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01x10 - Tweenage Tycoons

Posted: 10/21/22 08:32
by bunniefuu
We're going to be late.

How long can it
possibly take

to say good-bye
to your new fish?

A lifetime.

Don't worry,
he'll be here

when you get back.

How do you know?
Four, three, two, one!

[ rock music playing]

♪ Every birthday,
my mom and dad would say ♪

♪ "You're another year older,
another year wiser" ♪

♪ But I still go to school

♪ To get an education

♪ I treat each and every day

♪ Like a mini vacation

♪ All grown up!

♪ I really want
to shout it out ♪

♪ All grown up!

♪ I want the world to know

♪ All grown up!

♪ I really want
to shout it out ♪

♪ All grown up

♪ With you

♪ All grown up with...

♪ you.

When you said,
"Let's get jobs, Tommy,"

I was thinking of something
a little more glamorous,

like perfume-sprayer lady
at the mall.

Lighten up.

Soon we'll be
kicking back

at the Sulky Boys

[ groans]

I sure hope so.

bucks per ticket
is a lot of scrilla

to come up with
in just three weeks.

So sad.

Not even teenagers yet

and already working
for "the man."

Don't worry--

I'll tell you all about

the indescribable,

had-to-be-there concert.

Uh, you missed a spot.

Yeah, I did, didn't I?

[ screams]

[ laughing]

And now for the moment of truth.

What if we end up
only making enough

for some of the tickets?

It's all or nothing--

So how many more jobs
do we need?

At this rate, we only need
one more mowing gig.

[ cheering]

Yeah, mainland

[ groaning]

Yo, T,
you almost done?

Is that Pablo
you're wearing?

Yep-- the long-distance thing
wasn't working for us.

Dil, that has to be
the freakiest thing
I've ever seen.

Whoa, dude, there's
life in your belt.

I'd pay some serious
coin for that.

Where can I
get one?

If it's from Dil's mind,
it's one of a kind.

And it's not for sale.

Uh, in stores, he means.

You can buy one
directly from us...

uh, later.

But you guys,
this is an original.

So's everything
before it's mass-produced

and sold off
to fad-crazed consumers.

We're trying
to raise money

to see J.T., T.J.,
R.J. and J.R. live.

I should warn you,

those Sulky Boys
are evil robots

made by the government
to brainwash us.

How else could they
dance so strenuously

and still have perfect hair?

So what do you say,
little brother?

You going
to help us out?

I'm a sucker

for the whole
sibling loyalty thing.

[ kids exclaiming]

[ gasps]

That's the most amazing
belt I've ever seen.

As a former wrestler,
I've seen a lot of belts.

I could devote
ten whole pages
to it alone.

My article...
it's called "Embracing
the Creative Child."

And you, my friend,
are exhibit A.

Of course, all names
have been changed

to protect the innocent.

Know what I mean,
Nil Mickles?

Very clever, Hankworm.

I'm sure no one
will evermake the connection.

[ growls]

Get your beltquariums here.

It's a belt and a pet in one.

Those belts and the fish
are totally my color.

I'll take two.

If she's buying, I'm buying.

Do fish come
in off-white?

And now for some quality time.

Dil, I just wanted to say,
"You are da man."

We're already making
more beltquariums

to fill all the back orders.

How do you come up
with this stuff?

You are a genius.

Uh, what did you say, T?

I was under the water.

I said, "You're a genius."

♪ Your apology letter...

Turn it down!

People can hear you

the tri-state area!

I'm sorry, Mother.

I had no idea it was
at an inappropriate level.

My, you look pretty
today... and young.

Oh, do you really? I...

What do you want?

How much money
are you giving me
for concert swag?

Shirts, posters, umbrellas--

anything they could
put J.T.'s face on.

Considering your ticket
cost a fortune,

I suggest you get the money
the old-fashioned way--

earning it.

Doing what?

Oh, Angelica,
you're bright.

You'll think
of something.

Be creative,
imaginative, original.

Get your genuine,
handmade aquarium belts!

Cheapest price in town!

Angelica, you're
stealing our idea.

Hey, these fish
are fake!

[ kids groaning]

Um... all the fun
of that other belt

without the responsibility.

We'll sue you,

Maybe not today,
maybe not tomorrow,

but as soon as we learn
how to sue someone.

Save your O, guys.

The beltquarium fad
is officially over.

What happened?

Pangborn happened.

[ kids screaming]

Sorry about
the beltquariums.

Not your fault Pangborn's
a trend-k*ller.

If he was there
when clothes were invented,

we'd all be walking
around butt naked.

[ laughs]

speaking of inventions,

we need you
to come up with a new one.

Nothing special, just something
that will be wildly popular

and fly off the shelves.

Oh, and we need it ASAP.

It doesn't exactly
work that way, T.

My mind
is a mind of its own.

Its ideas aren't pizzas.

I can't order up,
and they come in
minutes or less.

But don't worry, Bro,

I'll come up
with something,
I promise.


It's disgusting
under here.

If you want to play dirty,

you've got to be willing
to get dirty.


[ retches]

[ snoring]

That's it!

Talking socks.


no one will hear them

through their shoes.

[ yawns]

Shake it off, Dil, shake it off!

You can't let Tommy down.

Got it.

This is good.

Festive, yet versatile.

Blinking underwear...

that no one will ever see.

Lady and gentlemen,

I present another

Dil Pickles original--
shades with a view!

Ideal for
long bus rides...

your sister's
piano recitals...

and boring family gatherings--
no offense.

None taken.

I can use them
when we visit Pop and Lulu.

[ laughing]:
You've outdone yourself
this time, Dil.

You are
the Emperor of In.

Glad to be
of service.

[ yawns]

I still
don't feel right

about stealing Dil's new idea.

It's not stealing,
it's an homage.

It's healthy competition.

Now, what
are we "homaging" next?

It looks like glasses

with blank paper on the lenses.

For notes?

That sounds pretty lame,
but he isthe idea guy.

Note glasses it is.

WOMAN [ over intercom]:
Would the owner
of a red ten-speed

kindly unlock it from my car?

We already have enough
for ½ tickets.
[ Lil cheers]

Note glasses?

Stellar cool, Harold.

Well... next time
you climb the tree!

[ chortles]

Panghorn alert.

Evasive maneuvers.

Hit me with a pair
of those shades.

Sorry, sir, just sold out.


I'll try again tomorrow.

[ both sighing]

Good afternoon,
Mr. Pangborn, sir.


No "Hankhorn"?

No sarcastic remark?

No good-natured ribbing?

Don't go normal
on me now, exhibit A.

I need material.

I'm almost done with my paper,

but I need something
really juicy.

What have you done
for me lately?

Today I experimented
in walking to class

wearing matching socks

and drinking milk
without bread crumbs in it.

[ both yell]

[ bicyclist yelling]

These shades
should be registered
as lethal weapons.

Let's quit before
there's a recall.

But we're ½ tickets away.

Can't we just slap
a disclaimer on them?

"Do not use if moving."

[ girl screams]

Too late...

cheerleader just accidentally
hugged a chess clubber.

It's all over.

It's not over till
the plus-sized lady sings.

You have to get Dil to come up
with something new, Tommy.

No sweat.

Dil's a lean, mean idea machine.

Wind him up and watch him go.

Dil, what
are you doing?

the grass grow?

That blade over there's
the fastest.

I've never seen you
sit still before.

Anyway, we need
another brilliant idea,

so work your magic and
get me some by, uh...

let's say, first thing
in the morning.But...

We've only got
three days left,
so get your game on.

You banked some serious love
for saving our butts.


Solid as a snowman
in the Sahara.

What do you think, Pablo?

Rubber-band... balls.



Mayonnaise wallpaper.

[ chuckles]

Oh, no, no, no.

This isn't working!

Oh, don't give me that look.

I'm having serious
inventor's block here.

No, I can't quit--
that's not an option.

I can't let Tommy down.

You've heard
the praise,

the accolades,
the applause.

Okay, maybe there
wasn't actual applause,

but in my mind,
I heard clapping.

So are you going
to help me, or not?

I see.

Well, next time
you're in a bind,

don't come swimming
to me.

Dil gave his word

he'd come up
with something,

so he will.

What you got?


Pillow shoes for
the ultimate walking experience.

That's... interesting.

I'll take two.

These shoes
are styling,

but I have five toes,

not one big pointy one.

[ sighs]

Much better.

Do you have any more of these?

We will.

Way to go, Dil.

are awesome.

Consider yourself
my hero, little brother.

You get all that, Angelica?

They're called shillows.

with pillows.

Got it.

We are just one ticket away
from getting seriously Sulky.

And thanks
to bad marketing,

the Angelica-threat
factor is zero.

Who needs pillows
with shoes

when you can have shoes
with pillows?!

Get your
poos here!

Nothing feels better on
your foot than a nice, soft poo.


You are so fired.

News flash.

According to the school paper's
"What's Hot and What's Not,"

as of five minutes ago,
shillows are what's not.

That's got to be
a record--

in and out
in just one day.

Back to the

No, I think we should come up

with something
on our own this time.

Come on, guys, we've got
five brains here.

I got it--
an entire line of clothes

for your pens and pencils.

Sweaters, shirts,



Dil it is.

I don't want
to ask him.

He's starting
to feel the pressure.

So are we.

We're not asking him to do
anything hard, just be himself.

That's just it.

He's not being

He must have
one idea left.

Yeah, I guess,

Come on, you're
his big brother.

You can talk him
into anything.

He practically
worships you.

It's all down
to you, Tommy.

What do you say?

SULKY BOYS [ on radio]:
♪ Your apology...

♪ Your apology-letter
chart ♪

♪ But it takes...

♪ But it, yep,
mm-hmm... ♪

[ gasps]

I've never seen the floor
of your room before.

And why are you listening
to the Sulky Boys?

You hate them, remember?

Dil finds
the repetitive lyrics

have a certain
calming effect.

Pray tell, how'd
the shillows work out?

So you need
a new idea, right?

Wait, I've got it--
a cabinet for people's files.

You mean a file cabinet?

Oh, yeah.

I got it!

sticky stuff

that holds junk


don't worry about it.

I'll think
of something.

No, no, no, no,
I'll get right on it

as soon as I organize
my socks.

[ bell rings]

You wanted to see Dil?

Yeah, for weeks now,
you've been acting different.

Different how, sir?

I don't know.

Different as in... normal.

That's it.

You've been
acting normal,

except for that
in-the-third-person jag.

I think I've put
too much pressure on you

with this article.

I haven't embraced
the creative child.

I've put him in a double-
twisting headlock grip of doom.

So "Embracing the Creative
Child," embrace this.

[ shredder humming]

There-- all your worries

and my chances
at career advancement are over.

You're no longer exhibit A.

So everything's back
to not normal?

That wasn't it, huh?

Glad I have it on disk.

Now, what else
is eating away

at your soul, kid?

Spill it.

Up till now they've been naked.

So be the first on your block to
dress your pens and... pencils.

[ both giggling]

It's official.

We've reached an all-time lame.

It's not that bad.

We have enough for four
out of five tickets.

Let's just draw straws.

Absolutely not.

It's all or none.

That was the deal.

We worked
our butts off

for three weeks
for nothing?

We could always
plan B it.

You mean ask Dil?

Sorry, Tommy,
but we're desperate.

I'll find him.

From what you told me

in recounting
every minute

of the past few weeks,

by forcing you
to be creative on demand,

your friends have sucked the
dill pickles right out of you.

Time to call it quits.

It's not that easy.

Tommy's the only
big brother I've got,

and he's so proud of me.

I'd hate to let him down.

That's where you're wrong
about pickles, Pickles.

You're not letting him down.

He's let you down.

I've been looking
all over for you.

We've got an emergency
situation here, Dil.

Give me
the first idea

and I'll work
with it.

this is what I've got.

A letter
of resignation.

How am I supposed
to market this?

A little slow on the uptake,
aren't we?

Let me make it easy for you.

I quit.

You can't quit.

The concert's
this weekend.

If you don't deliver,

we can't raise
enough coin to go.

Sorry, Tommy.

I can't be bottled
and sold.

I'm not ketchup.

Thanks a lot, Dil.

We can't go to the concert.

You happy now?


Anything but.

What's wrong,

I have no money
for concert swag,

and I'm stuck with
all this useless junk.

Even if you had money for stuff

with J.T.'s face on it,
two weeks from now

it'll be gathering dust
in the back of your closet.


Everything okay, Tommy?

I thought you'd
be excited

about the concert

I'm not going
to the stupid concert.

STU:Why not?

That's all you've
been talking about.

Because of me.

I was supposed to come up

with something genius
Tommy could sell,

but I had a major meltdown

and lost my mojo.

Truth is I couldn't even
think of another idea

if I wanted to.

Mom, I'm not
really hungry, okay?

Dil's not here.

Can I come under?

Dil, this is
all my fault.

I saw the signs.

You were cracking
under pressure,

but I was in denial.

I got so obsessed
with going to that dumb concert,

I guess I didn't care.

I'm a bad big brother.

And I'm a sorry one, too.

It's okay, Tommy.

Dil just wanted you
to be proud of him.

Always have been.

Always will be.

Judging from the corn-
meatball-gelatin surprise,

I'm guessing you're back
to your old self, eh, Dil?

And you
forgive us?

Yep and yep.

The Sulky Boys' evil,
hypnotic robot powers

have turned many a friend
against each other.

But I still feel bad
you won't get to see them.

That's okay.

I'm sure Angelica
will tell us
all about it.

[ all sigh]

I'm just glad we don't have
to assemble more merchandise.

I got the whole rest
of my life

to work at a job
I don't like.

If I ever see another
shillow or beltquarium,

it'll be too soon.

Hey, guys.

Have any more fish belts?

take it off.


It went out of style
three weeks ago.

That's an eternity in fad time.

Now they're so old,
they're retro, and retro's in.

[ crowd cheering for band]

♪ One...

♪ Plus two...

♪ Multiplied by
the square root of ... ♪

♪ Divided by three
to the third power... ♪

♪ Equals two.

♪ Just me and you.

I love you, J.T.!

Can you warn a person?!

By the way,
you never told me

where did you get the green
for all the extras?!

New marketing strategy!

♪ Equals two, oh, yeah

♪ Just me and you

♪ One plus one

♪ Minus one...


What up, players?

How did you peons
get better seats
than me?

The beltquarium
made a comeback.

We unloaded our
leftover stock.

[ crowd cheering]

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Minus one, baby, baby...

That shirt
is wicked sick.

It's a Dil Pickles

And it's not for sale.

♪ Just me and you

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Just me and you,
oh, yeah. ♪

Get your poos here!