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05x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 10/21/22 07:32
by bunniefuu
Picking up a very strange signal.

What just happened?

Losing electrical power.
Something's interfering with the systems.


Sir, I have an unidentified
sonar reading,

bearing 20, designate Sierra 155

It's some sort of... animal.

Can't be **** affecting systems.

Sir, it's big and whatever it is it's
coming straight for us.

Sound the collision alarm.
Blow all tanks! Take her up!

Helmsman, give me full tilt.

Episode #5.2
May 31, 2011

I logged into Prospros property


Last year Philip bought a
de-commsioned power station.

Tell me what that's about.

Can we talk to Connor?

Ahh.... I don't think we
can risk that.

If he knew Helen was in any way with Philip,
he'd have nothing more to do with him.

You're letting your emotions
cloud your judgment.

Like you did with Emily?

Emily was a low blow, sorry.

Forget about it.


I did some research.

- I found out what happened to her.
- Abby!

I don't want to know.

Emily made her way home and
that's all that matters, ok?



I just have to finish something
here, quickly.

What you working on?

I thought the date and calculations
were all signed off.

Oh, this is um....
this is.....

One of those things,

I can't talk about.

- Oh!
- Sorry.

It's just...
It's gonna be good though.

You are coming out with the team
though, right?

Yeah, of course. This is part
of me job too.

No Connor, this is your other job.

Matt and I have had to cover
for you lately.

People are starting to notice.

Do you know what?
Your right.

I'm sorry, my bad.

Just gonna...

No running in the corridors!

56:21.9, 2:48.8

That's a new one.

That's the middle of the
North Sea.

Jess speaking.

It's for you, it's the Admiralty.


There was a marine animal caught
up on the bridge when we surfaced.

Could that have been what
att*cked your boat?

Too small.

It's not like any creature
I've seen before.

So where's the body now?

On board.

I'm not happy about this.

Captain, we've both got our jobs to do,
so let's just get ahead and do them, yeah?

And I don't get how specialist your weapons
are, there're not coming on board my boat.

If there's a need for firearms we
have a more than adequate armory.

This is all scientific equipment,
there's no weapons here.

Feel free to make an inspection
if you want.

That won't be necessary.

There, an **** class electrical-
diesel boat.

How'd you know that?

I read....
I watch all the movies don't I?

"Das Boat".

"K-19, The Widow Maker".

You know, death by drowning,

suffocation, radiation poisoning.



Thank you Shaw.

He's a great little asset ****.

As good as the Trafarlgar class for
sensors and armament.

I thought we'd sold them all off.

No, no, we keep a couple for
training exercises.

You know your submarines?

I was in the Royal Marines.
Spent a bit of time underwater.

You were army.

The navy would have been my
first choice.

Take her away gentlemen,
forward 1/3.

Aye Captain.


- Give me 10 degrees plane.
- Aye Captain.




Can I just uh... Can I ask
a quick question?

Do you get seasick on submarines cause...
I've really got a tendency to uh...

Only on the surface.

Underwater there's little sensation
of movement.

- That's good.
- Yeah.

Good thing.

This is Midshipman Leonard, my sonar
officer, Officer Neal, and Officer Shaw.

Whatever you're here to do has
been classified "Top Secret"

and I'm only permitted a skeleton

Sorry about that Captain, you just get us
to our station and we'll do our bit.

I've no engineers, no weapons
operators and no kitchen staff.

So "your bit" may well involve
a mop and bucket in the galley.

We will do whatever it takes.


I would like to see the creature
now please.



Aye Captain.

Sorry. (Bangs head) That hurt.

First thing you learn about life on
board a submarine... Think small

and thin.

You'll be all right.

It's aft.

- Right
- This way.

We're going to need access to
your torpedo bay too.


Captain, like I said, we've got a job
to do so just let us get it done

and you can drop us on shore
in the morning, yeah?

There you go.

Now what....
is that?

Some kind of theropod,
a juvenile.

Thero.... what?


We think some species could swim,
not extensively but...

enough to move between islands.

She must have been in the water,
sucked through the anomaly.

What's an anomaly?

Oh, that's classified.

But it's a dinosaur right? A real
live, dead, dinosaur.

- You were right the first time.
- Uh... it's alive?

The North Sea's much colder than she's
used to. She's gone into a state of shock.

We have to keep her that way,
can we secure this freezer?

- Well there's an electrical lock.
- Ok good, give me a hand.

She won't bite, unless we
don't get her in there fast enough.

Thank you.

So this torpedo is going to fire an
electronic charge onto the anomaly

on impact. It's basically a mobile
underwater locking device.

- That's very clever.
- Thank you very much.

Lock it.


Good work.

Listen Matt, umm...

I know I've not really been
in the game lately.

It's just this work with
Philip it's... it's exciting and

I hope you understand.

I understand.

I know it must be difficult, cause...
I know how Abby feels about Philip.

Tell me about it.

You know if you ever want to talk about
anything that you can't talk

- to Abby about you can....
- Tell your crew that they're not to

unlock that freezer under any
circumstances, ok?

Yes sir.


Small theropod, swimmer, still

- What?
- It's ok, she's secure, she's unconscious.

So how long until we get there?

Well the Captain's still charting
a course, umm...

It'll be a few hours at least.

- You should rest while you can.
- Thanks.

It's good to go.

***** submarines and his
commander are here.

Oh, perfect.

Admiral. Welcome to the Anomaly
Research Center.

Professor Lester. The Minister briefed
me about your little unit

several months ago. I hope
your people know what their doing.

I hope yours do too.

If you'd like to step this way,
we've established a command center.

I need a dedicated line to the admiralty
and another one to Whitehall.

You can establish coms to H.M.S.
Garthside, I presume?

Of course,

their scheduled to send us a signal as soon
as they reach the site of the anomaly.

H.M.S. Garthside should be in
position anytime now.

This is all rather routine for
us these days,

why don't you get some sleep. We'll
alert you when the situations resolved.

I'll take a pot of coffee.

Us too. Mine with cream, no sugar.
How do you take yours Jess?

Frothy, thanks very much Admiral.

I understand your man intends to seal
this anomaly by firing a torpedo

rewired to pass an electromagnetic
charge through it.

- That's correct.
- Why don't we just blow it up?

We do things different in
our "Little Unit".

This man, Connor Temple, he's an
elite operative, of course?

Yes. Yes indeed, the very highest

- Connor.
- What?

- You're doing it again.
- I'm not doing anything me feet are down.

She's brilliant. It's kind
of like we're all camping out.

Thought you two would have had enough
camping in your year in the Cretaceous.

Does anybody want to hear a
ghost story?


What? It's not like we've got anything
to do until we get to the anomaly.


00:13:09,814 --> 00:13:11,314

00:13:13,653 --> 00:13:15,745
We're over *****station Captain.

All stop, two thirds.
It's drifting there.

- Officer Neal, get some coffee on.
- Yes sir.

Sam, release the sonar array,
let's report our position.

Aye Captain.

I sent our position sir.
Anything else to add?

It's happening again.

- Electrical interference.
- What the hell is that?

- Hey.
- Hey.


We'vd lost primary power...
and the Captain.

Electrical sparking and popping)

H.M.S. Garthside. This is the Arc,
are you receiving me? Over.

What just happened?

H.M.S. Garthside transmitted their last
position, then the coms link went down

when I tried to acknowledge.

They're not responding to
the radio transmission.

I'll try a data uplink.

They're headed straight for
the anomaly.

I'm getting nothing. They're
completely out of contact.

Suffered a major electrical

The backup systems kicked in but
the juice is needed primarily

for oxygen supply and
emergency lighting.

Ok, where's Mr. Neal?

He went to make coffee,
I haven't seen him.

Mr. Shaw could you try to
find Mr. Neal, thanks.

Sam, get me a damage assessment.

Abby how is he?

He has a bad concussion.
He could be out for a while.

We have limited instrumentation,

basic navigation but something's
jammed the propeller.

Right now we're just drifting.

A big metal tube somewhere in the
vicinity of a magnetized anomaly.

Anyone else see where this is

I'm picking up a very strange
signal heading straight for us.

- It's not heading for us.
- We're heading for it.


Where's my submarine?

That's impossible.

We've gone from 150 feet
of water to a depth of 120.

We've gone through the

- Could be Jurassic.
- Jurassic!

- We've no power or steering.
- Well unless everyone wants to go and swim

we better think of something

Where in the hell are we?
What just happened?

Just calm down officer, ok?

Well the Jurassic Era, that was like
thousands of years ago.

Well 200, 245 million years
ago if you're gonna be...

What I'm just telling him.

We've just done some freaky time travel
thing. That's what anomalies are.

Who are you people?

We're the people who deal with this sort of
thing and we're going to need your help.

I'm just a sonar officer.

Sam your senior officer is disabled,
that makes you the ranking officer.

Ok the first thing we need to
do is restore power.

Now I need the ships wiring plan,
ok, Captain?

Good man.

This is the primary electrical
grid. I have a hard copy.

Right, can you show me the wire
that leads to the mainframe power source?

This one.

It's a daisy chain that feeds through
four junction boxes throughout the ship.

One maybe more fuses are

Ok, this is good, let's check the

repair any damage. What about
the propeller?

We lost signal from the sonar
array when we were att*cked

my guess is the cable's got
trapped around the propeller.

I'll go. We've got a mini-submersible
that I can deploy.

No. I need you here. You're the only
person can start this ship again.

It takes two crew. One to steer and one
to operate the cutting equipment.

I'll come then.

No. Definitely need you here.
You need to sort this wiring out.

Let's get the Captain into a
bunk. Me and Abby'll go.

What about the creature that att*cked
us. It could have followed

us through the anomaly. It
could still be out there.

If we stay close to the sub
we may not register.

We may look like another
large creature.

- Ready?
- Let's go.

I have absolute faith in my team. If they
decided to enter the anomaly

they did so for a good reason.


They've had their chance.

Get in touch with the Admiralty and H.M.S.
Frost. Move the Vanguard into position.

Vanguard... isn't that a
nuclear submarine?

What are you doing?

That anomaly is smack bang in
the middle of one of the

busiest submarine vectors
on the planet.

The Russians, the Americans, the Chinese
all sneak around playing hide and seek in

in those waters.

Can you imagine what would happen if one
of their nuclear subs disappeared

off the coast of Britain?

Could start World w*r III.

Don't worry, it'll take them hours
to get the Vanguard into position.

What do you think he's got
in that briefcase?

Not his sandwiches, that's
for sure.

We just have to hope the team reappear
before the Admiral opens his Pandora's box.

Sam, I found the first box,
three of the fuses are fried

and the trip switch is popped,
but I... I can fix this.

Has Officer Shaw found our
missing crewman yet?

Officer Shaw please respond.

Officer Neal.

Officer Neal.

I'll hold this steady and
you feed the cable



That wasn't me.

Sam was that Shaw?

I think so.

It came from the coms in the storage
room. Where that creature was.

What was that?

Can't see.

Ok, Sam where's the armory?
We might need weapons.

Only Neal and the Captain have
access. I'm just a midshipman.


Seal yourself in the Con. Whatever happens
you get Abby and Matt back on board.


Just one more piece to go.
Get ready to pull out.


What the...

Come on, come on.

Ok, got it.



I'll check outside, see if
we're food.

- Ok, cut the power.
- What?

Cut the power we're going to
play dead.

Get ready.

Full reverse thrust, ok?



Thank you.

H.M.S. Frost will be on station in 10
minutes to resolve this.

10 minutes?

You've had it on standby all

I had a hunch that your people
couldn't pull this off.

not underwater...
and I was right.

- Initiate firing control procedures.
- Yes sir.

Anomalies are my jurisdiction.

National security is mine.

This operation is now under
Naval command.

Nuking an anomaly won't work.

Nuking anything works.

Look. All you need to seal this anomaly
is to pass an EM pulse through it.

My armament will do that.

And have you considered the
implications to the earth's timeline

of detonating a nuclear device in
a prehistoric era?

We could cease to exist or
be turned into pond life.

The Admiralty deemed it an
acceptable risk.

Have we alerted Washington, Moscow,

You told them about the anomaly.

No. We've told them there's been an accident
aboard one of our nuclear submarines

and asked them to remove all their
personal from the area.

Young lady.

I need secure coms to H.M.S. Frost.

Those pliosaurs are not going to
ignore us for long.


- Any sign of Mr. Shaw?
- No.

All right we have to assume the creatures
got him. How do I talk to Connor?


Propellers good to go.

There's a pod of pliosaurs out there
waiting to get at us.

How you gettiin' on with those
fuse boxes?

One more left to find.

Ok watch your back.
Abby and me are going after the theropod.

- Abby you're gonna take the lower deck.
- Ok.

Take this.


- Serious?
- Yeah.

Thanks, what about you?

I'll improvise.

Good luck.

- Can you show me the way?
- Come on.

This is great isn't it.

Creatures outside where
we can't see 'em.

Creature inside where we
got no lights and no exit.

Got to be honest,

I prefer hunting dinosaurs on dry land
at least you can see 'em coming.

Connor have you found that
final box yet?

Well... I'm definitely in the
right place,

but it looks like someone's relocated the
junction without updating the schematic

which is... useful.

Well hurry up. Without power we can't
get back through the anomaly.


Ok... Cause there was I thinking we
could just all stick our arms out

of the portholes and paddle
our way back to the 21st century.

Uh... sorry, just find it ok?

Finding 'em, finding it.

We're taking on water.

Connor! The attack is just going to get
more and more sustained. You need

to find that fuse box and fix it...

H.M.S. Frost from Admiral Marsden.

You are authorized to deploy
nuclear weapons

on target vector 651 Delta.

Initiate firing code procedures.

James Lester, I'd like to speak to
the Minister please, it's urgent.


Uh. Yeah. Friendly Connor.

Harmless Connor. Get that spanner
out of me face Connor.

You all right?



- You find the final fuse box?
- No.

Not yet. There's only one last compartment
where all the critical wiring runs to and

that's down there.

Go on then.

Thanks very much.

I see.


Yes Minister, of course.

Well... have a good apocalypse.

You're already ****,
you won't notice the difference.

Five minutes till they fire.

This part of the sub must have
taken the brunt of the attack.


There it is.

- Do this, get on the box.
- What?

On the box, out of the water.
Snarling thing right.

Snarling thing.

Good work.

All right Matt, we've found
the final fuse box.

And captured the theropod.

She's alive.

Coms back on?

- Yes.
- Good.

It won't take much more of this.

How long till we've got enough
power to reach *****

Not long.

At this rate we'll never make it
though in one piece.

We're going to have to distract
the pliosaurs.

You said you could flood or vent
any compartment at any time

including the torpedo room,

In an emergency, yes.

I think this is an emergency.

Abby. Connor. Take the ****
to the torpedo room, I'll see you there.

T minus 4 minutes.

This is a disproportionate response

My people will be dealing
with the problem.

Your people are long ago and
far away.

- We have no choice.
- k*lling four of your team, three of mine?

Irradiating God knows what era.

I'm sorry Mr. Lester, but this is a
matter of global security.

Someone has to take
these decisions.

Regretfully.... that's me.

This way.


No way she's going
to fit in there.

She'll have plenty of help. Room fills
up with water, pressure sucks her out.


There's too much damage to get more than
30% power but the propellers working again.

T minus 1 minute.

Ever considered a sports car.

You know... that whole extension
of masculinity thing.

I've got "Dr. Strangelove" on
Blu-Ray if that helps.

We need to get out of here.
Sound the engine fire control alley.

Abby, Connor, you can steer the ship.
Come on.

Come on Matt.

Now what do we do?

Full astern.

English please, nobody
speaks navy.


Let's everybody pretend
video game, right?

Abby, that is us right there.

That area is the anomaly. You've got to
uide us right through the middle, ok.

- Ok.
- Sam.

We're going to go through the anomaly
backwards and then you're going

to take the w*r shot, ok.


- Distance to the anomaly?
- 500 feet.

Hold steady.

Let's feed these fishes, yeah?

Be my guest.

Hold it steady you'll be ok.

It's working.

Their taking the bait.

Come on.

Good work everybody but stay
in present course and state.

Nearly there.

Torpedo away.

Their back!

And the nuke is heading
straight for them.

Disarm that torpedo.

H.M.S. Frost, this is the Arc, I have
an Admiral Marsden for you.

Abort, Abort now.

Congratulations Admiral. You just
fired a nuclear w*apon

in peacetime at one of
your own submarines.

Depth, 160 feet.

We did it.

Ok, Sam, stand by with
Connors torpedo.

We're going to seal this anomaly.

- What's that?
- Incoming torpedo.

Planes down 10 degrees.

Hard port.

**** won't be taking the shot.

Turn left, dive, dive.

It's going to hit them.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
What happened there.

They got out of the way.

Yeah, but the nuke is still
heading towards the anomaly.

It's heading straight for the anomaly,
what shall I do?

We're going to stick with the plan.

Let's stop this anomaly.

You two, straight forward.

You ready?


Torpedo away.

There's a second torpedo.

It's Connors.

He's trying to close the anomaly.

H.M.S. Frost I need confirmation
of that abort order.



Good sh**ting Captain.

Bet you're glad I made you
play all those video games now.


They did it, the anomaly's locked.


Well was the nuke
disarmed in time?

They uh... They think so.


Well that's reassuring, isn't it?

If not, I think we know what caused
the mass extinction of the dinosaurs.



Yes, of course, one moment.

- Admiral.
- Yes.

- It's for you.
- Me.

It's the Prime Minister.

Yes Prime Minister.

I-I can explain everything.

Oh, it's good to breathe fresh
air again.

Uh.. yeah, I should call Philip.

Hey, no, we're back safe and sound.
Listen, I've got an idea.

What's up?


Connor called him as soon as
we got back on dry land.

When we started
working together,

for a moment there it was
like it used to be.

Yeah, I know, they should be fine.
Yeah, I...

He's full of secrets.


Come on.

Coming home?

Listen Abby, I-I

I really want to get
this finished so...

What's up?

You know how much
I believe in you.

And I'm really happy you're
enjoying your new work.

- But?
- But...

There's something
not right about Philip.

I don't trust him Connor.

- Abby...
- You trust my instincts,

you always have, and right now my gut is
telling me you need to pull away from this.

Listen, I-I understand

the reasons why you feel the way
you do about Philip

I-I totally get it. The menagerie
thing that's

It's not about the creatures.

You just gotta trust me on this.

How bout you trust me?

Philip's a good man.

And what we're working on, it's

and if it all works out the way we
want it to, it's...

It's gonna be so important.

I'll see you at home.

Abby, I promise you, when
this is all finished

you'll be proud of me.

I was already proud of you.


- You ok?
- Yeah.

Look... I know your mission is
more important than any of us.

But it's not the only
thing that matters.

What's this.

You want to know what
happened to Emily.

I know you do.