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16x06 - Clean Hands

Posted: 10/20/22 13:52
by bunniefuu
It's just so beautiful in the country.

I can't wait to enjoy it.

I thought you were here to teach?

Well, my classes won't

take up that much time,

- and you'll be busy.

- Oh, yes.

I can't wait to see the

long-distance transmission lines

from Niagara Falls installed.

Mayor Hahn will even be there.

Well, make sure to write

everything down in detail,

so you can read it to

Susannah as a bedtime story.

Oh! Do you think she

That was a joke.

- Very funny.

- Oh!

- Hm.

- Hm.

With Crabtree on his honeymoon,

Murdoch on vacation and Watts gone,

this place is as quiet as a church.

I wish I was paid enough

to afford a vacation.

- Eh? What was that?

- Nothing, sir.

Right. I'm off. Higgins,

you're in charge.

And I never thought I'd

hear myself say that.


Women treating women offers great

benefit, particularly in childbirth.

However, it's important to know

when to seek medical attention

for the mother, or the child.

One possible scenario

- Please!

- Oh, dear God!

Please! Help him!

Put him on the table!

Careful with his head.

He's bleeding badly.

You all right?

Can you hear me?

Can you tell me your name?

What happened to him?

Oh I found her.

He's gone.

Posteria blunt force trauma.

He was hit from behind.

It's a deep laceration,

likely caused by something

heavy and very sharp.

The edge of a rock, perhaps?

Without a full post-mortem,

I couldn't say for sure.

And what do you have there?

It's a letter addressed to Enoch Snider.

From an Otto Pfanschmidt

in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

I'm guessing this is Enoch Snider?

You say he was brought in?

Carried in by a young man who ran off

before I could talk to him.

That was Mervin Friessen.

He and his family come

into Berlin every weekend.

And what about Enoch

Snider? Do you know him?

I've never seen him before.

Do you where we can find Mr. Friessen?

The Friessen colony is just up the road.


They're Mennonite.


Excuse me. I wonder if you could

Excuse me? Could you tell me

- where I could find Mervin Friessen?

- Pardon me, sir? A quick question?


- Oh! Hello.

- Hello.

- Oh! Is that for me?

- Yes.

- It's beautiful.

- Edna.

Go back to your mother.

Can I help you?

We're looking for a Mervin Friessen.

He's my son. Who are you?

I'm William Murdoch. This

is my wife, Dr. Julia Ogden.

Your son brought an injured man

into the Berlin Clinic this morning.

He ran off before I was able

to ask him what happened.

He was scared.

He said it was the

Snider boy. How is he?

I'm afraid he didn't make it.

Lord in Heaven.


Can you help us?

Come with me.

Mr. Snider's death does

raise some suspicions.

How well did you know him?

Not well. We were the same age,

but he belonged to the other colony.

I only met him because he

was thinking of joining us.

There's another colony?

Over the way.

Why was he thinking

of leaving his colony?

Uncle Jebediah is an

Old Order Mennonite.

His rules are more stringent

than those we live by.

Your uncle heads the other colony?


My brother.

But that is a long story

and we are short of time.

Enoch was a fine young man.

Quiet, friendly.

We found a letter on him from an

Otto Pfanschmidt in Pennsylvania.

Does that name seem familiar to you?

We still have family there,

but I don't know an Otto.

What did the letter say?

"I'm sorry, I know

not of whom you speak."

The last thing he said

before he died was,

"I found her." Does that

mean anything to you?

No. Not at all.

Where did you find Mr. Snider?

Uh, it was beside the road.

I was driving our buggy into town

and I saw his hat on the ground.

I stopped to retrieve it

and I found him lying

just a few steps away.

Can you show us where you found him?

He was laying right over here.

The ground is soft here.

His injuries couldn't have been

caused by a fall on this terrain.

What's the matter?

Mr. Snider was struck

in the back of the head

with something hard, perhaps a rock,

possibly with deliberate intent.

Then, it was an outsider.

Mennonites do not commit

m*rder, Mr. Murdoch.

It is not in our nature.

You're looking well, son.

In some ways, this has been

the best thing to happen to me.

I wouldn't go that far. The

food can't be up to much.

I've been saved.

What's that, Bobby?

I'd like to be called Robert now.

You've been saved? Saved from what?

I've entered the Catholic Church.

Absolutely not!

It's one thing for my best

detective to be a Catholic,

but no Brackenreid is going

to become a bloody Papist!

I'm not becoming a Catholic, Father.

I am one.

You believe he was m*rder*d?

- By whom?

- We don't yet know.

The answer may, however,

lie in his colony.

You will continue to run

into walls of silence,

worse there than here.

We Mennonites are

mistrustful of outsiders.

You know people there,

though. Your brother?

I don't know him anymore.

There is a rift between us.

I left there, long ago,

because I wanted to marry

a woman who was not from the community.

Jebediah shunned me.

It was like a death.

We pass one another in

Berlin like strangers.

If he can treat his

own brother like that,

the two of you have little hope.

That's what Enoch was running away from.

There must be a way to gain his trust.

A young man's life was

cut short far too soon.

Solving this crime may

give his family some peace.

Jebediah does take in boarders.

Mennonites, of course.

Meaning what?

Is everything all right up there?

Hello, Irmgard and Cornelius Penner.

Oh! I forgot to mention: no jewelry.



- But

- Except for the beard.


Upon arrival, say Birken Falck sent you.

Jebediah knows and trusts him.

The colony is similar to ours,

but with even fewer

trappings of the modern world.

Where do we start?

Meet them where they are, Julia.

Talk to the women there.

They will know things

the men never hear.

Mind, the men will not

communicate directly

with a woman who is not their wife.

- Right.

- Yes.

Shall we, Cornelius?

- Yes, Irma.

- Irmgard.


Is this the Friessen home?


We are Cornelius and Irmgard Penner.

We are passing through on

our way to do missionary work.

We need a place to rest

our head a few days yet.

From where do you hail?


You come all this way?

We are travelers in need of hospitality.

And why are you asking for me?

Birken Falck said there

was no one more generous

and charitable than Jebediah Friessen.

Surely the Lord said of Birken,

"Well done, thou good

and faithful servant."

The Lord also said, "You have

been faithful over a little.

I will make you ruler over many things."

Marta, set two places

for our new friends.

You will join us for lunch.

I hope you don't mind, but

I need a hand in the kitchen.

Of course.

This one slows me down

and we're busy preparing for a funeral.

Follow me.

I'm sorry to hear of the funeral.

As are we.

Working on a farm is rough

and sometimes dangerous work.

Though we come from dust

and to dust we shall return,

it is hard to lose someone so young.

Yes. What was the young man's name?

Did we say the funeral was for a man?

Oh! Uh, hard, dangerous work

on the farm was mentioned.

- I only assumed

- Mm.

Of course.

How old was he?

Enoch was not yet 20

and about to start a

life with our daughter.

They were to be married.

It is as if we've lost one of our own.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

More hands make for

shorter work, Irmgard.

I hope you can help prepare the faspa

for the funeral service.

Oh, yes. I'd be happy

to help with the faspa.

- Where should I begin?

- Come. I'll get you an apron.

There is a vacant farmhouse

nearby where you can stay.

Thank you.

Marta will send your wife

over with goat's milk,

apple butter and bread

for tomorrow's breakfast.

This is very generous

in these trying times.

The Lord does not give

us more than we can bear.

How much do I owe you

for these lodgings?

You will repay with the

strength of your back

and the sweat of your brow!


I know I should not say

this, but I do love having

all the women together,

working shoulder to shoulder.

You're right, Marta, you

should hold your tongue.

It's almost sinful to

rejoice in funeral work.

Sinful? No.

Finding community in

the company of women,

where we can be ourselves? It's natural.

You've been kneading for a while now,

but your dough is

hardly holding together.

Haven't you made biscuits before?


Oh! Oh, no. I'm so sorry. I'm so clumsy.

- Ah, shall I find a tea towel?

- Oh, no! Not that one!

Uh, you know, Irmgard, let's get

out of this hot kitchen for a spell.

I see we don't have any

zwieback for the faspa

and that will not do.

Come, let us to the bakery.

Uh, you'll take care of that, yes, Ruth?


Is it my fault?

Is what your fault?

Anglican, United, Episcopalian.

I'd even be fine with Lutheran!

But Roman Catholic, Margaret?

What does it matter?

Truly? He has faith.

If I didn't know better,

I'd think the lad wanted to

send me to an early grave.

- Oh!

- And he wants to be called Robert now,

- did I mention that?

- Yes, dear.

A few times.

The faith I don't mind.

It's the mackerel snapper

I can live without.

Hello? Inspector Brackenreid.

All right.

Yes. Thank you.

Speak of the devil.

What's wrong?

Bobby's parole hearing has

been moved up to this week.

This week?

I didn't think he was getting

a hearing for another year.

Apparently, he's a model prisoner

and his good behaviour

hasn't escaped notice.

Bobby's prayers have been answered.

- I suppose they have.

- Oh!

Thomas, he's coming home.

Our boy's coming home and we're

going to be a family again!


- Thank you.

- There.

It's good to get the blood pumping,

especially after such a

long trip from Pennsylvania.

Mm. Usually, Enoch would do it.

When you arrived, it was

as if you were heaven sent.

Must be difficult now without him.

I imagine he was a

a big help here on the farm.

Truthfully, he wasn't

built for hard labour.

- Oh?

- He was a daydreamer.

And frail, like his mother and father.

God rest their souls.

But oh, what a sharp mind he had!

It's a good match for my spirited Agnes.

Very tragic to lose her betrothed,

especially so close to the wedding.

I'd like to offer her my condolences.

She is not with us right now.

She's visiting my cousin and his family

in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

- Lancaster, you say?

- Yeah.

Met a man from Lancaster once.


Don't recall his given name.

He would be one of ours then.

My mother was a Pfanschmidt.

Enoch didn't fit in with

the other boys his age.

But he liked to talk to the baker,

ever since the man arrived.

- The baker's new to the colony?

- He is indeed.

Oh, good lord.

How q*eer.

Seems he closed shop early today.

Must have run out.

Agnes is in Pennsylvania?

He said she was visiting

his cousin's family.

In Lancaster.

Perhaps that's who sent

the letter to Enoch?

"I know not of whom you speak."

Do you think there's a connection?

There has to be.

When I was in the kitchen with Marta,

she stopped me opening a cupboard.

It seemed like she was hiding something.

Jebediah only spoke well of the boy.

He seemed

genuinely sad that he was gone.

She described him as solitary,

said he only talked to Agnes

and was quite close to the baker,

who's new to the colony.

- We should speak with him.

- You think he's a suspect?

I don't know what to think.

I hardly understand these

people at all, Julia.


I may have overdone it, yesterday.

Oh, so, you don't want to

relocate here after all?

Surely you jest.

I don't know. You seem

to fit right in here.

They don't even have electricity.

It's bordering on criminal.

Oh, good! They're open.

- Mm.

- Morning.



We'd like to ask you some

questions about Mr. Snider.

We understand you knew him?

Indeed, I did.



What are you doing here?

Just about to proof this

sourdough, if you don't mind.

Are you a Mennonite now?

In a sense. I've not yet been

baptized into their faith,

but these people have become

my community, my family.

They welcomed me when I was lost.

Last we heard, you

were in New York City.

I had to leave.

I wandered for a time and

ended up back in Canada.

I didn't want to return to Toronto

and found myself doing odd

jobs for farmers in this area.

The Mennonites were always

the kindest and most generous.

I admired their peaceful lives.

And so, I befriended them.

And moved here?

Jebediah Friessen needed

a man for physical labour.

In exchange for the work,

he gave me a place to stay.

And you're their baker now?

To bake bread is easy.

The ingredients are simple.

When I'm doing this work

the world is still.

And you follow their rules

and believe in their faith?

I do.

Well, forgive our surprise,

but the Llewellyn Watts

I came to know would have problems

- with the Mennonite faith.

- Some.

But this is a place

that prizes simplicity,

honesty and hard work.

And what about love?


The world is full of

cruelty and injustice.

At least here, I can see and believe

in the goodness of people.


Unfortunately, injustice

is why we're here.

I don't believe it.

What happened to Enoch was an accident.

The evidence suggests otherwise.

These are peaceful people.

No one here would harm anyone,

let alone one of their own.

Well, that may be true,

but we have questions

that remain unanswered.

So, you've put on these

clothes and taken false names?

Something happened to that boy, Watts.

We have to uncover the truth.

By lying to a community of good people.

I'm sure they're good people,

but someone knows something.

Help us, Watts.

You were close to him, weren't you?

We struck up a friendship.

How did that come about?

Outsiders can sense other outsiders.

So, he didn't fit in here?

You could say that.

Not all the rules of this

place fit with his life.

He was uneasy about

his upcoming marriage.

To Agnes Friessen?

It was arranged by a matchmaker.

He wasn't in love with her.

Do you know Agnes?

She was already visiting

family when I arrived.

How long ago was that?

Four months. Maybe five.

Watts, something is going

on with Agnes Friessen.

The family is hiding something.

The Friessens have been

nothing but welcoming

and hospitable to me since I arrived.

When did you last see Enoch Snider?

The morning before he died.

How did he seem?

Well, he was arguing

with a woman, Sadie Jutzi.

Who's that?

Some, not I, would describe

her as the colony busybody.

She's a kind woman.

She couldn't have anything

to do with a m*rder.

She might know something.

Perhaps whatever they were arguing about

has something to do with why he's dead?

How would we find her?

Presumably, she'll be preparing

for the faspa with the other women.

If you don't mind, I have work to do.

I'll keep your secret for now,

but finish your business here and go.

Oh, excuse me.

- We don't have any of the tiger lilies

- Excuse me.

- Are you Mrs. Jutzi?

- I am.

I was told to ask you

where to put the platz.

Were you? Well, the food is

being brought downstairs, dear.

You're the one staying here

with your husband, are you?

Yes. We're staying with the Friessens.

They've been so kind.

Did you know Mr. Snider well?


Do you have any sense

of what happened to him?

No one does.

I'm just saddened his last

hours were spent in strife.


He was having a row with

Jebediah that morning.

I tried to speak to him about it,

but he was such a private boy.

I mean, it was clear he was in distress.

- About what?

- Well, he wouldn't tell me.

All I know is I heard Enoch saying,

"What have you done?"

Do you know what he was referring to?

No. But if I was to guess?

It must have had something

to do with the wedding.

- To Jebediah's daughter.

- Of course.

Oh, oh, yes. That's good.

"What have you done?"

That's what Mrs. Jutzi said.

I hate to say it,

Jebediah has to be a

suspect in this m*rder.

Why? Because Enoch didn't

want to marry his daughter?

Or because Enoch discovered

Jebediah did something to her.

You can't think

She hasn't been seen in months.

Enoch's dying words were, "I found her."

You think it could have

been Agnes he meant?

Perhaps. And perhaps

that's what got him k*lled.

Well, if that's the case, we're missing

a rather large piece of the puzzle.

We need to search the Friessen house.

There's something behind

that cupboard door.

The entire colony will

be attending the funeral.

Our absence would be noted.

Could be our chance.

We've learned that Enoch Snider

had a public disagreement with

Jebediah just before his death.

And what do you make of that?

We believe it has something

to do with his daughter.

We are going to search Jebediah's home

during the service for evidence.

We need you to occupy

him should he become aware

- that we have stepped away.

- Absolutely not.

- We need your help, Watts!

- I want no part of this.

Don't you want to know

what's happened to Enoch?

Not like this. I'm not

a detective anymore.

- You still know right from wrong.

- I do.

And I know the people

here are good people.

I'm the last person to

judge anyone's faith,

but you said yourself you

are tired of injustice.

Someone here is lying.

There is an injustice

that is being covered up.

- You can't know that.

- Oh?

Then why is Enoch Snider dead?

What are you saying?

That Jebediah k*lled him?

- I don't know.

- No, you don't.

And you don't know these people!

Watts, no community is a monolith.

I can see why you admire them,

why you admire their faith.

But someone is lying and

someone is hiding something.

Don't you want to expose the truth?

That's not who I am anymore.

You're still the same person, Watts.

You can't deny who you are!

I've denied who I am

every day of my life.

It's no different here

than anywhere else.

Oh! You are hiding here, Watts!

Hiding from the truth of who you are

and the truth of what

it is that you want.

The only way out of darkness

is to bring the truth to light.

Funeral's about to start.

Be prepared for anything

that they throw at you.

I am prepared, Father.

If you tell them what they want to hear,

you'll be out of prison in no time.

- I will tell them the truth.

- Of course.

The result rests in God's hands.

And the result will be good if you

tell them what they want to hear.

I'm not going to lie anymore, Father.

Who said anything about lying?

I'm going to tell them

about Gerard LaCroix.

That it was an accident,

like you said at trial.

It wasn't an accident.

What are you saying?

We fought, as I've said before.

But in that final moment

I wanted him dead.

I meant to k*ll him.

- No, you didn't.

- My heart knows the truth.

I've already confessed

in the eyes of God

and I will not lie again.

You do that, they'll

never let you out of here.

- You might never get parole.

- And if I lie,

I betray God's forgiveness.

If staying here is God's will, so be it.

You'll break your mother's heart.

Is that what you want, Robert?

This isn't about want, Father.

Confession requires sacrifice.

Then sacrifice for

her. She wants you home.

- Bailiff, bring in the prisoner.

- She'll understand.

I'm sorry.

And now, it's locked.

Whatever is in there, someone

doesn't want it being discovered.


You're not staying for

the rest of the service?

I have a pressing matter to attend to.

I'd like a moment of your time.

This funeral has given me

a newfound sense of clarity.

Walk with me.

I'm very grateful to be

a part of this community

- and very much want to stay.

- We are lucky to have you.

You're one of us. All that is

left is for you to be baptized.

What if I cannot ascribe

to all tenets of the faith?

What do you mean?

Even if I am ready to accept God,

he may not be ready to accept me.

You are a child of

God, made in his image.

He loves and accepts you.

And if I don't want to take a wife?

Well, maybe not now, but perhaps later.

I will speak with the matchmaker.

I'm not interested in

having a wife, Jebediah.

You wish to be a bachelor?


- Life without a partner is hard.

- I know.

Your relationship with God is your own.

If you love Him, He will guide you.

And the people here?

Will they love me if I

live my life differently

from how they live theirs?

Have we not already

accepted you, my son?

This must be Agnes.

There are over two

dozen unopened letters

from Enoch to Agnes here.

They're all to Lancaster,

but none with postage.

Enoch must have been

writing and writing to Agnes

and Jebediah never sent the letters.

He must have sent the

letter to Otto himself,

hence the reply we found on him.

"I know not of whom you speak."

That had to be referring

to Agnes Friessen.

So, he confronts Jebediah

with the letter from Otto,

demanding to know where

Agnes is and is k*lled for it?

Assuming all of that

is true, where's Agnes?

Well, if she's not where he says she is,

one must think the worst.

She's dead?

And if she is,

we may know where the body is.

Just one more question?

Good Llewelyn, you're like a puppy dog

nipping at my heels today. What is it?

Where is Agnes?

Why would you ask me that?

Just tell me. Please.

William, hurry! I hear footsteps!

Telling me to hurry

will not hasten this process, Julia.

Get away from that door.

What are you doing?

Searching for evidence.

Is this about Enoch Snider?

He died in a tragic accident.

No, he didn't, Mr. Friessen.

He died from blunt

force trauma to the head!

You k*lled him when he discovered

what you'd done to your daughter, Agnes.

She's not in Lancaster,

Pennsylvania, is she?

What are you saying?

Is she dead?


How dare you come into my home and

Who are you people?

Open this door!

I will take no orders from

you. Now, leave my home.

- Open the door.

- I said, get out!

Open the door, Jebediah. Please.


What's going on?

As you can see, my

daughter is alive and well.

That's pretty.

Your hands are a little swollen.

Are you experiencing any discomfort?


Agnes, how long have you

been locked in the attic?

Locked in?

We are keeping her there

out of love, not punishment.

How is hiding her away love?

My daughter was betrothed, but not wed.

For her condition to be known would

bring great shame upon all of us.

So, you lied to everyone?

She may have been shunned.

Our entire family would have been judged

for failing to raise children

who follow the word of God.

So you hid her.

We agreed that she

would deliver the child

and we would raise it as our own.

And your wife, she isn't

really with child then.


It was the best solution

under the circumstances.

You shunned your own brother

for marrying outside

the faith 20 years ago.

And it hurt me deeply.

But it was deemed appropriate by myself

and the other elders at the time.

But why k*ll Enoch?

As God as my witness,

I did not harm that boy.

But you were seen arguing with him

just shortly before his death.

He had discovered that

Agnes wasn't in Pennsylvania.

Yes, he received a letter

from my cousin, Otto,

that put the truth to the lie.

And confronted you with it.

I told him she was in

a good place and safe,

but couldn't make him understand

that I was helping her.

If you didn't k*ll him, what happened?

I do not know.

You may not believe me,

but God knows the truth.

Get away from my daughter.

Well, I was simply

ensuring that she's healthy.

I said

Get away from her.

He's still lying to us.

Why do you say that?

They know more about Enoch's

demise than they're saying.

Well, how can you be sure?

I assure you, Enoch did

not father Agnes' child.


Enoch and Agnes were already

supposed to get married.

What would have stopped

the family from simply

moving up the wedding date

rather than this elaborate plan

to hide her in the

attic for nine months?

Even if she had a different

suitor, what does that change?

If Enoch had no interest

in marrying Agnes,

why not allow her to

marry whomever she pleased?

It's someone the family

finds highly undesirable.

A union that would bring even more shame

than a child out of wedlock.

- The ring!

- The what?

We need to speak to Agnes.

I'd rather not face Jebediah right now.

Agnes, could you hold out your hands?

What are you doing?

When's the last time you left the house?

She hasn't been out of

the house for months.

Then, where did you get that ring?

The grass is still fresh.



Someone's been visiting

you, haven't they?

When your parents are out?

Speak up, girl.

Someone's been visiting me here.

I'm sorry, Papa.

- Who?

- I can't say.

You may feel it shameful,

but I promise you,

there'll be no judgment from us.

It is time to tell them, dear.

- Oh, it's enough with the lies.

- We cannot.

Her suitor is Mervin Friessen.

- Your brother's son?

- Yeah.

The one you shunned and cast out?

He can never know. No one can ever know!

- I want to marry Mervin.

- We have discussed this!

Mervin Friessen is the one

that found Enoch Snider.

Yes, I lied to you.

Of that I'm guilty.

But I did not k*ll Enoch Snider.

Tell us exactly what happened.

I knew Agnes was being

hidden by her parents,

but I had to see her.

When her family was

at the meeting house,

I'd sneak into the attic.

- Did Enoch know about this?

- No.

But he didn't want to marry her, anyway.

What happened the day he died?

I was leaving Agnes' place

when I found him injured

on Uncle Jebediah's

property. That's why I lied.

I couldn't tell you where

I was when I saw him.

Oh, Mervin.

You panicked because you

weren't supposed to be there?

But he was hurt. I couldn't leave him.

So, I picked him up and

I brought him to you.

You lied.

To these fine people,

to your own father.

I'm sorry, Father.

All right, take us to

where you really found him.

I found him lying just here.

No rocks that he could have fallen onto.

It's still most likely that

a rock was used as the w*apon.

There's a place back here where

rock pickers leave their findings.

They dump them in the creek!

Right down there.

It's nothing but rocks.


Yes, that's definitely blood.

There's something else here.

Something left by the k*ller?

Possibly, but Mennonites

don't wear jewelry.

Except for watches.

Actually, I feel as if I've

seen that somewhere before.

I noticed your watch chain

in this photograph earlier.

It caught my eye, because I didn't

think Mennonites wore jewelry.

Yes, it is mine.


tell them you did not hurt the boy.

I cannot.

Why did you do it?

Enoch discovered the truth.

He threatened to tell Abraham's colony

- that he'd found Agnes in our attic.

- No.

He wanted out of the engagement.

I told him it wasn't possible,

that it would ruin everything!


I saw him in the field and

I begged him not to tell.

He called us false

Mennonites in the eyes of God

and that we would be excommunicated

as liars and hypocrites

who shunned Abraham

for a much lesser crime!

What have you done?

Lord forgive me.

I knew not what I was

doing, but I had to stop him.

Mrs. Friessen,

you are guilty of m*rder.

Please forgive me, Jebediah.

Please forgive me.

It is not for me to forgive.


See you in the courtroom.

You decided not to stay?

This isn't the place for me.

Come with us.

Thank you, but no.

Where will you go?

I don't know.

- Should have known my wish for utopia was folly.

- Not folly.

We all strive for something better.

Thank you.

For what you did for Enoch.

Perhaps he'll find justice in heaven.
