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08x27 - Islands Part 8: The Light Cloud

Posted: 10/22/22 17:34
by bunniefuu

[Dolphins chatter]


J“ Adventure time J“

I Come on, grab your friends J“

J“ We'll go
to very distant lands I

J“ With Finn and Jake
and Susan Strong J“

I And possibly BMO I

I It's adventure time I

I'm leaving the island.

I'm leaving my mom.

What a wild adventure,
yellow stretching dog.

You said it, beautiful baby boy.

— BOTH: Huh?

The Guardian!

Oh, no!

We never should've left
the island!

Now we die!

See? You die.

By my calculations,
you stand a 0.00001% chance

of making it past the Guardian.

Can't you just turn him off?

He ’s here for our protection.

If we were tough enough
to make it past him,

we wouldn’t need him!


But none of that matters,

because you can stay safe
right here with me!

hug my son again.

Mom, listen, I'm so happy
I finally got to meet you

and learn about humans.

But I have to get back
to my life eventually.

Did you see the simulation?
You’d die!

Let's watch it again.

[Tape rewinding]

[indistinct conversations,

[Bells jingle]

Be right with you.

Excuse me.
Where's the soup?


I told you yesterday.
We are a toy store.

We don't sell sou——

Hi, Frieda.

What are you doing here?

Hope you didn't come
to get the soup!

I, um —— I wanted to apologize
for everything.

You knew there was more to life
than just the islands,

and I —— I didn't believe you.

I know you can't
ever forgive me,

but I am truly sorry.

Don't sweat it.

Awkward feelings averted.

Let's have some soup!

And who's this little
electronic cutie?

What happened to you?

I grew up, and I learned
to accept the Founders' truth.


The outside world's really cool.

I have cool friends.


I live in a cool treehouse.

— I go on cool quests.
— Yeah!

— That sounds dangerous!
— JAKE: No!

But people need danger
in order to grow.

How will you all survive
when you leave the island?

Leaving the island
would destroy us.

Why would they want to leave?

We have everything
you could need.

You hungry?

[Snaps fingers]

Minerva—bot, please show him
today’s specials.

MINERVA—BOT: Happy home burgers
with choco fries

and our famous
cozy banana split blankie.

Gimme all them specials
in one bowl.

[Munching loudly]


I ’m so glad you like it.

[Munching continues]

If you're not gonna hear
what I'm saying,

then look inside my head!

Danger zone!



I'm okay.

Sweet remembrances, bro.

Your world seems so chaotic.

Your ruler's a piece of gum.
Your friend's a vampire.

You dated a bit of fire.

Your life
is constantly in danger!

It's my home.
It's where I belong.

As your mother, I think
you belong somewhere safe.

It’s not your responsibility
to fight monsters all the time.

Let the grass kid do it
or the vampire girl.

Minerva—bot 5,
ready the cloud chamber.

Now, be a good boy
and get into this machine

so it can juice up
your precious essence.





Mom, not only
am I not getting juiced,

I'm gonna leave this place
and take everyone to freedom!

Okay, sweetie,
but I think you’ll find

everyone’s pretty happy here.

FRIEDA: It's true.
I'm really, really happy here.

Don't you remember
your dreams of exploration?

IfI remember,
I might get...angry.

You should be angry —— at me.

Nah. I'm over it.

—[Indistinct conversations]
— FINN: Hey, everyone!

Uh, excuse me.

[High—pitched scream]

[Conversations stop]

I know y'all like
living on this tiny island

'cause it's safe and chill,

but you don't have to live
like this.

— All right, thank you.
—[Crowd murmuring]


You think
the outside world is scary?

Well, you know
what's really scary?


— Germs!
— Frogs!



Letting fear make
all your decisions for you.

[Crowd murmuring]

You! Do you know
you have free will?

Is —— Is that
what you're selling?

You got to ——
How do you even —— Ugh!

FINN: How do you even know
if you're happy

if someone else decided for you?

Follow me!

Don't you want to be able
to choose what you do?

And where you go?

Sounds hard.

Yeah, but it's also fun.

And boring.
And good and bad.

Life's never just one thing.


We got freedom
smushed up inside our guts.

We want to explore
and have experiences

and learn new things.

Kingdoms made of candy,
beautiful dragons,

fire—breathing princesses,
incredibly sad wizards.

It’s all waiting for you
across the ocean.

So misguided.

Hey, This guy is great!

What are we
hanging around here for?

—[Crowd murmuring]
— What?!

I did want to leave the island
when I was younger, but ——

You can leave now.
Just come with me.

[Crowd cheering]

They're actual/y
listening to him.

All aboard!

[Cheering continues]

Patch me in
to all Minerva—bots.


For your protection, the entire
population of the islands

will now be uploaded.

Once the field
has reached peak saturation,

the brain maps of every citizen
will be simultaneously captured

and preserved in
the island chain brain frame.

Say goodbye
to your meat bodies!

[Crowd whimpering]


[Whimpering continues]


Hey! There ’5 my boy!

Your cloud is
freaking us all out!

Sweetie, you forced my hand.

This is the only way
I can protect you.

You're only doing this
because I said I wouldn't stay.

So I'll stay.

Just promise
to stop messing with people.

I ’m helping people.

I know about helping people.


Finn, you —— you grew up
to be a helper, too?

If your world taught you
to behave like that,

maybe it’s not all bad.

[All screaming]

Vroom! Vroom!
[Imitates tires screeching]

Perhaps I acted rash/y.

I just didn’t want
to lose you again.

But I 7! do everything I can
to help you leave this island.

I don't have to leave...
right away.

I're my mom.

[Crowd murmuring]


Now boarding the historic voyage
of the humans

back to the land of 000!

Oh, you mean right now?

I thought you meant, like,
in a while.

I've still got some things
to finish up.

We should definitely
keep in touch, though.

[Crowd murmuring]

You can't teach a fish to dance
overnight, son.

Well, as long as
they got the option.


[Boat horn blows]

I'm leaving the island.

I'm leaving my mom.

What a wild adventure,
yellow stretching dog.

You said it, beautiful baby boy.

— BOTH: Huh?

Oh, yeah.

FRIEDA: Psych!

Ha ha! That's right!

You got fooled by Frieda!



Yaaaaaah. ..

Aaaaaah. ..


Patching her in now.

Guardian, you have done
just a terrific job,

but it’s time to stand down.

[Boat horn blows]

When do I fire the torpedoes?

Kara, you ready to go?

Actually, I think we're headed
in a different direction.

Time for new memories.

So, where are we going, Kara?

I've been thinking.

I kind of like "Susan" better.

Okay, Susan.

— Hmm. Homey.
— MINERVA: It was.

Take care of yourself in 000.

Be careful
when you're eating blueberries.

Too many can hurt your tummy.

Your ship is moving
out of range.

Is this...really you?

Once you uploaded your brain
and stuff, like,

are you still the same person?

I don't know for sure,
but I feel like it's me.

I hope that's enough.


This party is so crazy!