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05x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 10/21/22 07:34
by bunniefuu
(Cell Phone Rings)
Hi Mom.

(Car horns and street noises)
The noise?

- TV.
- That's just the TV.

We're watching a DVD.

No, I won't be late.

What? Mom! I'll be fine what um...

- What do you think is going to happen?
(Girl) - Run!

Mom, um... I'll call you back.

What's going on?

Come on.

Ouch. Oh.

Primeval 5x4
Episode 5.4
Original Air Date: June 21, 2011

So... I leave you for a
matter of days

and in that time you nearly destroy
the ARC and you

turn out to be either a visitor from the
future or, in fact, and I think this is the

- more likely option, clinically mad.
- The former.

But then I would say that if
I was clinically mad right?

Did you have security checks ***?

Sorry sir the machine that checks whether
people are from the future was out of order.

I'll do the sarcasm...
if you don't mind.

So Philip is in league with Helen
and the machine he's building

is the trigger to the end
of the world.

- In a nutshell.
- I'll talk to the minister

see if I can get a DA25,
get him shut down.

As very last minute attempts to save the
world go, that's very bureaucratic.

- Do we have an alternative?
- Yes.

I go to New Dawn and
shut it down.

I gave him the security codes; he's got the
schematics to the whole building, if he can

make it to the machine he should
be able to sabotage it.

I'm going to need you to distract Philip
and keep him away from the machine

and buy me some time, okay?

What an awkward silence.
Anything I should know?

No, no, no, no. Purely routine.

Well, thank you, dismissed.

Come on, those dinosaurs
don't chase themselves.


Philip... what can I
do for you?


What if you're not supposed
to stop the machine?

What if it's actually your intervention
that makes everything go wrong?

I deal with that every day.

All I know is there's something I
have to do and I really think this is it.

And if you're wrong?

Well then, I'm responsible for the
deaths of everybody on the planet.

Jess what have you got?

Just give me a second, okay...
it's somewhere in

the city center.

You wouldn't mind telling
me what's going on would you?

(Phone ringing)

- James Lester.
(Jess) - You'd better switch on your TV,

a T-Rex is rampaging through
the city, it's mayhem.

- Thank you. Understood.
- What is it?

It seems our little secret's out.

(Male announcer on TV, indistinctly)

Not exactly the moment for standing
around watching the telly.

Matt, I'm going to see the minister. I'll
be in touch. Oh...

and if someone could think of a cover
story for the six o'clock news.

Okay the plan stays exactly the same. Jess
you coordinate, Abby, Becker, Emily you're

on the T-Rex. Connor keep
Philip here.

Connor! You coming?

Final trials. Remember?

I've got a problem, in the lab,
with the prototype.

I'm gonna need you to
take a look at it.

- So.
- After you.

(Brakes and tires squeal)

(Distant sirens)

So. Where is it?

(Car alarms sounding
in the distance)

This way.

Jess, it's blocked. I don't have
time for this get another route.

The only route that's clear is the one
place no one want's to be... Central Town.

Get me there.

Okay, well turn around and
hang a left.


(T-Rex roars in the distance)
This way.

Becker you find the T-Rex.

Help! Help me. You have to help
me my friend, Lacey, she's...

Help me!


Please help my friend,
she's hurt.

- The thing att*cked her.
- Okay, let me see.

- What's your name?
- Jenna.

- Are you hurt?
- This wasn't supposed to happen

we just wanted to go shopping.

- Jenna me and you are gonna have to go, ok?
- But what about Lacey?

There's nothing we can do.
She's dead Jenna.

(T-Rex roars in the distance)

I promise you I'll send someone back, I
promise, ok, but we have to go now.

(T-Rex roaring)

(Car alarms sounding and T-Rex

I'm sorry but I can't leave her.


(Jenna screams)

Jenna run to me.

Don't look at it just run to me.

Come on.


- T-Rex?
- We're still trying to track it down.

Don't bother, it's here.

Becker, Matt's found it.
80 street plaza.

Okay you move.

Stay down. Stay down.

Stay down.

Hey! Look at me!

I take it back. These things
can take down a fully grown T-Rex.


Well it's not the coupling

but then I'm assuming that's the
first thing you would have thought of.

Yeah. Yeah I checked that.

- It's the accelerator coil.
- That was quick.

It's out of sync.

It's a good thing you couldn't start
this. The whole thing would've blown up.

Right, let's get going.

I'm--I'm gonna check this out.


- What have we got now?
- It's a second anomaly.

I don't believe it.

No. No that must be some
kind of glitch.

Please let this be
some kind of glitch.

The anomalies they...

they're opening up everywhere.

All over the world.

This is it. Convergence is coming.

(Indistinct TV announcers in

We're about to make history.

(People screaming in background
on TV)

Let's leave the cleaning up
job to the others.

- Good luck.
- You too.

Call in everyone who's off shift.

I don't care where they are,
they're on duty.

There's going to be so many of you out in
the field I'm going to assign team names.

Alpha, Delta and so on.

Matt you're not going to believe.
They're opening around the world.

It means it starts now.

- What?
- Convergence.

Philip must have known it was coming so
he's built his machine to coincide with

***. The Helles Convergence.

Multiple anomalies opening simultaneously
all over the world.

- Can you stop it?
- No, I'm not supposed to. No one is.

Convergence is a natural phenomena.
I'm supposed to stop New Dawn

which has been designed to
interrupt convergence.

What if you don't?

Then it's the start of the end.

How about I shot something.

(Car horn honks twice)
Sorry. Going crazy in here.

Listen Philip they've had to move your car
cause it was blocking people in.

- We're gonna have to wait.
- No, that's alright we'll take yours.

- Where is it.
- Can I just ask you a question first?

Every million years or so the magnetic
poles of the earth reverse.

Anomalies are part of this transition.
In order to survive life on earth

has to adapt to the new conditions,
and it can.

As long as convergence is allowed to
run it's natural path.

Which it has done every time
until now.

You knew this was going to happen.

Yet when I told you about my
theory of convergence

you just dismissed it
like it was nothing.

I couldn't support your theory Connor. If
I had you'd of become distracted working

on contingency plans for
the ARC.

Exactly, now we're not ready and
people are going to die.

You're worng. We are ready.
New Dawn is ready.

It needed to be finished
on time and it is.

Philip's intervention is going to
change that forever.

I needed to keep you focused.
Now where is your car?

Follow me.

You will stop him.


Jess we're on our way to New Dawn.

The whole city's gridlocked.


New Dawn will open a stable
manmade anomaly.

It will simultaneously close all the
others while absorbing their power.

Just think about it, all that
harnessed energy.

Alpha team what's your status.
Please respond.

(Indistinct radio transmission)

We don't know what the consequences
will be.

Of course I do. New Dawn
will save the world.

(Indistinct TV newscasters)

Look I know a shortcut. Turn
around just here.

- There's no point. Jess said-
- Turn around

just here. You can bypass
two city blocks this way.

(Man on radio)
Reinforcements needed.

Matt. Connor's taking
a shortcut.

(Matt) - I'm in gridlock.
- Becker we've lost contact with Alpha team.

There's an incursion from the Pre-Cambrian.
Can you get there?

We're on our way.

- You're going to need breathing equipment.
- Copy that Jess.

I'm clear of traffic. Five miles
from New Dawn.

(Tires squeal)

Connor do you read me?

We're here Jess.

Pre-Cambrian era. Some sort of
carnivorous world apparently.

- No.
- Jess we're at the incursion.

We're going in.

Jess we're gonna do a
room to room search.

- Ready?
- Ready.



- You hurt?
- Ouch.

I think... I think I'm
all right.

What was that?


My leg's stuck. There's
a-- there's a crowbar in the boot.

We don't have time, but I'll
send someone to help.

You're going to leave me?

The convergence won't last
long Connor.

I'm sorry you know.
I really am.


The machine doesn't save the world.
It destroys it.

You know that's not true because
you helped design it.

It was a mistake.

- You have to listen to me. Matt said--
- Matt is a solider

- a grunt.
- He's from the future.

He was sent back because the
world he was living in was dying.

Because it *** for them.
Because of the machine that we built.


I can't let you turn it on.

You have no idea how ridiculous
you look right now Connor.

See I know that you think you're
doing the right thing.

But you couldn't be
more wrong.

New Dawn kills everything.

That is pure nonsense.

You haven't given me a choice.

(g*n clicks uselessly)

You see Connor...

I never entirely trusted you.

Don't do this Philip. Please.

You might need that.




Matt-- can anybody hear me?


Matt I've just come from the
minister's office.

How'd it go?

His exact words, "World's in chaos, we've
got dinosaurs rampaging in the streets

and you're worried about Philip's research.
Have you gone completely insane?"

That well huh?

The official line is our only priority
is managing the anomalies

and the creature incursions.


Stop him...
Do whatever you have to.

(Busy signal)
(Connor grunts)

(Creature growls)

(Creature growls)


Behind every speaker is a magnet.


(Creature growls)

(Creature squeals)

Becker, Abby, I need you to split up.

Delta units *** malfunctioning.

- Paper, scissors, stones?
- All right.

- One, two, three.
- Ha!

Guess I'll go then. Good
luck with the job.

(Cell phone rings)

Connor. Where are you?

Listen I'm trapped and there's a--

Just get to Stanus street car
park as soon as you can.

I'm on my way.

- I've done the system analysis check.
- Well done.

We have to do this during

(Mechanical female voice)
Start up sequence commencing.

(Matt) - Okay?
(Emily) - Um-hum.

(Pterosaurs call)



Come on. Come on.

(Car alarm sounds)


- There's a crowbar in the boot.
- What?

- There's a crowbar in the--
- I know.

(g*n fires, alarm stops)

Nice. I just said there's
a crowbar in the boot.

- Connor.
- What's it doing.

I'll get you out.

- You all right?
- Uhh.

We need to get to New Dawn
and help Matt.

But if Matt's right then that
machine is more dangerous

than all those creatures
put together.

I helped build this. I need
to make it right.

I am so sorry... everything that we've been
through, I should have trusted you.

Instead I put Philip's word
above yours, I mean how--

- Hey.
- How could I even have done that?

When I put my finger on your lips
it means you stop talking.

Okay. Sorry.

(Abby laughs)

This is the part where you kiss me.

- Ready to go do our job?
- Why not?

(Jess) Alpha team what's your status?
Please respond.

Alpha team respond.

Ok, we've got another anomaly. Cordinates
44' 75". Have we got any units available?

Negative on response time.

Unit 8 can you hear me. Are you
availabe to move into position?

How are we doing?

There are too many. I can't control it. We
need more medics,

- more locking devices, more people.
- You're doing fine.

Jess. Look at me, Jess.

You are the hub of this operation. You may
not get the credit you deserve but you

do a brilliant job, and if anyone
can pull us through this, you can.

That's the nicest thing you've
ever said to me.

I think it's really the nicest thing I've
ever said to anyone, including my wife.

- Do you mean it.
- Every word.

Now get back to work before
we both start crying about it.

And if it's personal you need
I'll be clicking my heels.

What have you got for
me in the field?

Preferably something cuddly and
vegetarian cause this is my best shirt.

To be honest I could really
do with a hand here.

- Sure that should be interesting.
- Okay.

Show me which buttons to press.

- There you go.
- So...

Becker what are your stats?
Can you spare any men?

Yeah, I'm a little bit busy
at the moment.

How's the big picture?

Not good. Every time we lock
an anomaly another one opens.

I think we might just about
have this one.

(Creature roars)



(Mechanical female voice)
Nine minutes to initiation.




Did you really think you'd get
away with this?

Take them out of the building.

(Mechanical female voice)
Eight minutes to initiation.

I really wouldn't open that
if I were you.

(Mechanical female voice)
Seven minutes to initiation.


- Good to see you.
- You too.

He's already started
New Dawn.

Initialization. There's still time.
Leave the machine to me.

You cover Connor, I'm
going after Philip.


(Mechanical female voice)
Five minutes to initiation.

We don't have much time,
come on.

(Pterosaurs call)

Make sure nobody follows me.

Here we go.


(Alarm sounds)

Who's operating the
satellite terminal?

(Mechanical female voice)
30 seconds till shutdown.

- It's Connor
- Get him down from there.

I can do this.

Don't you love this.


Here we go. This is not good.

Damn it. Philip's locked me
out of the system.

(Mechanical female voice)
Initiation reactivated.

(Mechanical female voice)
Start up sequence commencing.

Um-- I don't know what to do.

I don't think I can
hack this in time.

Too many...

Connor. I can't hear you.

Connor can you hear me?

Shut it down.

- You've got it all wrong Matt.
- You two. Move!


- Shut it down now Philip.
- Have you seen outside?

Shut it down now.

It's chaos. This machine
will stop all that.

Nature has to be allowed to
run it's own course.

You're about to destroy
the world.

I've seen the results of your work.
Is that what you want for your legacy?

There are dinosaurs roaming
the streets.

That's what the ARC's for.

ARC has failed. We don't
need containment

we need radical solutions.

What are you gonna do?
k*ll me?

Yeah. If I have to.

I don't believe you.


(Philip coughs)
Stop him.


Yes. Back up.

Philip you don't know what
you're gonna do!

You really don't.

- Philip.
- I'm nearly--


(Mechanical female voice)
Three minutes to initiation.

Coupling transponder,
accelerator coil...

I can reverse the
accelerator coil.

I can't believe it, there's
another one.

It's outside.

- In the car park.
- Oh my God.

My new Jag's in the car park.
This time it's personal.


(Mechanical female voice)
- Start up sequence commencing. - Philip.

It's working.

Philip NO!

Come on April. Don't give me an
excuse to fry you.

You wouldn't dare.

(April screams)

(Mechanical female voice)
Five, Four, Three, Two, One...

Execute final command.

Abby, Emily, get out of here.


Have you any idea how much that
thing costs.

The only problem is... you
believe the world will be destroyed

when I switch this machine on. And
I believe it will be destroyed if I don't.

Philip. You've gotta listen to me I've seen
this. You're gonna k*ll everything.

(Mechanical female voice)
Power to the main turbine disrupted.

Only one of us can be right.

(Mechanical female voice)
Auxiliary power activated.

You think I didn't anticipate


No!!! Connor!!!

- No. No. Let me go.
- Stop. Stop.

Stop Abby.

What's going on?

Cheer up man. Everything's
fine. It's working.

Isn't it the most beautiful thing
you ever saw in your life?

They've all closed.

- All of them?
- Every last one.

Is that good or...

is that bad?

(Male announcer) We are receiving unconfirmed
reports from around the globe.

the mysterious golden lights
are vanishing.

Scientists have been unable
(Continues indistinctly)