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03x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 10/21/22 07:20
by bunniefuu
You're certain it was in the ARC?

We intercepted calls.
The ARC staff were saying

Helen Cutter had it.

So what's happened to it? We don't know.

It might have been destroyed
in the fire. It might not.

My whole future could depend on this.

If it's there, I want
it back, understand?


Ready to begin?

It's amazing.

Once we understand them,
we'll know how to control them.

Get out of there.

Run! Go, go, go!

Does it know I'm here? Yes,
it can sense your heartbeat.

We have to learn how
to harness that power.

Deal with it. It means temporary
suspension of the cloaking device.

The ARC will know...
I'll deal with them later.

'It's on you now.

This matters.

I don't know why.

But it does.

It's on you now.'


Let me help you.

I'm an archaeologist, I know how
to deal with things like this.

I can clean it up and see
what lies beneath the dirt.

Listen to me, nobody can find
out about what we're doing here.

Absolutely. Not until we
know what we're dealing with.


You're in charge until we can
make a permanent appointment.

Are you sure you want me to take over?

If I wasn't, I wouldn't ask.

Don't expect a pay rise.

I could probably swing
you a parking space.

Keep things calm, controlled,

and if you can manage it, slightly dull.

Is it working? No, not yet.

But it will be.

Excuse me. You need to get some rest.

What I need to do is
finish this and then...

Then I need to fix the detector.

This is the Anomaly Locking Mechanism.

If I can... If I can
get this to work Abby,

we can seal anomalies.

If we don't know where they are
then it won't be much use, will it?


You're driving them too hard.

Right now, work is
the best thing for us.

Any luck?

It's too soon to say.

Once it's clean, we
should have a better idea.

Any chance of putting
this back together?

Wouldn't know where to start.

Give me a few years, I might
be able to work some of it out.

Cutter kept a lot of things to himself.

Tell me about it.

Hey Jenny, if you ever need
to talk about anything...

There's nothing to say.

Is this a test? No, this is genuine.

Do we have a location? Ah-ha.

I'm getting the co-ordinates now.


It's a go.

OK, let's go then.


It''s nearly ready.
Next time. Let's move.


The cloaking device
is going back on now.

The ARC will have picked up
the signal. Get your men ready.

In there.


It's deserted.

It could be in there somewhere.

There must be another way in.

Wait, Jenny.

Captain Wilder? Becker.

You two know each other?

Sandhurst. Top of his
class, one of my best cadets.

If you two are going to
hug, can you do it later,

cos there's an anomaly in
here. Move back into the foyer.

What's going on here?

You must be Jenny Lewis.
I'm Christine Johnson.

Nice to meet you.

What is this place? Jenny...

This definitely detected an anomaly
less than 100 feet away from here.

I know that might not
mean anything to you,

but trust me, not a good thing.

There's really nothing to worry
about. There's no anomaly here.

What do you know about the anomalies?

Let's just have a look,
you know, just to be sure.

I can assure you you'd find nothing.

I want unrestricted access to
the whole place and an explanation

of why you're here. I'm
afraid that's not possible.

I can make it happen with one
phone call, so let's save time.

James Lester has no authority here.

Now I suggest you go back to the ARC

and do what it is you all do best.
Did you hear what we just said?

You could be in danger, just
let us go in and have a look.

That's very thoughtful,
but we'll be quite safe.

Do give my regards to James.

Captain Becker, isn't it?

I gather you and Captain
Wilder are old colleagues.

Yes, Ma'am. Perhaps
you'll have the chance

to work together again some day.

Oh God! The car...

Damn it!

She seemed to know all
about us and the anomalies.

That's not news to you, is it?

Are you sure the detector was working?

We got the same reading
from the handheld.

But you can't be certain?

Well no, but if it wasn't
an anomaly, what was it?

Did you know this place existed?

No. Right.

Then we need to find out
what they're doing there.

Yes! Thank you for that statement
of the blindingly obvious!

Right, yeah, leave it with me.

Go on, thank you.

Abby's phone, hello? 'Is Abby there?'

No, she's, she's not at the
minute, can I take a message?

'Tell her I'm going to show
her a proper good time.'

Excuse me? 'I'm back and we're
going out on the town tonight.'

Who is this? 'Jack.'

Jack who?

'Got to go, mate.'


What is it? Some kind of detector.

For what? No idea.

Oh, incisive!

Well, I'm sure it's something
to do with the creatures.

Mick, you realise you're
sounding a little mad? I know.

I don't employ mad people.
What are you talking about?

Half your journalists are mad. They
don't file stories on dinosaurs.

It's beeping, what does that mean?

I think it means we're on our way.

Get me a camera crew
ready in two minutes.

Is it the same place?

No. No, this is a new one.

OK, let's get going then.

Where's Abby?

She said she had to meet someone.

Who? I don't know, Jack somebody.

We'll call her on the way.

Jenny, give me two minutes.

Two minutes I can have
this thing up and running.


Two minutes. Yes!

What is it? I don't know.

But I think we're going to find out.

Connor, how much longer?

Seconds away.

Done. You can load it up.

This is actually going
to work? It'll work.

I know this is going to work, it's...

I hope it's going to
work. It's OK, just asking.

Becker, we'll see you there.

OK, so what do you want me to do?

Depends on what happens.

Who do I speak to about my expenses?

What was that?

Where to now?

Straight ahead, about half a mile.

Did she say anything else? Who?

Abby. About this Jack guy
and who he was exactly?

No she didn't. I thought
you were calling her?

I tried calling her, but...

What the hell do you think
you're playing at?! You OK?

Please, you've got to
come quickly. What is it?

There's this thing, a big shining light.

This creature came through
and it started... Stay there.

How much tranquilliser
do you think we need?

This thing, how big was it?

Big. Your call.

It's in there. Better hurry,
it's really frightening.

I told you to stay
away from this. I know.

I wish I'd listened to you.

Stay there.

You OK? I'm fine.

I'll go first. No, me.

How about we both go together?

OK. On three?





No! No no no no no...

Open the door! What do
you think you're doing?!

Thanks for the scoop, Jenny!

Damn it!


Has it done anything else yet? No.

This better be good. Well,
what about that thing?

You promised me a prehistoric creature.

Now anything less then
a mammoth, you're fired.


No back door. Oh God!

I can't believe I let
myself get taken in

by that reptile of a journalist!
He's pretty good though.

As reptile journalists go, he had me.

Becker, how far away are you?

Well look, I don't care how
many barriers you go through

I need you here faster than fast.

They're stuck in road works.

What are you doing? Door's solid.

We're not getting through there.

This is unbelievable.

Hello there.

Isn't this extraordinary?

Look at this.

What is it? Tell us what it is.

It's a Velociraptor.

A young one, from the late cretaceous.

This little fellow is
about 80 million years old

and when it's full grown,
these are top predators.

It's a little nervous.

Do you know, if I
could pat a dinosaur...

Hello there. Come on
little fellow, come on.

Wow! That was unbelievable!

Somebody pinch me. Huh!

Keep on filming!

Don't you dare run away!

Danny Quinn? Oh, you
don't want to do that.

You need all the help you can get.

It's over there. What
are you doing here?

Saving your bacon. How did
you even know where we were?

I followed the journalist.

You know he broke into
your car? I gathered that.

Thanks for the help but just go now.
But it's just getting interesting.

If you don't go now,
I'll have you arrested.

Guys, as fun as this is, we've
got more pressing matters.

Give me the g*n. I'll go in first.
One more step and I will sh**t you.

All right. Absolutely.

That is...

It's enormous, isn't it? Whew!

You're not going, are you?

Help, you've got to get
me out of here, please!

Help! Hello?

Please get me out. Door's
jammed, get round the other side.

Oi, I give the orders around here.

Connor, round the other side.

OK, keep your head still.

I've got the door open. Try to stay
calm, we'll get you out as soon as we can.

Just get us out of here, please!

OK, listen, I need you to try
and edge your way towards me.

Yes, that's right, nearly there.

Can I help you? Get
me Christine Johnson.

I don't care if she's in a meeting, on holiday
or struck by lightning. Get her for me now!

Just bring it in here.

Listen, try not to break
it as you unpack it, OK?

Can you describe the creature to me?

Big. It's very big, it's huge.

I want more detail. People
are dead because of you.

But this is amazing.

This is the biggest
story ever and it's mine!

You don't seriously believe
you can cover this up?

There'll be no story, trust
me. Guys, can we just focus?

What happened to the
creature? It went back.

You can't stop me from telling
the world about this. Watch me.

Take them away, take their phones,
not one word of this leaks out.

This is unbelievable!
We haven't got much time.

It'll be back. He knows
there's easy prey here.

Look, here's what I think we should do.

There is no 'we'. This has
got nothing to do with you.

This is a secure zone

and you don't have authorisation
to even be here. Leave now!

Do you want me to
arrest him? Last chance.

So...where do you want
all this stuff? Over there?


That's the last one.

Nothing here threatens the
integrity of the ARC operation.

I give you my word on
that. And the Minister's.

Do you know, I can't tell you
how much that reassures me.

You've got a little bit of a hotline

to the Minister, haven't you?

I saw your suggestions
for Cutter's replacement.

One thing in common, military uniforms.

Have you got a little
bit of a thing for them?

We're all on the same side,
James. We have to trust each other.

No, I don't think either of us got
where we are by trusting anyone.

The military have a big role to play
in the fight against the anomalies.

I'm sure you appreciate that.
You're getting nowhere near ARC.

You want to trust me on something?
Trust me on that...Christine.

Bear with me. OK.

And we are ready.

OK. Do this for me.



I thought you said this
was going to work? It does.

It will. Well, how long
before we can try it again?

I don't know, a few
seconds, I don't know.

It's just a little thing, but did anyone

think about closing the
doors? That's it, arrest him.

Look out!

Our exclusive is heading
towards the runway.

I need to get out of here.

The biker, he's gone.

His name's Danny Quinn. I'm more concerned
about a T Rex wild on an airfield.

That wasn't a T Rex.
That was a giganotasaurus.

A G Rex, if you like. That
thing is bigger, it's faster.

It's...even more dangerous.

Get the locking mechanism
working and seal that anomaly.

Stay with him. Anything
comes through, k*ll it.

Come on!

OK, let's get this thing
unloaded. I tee off in an hour.

Bring these four first,
these are the heavy ones.

All right, lads...

Come and have a look at this!

Get back, get back inside the plane!

Quick, get back in!

Now there's something
you don't see every day.

Stay under the plane.

I'll go and check on the crew,
I've got to get them down.

What is that thing? It doesn't matter.

Don't worry, we'll get you out of here.

Come on. Come on...

Get out!

Come on!

Get out of the car!

Get out! Get out of the car!

Let's turn and burn.

Change of plan. You stay here,

You'll be safer where you are.

My shoulder hurts, you take over.

If I don't get this story
first, I'll sue the government

for theft, false imprisonment,
infringement of copyright

and anything else that
the lawyers can think of.

Why have you stopped?

I want 20 per cent of the merchandising.


All right, 20. Just get us out of here.


Oh, thank you!

It works.

Never doubted you for a second.

Where have you been?


Connor, we need some help.

OK. Stay here, don't touch anything.

Jenny, we'll be with you
in seconds. Just hang on.

Pull over here. By the tow truck.

See you in a bit.

Come on, girl.

Abby, what the hell is he doing?

He's creating a diversion.

No, no no no no no!

I'm not going to out-run this thing!

Just stop!


Just don't move.

Don't move.

Come on, you ugly sod. Let's have you.

Who's that?


Identify yourself, please.

Will you please identify yourself.

Bear with me a sec. A little
bit busy at the moment.

Danny, do you have the first
idea what you're doing up there?!

Look, don't worry, I'm
an experienced pilot.

How experienced?

Two lessons. But they
went unbelievably well.

All right. What's the plan?

Well, to be honest,

I'm pretty much making
it up as I go along.

Get in.

Get in! What?

What sort of lunatic is he?

I think he's trying to lead
it back into the hangar.

Connor, did you lock
the anomaly? Oh, yes.

Oh, no...

Get back to the hangar,
quick as you can. There, here!

Ow, Connor, that's my...

It is opening, don't stop.

I bruise easily, you know.

This is cool.

This is good.

Come on, let's go.

Where are we going?

The camera.

We need evidence. Let's
just get out of here.

No! I want that footage!

What do you think you're doing?!
Ever heard of freedom of the press?

Connor, now!

You know what, I quit!

Oh, this is going to be an amazing shot!

Woah, woah!

Danny, can you hear me?

We need to lock it
again. He might be alive.

We can't take that
risk. He's got a minute.

But, Jenny... I'm in charge here!

Just give him a chance.

Well, I think you're
making a big mistake.

OK, do it.

There's something coming through.

Lock it!


There's a herd of them
and they're coming!

Connor! I can't lock
it with him in the way!

So what did you do with the helicopter?

I'll just nip back and get it, shall I!

Abby... Yeah?

I was just wondering if you
managed to sort everything out?

You know, with...Jack?

Connor... Yeah?

We need to talk.

Later. OK.

I've got to get back
now anyway. Yeah, well,

I have to put this stuff away. Perfect.

See you later then. Yeah.

For a talk.

Thank you.

You saved people's lives today.
Ssh, don't worry about it.

Now I'm going to have to arrest you.

Well, we all have our own unique
way of showing appreciation.

You don't want to get
involved with this, Danny.

People get k*lled. I know that, Jenny.


Go back to your life.

Just forget all this ever happened.

Oh, and...get some flying lessons.

Sorry if I got at you before.

It's all right. It was pretty
tense there for a moment.

You did a good job.


What do you want me to do
with our kamikaze pilot?

I was just...

Oh, you're kidding me!

Come on...

How's the head?

Don't know. Might have
knocked some sense into me.

Well done today.

Cutter would have been proud of you.


And you.

All right?

Come on.


Hang on.

Abby, listen, if there's...

If there's something that
you want to talk to me about,

some sort of problem, you can.
It's cool, I...can take it.

You all right?

Will you just put some
clothes on, please!

Relax. I couldn't find any conditioner.

Jack. Nice to meet you.


My baby brother.

Sorry, I was going to explain.

There's no explanation necessary.


That's your brother, wow.

Couldn't find somewhere to crash
for a few days, could you? Eh?

Abby, there's no hot water!

Jack needs somewhere to stay.

And I am his sister, it's
only temporary, Connor.

Of course.

That's...that's cool. I'll just...

I'll stay at a mate's house or
something. Sure you're OK with it?

A hundred percent. Thank you.

Thank you. Oh...

Hello, you two.

It looks like we're
going on holiday. Yay!



I appreciate how hard things
have been for everyone.

So I wanted to say thank you.

For everything you've done.

Calm, controlled and slightly dull.

Just like you asked for.

Except for that G Rex, of course.

Oh, minor detail.

I spoke to Christine Johnson. Oh?

Did she tell you anything?

No. I didn't expect her to.

I see. She's definitely up to something.

And I'm going to find out
what, have no fear of that.

You think the creatures
are frightening, Jenny,

you should try the civil service.