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03x07 - Frenemies: Chapter Seven: Infinity Inc. Part One

Posted: 10/21/22 05:39
by bunniefuu
When I hacked into The Gambler's files,

I found something I think he found.


[WHISPERING] What do we do now?

We don't say another word.


The light in Jennie's ring

is sensitive to dark energies.

I had hoped to spend
time in Blue Valley,

but I'm afraid you've
made it intolerable.

What a shame.

Would you let your parents
in this side of your life?

Hell, no, but my parents suck.

So, if I just remove the limiter,

you're saying that this
is gonna work hours a day?

You've been training the new Icicle.

I'm trying to help him.

And you made that decision by yourself

when all of us, who are
a team, are at risk.

Maybe Sylvester should lead the JSA.

- He already has been.
- What is this place?

It's called the Helix Institute.

Right here on your sign-in sheet,

Jennie-Lynn Hayden.

She is here,

but I'm afraid her brother is not.

Mr. Bones, did you know
that Todd Rice has a sister?

He's out there somewhere,

and I know he needs my help.

Maybe he's looking for me, too.

♪ ♪


This was left for you
by Child Services for today.

Happy birthday, Jennie.

- Is this about my brother?
- I have no idea.


Uh, thank you very much.

A little advice for out there
in the world...

don't try so hard to be perfect.

You don't have to be
for people to like you.

And it's a little annoying.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Come on, this way.

Where are we?

Todd, you trust me, right?

You know I do.

I am cooking you dinner.

Danny, if we're caught, we are...

I already disabled the alarm.

Come on, I learned from the best.

This kind of place is high stakes.

We... [SIGHS]

We stay below the radar...

BOTH: And we stay out of trouble.

Yes, I know.

I just wanted to give you one night

where we weren't living
like street rats.

Come on, it's your birthday!

And I know this day's
never easy for you.

♪ ♪

All right.

Sit down and open that bottle
of wine, okay?

I'm gonna go get started
on these steaks.

I hope you're hungry.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪


Dad's ring.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Todd? What's wrong?

♪ ♪

- Todd!
- Jennie!

- No!
- No!


- Todd!


♪ ♪




- Todd. Todd.




- Come on. Come on.
- You go.

- Todd, no, come on!
- [GROANS] I can't. Go.

- Todd, I can't...
- Go!


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Table for two?

- This him?
- Think so.

You Todd Rice?

Relax. We're not after your buddy.

You are Todd Rice, yeah?

How do you know my name?

♪ ♪

Your payment will be
forthcoming, gentlemen.

Thank you.

It is such a pleasure to meet you, Todd.

I'm Nurse Love.

What is this place?

Rest assured, you're safe.

Now come.


If you're hungry, we can ask the kitchen

to rustle up something.

Happy birthday, by the way.

Happy birthday?

You're today.

It's a real milestone, Todd.

How do you know me?

- Who were those cops?
- Friends of ours...

of Helix.


It's a place for youth
such as yourself...

troubled youth, special youth.

Your father was a man named Alan Scott.

Yeah. So?

What else do you know about him?

I know that he's dead.

Of course.

When he lived, he was
the wielder of great power.

But you know that, don't you?

Your father was the Green Lantern.


- What is all this?
- It's hope.

You see, I understand what it
is to be different, Mr. Rice.

But different can be good.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



Michael, would you care
for some chicken?

Uh, yes, please, Father.

Would you prefer a leg?

Perhaps a thigh?

Perhaps a thigh would suffice.

Quite welcome.

One wing coming up.

Oh, for God sakes, Pat, can
you and Leonardo DiCaprio

lay it on any thicker?


Uh, Mom, uh, how was work today?

Not bad. How was school?

Boring as usual.

You see that?

Courtney and Barbara are naturals.

Class, homework...


Everything is fine.

Beth needs ten more minutes,

so just try and act normal
until then, please.

Michael, would you lead us
in grace, please?


- Forget it. I got it.

Uh, oh, great one...

we thank You for this...

All right, all right, all right.

It's harder than it looks.


Ah. Dang it.

Seriously, guys?

All right, Rick, you're up.

This is a normal
Wednesday night for you?

Well, I sure do love game night.

[CHUCKLES] Me too.

Yeah. It's great.

You know, this whole
"situation" reminds me

of my granddad and the case
of the stolen Studebaker.

Hmm, that sounds exciting.

[SCOFFS] Just wait.

Exciting, indeed.

You see, there hadn't been a robbery

in Blue Valley for almost ten years.

Back then, my granddad was
a volunteer sheriff's deputy.

He knew all the goings-on in town.

Okay, Yolanda, I think
you'll be taking home

the Oscar for Best Performance
of Playing It Cool.

- Well done.
- Yolanda, it's your mother.

- Sounds urgent.
- Uh-oh. Oof.

Okay, well, good luck, champ.

I've got to check in with Beth
and get an ETA.

Thanks, Maria.

[SIGHS] Hi, Mom.

So you're actually there this time.

What do you mean? Of course I am.

I called to tell Maria
not to schedule you

for so many late shifts.

And do you know what she said?

This is the first late shift
you've done all month.

What have you been doing
at night, Yolanda?

Who have you been with?

♪ ♪

Okay, Beth, team's all in place

and ready when you are.

Okay, I'm working

on breaking through the
Blue Valley Water and Power's

last firewall...

well, only firewall.

They really need to beef up
security around here.

♪ ♪

You know, if The Gambler hadn't
found them, Mr. Pemberton...

I don't know if I ever would've.

I doubt that, but maybe it was better

Sharpe found the cameras first,

you know what I'm saying?

Considering he was m*rder*d for it.

Let's focus on the mission, okay?

Shut down the power and find
and destroy the cameras.

Yeah, just a few more minutes,

Then Operation: Blackout b*mb
goes into action.

"Operation: Blackout b*mb"?

Oh. You don't like it?

- No, I love it.

With liberty and justice for all.

Please begin.

- Amen.
- Thank you.

You guys did the prayer thing?

- Wow.

- You are going straight...

To Father Thomas tomorrow, Yolanda.

I am tired of your lies and your deceit.

Yolanda, you need to tell me
the truth right now.

This is a misunderstanding, okay?

I-I-I'll explain everything
as soon as I get home, okay?

You see, my granddad
had this special spot

- at the salvage yard...
- Mm-hmm.

High up on the sign's scaffolding,

kind of like a crow's nest,

whole town laid out before you,

and he took me up there one day.

Tell you what... you could see
all the way across Blue Valley.

And that's when we spotted it...

the Studebaker that
was stolen off the lot

a few days prior.

Now, we don't know who took it.

We couldn't see who was driving it,

but there it was in all
its glory on Maple Avenue,

roaring towards the highway.

Uh, did you ever find the car?

Nope, Granddad fell
and broke his clavicle.

But the lesson that day
was don't spy on people.

♪ ♪


Your timer ran out.

My other one won't.

♪ ♪

Anyone for Clue?

No, it's my turn.


All right, all right.

Let's play Clue next, though.


Beth, it's do or die here.

Here we go, Mr. Pemberton.

Three, two, one.

♪ ♪

- Oh, no!


♪ ♪

- Aah!

♪ ♪

- Let's do this.


Beth has no idea how long
until the power comes back,

- so we...
- Find the cameras.

Take 'em down.

How scary do I look? Ooh...

No more scary than usual.

That... that hurts.

I was kidding.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Over there.

It's pointed right at our table.

[SIGHS] So we're definitely
being targeted then, right?

Sylvester thinks so.

Me too.

- I wonder what Courtney thinks.
- Yeah, I know.

I wonder if she still even
wants to be Stargirl.

You know she does, Rick.

♪ ♪

Well, there's our camera.

The Gambler must've stumbled on

to the same security feed I did.

And you think whoever's
watching us knew that

and k*lled him?

Yeah, that's what I think.

And it wasn't The Shade, the Crocks,

Dragon King, or Cindy Burman.

♪ ♪



Another one bites the dust.

Did you turn over your
hourglass just for that?

I don't have to anymore.

Took off the limiter. Now it works - .

Watch this.



What are you doing?

Just showing you.

That seems kind of extreme.

Maybe, but it was kind of fun, too.

Being Hourman can be fun, finally.

I never have to worry about
time running out on me again.

Let's move.

I am amped!

♪ ♪

- [GRUNTS] Hey.
- Hey.

You okay?

- Yeah.

Sylvester's plan is good.

I don't mean with the plan.

I mean, are you okay
with everything else?

Someone's been spying on us, Pat.

We don't know who or for how long.

All I'm worried about is finding them.

That's all?

Oh, thanks.

Well, no.

But how can I talk about my own problems

when we're dealing with some
kind of psycho voyeur?

You can talk to me
about anything, all right?

You know that.

And I'm sorry that things
are difficult right now,

with you and Yolanda

and the others not getting along.

It's my fault.

I screwed up by keeping what
was happening with Cameron

to myself and now...

now Cindy's gone, along
with any credibility I had

as leader of the JSA.

I mean, forget leader.

I don't even know
if they're still my friends.

Of course they are.

They don't need me anymore, Pat.

They have Starman now.

Hey, Starman's not the one
who recruited them,

and he's not the one
who made those kids grow

into who they are today.

You started all of that.

Maybe that's all I was
supposed to do, Pat,

is get them started.

I don't think you believe
that any more than I do.


Pat? What's happening?

♪ ♪

Ah, Miss Whitmore, just who I need.

What are you doing here?

Do you know about the cameras?

If there's some kind
of nonsense going on

in Blue Valley, I no longer care.

I require your services

for something far more urgent.

She's not available, Shade.

She won't be long, Stripesy. Come, now.

I can't go anywhere right now,

and besides, Sylvester has the staff.

I don't need the staff.

I need Courtney Whitmore.

- Courtney!

♪ ♪


Yolanda, how's it going?

Uh, just got the one
downstairs in my kitchen.

Beth didn't find any in my bedroom,

thank God, but I'm checking
just to make sure.


The American Dream is clear,

and I'm hitting the rest
of Main Street now.

Oh, can you check the church, too?

The confessional.

You got it.

Oh, and hey, remember, stay strong.

I know there's a lot going
on with you and Courtney,

but don't let it take you off your game.

It'll work out.
You two just have to talk.

Thank you, Sylvester.


sneaking in like you've
been sneaking out.



- I want to see your phone.
- No.

- Give it to me, Yolanda.
- I have done nothing wrong.

I promise. It's...


It's all that I'll say.

I am old enough to live my own life,

and if you love me, you'll trust me.

Trust you?

After everything you've done?

Give me your phone right this minute...

or get out of this house.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪




♪ ♪

Uh, Barb?



- What's happening?

Where'd you drag us to, Shade?

I didn't drag you anywhere, Stripesy.

You invited yourself, and
I'd send you right back,

believe me,

if I could.

- Why?
- What do you mean

send us back if you could?

My abilities are...

well, to be frank, they're
coming apart like an old suit.

And, unfortunately, the one
seamstress in all the world

who could stitch them
back together again

is the most frustrating, immature,

defiant, emotional, unreasonable,

utterly vexing creature
I've ever come across.

But, of course, I needn't tell you that.

You already have the misfortune
of knowing her, too.

♪ ♪


[SIGHS] I told The Shade
that I should call you first

to explain everything,

but he never listens to anything I say.

Oh, I don't listen to you?

I daresay I felt quite neglected

when you almost burned
down that tea house.

- You called me stubborn.
- Um, guilty.

As stubborn as my father, who I told you

to never talk about, since
you helped m*rder him.

Okay, hey, just... let's
all take a breather here.

Just relax. It's okay.
Just, hey, take it easy, okay?


Jennie, what's going on?

♪ ♪

I finally found my brother, Courtney.

And he needs our help.


♪ ♪




♪ ♪

You found Todd?

Where is he?



And where are we?

We're at that Helix Institute.

Home for troubled youth.

That nurse said he left.

She lied.

Whatever this place really is,

he's been their prisoner
this entire time.

I'm going to get him out of here,

even if I have to burn
this place to the ground.

First, let me explain
our problem as simply as I can.

I don't think you can simply explain

how to make a cup of tea.

Brewing tea is rather more complicated

than perhaps you might imagine, Jennie.


Now, for weeks,

when I was accessing the shadows,

I was also drawing in

some mysterious emerald light somehow.

And it hurt, immensely.

I traced the light
to this delightful girl.

After several days of attempting

to separate our tangled power sources,

I'm afraid we remain at an impasse.

She has no control over that ring.

Because my ring was corrupted
by The Shade's shadows,

and now the darkness is leaking into it.

No, your light is leaking
into my darkness.

Okay, well, I think we just got

a real "peanut butter and
chocolate type" situation.

I mean, how'd they get tied up
together in the first place?

It was right before
we defeated Eclipso...

When Beth and I found that black residue

in the cafeteria.

- Whoa.


What is that stuff?

♪ ♪

I thought the ring destroyed it,

but The Shade thinks it was
pulled into the ring instead.

♪ ♪

It connected it to the Shadowlands.

And I fear,

if we don't sever that connection,

our conditions will worsen.

How can we help?

Jennie needs to exorcise the darkness

from her ring to shut off the link

between the light and the dark.

We think once I do, we won't be drawing

on each other's
respective powers anymore,

and I'll have full control
of the ring again.

Then I can help Todd.

Yes, and I don't care about any of that.

I just want the girl cut off
from the Shadowlands

so I can get back to a pain-free life.

- These kids need help.
- Oh, when don't they?

And why is it always my problem?

No, it was... it was amusing at first,

but now it's just annoying.

You can help me overcome the darkness

within me, Courtney.

You did it when you beat Eclipso.

How do I do that?

It was all kind of a dream.

I-I heard Starman, and I heard Pat.

But I broke free from Eclipso,
because I knew if I didn't,

my friends and family would get hurt.

Yes, excuse me. What are you saying?

What I'm saying

is saving Todd might be the thing

that lets her expel the
darkness out of her ring...

♪ ♪

And get you back to normal.

I think she's right, Shade.

Right, then...

let's go upstairs and get your brother.



♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Six months, and it's only gotten worse.

We need to be more aggressive
with the treatment...

before we lose control.





Wish granted.


♪ ♪

Yeah, it's quite a collection
of cameras.

But not the right ones.

I was really specific this time.

I wished for every camera

that The Gambler's k*ller ever touched.

[SIGHS] So what are these?

Mm, looks like a mistake to me.

I guess so.

Or maybe this is a clue.

- On who k*lled The Gambler?
- No.

I'm thinking on how the wishes work.

You see, it's a lot like the board game.

We know who got k*lled...

The Gambler.

And we know where he got
k*lled... the trailer park.

But what we don't know
is who the m*rder*r is.

Was it Professor Plum
or Colonel Mustard?

- Who are they?
- American icons, kid.

Anyway, the point being,

if you don't know who the k*ller is,

then maybe your confidence
with the wish itself

lacks the strength needed.

Then wires get crossed.

Your pistons aren't firing right.

You know, it's no secret,

but magic has everything
to do with the magic user.


Yep, I learned that playing
Dungeons & Dragons

with my grandmother Louise.

♪ ♪

Your grandmother played
Dungeons & Dragons?

[LAUGHING] Oh, did she ever.

Voted number one in the entire state...

Dungeon Master .

Mm-hmm, it kind of went to her head.

She kept referring to herself
as a master sorceress wrapped

in the Belt of Dwarvenkind...

whatever the hell that means.

Anyway, if she were here
now, the wish...

she'd say that it needs
to be more than just specific.

It needs drive...



See, Jakeem...

you got to want something
really, really bad,

with every fiber of your being
and with all of your heart,

so much that it has to come true.


♪ ♪

Got anything to add?

Nah, you got this, Jakeem.
Just follow your heart.

♪ ♪

This one has a flash cube on it.

- Hey. [LAUGHS] It still works.
- Ow.

Yeah, I'll take this one home with me.

♪ Do-do-do ♪ Holy smokes! A Betamax!

Oh, boy, come to papa.


Courtney and Pat
couldn't have just vanished.

I know. So where are they?

- I don't know.

♪ ♪

Oh. Yolanda?

I know Courtney and I aren't
really speaking, but, uh...

♪ ♪

I had nowhere else to go.

♪ ♪

Come on, let's go.

♪ ♪

- Can you stop doing that?
- What?

I need to flex. It feels good.

So the last camera, where is it?

Over there.

♪ ♪

Whoever's doing this
is a real creep, huh?

Yeah, but why? What do they want?

What does anyone who
comes after us want?



It never matters.
Crush 'em all the same.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Whoever you are, we're coming for you.


♪ ♪

Which way?

[SIGHS] I don't know.


Wait, wait.

Your brother is down there.

How do you know that?

I'm not sure.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Focus. Breathe.

Try not to burn
the whole place down again.

Hey, let Courtney do the coaching.

Oh, please, by all means.

♪ ♪




- You okay?
- I'm fine.

Just trying to help.

He's through here.


You okay?



♪ ♪


Who's there? Who are you?

It's me, your sister.


- Todd!
- Jennie!

I don't want to go!

♪ ♪

- Let's get him out of here.
- No, no! You can't!

♪ ♪

If you take me out of this room,

I'll destroy the world.

Well, I'm not leaving you here!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪









♪ ♪





Look out!




♪ ♪


Greg, move your head!

Mad Ghost.