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03x10 - Episode 10

Posted: 10/21/22 07:25
by bunniefuu
Johnson's military. We can't just storm
in there without clearance. Let's go!

Yes, sir, I'm very well
aware of that. Let's go!

Based on a hunch that she's
got an active anomaly. Let's go!

Let's go!

and some mysterious woman from the
future tucked away somewhere. Let's go!

- Who are you? Who are you working for?
- I will show you Let's go!

but first I have to go to the
Anomalies Research Center. Let's go!

What do you know about
the ARC? Let's go!

Let's go!

Over here!

If you're gonna do something,
now would be a good time.

- What does it say?
- Not much.

"333" here... here...

What's going on?

Now give me the artifact or she dies.


- What we gonna do?
- Follow Helen wherever she goes.

... to the the end of
time and if necessary.

So, what do we go?

Stun grenades.

The future predators have
a hypersensitive hearing.

These should stop them
and detect their traps.

- Do you have ear plugs in there?
- Use your fingers.

And if you don't want
your eardrums to burst

I suggest you keep your mouth open.

That won't be difficult for Connor.

Not too close when you throw.

All right, let's do this.


- Not now.
- It's Johnson's HQ.

Do you think it's Helen?

Could be.

We got back there

and we're wrong then...


You have to give us orders.

Well. Becker, you check it out.

Sarah, you go with him.
Abby, Connor, you're with me.

- Wherever she is we'll stop her.
- Danny, I wanna go with you.

Look, I need you to do this for me.

- Yeah but if you don't...
- Look, no one is saying goodbye here.

Will return all.

Now, once we're through,

you close the anomaly. It's far
too dangerous to leave it open.

Unlock it in two hours.

Danny, here.

And take care.

Unlock it!

- Connor.
- Jo.

You may need this.


Let's get going.

- What about Johnson's people?
- The operation is being closed down.

The place should be empty. Come on.

Come on.

It doesn't get any prettier, does it?

- You all right?
- Yeah.

When I saw Helen, she was down there.

- By the church.
- Ok.

- Let's go.
- This way.

You see Helen?

So, where is Helen? Where
are all the predators?



No one on the gate there.

Let's hope it's all that easy.

I wouldn't bet on it.

Becker, through here.

This must be Johnson's anomaly.

So where... where did you see Helen?

She came from over there.



Pull it over the side.

Oh, it stinks.

Why would Helen come here?

If it was me I would find some nice
little Jurassic beach somewhere.

However crazy she was everything
she does makes some kind of sense.


There're back.

Did you get it?

Apparently not.

I can't hold that here.

We've gotta get something
Keep the door closed.

- Becker is really not gonna be happy with you
- Why?

That was his favorite g*n.

We gonna get him a girlfriend.

Oh my God!

We're in the ARC!

Maybe some kinda future version of it.

Helen said, "it started all here".

This must be what she meant.

She's here. I know it.

Come on.

Come on.


There's no way out.
Becker there's no way out!

I'll call the backup team.

- Tell me exactly where we are.
It's a big too late for that now.

Oh my God, their coming through it.

Come on. We need to get both of
them on the grill at the same time.


Come on, we've only
got one shot of this.

Come on, Sarah. You can do this.

Come on!

Come on!

Come on!

Come on! Now!

Do you think that's the
last one of those things?

Let's go to find out.

The anomaly has closed.

Let's get out of here.

That's what Helen used
to control the anomalies.

Looks like it's been
dead for a long time.

How do you think it works?

I wish I knew.

- Did you just...
- Yeah.

Ok, here.



Works better on you that
it does on some predators.

Come out of the dark, Connor.

That's it.

Good boy.

You too, Abby.

So you found me.

I am surprised... surprised
you had brain to figure it out.

Whatever you're up to it ends now.

Who's gonna stop me?

You and Barbie?

Just watch us.

Nick knew this was important...

but he didn't know why.

Yeah. But he would have it done.

if you hadn't m*rder*d him!

I spent...

every day since his death

working it out,


for this moment.

I know he would have understood.

You keep telling yourself that, Helen.

One day you may believe it.

Doesn't matter now.


none of this will ever have happened.

- What you're gonna do?
- I hope you gonna like this, Connor.

I, Helen Cutter,

I'm gonna save the world.

Since when did you care so
much about the human race?

Well. It's not humanity I'm gonna save.

You know, Helen, you
need some serious therapy.

It's a time map.

of every anomaly there has ever been...

or ever will be.

- Cutter was right.
- There is a path.

With this we will will never have
to wait for anomalies to open again.

We will just know where they are.

Just a sweet clever boy.

Pity shame you have met Cutter.


You know,

If I were you,

make the most of the time have left.

Believe me,

it won't be long.







- It's time.
- Open it.

Where are they?

Come on, Quinn, hurry up!

She was plug in some kind of...

We go find out where she was going.

How we can follow her?

But how? This thing is completely dead.

I know, but if we can get it working, then
maybe I can restore the computer's memory.


- We need power.
- Yeah.

Batteries... in the torches.


- We need to fit them all together.
- Medical kit.

How many we got?


Do we need the artifact to make it work?

No, no, hopefully the...

the data will be still
on the hard drive. So...

we might not need it.

Site 333. She named the file "site 333".

333, what is that? A
location, a code, what?

- Oh, my God
- What?

The Rift Valley in Africa
For million years ago.

It's the... the great civilisation
site. *origin of the human race*

333 it's where they found the remains

of the - so called -
first family of ominidis,

A group of 30 early humans
who all died at the same time.

No one survived.

So Helen is gone to visit the ape man.


She's come to k*ll the first human,

want to stop our
evolution in its tracks.

She's gonna wipe us all out.

- Ok?
- Yeah.

... All right I'm on it.

Try lower.

Come on.

I must get this guy,?


It's not as easy as it looks, you know?

This is gonna give us
a small window of time.

All right.

- Are you ready?
- Not really.

Yes. Yes!

Come remember everything!

How she did.

Come on!

Ok, so, 333.

Ok, this is Helen's route. It looks
like that she's going to two anomalies.

We have to find a way to open them.

Let's do it.


- Try to connect.
- All right.

Just be patient Connor. You'll get it!





Just hurry up, right?

I'm not very good under pressure.

Ok, come on.


put in a series of numbers.
That could be anything...

It's like some kind of lettering.

No, it's a sequence of numbers.

- Ok, some kind of code?
- Yeah, but to what?

We've got it!

Please let this work.

Five, three, five, nine.



Come on.


Yeah, come on.

Oh this is taking too long.
We're running out of power.

- Hurry up, Connor.
- I'm as fast as possible. It's downloading.

We have to go, Connor.

Tell me something I don't know.

Ok, 75 percent.

Is coming to an end.

Come on.

80 percent.

They're in here.

95 percent.

100 percent, that's it.


Got it.

This is it.


- Connor!
- Close it!

I didn't die for a second.



- Where are we now?
- But more importantly...

Where's Helen?


- She run this way
- Yeah.

Ok, ancient pines, that
could mean this is...

Jurassic Park...


maybe the Cretaceous.

So um...

what sort of creatures
we're talking about?

Well um...

a lot.

Maybe too many to list.

Lot's of theropoda dinosaurs
mostly, kinda carnivores.

Spinosauri, allosaurus...

apatosauri, barosaurus...

Oh, good.

And obviously T-Rex.

- ... raptors...
- Yeah. I've got the point.

No, literally...


They don't look too bad.


Come here! Fast!

- Connor?
- Quickly!

Come here. Ok.

Are these two are raptors. So at
least we know we're in the Cretaceous.

We've got to find the next anomaly.

Before they learn to climb.


- No!
- What?

- This thing is just dying?
- What?


We don't know the route.

We can't open the anomalies.

We can't get home.

There might not be a
home to get back to.


Over there.

You see?


She get's through another
anomaly. We've lost her.

Any ideas?

We could appeal to their good nature.

- Don't think they've got one.
- Right.

Playtime is over.

Stun grenade. Come on!

- Why I didn't think on that first?
- Raise it!


Got it.

Close your ears.

- And open your mouth.
- Two...

- One...
- I must tell you one thing before...

- Connor?
- Co... Connor?


Put your foot on it.

Connor! Connor, you're okay?

He's alive.

He's alive!


- I can't leave here. I won't...
- You have to stop her!

- We gotta get him somewhere save. Come...
- Finish it!


Wake up, Connor.


Can you hear me?

Just say something!

Come on, don't give up on me now.


Please! Connor...


Come on.

This way.

Hey, take it with someone
of your own... species!


I'm gonna save you this time.

It's really sweet from you,
Abby. But I think you...

Cover it.

- How?
- Over there.

I'm sure I'll think out something.

I know that in your current position...

- you can do anything right now.
- Abby, can you just...

- What?
- Can we argue about this later?


That was a stupid idea. I have to admit.


Nice hit.

Thank you.

Let's go... before...

the others wake up.

- Ah, yeah. Cool.
- Come on.

- Abby...
- Come up!

- I will need help.
- Oh, sorry.

- I think I broke my ankle.
- Oh, really?

If it's not a wide break.

Are you okay?

We just need to find
somewhere save then...

then we can find Danny in the morning.


You're too late Danny.
It's already begun.

But thanks.

You know, if I hadn't take me to the
ARC, I never would have got this far.

You k*lled them.

The humanity is a stain
on the face of the planet.

And when we're gone, other species
would be able to develop in peace.

There will be no wars, no
pollution. No predators.


You've wiped out humanity.

And how can I still be here?

You're really not big
bright. Are you, Danny?

You know, I haven't finished yet.

There's more to k*ll.

But you'll be surprised at how a
few ominidi started the human race.

- It won't take long.
- You gonna k*ll yourself as well.

I don't care.

Whatever you do, humanity
will find a way to evolve.

- You can't fight nature.
- You sound just like Nick.

And you know what?

You're both wrong.

Goodbye, Danny.

Good boy.

I think we'll be safe here, Connor.

And then, like I said, we can...

find Danny in the morning.

What hurts?

Pretty much everything.

Close your eyes.


Close your eyes.

Imagine a happy place.

You're on a beautiful beach.

And the sun is shining.

Are you there too?


If you like.

Are you wearing a bikini?


... if you like.

The water is really warm.

It's lovely.




Can I move back into the flat please?


Sweet dreams.

See you in the morning.


What we're gonna do?

They're will be back.

I've got an idea.


Which way home?