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02x02 - No Love

Posted: 10/24/22 06:04
by bunniefuu
Male singer:
♪ Got a vibe

♪ Make the room shake,
turn their neck ♪

[Elevator bell dings]
♪ Got a vibe...



It's giving...

a "Mighty Morphin Power" baddie.

That's not what you're wearing
to your audition, are you?

Is it... is it too much?

I'm not mad at it.

I know switching your major
to dance was a huge step,

but you were made
for this, Keish.

And you got this.

This audition determines

whether or not I get
into the program at all.

Uh-uh, ah, no, stop it.

You got it. You are fine,

and you're gonna get in
this dance program. Period.


[Women laughing nearby]

Keisha: Aw. Look at Thea
making new friends

to fight with later.

She's not new.
That's Too tie.

Since Thea's out, she slid into
the number one spot on the team.

What, so injured players
don't go to practice still

'cause she's the only
one in street clothes

looking like she got
somewhere else to go.

Coach Loni banned her
from practice.

OK. I mean, I can
give you a moment

since that seems like
it shook you so much.

Am I happy the girl's
injured? No.

But am I happy I don't
have to deal with her mess?

Hell, yeah. Now I can just
focus on bonding with the team.

You can't tell me there's
not some part of you

that's low-key sad that the
two of you aren't cool right now.

Damon: In between
Bringston and Hawkins,

we found a café, a restaurant,

coffee shop,
and a movie theater.

Mm-hmm. That's a place
for every meal,

studying, and whatever
stupid superhero movie

you want to see.

Heh. Check us out.

We got this mini-
long-distance thing on lock.

Yeah. Definitely.

And whenever we're not in class,

or have a match or game
of our own,

we'll be sure to be
at each other's.

For sure.

Well, that doesn't
really apply to me

since I've been benched
from all practices and matches.

Hey, hey. You're not gonna
be riding anybody's bench

for long, all right?

- Think so?
- I know so.

And to prove how much faith
I have in you being a badass,

when you get a good
report on your PT today,

well, I'm taking you to
one of them fancy,

little bougie
restaurants you like.

- Really?
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.

[Cell phone ringing]

You know, you're
gonna have to talk

to Coach Marcus at some point.

I don't know if I'm ready
to have that conversation

about not only leaving Bringston

but playing for our rivals, too.


you got this.

Get out there.

[Cheering and clapping]

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What's good, bro?

Uh, look, I just...
make sure we're gonna be good

considering we about to be
teammates and all.


Yeah, well, it's not like we
got much of a choice, right?

Shaw: Heh heh!
You got something for me?

Uh, yeah.

There we go.

Male singer:
♪ I don't like my...

Seals the deal! Ha ha!

[Players and cheerleaders

Welcome to Hawkins Georgia.

Singer: ♪ Where you will
take your time ♪

♪ Clearly I'm drowning

♪ Save me, I'm drowning

[Knock on door]

What's up, Coach?

Good to see you, son.
Now come on in.


Listen, I know things was
a little awkward right after...

Man, um, that's not why
I've been avoiding you, Coach.

We all got issues, all right?

You're my coach for life,
no matter what.

OK. Then why have you been
avoiding my calls, son?

I turned in
my official paperwork

to transfer to Hawkins today.

I didn't want to be
talked out of my decision.

Look, I understand.

Do you?

I don't know, Coach.
I feel like...

Like I'm letting you down
or something.

Nah, nah, nah.
It's not your fault.

It's mine. Look, all
of this is happening

because I didn't take
better care of myself, son.

How are you doing?

I'm taking one day at a time,

but I'm feeling a lot better.

That's good. Can you take
care of the guys on the team

after I leave?

They'll need you.

I promise to try.

You figured out how you're
gonna say your good-byes to them?

Nah. Um...

honestly, I don't
think I can, Coach.

Well, trust me, son.

Don't leave without saying
what needs to be said, OK?

♪ I put the time in...

Coach: Good job, Derek!

- Let's go. Let's go.
- Come on, guys.

Y'all looking good.
Keep it up.

Yes, Megan!
Nice return.

♪ ...Coming through
the door with... ♪

Too late.

You need to be inside
the strike zone, Six.

It's Simone.

And I meant to hit
it down the line.

Yeah, but it was weak.
Your timing is off.

You want to take control
of your points or not?

♪ ...Can I taste the greatness,
no, you can never fake this ♪

♪ I'm 1 out of 1,
I'm the first... ♪

Six, you're looking like trash.

Athlete: Oh, you're not
tired already, are you?

No. I'm catching my
breath. I'm good.

You're sure? 'Cause you ain't
falling out on my watch.

She says she's
good. Mm-kay.

Athlete: Looked
a little shaky there.

♪ Knock you out!

The closer we get to the studio,

the less I feel like
I can breathe.

Oh, you got them good nerves.

See, my grandma
says you get them

when you're doing
something that scares you,

and if you don't
shake things up,

you ain't living life right.

Well, then I must be
k*lling the game

because these
butterflies are real.

Well, I'm proud of you.

You about to do the damn
thing, and I know it.

I'm proud of you, too,

but I am low-key annoyed
that you're so Zen about

starting music this semester.

Well, I'm too excited
to be nervous.

Look, I'm registered.

Plus, I got into that
History of Black Music class

I was on the wait list for.

I don't know.
It just feels like

after everything
I've been through,

things are finally starting
to turn around, you know?

- I do. OK, us!
- Ha ha.

Keisha: Wait.
What the hell?

I'm supposed to be
auditioning in 10 minutes

and my name's not
on the list anywhere.

This isn't how you're supposed
to start an epic semester.

Is everything OK?

Uh, yeah, yeah. Um, look, why don't
you just try and find your professor?

Maybe there's just
some sort of mistake

that just got to get worked out.

I got to run past
the registrar's office anyway.

Good luck.

Thank you.

♪ Baby, take it all off for me

♪ Just take it all off

♪ Hey, you're bad, let me
tell you where to... ♪

What's up, fellas?

Uh, look,

I'm sure you all feel
some type of way,

but I'd really like
to leave Bringston

and this team on a positive
note if that's possible.

So if you all don't mind, um,

I still want to play

this upcoming Bringston
vs. Hawkins charity game

as a Bringston Lion.

Well, don't look at me.

Look, I know it's
an unofficial game

and just a friendly
charity match

for the KEK
Mindfulness Center, but...

come on. I want to play one
last game with my boys, man.

Guess I deserve that.

[Laughter and applause]

Look at that face.

Of course you can.

We wouldn't have it
any other way.

Hey, you all are
messed up, man. Ha ha!

But, look, I, um...

I just didn't want you all
to take it personally,

you know, me leaving and...

Save it, bro. You
ain't even got to do

all that, all right?

Between the family stuff
and the situation with our dad,

they get it.

You're doing what you got to
do to take care of yourself.

We can respect that.

Well, let's get
this win, then, baby.



Well, I'm glad you're
all cool with it,

but it's not your decision.

Where you about to go, Six?

To my room. Why?

I need you to stay
and pick up all these balls.

And why is that
my responsibility?

You might've made
the sixth slot,

but you're still at
the bottom of the lineup,

and top dawg, which is me,

says you need to stay
and pick up all these balls.

Period. Welcome
to the new world order.

Damon: Yo, Coach Raymond,
hold up, man.

I don't understand
why you want to play

the charity game as a Lion.

You're prolonging the inevitable

and hurting your
teammates more by

dragging this out.

Can't you see that we
built a bond?

Look, I just want
to support my team

and enjoy the time
that I have left

before I transfer.

I don't see
the big deal with that.

If you really wanted to
support this team, you'd stay.

Because without a star pitcher,

our season's shot before
it's even started.

This is what I meant by
you being selfish.

You don't consider how your
actions affect everyone around you.

You just continue
the same pattern...

Leave teams whenever
it benefits you.

Because you know you'll
always be good wherever you go.

I mean, think about it. How
many teams have you left?

Can I play or not?

You can play.

But as soon as it's
over, I'mma need you

to clean out your locker.

Whatever, man.

You say I always leave.
I guess it's in my DNA.

Cam: I just received
a notification that says

I'm dropped from all my
classes due to nonpayment.

That's correct.

That's a mistake.

I have a grant that should've covered
the first installment in my payment plan.

I don't see any grants
credited to your account.

Well, that doesn't make
any sense.

It should've been
there days ago.

Can you at least hold my
classes until I figure this out?

If I did that for every student
that were waiting on funds,

Bringston would be out
of business by tomorrow.

But, yo, that ain't fair.
It's not my fault.

I have the funds.
It just ain't cleared yet.

Deadlines are deadlines
for a reason,

so I'm sorry, but unless
you're making a payment,

you're holding up my line.


[Clears throat]

Forgot one.


May I?

You may not remember me.

New Year's Eve.

Ah, ha ha.
So you do remember me.

Yeah, but the question is,

why don't I remember
seeing you last semester?

I was injured, but I'm back now.

And kissing complete strangers

at the stroke of
midnight apparently.

Heh! I don't normally
do things like that.

Neither do I.

[Tennis ball collector clanks]

But New Year's Eve
was New Year's Eve.

So now it's back to
the real world.

And how's it going
in the real world?

You saw. You were
at practice.

Ha. You seemed to be
handling yourself.

I guess I'm just used to it.

First it was Thea, and now
it's transferred over

to her next
little minion in line.

Don't let it get to you.

Yeah. Easy for you to say.

You're right, 'cause
I've been there as well,

my freshman year

and the first half
of my sophomore year.

So then how did
you weather the storm?

I just decided to give
my teammates

the same energy that
they were giving me.

That's the thing.
I'm not a mean girl.

I'm not just gonna put that
karma out into the world,

even if the person deserves it.

Eat or be eaten.
It's up to you.


Speaking of, I'm actually
on my way to get some food.

I can give you some more
tips over dinner.

New Year's Eve
was New Year's Eve,

but I appreciate the advice.

I should get back to it.

I'll see you at practice.



[Knock knock]


What's all this?

Resumés. Apparently, I
need to find an assistant.

Know of anyone?

Good enough to work for you?

Um, no. Ha ha.

But I am here to ask
about a job.

Look, Amara, my baseball
team is falling apart.

Look, I need you to reinstate me

as head coach of
the baseball team.

Marcus, I can't do
that. I'm sorry.

Why not?

You told me you're searching

for an outpatient
therapist, right?

Have you found one yet?

I'm working on it.
I'm sure I'll find one.

It's hard to tell if I'll
connect with a therapist by

looking at a long list
of head sh*ts, Amara.

I get it.

I just think you need
to take the time

to make the decision
that feels right.

Be honest. Do you truly
feel ready to come back?


Hi. Dr. Pace?
I'm Keisha McCall a.

I was, um, supposed
to audition today,

but I think that
there was some mix-up.

There wasn't.

I removed you from the list

so I could make room
for another student.

[Stifled chuckle]
Wait. Um, sorry.

So some other student
gets my spot

just because you wanted them to?

Yes. There are students here who
have been pursuing dance seriously

from the time they could walk,

who made themselves known to me

before they even
arrived on campus.

I don't know you.

And since there are so
few spots in the program,

I need to do what was
necessary to make room.

Unfortunately, that meant
you had to be bumped.

That's not fair.
I registered,

and I did everything I needed to

to make sure that I could
make this class and audition.

This is a tough
industry, my dear.

And if your hobby-like love
of dance can't survive in here,

it definitely won't
survive out there.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

[Knock knock]

Hey, sweetie, what's going on?

I need some help, Dr. P.

I, um, I just got dropped
from all my classes

because my partial grant
didn't come in on time.

Oh, Cam, I am so sorry.

I just got off the phone
with the organization.

They say the funds
are still pending,

but it won't hit my account
for another few days,

so I was wondering if there
was something you could do.

Like, is there some
sort of emergency fund

for situations like this?

I mean, technically,
I have the money.

It just ain't cleared yet.

Cam, as much as I wish
I had a better answer,

Bringston is strapped for cash.

Yeah, but by the time
this is cleared up,

the music classes could be gone.

I gave up my
football scholarship

so I could pursue music.

If I lose out on those classes,

it'd be like my sacrifice
was for nothing.

[Heavy sigh]

This is crazy, man.

There's no reason why
me or any other student

should lose out on
starting on their future

over a few days.

OK. Well, thank you.
I appreciate it.

I'll see you next time.

What's up, babe?


Well, how did it go?

Well, I just found out that

my shoulder is
worse than I thought.

My new PT said that
the inflammation

hasn't gone down as expected,

which means that my recovery is
pushed back by a few more weeks.

Oh, damn. I'm sorry.

But, hey, look, I know you
gonna come back even better.

Yeah, it's just so frustr...

Thea, I'mma need you
to talk to Too tie

and the rest of
your little minions.

The hazing has to stop.


Damon: Hey, uh, Simone, maybe
you could pick this up anoth...

Thea: No, no, no, no, no.
Damon, it's OK.

This will be quick because
I have no idea

what Simone's
even talking about.

Nice try. I didn't have
any issues with Too tie

or any of these other
girls last semester.

Now, all of a sudden,
they coming at me heavy?

OK, well, that doesn't mean
that I told them to.

That's on them. They are
grown women who I don't control,

and neither do you.

I'm focused on my recovery.

And I really suggest that
you focus on your own game,

and maybe they wouldn't
have anything to come for.

Uh-uh. You are not
about to sit here

and act like you
didn't see that.

Simone, come on. What do
you want me to say?

I want you to talk to her.

Damon, she is unfairly

making my life
a living hell right now.

Look, whatever's going
down between you and Thea,

that's between y'all, all right?


I'm sorry, Simone.

So I thought we were friends,

but I guess not?

Are you serious?

So it's like that now?

Yeah, it's like that.

Because a real friend
wouldn't stand by

and let their girl
do something that

everybody knows is
dead-ass wrong.

Hey, Simone...

♪ Why don't we take a...

[Knock knock]

Damon, what are you doing here?

What, you thought I was gonna
leave Bringston with us beefing?

Plus, I still have
some of your stuff.

I think I have
a hoodie of yours.


And, also, um, you were right.

You should have led with that.

This thing between
you and Thea sucks.

Both of you all are two
people that I care about,

so, yeah, I want to stay
out of it the best I can.

But if Thea were
throwing heat your way,

I couldn't stand for that.

"If"? So let me guess.

You talked to her,
she denied it,

and now you just
believe her? Shocking.

Look, I'm not saying that
Thea is 100% innocent, all right?

She low-key enjoys
watching you suffer,

But lying about siccing
the team on you, Simone,

that ain't her.

The hell it's not.

Damon, she said it to my face
that she's coming for me.


Simone, she said
it to your face.

If Thea was behind this,
she would tell you.


I heard you playing one
last game with your team.

Sounds pretty dope.

Is it?

Jessie thinks I'm selfish.

Damon, why are you
listening to that noise?

Maybe because he has receipts.

No matter what team
I've been on,

my needs came first...

Jackie Robinson Little League,

my 15U national team,
where I met J.R.

If my parents felt there
was a better opportunity,

they moved me.

Well, that's your
parents. That's not you.

Nah, this one's on me.

I'm making the same decision
by leaving Bringston,

only this time,
I finally feel like I'm

a part of something
bigger than myself.

But yet I'm rolling out,

even though I know everything
will likely fall apart.

Well, self-care is a thing.

You shouldn't feel
bad to do something

you feel like you need to do.

Keisha: How unfair is it
that I was supposed

to audition today,
and then the professor was

just, like, "Nah"?

So what you gonna do?

Try again next semester,
I guess.

Cam, what do you think
I should do?

Did you hear a single
word I just said?

I heard you. You want
to know what I think?

You're giving up too damn easy.

J.R.: Whoa, bro. Chill.
Kee having a bad day.

No. I'm having a bad day.

I just lost my classes because
some computer somewhere is

taking its sweet-ass time
posting money to my account.

Babe, I'm so sorry.

Let me guess.
Ms. Robinette.

That woman needs love or Jesus

or something, like, for real.

You ain't lying.

Well, what can I do?
How can I help?

Fight for your spot.

One of us still needs to
have that epic semester.

[Indistinct chatter]


Too tie, what is
your problem with me?

Are you trying to stay
loyal to Thea or something?

Not even.

I'm not one of
her little minions.

But don't get me wrong. I
do have mad respect for Thea,

which is why when she was queen,

I didn't come for her spot,
but now that she's out,

it's my time to shine.

OK, well, do you, but what
does that have to do with me?

Because you have all of
the qualities to be a queen,

which makes you
a threat to my rise.

Well, in order to be a queen,
people have to want to follow you.

I know, which is why
I've made sure that

at least half of them
won't be following you.

See, I don't really care
about your beef with Thea,

but it does make for
a nice unifying narrative.

You told the girls that
I caused Thea's injury.

Too tie, that is messed up,
and it's unnecessary.

We can all shine.

That's not the way
the world works.

Get used to your
new normal, Six.

Amara: I'm saying
the financial aid

and registrar rules
are penalizing students

for things beyond their control.

Our processes are
tried and true.

Perhaps Mr. Watkins should
use this as a teachable moment.

Or maybe we shouldn't miss
the moment

and evaluate how financial aid
and registration are done.

Dr. Patterson, there
are some faculty members

who are rooting for you.

So a little word of advice:

If it ain't broke...

Listen to my words:

Reevaluate financial aid
and registration.

This is not optional.

In that case,
I'll get right on it.


Hey, sweetie, come on in.

What can I do for you?

Simone: I mean, I was
coming to get some advice.

But don't mind me.
What's up with you and her?

I knew being president
would be hard,

I just assumed faculty and staff

would have my back.

Now you see people on your
team who ain't for you.

Auntie, look,
this is your moment.

Be the president you want to be,

the one who fights
for her students

and makes sure
their voices are heard.

You're right. I can't
let anyone stand in my way.

I need to change my approach,

go around or through
whoever I need

to get things done.

OK! Look at you coming
through with the wisdom.

Well, you know.

Hey, that's supposed
to be my job.


Enough about me. What
did you need advice on?

Actually, I think you gave
me everything I needed.

♪ Yeah, we get stronger
and faster ♪

♪ Mm mm mm

♪ One blink,
and we pass ya... ♪

All right.
Try it again now.

You just can't seem to drop
that cape, can you, Super-n*gro?

Bro, you're gonna have
to let that go, all right?

You know we about to be
teammates, right?

Yeah, and why is that?

I thought you loved
Bringston, Damon.

Why leave?

I just can't seem to
escape you, can I?


You want to tell me
what the hell's going on?

Just Lando being Lando.

I'm talking about you.

You helping Kris with
his fastball.

An hour ago, it was
Cole on his swing,

and this morning,
it was drills with Eli.

I mean, yeah.

If I'm gonna leave you guys
at the start of the season,

I can at least make sure
that everybody's solid.

OK. Then while you making
sure everybody else good,

who making sure you good?

What are you talking
about? I'm straight.

[Whistle blows]

Jessie: Bring it in.
Hustle up, now. Hustle up.

Let's go, now.

Jessie: Pick it up.

Jessie: Now, this here is
Chuck, fellow KEK brother

and owner of East Side
Chuck's Autos & Trucks

in Decatur.

Right off the 20
on Candler Road.

Now, we've been offered
a proposal.

I got 10 racks,

but I want to see Sims
play against Bringston

and Lando against Hawkins.

Wait. I'm not doing that.

I don't care who this dude
is or how much money he got.

He can't just roll in here
and change the game.

I think that's a great idea.

Shaw: Listen,
it's all good, Damon.

Chuck just like to throw a
wrench in things, spice it up.

And the KEK Mindfulness
Center could use the cash.

Chuck: You really
gonna turn down 10K

to an important cause
over your ego?


Look, babe, I know this isn't
how you saw things going...

No. Look, me and Lando, we
barely get along as it is, Thea.

This right here, this is just
gonna add fuel to the fire.

Look, we are about
to be teammates.

I just wanted things
between us to be cool.

Unlike what I'm doing
with Simone?

- No, it's...
- OK.

That's not
what I'm saying, Thea.

But since we on
the subject, why don't...

No. Let's just focus on what
you have in front of you...

- Right.
- A game to win.

Yeah. A game that just got
a whole lot more complicated.

Not really, because we both
know this isn't even about Lando.

This is about you
having to say good-bye

to the Bringston team
before you're ready.

And if I were a mushy person,

I would tell you all
the right things about

how they'll still love
you or whatever.

Yeah, but you ain't, right?


All right, then.

Lay it on me Thea Mays style.

You made your decision.

Hawkins is your team now,
whether it's today or tomorrow.

So focus, step up,
and do what you do best.


Too tie: It's been a tough week.

I'm sure some of you have
some pent-up frustration,

so we're gonna play
rush and crush 'em.

[Scattered applause]

Now for you freshmen
who aren't in the know,

everyone will get paired
with an opponent.

You play to 3, and the winner
will get the chance

to serve and hit their opponent
with a tennis ball.

Basically, butts up,

Get your gear.

Man: Line 'em up.

Simone: Too tie.

You been coming for me. Let's
just settle it on the court.

That's cute, but you'll have
to play a few of these girls

before you get to me, Six.

You'll be playing Jade.

All right. Let's go!
On your courts.

♪ Yeah, drop, ha

♪ Listen, one time
for the one time ♪

♪ Got a life and a mind
for the sunshine ♪

♪ Yeah, sometimes got
to unwind ♪

♪ Yeah, a vibe like this
hard to come by ♪

♪ Yeah, I work too hard to not
play even harder ♪

♪ Got my squad here, oh, yeah

♪ Can't stop here,
the party's started ♪

♪ Singing I'm hypnotized by
the lights on this dance floor ♪

♪ I feel so right, this
the life I was made for ♪

♪ When the feeling is good...

[Cheering and applause]

♪ When the feeling's good

♪ You know you got to do
a little dance ♪

♪ Spinnin' like, ooh...


♪ Got to hear the sound
when the feeling's good ♪

♪ Driving now while
the feeling's good ♪

♪ I said, ay yi yi, yeah, yeah

♪ Ay yi yi, yeah, yeah

♪ Ay yi yi, yeah, yeah,
ay yi yi, yeah, yeah ♪

[Soft applause]

Man: All right, batter,
batter, batter.

Man: There we go,

Umpire: You're out.

[Cheering and applause]

Woman: OK,
you can do it...


Man: As a pitcher,
it's just you.

Yes, you play on a team,

but you're special,
always separate,

a man on his own island.

Never forget that.

[Crowd applauding]

Kid: Yo, why are you standing
here all by yourself?

I don't know.
I'm always by myself.

Not anymore. I'm J.R.

Damon, Damon Sims.

Nice to meet you,
Damon, Damon Sims.

[Both chuckle]

Come hang with the rest
of the players.

[Cheering and applause]

[Cheering and applause]

[Kids laughing]

Coach: Hey, I heard your parents
are taking you to another team.

Don't worry. Wherever
you go, you'll be good.

Just remember, it's
you and that island.

[Crowd cheers]

Come on, Six. What
are you waiting for?


Too tie: I mean, you
might as well have lost

'cause this
ain't worth watching.

Come on, L.A., or
don't you have it in you?

Too tie: ♪ Yeah, Jade...

[Too tie laughing]



You were really
trying to hurt me.

Jade: I should've known
you'd take it too far

just like you did with Thea.

You know what? If you all
really believe that,

then you deserve
everything coming for you,

and best believe I'm coming
for you all next.

[Players cheer and applaud]

Yo. All right.

Y'all k*lled it out there.

Ah, you gave us a run
for our money, though, man.


Look, I just wanted to
come over and say that

I'm gonna miss y'all fools.

You know, as a pitcher,
I was taught

that I'm a man on my own island,

part of the team yet separate.

And that's the dude I was
when I first met y'all,

but that's not who I am now.

Not only did y'all boys
teach me that

I don't need to be alone,

y'all showed me that
I don't want to be alone.

For that, I'll forever
be grateful to you all.

I'll see you out on the field.

Hey, Damon, you all right?

You know, this whole
time I was worried about

what would happen to
you all without me?

Well, I should've been
checking on

what would happen to me
without you all.

'Cause, unfortunately,
this time, when Damon Sims

leaves this team,
he won't be good.

Man. I don't want to go.

And I don't want you to go.

Yeah, but it's done, bro.

No, it's not, bro.
We can fix it.

No. Look...

I got to own this mistake, J.

All right? I got to follow
through with my decision.

I got to leave Bringston, man.



Man, it's good to see you.

I wanted to support
you guys, man.

I wanted to support the team.

You boys looked good out
there. Keep that up.

Y'all gonna be a force to
be reckoned with this season.

Thank you.

This is a little donation

to the KEK Mindfulness Center.

Can you run it in for me?

Yeah, for sure! Thank you.

You know, this charity
means a lot to me.

It helped me deal with a lot
of family drama last semester.

Well, this semester, too.

That explains why
you seem so chill.

I'm not 100% chill yet, Coach.

Well, whatever the percentage,

it's translating to you
performing on the field, son.

Has your therapist been good?

Pssh. Coach,
they've been clutch.

Having a therapist that
wasn't just a KEK brother

but a Black man, heh, look,

Coach, it just all seemed
to click for me.


Hey, but let me ask you
a question:

Were you serious about
supporting the team?

Because we need your help
with something.

Excuse me. You
can't just interrupt.

I have another audition
in 5 minutes.

I just need 30 seconds.


Look, Dr. Pace, I know
that I started dance late,

but people have different
journeys in life,

and I know for a fact
that my journey is

exactly what it needed
to be to get me here.

And I won't let anyone
shame me for that.

With all due respect,
not even you.

This is my passion.

And if that means I have to
fight a little harder for it, I will.

[Chokes up]
I deserve a shot at this.

Give me a shot...


and I promise, I promise
I won't disappoint.

I have 3 more auditions.

After the last one, I'll
give you two minutes.

Don't be late.

After that, I'll be making
my final decision.

Thank you.

I've thought a lot
about your situation

and the type of institution
I want Bringston to be.

We shouldn't be making things
harder for our students.

We should be helping you.

That's why I'm extending
the tuition payment deadline.

Are you for real?

I get to register
for my classes?

I'm sorry this happened to you.

Oh, no. We are good. Trust.

[Amara chuckles]
Thanks, Dr. P.

You're welcome, sweetie.


I just heard the news.

You're bending the rules
for one student?

Amara: It's a new policy
for all students, actually.

Bringston needs to adapt to
the needs of our students.

Anyone unwilling to do that

can find employment elsewhere.

I've been here over 20 years.

I've seen presidents
come and go,

especially those who think
they're being innovative.

It doesn't work.

But be blessed.

Nah, Ms. Robinette,
you be blessed.

This right here is President
Dr. Amara Patterson.

You come correct
when you step to her,

or don't step at all.

Don't look at me.

I'm President
Dr. Amara Patterson,

and I approve that message.

Have a nice day,
Ms. Robinette.

My bad, Dr. P. I know
that was mad disrespectful.

I'll give you a pass.

Now, I've been looking
for an assistant,

someone who is smart,
capable, reliable,

who isn't afraid to speak
truth to power,

even if that truth is
being spoken to me.

I think you are
that person, Cam.

Not only is it an opportunity

for you to earn
some extra money,

I could use an ear to the
needs of the student body.

Of course. I'm in.

- OK.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

Who are you two negroes
supposed to be,

Batman and Robin?

We're here to ask you to rescind

Damon's transfer to Hawkins.

It's the only way he'll be
able to stay here at Bringston.

[Sarcastically] Ha.
OK, I'll get right on it.

J.R.: Well, look, Damon threw
a near-perfect game today,

and Hawkins still lost.

You know why that is, sir?

Because my brother's heart's
not in it.

That's the kind of player
you're gonna get.

I'll take my chances.

J.R., give us a minute.

All right?

Take a seat.

Listen, Shaw,

now, I know you're
competitive, all right?

Stop looking at Damon
as a baseball player

and think of him as a young man

whose world has been shattered.

Now, his instinct
was to run from it,

but if he doesn't fix his
issues with his father head-on,

it will plague him.

Now, you remember what you
told me after your father passed?

That don't matter.
I was drunk.

But that doesn't make what
you said any less true, man.

You said your single
biggest regret in life was

not making things right
with your pops

before he left this earth, man.

That's what you told me.

Now, is that what you
want for Damon?

Amara: All right, y'all, let's
finish loading up this food.

Damon, just in case
you need to hear this,

you are family.

That doesn't change now
that you're over at Hawkins.

- Thanks, Dr. P.
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, bro, you can roll
through at any time, man.

You will be missed
but not by me.

I'mma be enjoying
the single dorm room life,

you feel me?

Damon: Thanks, Cam. Ha ha!
Thea: Ew.

[Knock on door]

[Music playing]


Hey, guys, you are just in time.

We are loading up.

Look, if you don't mind, I
have an announcement to make.

- Yeah.
- OK.

What's up, bro?

What's up?

Hey, look, I heard
what you said about

not wanting to leave Bringston.

And I want you to know I
know you thought it was over,

but Coach Marcus and I,
we talked to Coach Shaw.

We got him to rescind
your transfer.

You ain't going nowhere.

Amara: What? Ha ha!

Cam: Yeah, yeah.
Thea: Really? Really?

OK, boy, welcome
back, little bro.


Marcus: Come on, now...
J.R.: Welcome back, little bro.

Marcus: OK, bring it in.

So much for my single dorm room.


Oh, stop.

Better now.

Simone: Congrats.
Damon: Thanks.

[Music playing]

Niniola: ♪ Nini de...

♪ Will, Will, Will,
Willis Giddem ♪

♪ Thinking we should,
we could get on ♪

♪ Oya je ka
start the marathon ♪

♪ And, baby, make we go

♪ We could get down,
down the aisle ♪

♪ Some people like to,
like to do gbeborun ♪

♪ And these people don't know
o ti temi lorun ♪

♪ Phenomenal, we should get on

♪ Let's get it on, baby

♪ You're my pretty, pretty,
pretty, pretty baby ♪

♪ You're my igi igi igbepe

♪ You're my
igi igi igi igi baby ♪

♪ You're my pretty, pretty

♪ See as I dey shayo for you

♪ While I'm waiting for you,
you dey shaki my head ♪

♪ Shaki my brain...

Where were you trained?

My bedroom. I took dance
classes here and there when I could,

but I'm mostly self-taught.

You can wait outside.

I'll have an answer
for you shortly.

Keisha: What are
you all doing here?

Well, since you couldn't
make family dinner...

We decided to bring
dinner to you.

Damon: Yeah, you know we
wanted to come support you.

Marcus: Waiting to hear if you get
into the dance program is a big moment.

And when you get in,
we gonna eat.

And for some reason, if
they tripping and you don't...

Then comfort food is in order.

Y'all gonna make me cry.

Please can I have a hug?

[All speaking at once]

Amara: We love you...
Marcus: No doubt.

Bring it on in.
[All speaking at once]

Ms. McCall a?

Your form is a bit off,

and your precision could
use some fine tuning,

but for someone with
no formal training,

I must admit, I'm intrigued.

You could've fooled me.

Welcome to the program.

[Cheering and applause]

- Yes!
- I knew all along...

Simone: Aw.

Go, Keisha. Go, Keisha...

Others: ♪ Go, Keisha,
go, Keisha... ♪

Simone: ♪ Hey, hey, hey

Ohh, thank you for helping me

bring all this back.

I'm happy to help.

Look, I wanted to talk
to you alone.


I found a therapist at
the KEK Mindfulness Center.

Marcus, that's great.

Yeah, I thought I needed
someone who understands

not only my struggles
with bipolar disorder

but my struggles
as a Black man, too.

That makes a lot of sense.

[Chuckles softly]

I am happy you found a
place you feel comfortable with.

Is there something else?

You were right about me
not being ready

to come back as head coach,
but I was thinking,

if I can come on board
as assistant coach.

It's funny you said that.

Jessie suggested the same thing.

I think it's a great idea.

Well, all right, then.

[Cell phone chimes]

Welcome to Bringston, son.

Thank you, sir.

It feels good
to finally be here.
