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07x24 - The Hall of Egress

Posted: 10/21/22 07:52
by bunniefuu
♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

Remember last time
we were out this way?

It was right after you
messed things all up

with flame princess.

Yeah, that sucked.

But then we found
the dungeon train, remember?

That was awesome.

No. It wasn't.

Sure it was.

Anyway, flambo's brother's map
says the weird cave should be,

like, right over...

Ah! It's right here.

Come on, Jake.

Okay, hold on, let me get out
my sidewalk chalk.

I want to write all over
the walls in there.


You can't use that stuff in here.

This is like an ancient,
sacred temple.

Oh, well, now, that's just great.

You don't put traps in the foyer!

The foyer is a safe space.

Man, not even Jake could
smash through this mess.

But maybe there's a
back door or something.

Uh-oh... options.

Better leave a little trail
in case I get lost...

Bread-crumb style.

Plus, for if Jake gets in
and tries to track me down.

Too bad I don't still have that
sidewalk chaaaaahhhhhh... oof!

Okay, well, scratch that.

Now I really hope
there's another way out.

Hall of...


Egress. Egress.

What's "Egress" mean?


Egress means exit!



Great. What am I supposed to do now?


Hey. Hey, I just smashed you.



Magic door.


Right. But if I...


Well done, Finn.
You solved the magic door.

That ought to have done it.



I guess this door's
just too tricky for me.

Guess I better give up, right?

Wrong. Wrong!

Let's try that again.


It's smooth like metal.

Floor's smooth too.


What have we here?

An errant thread!

It must lead back out...

Bread crumb sty...


Trap door?


Spike trap.

Better head back and regroup.


Anyway... Don't let's do that again.

And right... Then straight...

And... Hey now.

Hold the phone.

There should be a left turn here.




Egress! It spells "Egress!"

This way!

And here's another one.

And another.

Wah! Ow!

Okay, so...

Every map I make is wrong.

All the exit signs led to traps.

Plus the braille, the hieroglyphics,

and the tape recorder message too.

It's almost like the maze is
trying to tell me something.

Something confusing.


Who needs you anyway, with your
stupid signs and messages?

I'm Finn Mertens, ya heard?

And I don't need no nothing!

Watch me.


Ba ba ba ba ba ba...



Jake! Jake, I'm coming!

Finn? Where are ya, buddy?


That's a little disappointing.
Still, though.

I'm in the homestretch here.


Finn! Hey, there you are.


Sorry to pop up, then
disappear again like that.

Again? You just got here, son.

I did? sh**t, man.

This cave has got me straight
scrambled up and down.

What cave?

What? Oh. Uh-oh.


Well, I followed your map,

but there's just a
bunch of grass here.

What?! Let me see!

Dang it.

So, yeah.

Everything I did to try
to make sense of the maze

or to play it safe totally backfired.

But when I got fed up,

and started just
charging in Willy-nilly,

I was able to get to
the end and find you.

And then the whole thing disappeared.

But I wonder how come
I don't remember any of it.

I don't know.

I'm just hoping,
maybe if I sleep it off,

maybe I'll be better in the morning.

Okay, well... Good night, buddy.

Thanks, Jake. Good night.

Are you awake?


Are you gonna open your eyes now?


Are you scared?


Then do it.

On three.

- One...
- One...

- Two...
- Two...


So... Been almost a month now.

What do ya think? You
wanna try opening 'em?

It's a beautiful day.

Plus, I need someone to tell
me if this hat looks cool.

Man, I told you...

If I open 'em now
it'll just be the same.

I got to wait till
something's different.

Yeah. That makes sense, I guess.

So, um, I got you a little something.

A little present.

Wow, thanks, man!

You're really gonna thank me.

Gotcha! Nooo!

Yeah, you've done it,
like, 30 times now.





It's like programmed
into your DNA or something.

Well, sh**t, man.

If I wanna do it that bad,
it must be kinda right, right?

Look at it from where I'm sitting.

All this funky pizzazz
that only you can see...

That's like the literal
definition of a hallucination.

Either all that stuff is a dream,

or like, I'm a dream...
And I ain't no dream, ya heard?

Yeah, I know. I heard.

It's just that, well...


Open up!

Oh, Jake.

I know you mean well,

but I guess I got to see
this one through on my own.

I'll see you around, buddy.


Huh? What the...?

How long has this been going on?

Someone's apt to track me down...

Bread-crumb style.

E.G. Jake.

Can't let him catch me.

No more threads to follow.

No more Egress.

Mm. It's cool in here.

Ain't nothing wrong with that.

Deep too. That's good.

Ain't nobody gonna be
looking for me down...



Egress! Egress! Egress! Egress!


Something's different.

Hurry, Finn.

At the Seashell's Center

lies the Cornucopia's smallest door.


That must have been some cave!

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