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05x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 10/21/22 07:31
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪

Yes, I've got an anomoly
for you Jess.

One of the greatest anomolies
know to the western world.

Why they call them "Road Works" when
there is never any work going on.

♪ ♪





It's all right guys.
I'm all right.


You said you could
do anything,

and that we did not understand
the anomoly.

You said you were the future.

I am the past, I am the present,
I am the future, what does that mean?

I don't know what you're
talking about.

Just read your report
on the Danny Quinn situation.

Very thorough.


Lost in time for over a year.

Finally gets back home and then
gone again within a day.

Not entirely rational behavior,
is it?

He went after his brother.

I like to think I would do
the same thing.


Did he say anything before he
went through?

Like what?

I don't know.

Start with... unusal.

He was pretty focused on

Well, I suppose that's

Let's hope he turns
up again...

one day.



Unauthorized personal
requesting permission to enter.

Thank you.

What time is it?

Time you've told me where you've
been for the last 24 hours.

Oh, you smell.

Thanks very much.

Look at rat "D".

Talk about a shower ***,
been too busy.

Doing what?


***, Hey, umm...

Abby just brought me a coffee, sir.

See ya.

- I-I'll catch up with you in a bit.
- Yeah.


about this convergence
theory of yours.

See, and that is exactly
what it is.

It's convergence of the

You're a smart guy, but
you're wasting your time.

No, no, I sent you over
the data.

The data is inconclusive. What you
have here is an interesting theory.

But one mostly based on
guess work.

Come with me.

Let me show you something.

Leave your coms here.

♪ ♪

A route, Jess, any route.

Just find a way to get me out
of here.

You might want to invest
in SatNav.

Why bother when I've
got you?

You've had two calls
from the cabinet office.

Oh, yes...
What do they want?

Something about a knighthood.

They want to set up a meeting
with you and a Miss Reese.

- Something about a vetting process.
- Well.

What are you waiting for? Get my
P.A. to set it up as soon as possible.

Find me that route out of here,

Sorry, you did say a


Anything else you need that's
not in my job description?

"Sir James Lester."



Thanks Jess, I won't touch
anything I...


What you doing?

How did you get in?

Connor's the only one
with the access code.

I'm team leader. I have full

You're hacking his computer.


I have my reasons.

- Calling Connor.
- Don't.

Tell me why I shouldn't.

- You can't.
- Not enough.


Matt. Matt, we haven't finished here.
Tell me what's going on.


Jess, there's a man missing.

Talk of being snatched by some
kind of creature.

- Do we have an anomaly?
- No.

That does sound like
an incursion.

I've just intercepted
emergency calls.

I've sounded the alert.

I'm going to send
a team out now.


And, umm, you better send
a helicopter for me,

I really can't afford to be
late for this meeting.

Has Connor done something?

I don't think so.

Not yet anyway.

This is about Philip. I need to know
what's going on in Prospero.


I'm not sure yet, but it's
important so...

Abby, you're just going
to have to trust me.

You don't ***, Matt.


has to be earned.


I need to know that you're
not gonna tell Connor.

It's important, I'm trying to
protect him, believe me.

That's all I've got Abby.

You can trust me or not.

It's up to you.

What you are about to see is not
part of business.

You may not discuss
it with anyone.

I really hate keeping
secrets from Abby.

Then walk away and
we'll never talk about it again.

A confidentially agreement.
Is that really necessary?

Of course.


to New Dawn.

When this is finished...

it'll make sense of the

It'll make use of them.

To do what?

Solve the greatest problem
facing mankind today.

It's gonna work out why there's always a
sock missing after you've done the washing?

The anomalies are a resource.

We've been so distracted by the creatures
that we haven't seen it, until now.

I'm talking about free
energy Connor.

Energy that's safe, that's
clean, limitless.

Energy for the whole world.

Jess, where's Connor?

He's just left the
Arc with Philip.

Can't raise him on coms.

Can't wait for him, we need to get
down there and see what we're dealing with.

Doesn't look manmade.

Kind of a big mole then.


Burrowing creatures work
on vibrations.

Every step you take let's
you know it's here.


- I can't hear anything.
- Shhhh.

Full phase.

*** are useless.

Up top. Now!

Come on.

So what now?

We need g*ns.

Lethal weapons.



The MD's are useless. The b*ll*ts are
just bouncing right off.

But... it could have a...

No Abby.

We're not going to stun this one
and bring it back to the menagerie.

We're gonna have to k*ll it.

Finally common sense.

Leave it with me.

Oh... ho ho.

This is... Wow.

You must be Connor Temple.

Yes. Allow me to introduce
April Leonard.

I've heard so much about you.

Have you?

Philip's always talking
about you.

He says your a genius.

I'm sure...

I'm sure he's exaggerating.

To a point.

How would you feel about April
assisting you in your lab?

I want you to have all the help you
need on New Dawn.

It would be an honor.

Really? I mean...

That would be... Never
really had an assistant before.

Don't really know what to...

Sorry, that's me.

I've got a go.


- Fill me in.
- Matt's OK but he's requested new weapons.

Not that. My vetting with the cabinet
office. What time's the meeting?

15 minutes. Hold on. Your tie's
not straight.


Ok. Good luck.

Thank you.

Matt, I'm putting up maps of all the
underground systems in the area.

Sewers, service pipes, everything,

and I'm working on a ground
penetrating radar map.

Ok, thanks Jess.

Any sign of Connor, by the way?

Hey! Yo!

Nice of you to join us.

Where have you been?
I was worried.

I was just... I was just...
with Philip.

Doing what exactly?

Yeah, uh, that's... that's the
thing, it's kind of classified.

But I'm going to need new coms and a new
black box when we get back to the Arc,

Purely professional com?

Talk about this later.

Right now, Jess sent through some
maps. I'm going to need your help.



Lester, it's Becker. I'm afraid
the EMD's won't cut it.

We're going to need conventional
firepower and that means g*ns.

How many g*ns?

As many as you can spare.

Oh, yeah, fine. Perhaps you'd
like a t*nk as well.

What t*nk.

No. No. I was obviously joking.

- But really, a t*nk.
- You can't have a t*nk.

Just dying to know. Who is it,
exactly, that Matt intends to sh**t?

Matt, I just sending you something
through now. Not good.

What's this?

Satellite image. Ground
penetrating radar.

This creature's been
here a long time.

Oy yi yi.

Stretches for miles and
intersects every manmade

tunnel and natural cave
system under the city.

Yuck, lucky I just sanctioned
it extermination then.

This would have to happen on the
day I'm being vetted for knighthood.

Yeah, some creatures just have
no sense of occasion do they?



looks like his main tunnel.

Right, well it's nest is gonna
be off that somewhere.

Why assume that?

Our best bet is to predict when
it resurfaces and be ready.

If it resurfaces.

It'll resurface.

Now that it knows it's got
a food source above ground.

There's no creature like this
in the fossil records.


must be from the future.



this is our Center of Operations.

I just intercepted this emergency
call to the police.

It just came out of the gound and it was
like this giant insect or something.

They did tell you what we do here?

Not in detail, they just said it
was covered by the offical secrets act.

What do you do exactly?

Well, I don't like to talk about
my own contribution

but it's not every job that one
gets to save lives.

I suspose I'll have
to make it brief.

Matt, we have another potential
creature attack.

I'm gonna send you the
coordinates now.

A house not far from you.

It's k*lled again.

Right Jess, tell Becker
to meet us there.

Two victims in an hour. This
things hungry.

Or it's stockpiling food.

Or there's more than one

Right, then.

Either way, we gotta know.

Get those people out of here.

Connor, have you laid a map over
those radar results yet?


Just today.

Can we make a 3D model of this?

We're looking for a nest
in the tunnels.

It will be part of an
already exiting structure.

Ok, that's pretty specific for a creature
we've never seen before, but I'm on it.

You seem to know lot
about this thing.

Guys, stay back from
the edge of the hole.

Need to find the next
large patch of grass.

But the first attack
was in the road.

It can't burrow through concrete,
the workmen made that hole themselves.

It's hunting for food. It won't be
far. We need to lure it out again.

How we gonna do that.


***, you're right. I am a genius.

Damn it.

Matt be careful.

Ok, Jess, I've located the nest.
I'm sending it over to you right now.


Where the hell is this thing.

Guys! Hey!

It was under our noses all along.

- No.
- No.


Abby, no, no, come on.

We'll get him back, I promise,
we'll get him back.

Come on.

Of course one doesn't do
a job like this for the money,

or the glory, but because it's
the right thing to do.

Oh absolutely.

But one can't deny that recognition for
a good job, well done, is always better.

Well I should think working with Philip
Burton must have raised your profile.

I do think it so important
these public, private

partnerships are made
to work effectively.

I couldn't agree with you more.

I mean little people said
it wouldn't work but uh,

Philip and I have an
excellent relationship.

You don't have to ask him.

Oh I will.

Might I ask...

is the knighthood, uh, should
we say a "done deal".

At this stage we need to make
sure everything's in order.

No skeletons in the closet if
you know what I mean.

You won't find anything like that.

That is good news.

Frankly, I'm impressed.

Breech incident. Small arms fire. 10
civilians requiring treatment for shock.

And we're one man down.
We've lost Connor.

Would you excuse me?

What the hell's going on?

*** Connor.

Yes, I heard you the first time.
What are we doing about it?

At the risk of sounding a
tad self involved

this better not screw
up my knighthood.

We can find him, don't worry.

If you were an insect would
you want to eat Connor?

Matt, you see the area Connor
indicated as the most likely nest?

I can, yeah.
I think he's right.

His black box signal is heading
back towards the road works.

I'll set up and exclusion zone.

He's taking him back to the nest.


Probably went...

Abby can dial into it carefully here.

Don't tell me to calm down. This is
Connor we're talking about.

He could be dead already.

If he is there's nothing
we can do,

if he isn't, charging in here without
a plan is not going to help him.

It's one creature.

And it's already injured.

The b*ll*ts pierced the
exoskeleton, I saw it.

You said yourself, we're not even
sure if it is one creature.

Jess tracked Connors' black box to
the last chamber under this building.

Burrowing insects hibernate in
clusters when the weather heats up...

a scout heads out to

collect food.

- Yeah.
- Great.

Jess, we don't do anything
until we're sure what's down there.

We could put a camera in.

What about infrared?




Connor can you hear us?

I can hear you.


are you ok, are you hurt?

Few bumps and bruises but...

I suppose that's to be
expected in this line of work.


that's pretty nifty sh**ting guys.

Creature's dead.

Connor where are you?

Are there any other
survivors with you?


There's no other survivors.

Can you see a way up
to the ground?

Can you get out?

There's an escalator.

Ok Connor, head up there.

Any sign of any more creatures?


There's no other creatures.

What is it?

You hurt?

I just don't like being on
escalators that are not moving.

It's just really odd.


Got a little scratch on my leg.

Sure I'll be fine.




Matt. You know when you asked if
there were any other creatures in here?


How many?

More than I'm entirely
happy about.

Can you get a route out of there?

Can you get to the front doors?

I can give it...
I can give it a go.

Whatever you do, do not wake
one of those creatures.

*** Matt, I wasn't planning to.

If you wake one of them,
you wake all of them.

It doesn't matter if they escape we get the
conventional weapons. We'll take them out.

Not a nest of them you won't.

With this many tunnels they'll
be all over the city in no time.

Connor, just get out of there.


I've got an idea.

Connor, now just get out of there.

Guys, guys, just listen to me.

Me getting out is the
least of our problems.

If Matt's right then we need to deal
with these creatures before it's too late.

And right now I'm in here.

So I'm our best hope.

Hey Connor forget that. Listen to
Abby and get out of there.

Look, trust me on this.

Get Jess to pull up the records of the
utility services to the building.

I hope you got everything
you need Miss Reese.

Very much so.

Frankly you've been
most impressive.

With something like this, one does
everything one can to help.

He must be a dear colleague.

So. Who must be?

So you said a "dear colleague",
who do you mean.

Philip Burton of course.

I'm sure he'd be flattered to know
the lengths you've gone for him today.

The knighthood's for him?

Of course, who else.

He's going to be...
Sir Philip Burton.

It has a ring to it,
doesn't it.

If there were any doubts
about his suitability.

You've certainly put
my mind at rest.

It's all good.
It's all good.

Yep, good old Philip.

Good old Philip, or should I say,
Sir Philip!

Good. Good. Good.

Please tell me there's a gas supply
that's been heading to this building.

Pipes are capped but the
mains are connected,

so all we have to do
is turn the gas on again.

Do it.

I'm gonna open the valve.

You're a genius Connor.

So everyone keeps saying.

Yet here I am surrounded by
50 giant carnivorous insects.

Well that's on.

We'll have to clear the area.


Place to ***, eh, Becker?

I love that.


Oh, I know, where is the valve?

According to this it's ***
on the southeast wall, you see it?

Yeah, I think I've got it.


Be careful Connor.

What could possibly go wrong?

Oh. Abby...

if this doesn't work out too well,

you'll never so much as
look at another man.

Forget it.

I'll be dating again within days!


I guess with your looks
I wouldn't blame you.


Here we go.

You ok?


Sorry about the knighthood.

Oh. Priorities Jess, priorities.

All right, everybody move back.


Ok, I'm nearly there.

That nest is primed.

Ok, I'm coming up out of here.

Connor are you on the move?


Something's wrong.

Connor hurry up.

Jess shut off the gas.

No Jess don't.

They're awake and I'm trapped.


They'll get through the tunnels
and we won't be able to stop them.

Jess shut off the gas...


It's Matt's call.

Shut it off or I'm going to go in there
and get him out myself.

You do that and the att*cks we saw today
are going to happen all over the city

only a hundred times worse.

What are you doing?

Remember I told you I'm not gonna
let anything happen to him or you, ok?

You're just going to
have to trust me.

No live rounds here. Won't
take anything to set that gas off.


Abby I...

I know.


What do we do?

Come on.

Come on Connor, breathe.

Welcome back.

Come on.

Let's get outta here.

Jess can you hear me?
Can you hear me, where are they?

Are they clear yet?

Are they at a safe
enough distance?

No. Wait.
They're still too close.

You've got to do it now.

Not yet.

Do it now. That's an order.


Becker now.





Matt. Connor.

Can you hear me?




Next time...


It's nice to see you too, mate.


All dead.

Nice work.

Oh, it's fine. It only hurts
when ***.

That is not fine.





Come on.


It was your idea to blow up
a perfectly good shopping center.


Not to worry. I'll square it
with the *** authorities.

Not that I need any recognition,

or thanks, let alone any

unlike some people.

Connor there's a
message from April.

She says well done for not getting k*lled
and she's waiting for you in your lab.



She's a... I was gonna...

She's kind of my new assistant.

Would you believe?

Philip lent her to me. You could
come and meet her if you like.

Come 'n meet her.


- Ok.
- Cool.



See you made yourself at home.

Tided up and everything. This
was a right mess.

You should see my flat.

This was nothing.

Philip gave me this for you.

It's a very posh case.


Got a little posh folder and

Right, well I take this up to...
and read.

You can't take this with you.

It can't leave my possession.


You do want to be part of
this project, don't you.

Philip chose you.

That doesn't happen very often.

Yeah, yeah, of course I do,
it's just...

I kind of got dragged
underground by a...

doesn't matter.

I'm a bit of a mess is
what I'm concerned about.

Of course.

Have a shower, check in with
medical, whatever you need to do.

I'll have some food brought in for
us for when you get back.


All work and no play.


I came to talk to you myself

about how you could have known
so much about those creatures.

And then I realized...

you knew them because you'd
seen them before,

in the future.

Which means one of two things.

Either you've been to their time


you came from there

in the first place.

So which one is it?

Come with me.

He'll have the New Dawn files
read by morning.

I'll keep him here until
he's done it.


Then I want you to find out if Danny
Quinn told anyone else about Helen Carter

before he left.

In the future this
planet's dying.

This is my only
chance to save it.

And if I fail

all life on earth will come
to an end.

What has that got to
do with the Arc?

Something goes wrong with
the anomalies in this era.

I'm here to find out what it is,
and if I can, stop it.

So your whole identity is a lie

and you've been investigating
us all since you got here.

I think you can be
sure of Connor.

Keep him on a tight
leash anyway.

Till we can be certain
of his loyalty.


I bet I need to know what
he's doing for Philip.

You think it's him.

Connors' data on anomaly convergence
is the last piece of the jigsaw.

We're definitely close
to a breakthrough.

I'm gonna show you something.

What they're looking
at is your future.


If you're going to be part of this, you
have to know what you're dealing with.

I need you to help me.