, too.

Follow up with the Agency.

- See what's going on.
- Yes, sir.

Something else, Lieutenant?

I'm thinking about Clay.

You know, all that he's been through,

thanks to that op.

w*r happened, Davis.

Much as I'd like to think different,

it's not the last time
it'll happen, either.

I know.

Just... Bravo trusted us
to have their back,

and we didn't.

I'll look into this.



Ah, f*cking rat.

k*lling this rat might
turn around Bravo's mojo.

Now who's worried
about him retreating, huh?

SONNY: Look, man, I had it under
control before you showed up.

Is that why you didn't tell me
that someone told Clay

to take some SGO days?

Well, I thought it was
for a medical break,

not shit going on, all right?

If you don't know what the problem is,

you cannot work the problem.

He's taking pills, Sonny.

Yeah, Jace, I know
he's taking pills, okay?

But what you don't know
is that he's left his home

and he's crashing at my place.

You know what?
He's gaslighting all of us.

I was making progress, okay?

It f*cked up his head even more,

the fact that we made him fail
in front of his teammates.

- I did...
- Guys, he's right there.

All right, look, I feel bad

that I wasn't there when he got hurt.

You guys were down a medic in the field.

Ah, f*ck.

[SIGHS] It's just...

it's just hard not to... [SIGHS]

It's hard not to feel
like we failed him.

Just seeing him down like this...

Guess we shouldn't be surprised.

It's not just...

He's lost more than a leg.

Yeah. The brotherhood.

His sense of purpose.

I know I lost that when I walked away.


You know, I'm happy
he survived. We all are.

But, I mean, seeing him like this...

I get why some operators feel warriors

are meant to die on the b*ttlefield.


Oh, we got some action. No way.

You think these ass-clowns
followed us home from the bar?

It's a long way to drive
for another beatdown.


SONNY: Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold.

- Round ten!
- Hah!


[CHUCKLES] I didn't realize
I was stepping into the Octagon.


- You made it.
- Yeah.

Me and Naima made good progress,

but this isn't the fun I was expecting.

The hell's going on?

Ah, it's a f*cking long story,
Ray, long story.

There's a rat. And it ate all our food.


- RAY: Yo.

Jameelah made you cookies.

Don't open 'em, man.
This place has rats.

Passing on double-chocolate chunk.

It's as bad as the guys said.

I don't need your pep talk, Ray.

I'm not your kid.

No, you're not.

You're my brother.

And I am sorry that
I haven't been in touch more.

I can't imagine what
you're going through.

You've been through worse,
a lot worse, and you're fine.


I did not get anywhere
close to being fine...

... until I admitted that I wasn't.

And being with my brothers helps.

Lightens the load.

You're on your own.

I can handle my shit.

[CHUCKLES] Well, your
ego's healthy, anyway.

But I'm here to tell you you cannot.

You know, when I was instructing
the Green Team,

Jace sent me there as punishment.

And it is hard telling
kids how to do stuff

when you'd rather be doing the stuff.

Green Team was my choice.

The circumstances around
that choice have changed.

You can reevaluate.

If it's not scratching
the itch to serve,

you know, there... there are other ways.

Is that what your vet center is for you?

It's another way to serve?

Guys lucky enough to come home

aren't lucky if they end up
like Brett, Swann, or Sam.

Just trying to fill a need.

You think I'm headed
where they ended up?

Boys make it sound like
you're nearing a slippery slope.

What do you think?

I used to look at the future

and all I saw was possibilities.

And now I'm scared of what's
around the next corner.


Do you know why I pushed Jace
so hard to draft you to Bravo?

'Cause my raw talent
made me a ninja operator?


Brilliant tactical skills aside,

you were the guy who saw
what needed to be done,

and you did it.

The leg does not change that. Hmm?

Fighting for Swanny,
taking the heat for me

on the Marsden letter, stepping up

to protect Jason and-and
Bravo over his TBI?

I mean, even as the low man,

you always found a way
to make an impact.

It was not the r*fle that
made you shine, man.

You are still that guy, Clay.

You just... you gotta find a new way

to use all of that God-given raw talent.


Our boy's down right now,
but we can pick him up.

Reminded him that, uh,
none of us carry this alone.

Just like you told me.


You got any idea how Davis found out

that I lost Yasiri in my crosshairs?

You ever hear of something called AAR?

- I had to fill it out as OIC.
- Mm.

I documented everything in a way

that wouldn't bring any blowback to you.

- Hmm.
- Oh.

I see.

Your paranoia had you thinking
it was Omar, huh?

You been handling your business

after those TBI symptoms flared up?

Yeah, I'm good. I had another round

of stem cells last week.

Take care of the problems
that need to be worked on.

And Omar's not one
of them, that's for sure.

Jace, you gotta learn to trust Omar,

for your sake and for Bravo's.

Why? Why do I gotta do that?

Because I'm retiring after I hit my .

[CLEARS THROAT] Well, that's
four months from now.

I don't want it to overshadow this trip.

But I wanted you to know
sooner than later.

What, you just decide this?

Naima and I paused the conversation

a couple times, but finally finished it.

Going all in on the vet center, huh?

Could be a chance to have
more of an impact

than I've been having with my r*fle,

if Syria's any indication.

Syria's not on you.

I know, but...

JASON: Whoa.

- Hey.
- Yeah.

I also know that you weren't a big fan

when I became warrant officer.

- Mm-hmm.
- Omar's the real deal, Jay.

And I'm not... I'm not saying
he totally makes up

for me and Clay, but
you will be supported...

... assuming you ever decide
to read him in on your head.


Say something, brother.

Ray, what the hell did you say to Clay?

- He took off.
- What do you mean, he took off?

I mean, he's gone,
along with a loaded r*fle.

Okay, look, when was the last time

- you had eyes on him?
- About a half hour ago.

All the cars are still here,
so he's gotta be on foot.

SONNY: His leg's really bothering him,

so I'm guessing he couldn't
get more than a mile.

No, you know what, he's drunk,

he's hopped up on pills.

He's not thinking clear.

I know when I was away from Bravo,

I took a few walks in the woods

I didn't intend to come back from.

All right, Brock,
we gotta split the train.

I want you to drive the route
back to the bar,

see if he's there
causing any more trouble.

Ray, Sonny, and I will split up
and cover the woods on foot.

You stay here, just in
case he comes back.

All right, let's move.

SONNY: You got it.

Hey, Jace, look. I was, uh, out of line

by saying, uh... you
made it worse for Clay.

Look, man, we're all on tilt
after seeing him like this.

I know, but the truth is,
I probably was the one

that made it worse
by bringing him up here.

We could have stayed at my apartment,

played video games,
and there's less a chance

of him getting triggered on a hike

that he couldn't complete.

What's important right now
is we find our brother, right?

- Roger that.
- Let's go.


♪ ♪

Wanna play stump?

I win.

Yeah. I, uh, probably should have

thought that one through, huh?

Team guys and competition.

- It's like leopards and spots.

How'd you find me?

Oh, you know, I just thought
about what I would do, right?

Just f*cking adapt and overcome.

Or die trying.

Ray thinks I became a SEAL to serve.

I did it to prove that
I'm better than my dad.

That I'm the best.

That's why I was chasing
your footsteps all those years.

Yeah, well, you know what,
you're definitely in

the Frogman Hall of Fame
for me, that's for sure.

- I get in on a sympathy vote?

Well, you're definitely not
a first-ballot hall-of-famer

like me, but you earned it.

You f*cking earned it, man.


But I want you to remember
what you told me

back at the... at the Bulkhead, right?

There's more to life than operating.

Says the guy who kept
his teammates in the dark

about his TBI.

You're still hiding it from Command.

Yep. That's me, I'm that guy.

Puts up walls all around him
just so he can push people away,

the people that care about him.

That's what you're doing right now.

All those years you wanted
to be like Bravo ,

it took losing your leg to get there.

So, what'd this map lead you to, anyway?

Not any solutions.

It all depends on what kind
of problem you're working.

- Teaching at Green Team...
- Mm-hmm.

- ... hanging with my brothers.

I don't fit in.

I might be a team guy, but
I'm not an operator anymore.

Come on, man.

We know brothers who have come back

from this injury, right?

Turbo, Tosh.

f*ck, Tosh, he's fast as f*ck, isn't he?

You've seen him.

I'm sure as hell not gonna
be betting against you

to work outside the wire
one day, that's for sure.

I know what I can and
can't do with this thing.

Won't put my teammates
in danger ignoring facts.

I've failed everyone enough.

You know, I wish I could tell you

what happens when you jump
off this crazy train, Clay.


I tried that once and I failed.

Warriors are meant
to die on the b*ttlefield.

Yeah, some are, but not you.

You chose to get off
the path I was on...

to put the people you love first.

Your dad didn't do that.

And hell, it took Ray, what,
years to make that choice?

I might have f*cked that up.

Well, then figure out
a way to un-f*ck it,

like I did after you told me
to deal with my head.

You stay front-sight focused,
you're gonna figure it out.

And when you do,

maybe I'll follow that same path.

CLAY: You think that's
what "Big Bucks" means?

I'll tell you what, if you got something

you need to prove to yourself right now,

there's your next trophy.

♪ ♪

I'm not a sh**t anymore.



Thanks for saving me a cookie.

Least I could do, brother.

Hey, stop hitting on girls that
are out of your league, man.

This team gets into fewer bar fights.

They're, uh, they're all
out of his league.

- We're screwed.

- Hey.
- JASON: Yeah.

Thanks for everything, boss.

Right. You're never out of the fight.

- Always here for you, brother.
- Yeah, okay.

- Okay?
- I know.

You got this.

JASON: Way to go.

SONNY: All right, well, that's, uh...

that's definitely gonna
constipate a few squirrels.

Guess we're even for Colombia.

Battle-boos for life, brother.

I love you guys.


I think we helped him.

It's gonna be okay.


- I hope so, man.
- Yeah.


♪ ♪