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04x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 10/21/22 07:26
by bunniefuu



(Chuck. Chuck!)







What the hell are you?







It's an incredible feat of endurance.

A whole year in the Cretaceous.

I've been to
some pretty scary places.

But...they don't even begin
to compare.

It was hard.
We kept each other alive somehow.

I promised...

that I'd carry on
with Professor Cutter's work.

Look, you're exhausted. Let
someone else carry the burden now.

You don't understand.
This is my life. I can't just stop.

Nobody else has seen the world
like that - in its purest form.

I wish I -
Don't say it.

Don't say you wish you'd been there.

And now we're fired.
It's not like that.

Then do something.
Get us back on the team.

They're tired, upset.

A few days,
they'll see things differently.

You don't know them.
We agreed.

Military are better equipped
to deal,

emotionally, physically,
with the dangers.

These are exceptional circumstances.

Exceptional people.
The rules are made for a reason.

I'm sorry. I have to deal with this.
Can we walk?


We're on the brink
of great discoveries here.

Not since man
first walked on the moon

has humanity been so delicately
poised on the threshold
of a new dawn.

Does dawn have a threshold exactly?

My point is, this is not the time
to let the heart rule the head.

But we need someone
to run the menagerie.

Abby's the obvious choice.
It's not a field position.

She has the qualifications.

And Connor? He has a brilliant mind.

But we'll keep him under review.

Sure all that stuff is in here?
It's what Jess said.

Someone must've pulled them
from the old ark.

And that would be me.

So, you knew we'd be back one day.

Well, I couldn't rule it out
as a possibility. And um...

Lockers are expensive. Never knew
you were the sentimental type.

Not at all.
I was just afraid of opening them.

I have no desire whatsoever
to inspect Connor's collection
of girlie magazines

and superhero action figures.

Abby. We need someone to look after
the creatures in the menagerie.

Job's yours, if you want it.

Thank you.

Not without Connor.

Hey. Oi. You take it.

It's fine.

Think of Rex.
He'll be an orphan if we both go.

Anyway, one of us has got to
look for somewhere new to live.

12 months backpay should help you
find somewhere decent.


I'm doing what I can for you,
but it's complicated.

I need you to keep a low profile.

Just for now.

Oh, and Connor?

Please...stay out of trouble.

Out of trouble.



Get rid of that junk.

Pile it up and torch it.

Just look at this for me.


Use the computer at my place.

It's warm and comfortable -
and feel free to raid the fridge.

Come on. It's cheaper than
some internet cafe.

You don't know me.
I've read the files. I know you.

Thank you.

This is your biotag ID.

It contains all your physical data
and security clearance level.

Impossible to fake or copy. Try it.


The menagerie's through here.

Shall I give you the grand tour?

I'd like to do this alone,
if that's OK. Sure.





Did you miss me?


How are you?

Chin up.

Connor's angry at being sidelined.

He's impulsive.
Then he's still a risk.

And Abby? My gut tells me
she won't be a problem.

You have to treat them all
as equally dangerous.

It could be any one of them.

It could be all of them.

Yeah, I know.

I'm ready.







Bit poky, Jess, but...

I'm sure it'll do (!)

You all right?

So, what do you think?

It's not exactly
your average petting zoo, is it?

I wish we could get them all home.

They don't belong here.

I agree.

See, I thought the military approach
was to sh**t first

and worry about ethics later.

I was in the army for a few years,
Abby. It doesn't make me


Becker says
you're brilliant with animals.

As long as they're not
trying to eat me.

Get on all right.

Animals just do
what their instincts tell them.

I like that.

You think we should be more like
them? Follow our instincts?

Wouldn't be such a bad idea.



Duncan. Good to see you, mate.
Show me some ID.

This is my ID.

I'm not listed anywhere.

How did you find me?
I called your mum.

Come on, mate. It's me. Let me in.


Nice place.

It's erm...

It's a little bit...smelly.

How long have you been here?
You never called me.

'Ey, look. I've...

been away.

So, why are you here now?

Trying to catch up with old mates.
Yeah. Right.

Don't forget, Connor.

I was there when Tom died.
I heard what you said.

'It was a conspiracy,
all the way to the top,' you said.

'Mind control,' you said.
I miss Tom too, mate.

But there's no mind control.

I was just saying what Tom
wanted to hear. Where is it?

What are you doing?
Ah. Yeah.

Right. Now, you'll know...
what this is.

Oh, Duncan!
No, it's not mine!

It's creature faeces. Dinosaur poo.

Those dodos weren't
the only creatures, were they?

No-one believed me.

The doctor said I was sick.

Having delusions.


I found some proof!

For myself.

Come on. I'll show you.

It's not far away.

Take that.

Mobile phones -
they're...too easy to trace.

Duncan. Duncan!

What happened to you?

You did, Connor.

You...happened to me.

Oh, come on. Let's go.

'It's through the door behind you!'


The builders are never here
at lunchtime, so we should be safe.

This used to be a proper community.

30, 40 homeless people?

Yeah. I lived here for a while.

Well, I couldn't go back
to the old flat.

It was after I left
the k*lling started.

People disappearing.

They probably just left,
cos of the building work.

No. Bodies started turning up.
Ripped to pieces.

Why did no-one do anything, then?

These are homeless people, Connor.

No relatives,
no-one to look out for them.

The authorities don't care.

If there was a creature,
we'd already know about it.


We just would.

Trust me.


Stay there.

Give me that.
What is it?

What is it?! OK.
I need you to go straight home now.

I'll catch up with you later. OK?

It's a creature, isn't it?
I was right!

Duncan. It's happening again.
The world's gotta know!

Seen it?

Good. We're going!

Abby needs to see this.
The hot blonde? Yep.

Find anything yet?

Kind of. Erm...I need you to

see something.
You've found a flat?

No. Have any anomalies
been detected today?

No. Connor?

What's going on?
I need you to come down here.

Down where?
The docks.

The old warehouse by
the power station in Fortune Road.

Just give me a second.

Sorry. Haven't set you up
with your password yet.


It's just, if someone unauthorised
is found on the system,

the whole thing shuts down -
alarms, panics,

screaming, the whole
security nine yards. Nightmare.

It's got it. I'm on my way.

Duncan, don't cry, mate.
It's not helping.

Anything I can help you with?

Just gonna pop out for a bit.

What if there's an anomaly?
Got my black box.

Turned on?

Bring me back some chocolate.
Nothing with orange in it, though.
That's just weird.

Matt's acting strange.
Really? In what way?

I've worked with him eight months,
and I've read his file backwards.

But I still don't feel I know him.
You read his file?

Yeah. I read everyone's file.
That's my job.

Not that I' your file.

The personal bits, I mean.

Nothing about wives or girlfriends
or boyfriends.

Anything like that.

And if you did have
one of those things,

it would probably be a girlfriend,
would it?

Rather than the other options,
I mean.

Anyway. About Matt...

Leave it, Jessica.
He knows what he's doing.

What are you up to?


You remember Duncan, don't you?

Are you like his girlfriend now?

This way.

Wow. There's hope for us all.

It's just down here.

That's weird.

It's gone.

The body's gone. The creature
must've come back for it.

What made you think
it was a creature k*ll? Er...

Lateral incisions,
the throat had been torn out.

There was a big chunk
gnawed out of his side.

His left leg was hanging by a thread.

So, not natural causes, then.
Not so much, no.

Matt's heading to the docks.
So what?

Well, why is he doing that?
I dunno, Jess.

Perhaps he's buying a boat (!)

Connor. Connor!

Get rid of them!

How am I supposed to...

Health and Safety Board, mate.

There's structural damage in here.
You're gonna have to get
your men out now.

You're not Health and Safety.

Trust me. It's not safe
for you to stay here.

Blondie? Go home! And take your
er...boyfriends with you.

Dunno where Macca's taken off to.
I want this lot torched.

Seriously. You don't wanna do that.



Just run!






Come on! Get in!



The nest isn't there.

There's no sign of it.
It could be anywhere.

Early cretaceous, right?

Caprisucus. It's a bar croc.

There were no tusks.
It's full grown.

Nearly right, though.
Better check outside.

Connor, come with me. Abby,
take the perimeter, head north.

We'll meet you at the other side.

Matt. Please respond.

He's definitely up to something.

Abby was on there
looking at maps of the docks.

Then Matt used the terminal
and left.

And check this out. He's at the
docks, but his phone's turned off.

Look at that erratic pattern
of movement.

Nothing's showing. No anomalies.

He's chasing something.
Yeah. Or being chased.

I'm gonna get a team together.
You keep trying him.

You're gonna need one of these.

Jess, we've got an incursion,
but no weapons. What's going on?

I need Becker down here now.
He's on his way.

Sorry. That's quite cool.

Yes. OK.


All units, listen up.

We've got a creature report
at these co-ordinates.

I've ordered the harbourmaster
to shut the port to all shipping

and have the coastguard
establish an exclusion zone

one nautical mile out.
Good thinking.

Becker's on his way.


It's here in the water.
Can we track it by road?

No. It's heading out
into the harbour.

I'm on it.
On it? What does she mean, on it?

'I have him.
Try to plot my position.'

Abby, turn back.
'What, and lose it again?'

Ease up.

Abby, what's happening?


You OK?

The cargo ship. It's heading for
the container port.


Duncan. I think it's better
if you stay here.

Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere.


Jess, Becker. ET on backup.
Minutes away, man.

Take left.

I'm on board.

Get to the bridge.
Have the rest of the ship evacuated.

Hi. You need to abandon ship.
There is a dangerous animal on board.

And you are...?

Guys, I see it. Forward deck.

We're sounding the alarm.


Abby, are you sure?

So, where is it?

Think it went overboard?
We'd have heard it.

I'm heading into the hold.

I'll double-check this level, report
back. I thought you were fired.

I'm working out my notice (!)



You need to get out of here.
You need to leave now!



Sorry I'm late.
Caught every red light.

It's in a container.
We're taking it ashore.

Who's your mate, Connor?

He's an old friend.

Duncan, me and Tom.
That was my g*ng.

Friends. Whatever.

Tom...was k*lled a couple of years
back by a creature.

I don't think Duncan
ever got over it.

If anything had happened to him
today, you know...


It's woken up. With a headache!
We'll tranq him again on the truck.


How did you know where we were? Hm?

When you turned up at the warehouse.
How did you -

You followed me.
Why did you not

call it in as soon as you knew?

I don't work for The Ark.


I'm just a concerned citizen.



It's coming loose.
The container is breaking free.




No. I am not letting
another friend die.

You do what you have to do.

No, no, no, no. No, not you! Look.

You're on my team now. You've
got to take your orders from me.
I won't let him get hurt.





OK. Everybody listen up.

This creature sees in infra-red.
Some reptiles do, but we're
not sure about this one.

Pretty sure.

So, we're gonna use the flares.

Points of moving heat
will disorientate him.

Face to face,
flare's your best option.

Only use your EMDs as a last resort.

These are steel containers.
It could ricochet anywhere.







Duncan. Do you read me?

Connor? Connor, is that you?

Course it's me.
Who do you think it is?

Listen. Where are you?
Give me a visual reference.

Er...I'm beside some...

some red...
and some, containers.

OK. Just stay there.

I'm gonna come and find you.





Connor, where are you?!



It's OK, mate. Just calm down.

I'll get you out,
but I need you to trust me.

Get inside here. You'll be safe.
But what about you?

I'll be fine.





It's heading dockside.
I'm here.

Keep him coming my way.

We've lost visual.
Becker, it must be in front of you.

Well, I don't see it.

It must be right there.
Negative. I do not have a target.

Look up!

Hey. We can't get them all
back home.


Where's Duncan?


Yes. Erm...

I know he's definitely
in a green container.

Thank you.

The caprisucus anomaly
must've closed a long time ago.

We don't have anomaly data from that
era. Pity. Might've been useful.

Never mind. Crisis averted.
Well done, Matt.

It wasn't down to me.

If it wasn't for Abby and Connor,
our creature would still be at large.

I thought they were supposed to be
out of the front line. Oh, they are.

They just don't seem to know it.
We can't have rogue operators.

Then you'll have to lock them up.
It's the only way you'll stop them.

Look. Their experience is too
valuable to be wasted behind a desk.

I'd really like to have them
both back on full operational duty.

I thought I made it
very clear to you - Er, Philip.

I suppose, given that Abby and Connor
were formerly employed

before the military rule
came into force, technically,

they aren't covered by it.

So, they're back in.
Legally, they were never out.

I take it you have no objection.
No. It's entirely up to you.
I wouldn't interfere.

Thanks, Philip.

You all right?

Hey. Tom would've been
proud of you today.

I ran away, Connor.

I'm not exactly Indiana Jones.

What? Look at you.

You're so Indiana Jones.

You're a hero.
And I'll tell you for why.

No-one else cared
to investigate those deaths.

Without you, that croc'd still be
k*lling people.


You all right?

Oh, and Duncan. If you do
come across anything online...

call me.

You want me to help out?

You've got my number. Do I get
a special badge, or something?


I'll see what I can do.

You know there's no conspiracy,
right? Yeah.

See you.

See you later, mate.

Hey, Connor!

You and the hot blonde.




By the way. Where's my chocolate?

I was kind of busy (!)

Thank you.
Nothing with orange in it, right?


You look a little flushed.
It's just the chocolate.

Gets me all excited.

Look, guys. I was thinking.

My place has got
plenty of spare room.

Why don't you two move in for a bit?
Give you a chance to find somewhere.

I suppose this is what you think of
as not getting into any trouble!

Listen. Lester,
you need to know something.

You can sack me, but you can't
stop me doing this work.

thr*aten me, disown me.

Banish me. Whatever.

But if I think there's a creature
loose, I'm gonna investigate it. OK?


since you put it like that...

you're back on the team.

Blimey. I should get angry
more often.

And I want a pay rise!

Don't push your luck.

Oh, yeah.

Make yourselves at home.

Nice pad. I'll order in
some Chinese. I wanna hear

all about Lester and Becker
and Danny Quinn,
Professor Cutter and Becker.

Did I mention him already?

The files only tell you so much,
you know.


New roomies. Brilliant!

Where are you from?
When are you from?

I have to find the man
who came through with me.

She clearly isn't from our time.
She could be infectious, hostile,

Connor. I need your help.

We must go back before it's too late.


I know it's not as thrilling
as running after an overgrown lizard.

But one day, this will save lives.

He'd never go through.
He knows the rules.

No expeditions, no search parties,
no rescue.

This...stays locked!

Besides, if he's been
dragged through by a creature,
he's already dead.