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03x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 10/21/22 07:19
by bunniefuu
We'll get done.

No chance.

This is brilliant.

I gotta check this.
It's wicked for boarding.

Come on then.


I've been trying to trace
the origins of the Qilin.

Also known as the Chinese Unicorn.

The earliest reference was
in the 5th Century book Zuo Zhuan.

I made a rough calculation
and put it into the matrix.

I love this thing!


if you touch that, you could change
the entire destiny of the universe.

I'm not gonna touch it.
I'm just gonna... Good man.

Whoa! Please tell me
this all means something.

This is a 3D model
representing all known anomalies

throughout history.

All cultures have
their own mythical beasts

like... the Loch Ness monster.

My guess is where there's a myth
we'll find an anomaly.

All we have to do
is date these myths accurately.

Like a road map of time.

Then we can start
to predict where and when

new anomalies might start to open.

Call me stupid, but couldn't we have
done all this on a computer?

This way it's more tangible.

It makes him feel more like God.
You know, the creation thing.

Connor, you might be right.

But unless I'm very much mistaken

I think we may have made
our first prediction.

All right. Listen up. We've
analysed the most recent anomalies

and put them into the model.

The prediction is specific
and local, but there's a problem.

It could happen tomorrow
or many years from now.

Check it out,
and take Sid and Nancy with you.

I'll go, too.
No, I need you here.

I should handle this. No, we'll go.
Anything happens, call me.


I've been taken hostage
by an obsessive scientist.

Welcome to our world.

This is the place.

So this is where Cutter predicts
the anomaly will open.

We'd better check it out.

Then what?

We sit twiddling our thumbs
till an anomaly appears?

Something like that

Hold me back! I don't think
I can take the excitement.

Seems quiet enough.


Window was open. Nobody in.

What happened here?

This place must be worth millions.

Why's it just been left?

The smell maybe. It stinks in here.

Could be the sewers
or maybe some damp.

It's more like
they've been keeping animals.

What kind of animals? Skunks? Hey.

Maybe the owners are abroad.
We'll keep watch for a while,

but we can't stay indefinitely
just to satisfy Cutter's whims.

You think he's wrong?
I think he's crazy,

but not necessarily wrong.

Seems like he's getting
beneath your skin.


Have you ever been attracted to
somebody that you don't even like?

I fall for the wrong men
all the time.

One thing I do know

if you're interested, don't wait
for the man to make the first move

cos you could die of old age
before anything happens.

You going to take your own advice?
Thinking about it.


I'll call you back.




That was childish.

Were you scared?

A little bit.

I thought you were in trouble.

You came to rescue me.

Thank you.

You know, I like this place.

It's fun.


I'm sorry.

The Qilin.

A magical creature
from 5th Century China.

Amazing what people used to believe,
isn't it?

Are you all right?
I'm fine. Thank you.


That was eventful!

It's a nice place, isn't it? Care
to explain what you're doing here?

Just visiting. The way I see it
you're either burglars

or trespassers.

Do we look like burglars to you?

I'm pretty sure I've seen
laughing boy on a wanted poster.

Are you talking about me?

Detective Constable Quinn. You are?

We're property developers.

You're lying. I should arrest you,

but to be quite frank
I can't be bothered.

You people aren't worth
the paperwork. Now go.

What do you mean "you people"?

m*rder tourists.

You make me sick. Now get out.

If I see you here again,
your feet won't touch the ground.

Come on.

Can I just say that I think
the police do a fantastic job?

The occasional lapse into cliche

is understandable
in the circumstances.


Something strange
is going on in there.

Stay here. If anything out
of the ordinary happens, call us.

Where are you going?
To get some answers.

Connor, you're coming with me.

Keep your head down
and don't look anyone in the face.

Cutter's the only one
likely to recognise you,

but if something does go wrong
you know what to do.


I'll call Maintenance.
That's Sector 8, isn't it?

No-one gets in without a pass.
I had it in here when I left.

It's not like
you don't know who I am.

Sir, according to this Dr Page
entered the building 15 minutes ago.

Close down the entrances.

Don't move!

Turn around slowly.

Put your hands where I can see them.

Drop your w*apon
and get down on the ground now!

I know this man.

That's impossible.

I watched him die in the Silurian
Desert millions of years ago.


Chief, have they reopened the case?
What case?

I caught three government spooks
sniffing round the Brooks House.

Not this again! They said
they were property developers,

but their plate was from
a government vehicle. Leave it!

The way I see it
they'll have another inquiry.

You're losing your mind. I haven't
got time for this. Make time, sir.

Because of your history
with that house

I'll pretend you didn't speak
to a senior officer like that.

Forget it, Danny. It's over.

Not for me.

Excuse me.

Hi. Hi.

We had some questions
about a property. Which one?

The abandoned house on the island.
You're interested?

Yeah. We're looking,
aren't we, darling?

Wondered why it hadn't sold yet.

The market's been a bit soft.

That's not the only reason.
Something happened there.

You mean the kids?
Kids? Three of them.

Local lads. They broke
into the house for a laugh.

What happened?

They disappeared. Not a trace
of them since - 14 years.

There must be some explanation.

Only one ever came out,
a boy called Ryan Mason.


Yeah, Ryan Mason. Man, some people
say the place is still haunted.

They hear screams, noises.

If you're interested,
I can get you a k*ller deal now.

We'll think about it.

Better be quick.
Want to get rid of it soon.

Thank you.

Now what?
We need to track down Ryan Mason.

I'll make a call.


Who's there?



Ryan, can we talk to you?

Just leave me alone.

But you are Ryan Mason?
You ain't paid.

I always fancied this job. We know
you didn't harm your friends.

We just want to know
what happened in the house.


Must've driven you crazy knowing
people thought you were a k*ller

when you've done nothing wrong.

I heard this terrible screaming.

There was this light shining.

It wasn't there before.
Was it flickering?

How do you know?

I just ran.


Like an animal.

No animal I'd ever heard.

Never saw my mates again.

Look, this is my job.
Please, no-one here knows.

We understand. You have nothing
to blame yourself for, Ryan.

I've been back to the house
a thousand times

and never once had the guts
to go back in.

But I will.

Come on.




I must have fallen.

Let's get you up.

Come on.

Slowly, slowly.

I'll just sit down.

Abby, what happened?

I was upstairs.

I thought I saw someone
in the bedroom.

I can't remember after that.

We should get you to a doctor.

OK. You stay here,
but wait outside.

This guy was eaten by a giant
scorpion in the Silurian Desert.

I'd say that makes him fairly dead.

I didn't say it made sense.
All right.

It's his identical twin.

What's he doing here
going through my laundry?

We k*lled his brother,

so he steals your shirt.

You said it yourself,
it doesn't make sense.

There's another option: Helen.

Maybe she had something to do
with it. She employed him before.

So now she's brought him
back from the dead?

That's scarier than I thought.
You can't even begin to guess.

Rule number one:

something inexplicable happens
Helen's usually behind it.

Trust me,

she's back.



Where's my phone?


You can't go inside.

I won't tell anybody, if you don't.

OK, phone.

Ah! What are you doing?

Arresting you
for breaking and entering.

No, you can't do that.
That's a mistake.

I can't leave this house.
Something bad might happen. What?

Come on.

You were warned.

Never let a good commission go
without a fight.

This is a blatant miscarriage
of justice.

I demand habeas corpus.

I would if I actually knew
what it meant.

I know my rights.
Name them.

You what?
Name them!

Phonecall! I get a phonecall.

Good lad.
And the right to remain silent.

Well, you've lost that one,
haven't you?

What is this?

A police state?

You can't take people's rights away
without asking them first.

You're not funny.


You have to let me go.
I have to speak to my friends.

Tell me what you were doing
at that house with your pals.

I can't do that.

You're not a property developer or
Oxbridge enough to be MI5, so what?

One phonecall.

I'll clear the whole thing up.


Is that a yeah or a no?



Oh, for heaven's sake.
I'm coming.

Connor's in jail.

OK, I'll stay here
and watch the house. Sure you're OK?

It's fine. I slipped. That's all.
Honestly, go.

I'll be back as soon as I can.
Give him my love.



Don't be scared. It won't hurt us.

I look after it. I feed it so it
doesn't eat Alfie or the other pets.

Everyone here
pretends it's not real.

But it is.

I have to stop it from being bad.

It's my job.

It's OK, Emily.

You can leave that to us now.


It lives in that house.

Please don't go in there.

Don't worry, I won't.

Oh, my God. Thank you so much.

Come here. It's so nice to see
a friend. It's been horrible.

I've been going stir crazy.
You were only in a few hours.

I'm not Nelson Mandela. It doesn't
mean I haven't suffered. Oi.

What the hell
do you think you're doing?

DC Quinn. I've come
to retrieve my colleague.

You'd be well advised to stay
out of my way. And if I don't?

It's for you.

DC Quinn.

No, sir. Of course not.


Yes, sir. I'll do it right now.

I hear the Home Secretary
hates being woken in the night.

Be wise
if you didn't upset him again.


Do you think
I'm entitled to compensation?

If you go near that house again,

none of your fancy phonecalls
will help you.

Leave it to the professionals.

It's now out of police jurisdiction.
It's government business.

So if you or any of your people go
there again, you'll be trespassing.

Leave it to the professionals.

Abby? 'The creature
can camouflage itself. '

That's why we didn't see it.
I'll call Becker for backup.

'Don't go in there. '


Don't go inside the house!

Jenny, change of plan. I'm going in.

Get here as soon as you can.

Don't sh**t!

Who are you?
Ryan Mason.

I had to come back,
to know the truth.

Yeah? Well, your timing's lousy.

Come on.

Go, go!



Is it upstairs?

Are you OK?

After you.
Thanks very much.

You stay here.

No! Help! Help! Help!

Ssh. Trust me,
we can get you out of here.

But you have to stay calm,
and don't make any noise.


I'm gonna take my hand away now.

Help! Help!


Come on!

What did you do
with the others, Ryan?

It was the creature.

What did you do with my brother?
You've got it wrong.

Stay out of this.
This is out of your jurisdiction.

You're dealing with things you don't
understand. He k*lled my brother.

Just wait -
Shut up.


He was my little brother.

Look out!

Stay still.

He's camouflaging.

An anomaly. Where's it gone?

I've got a clear shot.


It was waiting for the anomaly
to reappear. It wants to go home.

Cutter called it right.
The anomaly came back.

Has it gone?

Get down!

Antistab vest.
Standard police issue.

I am so gonna get one of them.

I suppose an explanation's
out of the question.


Yeah, I thought so.

I thought it was you.

Yeah, I got that.

I'm sorry.

You couldn't have known.

Nobody could.

Come on.

Hi. Come on. Come on.

They never found my brother's body.

Maybe the creature didn't get him.

Maybe he went through the...

The anomaly.


That was a long time ago now, Danny.

Maybe it's time just to let him go.

You're right.

I've just phoned Cutter.

Told him he was right about
his prediction. What did he say?

His words exactly? Mm.
Something like,

"Of course I was right. "

What's going on, Quinn?

I'm quitting, boss.

We both know I wasn't right
for this job.

Besides it gives you a chance
to be divisional champion.

What are you gonna do?

I'll think of something.

I need something concrete
nobody could fake.

Dinosaurs are different.
No-one believes they exist now.

Where is everyone?

I hear you've been looking for me.

I wish there was another way.

You are so fired.