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02x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 10/20/22 11:20
by bunniefuu
We're gonna see your daddy soon.

Aren't we, Jake?

He's been on a big aeroplane up in the sky...

but he'll be landing...God! Any minute!

Come on!

Road works again.

What's going on, Jake?

We have to tell Cutter.

But Caroline hated Rex.

That's why she took him, Connor.

And to get back at you for dumping her

by text.

Why isn't she giving him back?

Maybe she's still crazy about me.

And she gonna hold him hostage until I get back together with her.


Maybe not.

Don't tell Cutter yet, OK?

I'll get him back, I promise.


So what's this secret meeting all about?

I don't know - it's a secret, ain't it?

Do you wanna put that down?

He's told us to meet him here.

I wanted it to be somewhere we wouldn't be overheard.

Wow! Advanced paranoia or what?

A necessary precaution.

Come here.

Now, someone is working against us.

Someone who has access to the Detector

and probably the same person who stole the headset in the Silurian.


OK, I know that we all have our own ideas about who that might be

but this time, we have to find out for sure.

OK, so how are we gonna do that?






It's OK, Jake.

Hey, are you OK?

I can't get out.

My legs are trapped. My little boy -

What's his name?


Hi, Jake.

I'm Ed.

OK, hang in there, little guy.

The cavalry's on the way.

I've got a crowbar in my car.

I'll be right back. OK?

It's OK, Jake. The nice man's gonna get us out of here.

My worst nightmare in one sentence.

A mammoth on the M25!

A Colombian mammoth. The flavour is immaterial.

Colombian is a hairless species, sir.

Look, I don't care if it shaved its legs and got a bikini wax.

It's on a motorway in broad daylight.

It's not gonna be enough.

No. We're gonna need a bigger g*n.

What are you doing here?

I needed to see you.

Get down!

I...left the g*n inside. I'll catch you up, yeah?

What are you playing at?

Talk to me, Stephen.

You were right.

Cutter knows about the conspiracy.

You come with me. We can't wait any longer.

Nick can cope.

Every second you delay makes Lester's position stronger.

All right.

We're here. OK. Don't worry now.

Hi. I've shut down the motorway at the next two junctions, shut down the mobile networks

and there's a no-fly zone in place and the eyewitnesses have been debriefed.

And all that with your skirt tucked into your tights. Well done

I'm not gonna look. Mammoth, go.

Oh, you beauty.

It's the biggest elephant that ever lived.

They were still running around North America until about 8,000 years ago.

He's a herd animal.

Can't smell its mates.

Please help me!Please!

We've got to get her out.

No, if we go near her, it will make things worse.

The mammoth's panicking because she's making too much noise.

The first thing we've got to do is get her to shut up.

Get Jenny to put you through to the Highways Agency.

Tell them we've got to get an urgent message.

I'm on it.

No, we're gonna need more fire power.

Oh, jeez, where the hell is Stephen?

We'll need proof.

Files, photographs, video footage.

A complete record of the entire anomaly operation.

You know Lester will k*ll you if he has to.

You'll have to tell the press everything.

Could get ugly. That's not all.

We have to give Cutter another chance.

- What? - We're gonna tell him what we're doing

Give him the choice.

You can't tell him, Stephen.

I'm not going to.

You are.

All right.

If you think Nick'll listen to reason, you're wrong.

Oh, he'll listen. It's not personal.

Come on.

Shut Up!


It's what you said, innit?

I can't wait any longer.

What are you gonna do?


Come on.

Right, can you move?

I'm trapped. Please help Jake.

Don't worry.

- Mum - It's OK. I'll look after her.

Take him.


It's OK, Jake.

Take him.

Connor, help Abby!

Come on, Jake.

What's going on?

We have to get the mammoth back through the anomaly.

I have an idea.

Look after him, Connor. I won't be long.

What about Dumbo?

Distract it.

Distract it?

Distract it.

- Any ideas? - Na-uh!

Me neither.

Car, car, car, car...


Darling, I've got to get this steering column off your legs.

Now...look at me.

This is gonna hurt a little.

But please try and be quiet.

Listen to me. Try and keep your legs straight.

Don't look! Don't look!

Come on. We're getting in.

Keys. Gotta find some keys.

Keep pressing it. It's working. Keep pressing it, mate.

It's out!

...25 is still blocked in

Come on. Out you get.

Come on.

Stand up. OK.

Head down. You'll be OK.

- And Jake? - He's safe.

What about you?

I'll be fine.

What's this?

Female elephant urine.

It's gonna wanna follow the scent.

From the safari park, one junction down.

Yes. Brilliant.

Come on now.

Sniff this!


The anomaly!

Connor's in that truck.

Connor, pull up the ramp!

Which button's the ramp, mate?

Press 'em all!


Pull up the ramp!

Press every button you can see.

We caught a mammoth.

I think we did it, mate.

High five.

I've never seen an elephant like that.

It was a monster.

And there was that strange light.

What do you think it is exactly?


- Who are you? -Mick Harper, "Evening News".

What's going on?

Dina, we have to talk about what happened.

Talk about what exactly?

You'll need to go to hospital.

I've seen the pictures. That thing is too big to be an elephant.

Do you know what? You're right. It's actually a mammoth.

I could do without the wind-up.

Then stop asking stupid questions.

There's something strange going on down here.

And, one way or the other, I'm gonna find out what it is.

Come on, Jake. Let's find your mum, eh?

So where the hell have you been?

- We could have been k*lled. - You weren't.

Not this time.

Are you just gonna ignore me, Nick?

Is she with you?

Not in the way you think.

You've been seeing her.

Yeah, a couple of times but, look...

this is important.

You're fired.

She can help us.

If you think Helen's here to help, then you're madder than she is.

Just listen to me!

Are you still in love with her?

Is that why you trust her?

Do you know what? I don't care.Do what you want.

I tried to warn you.

Don't get attached. You can't keep him.

Did you know their trunk was five times more dextrous than an elephant's?

Why is everyone telling me facts about mammoths today?

Do I look interested?

Still, those tusks might be worth a bit.

You wouldn't!

Eurgh! Have a word with him about personal hygiene, would you?

Be careful, Lester.

He'll attack predators if he senses danger.


That's not something you see every day.

Pity you missed him in action.

I'm sorry about that.

What about you, Abby? Do you think what we're doing here is right.

Keeping all this a secret?


I do.

Look at the way we treat animals now, Stephen.

Every day, a new species disappears.

What would people do to creatures they don't understand?

This isn't just about the creatures.This is about our future.

Bottom line...

Whatever Cutter decides...

..I'm with him.

We don't have the right to decide what people should know.

Whatever argument you may have had, you lost any credibility

when you hooked up with her.

She predicted this.

Said that you wouldn't listen.

That you were too arrogant to face reality.

Reality? You have no idea what that word even means any more.

The world changed.

We can't protect anyone until we know why the anomalies appear and what they mean.

It's always your way or nothing.

That works for me.

No wonder she turned to me.

That's made everything simple.

Connor, come with me.

Is anybody looking?

Nobody knows what we're doing, Connor.

They've got no reason to be suspicious.

So relax

And stop feeling so guilty.


Ooh, my hands are shaking.

- This thing with Stephen - Don't go there.

I just thought it was a bit harsh.

I mean, he's still our friend, ain't he?

And he's nothing to do with me.

At least I can tell Abby I tried.

It's done.Both parts.

No-one's gonna know about this until it turns round and bites 'em.


Let's see where this trial leads.

He actually hit you.

And you find that funny?

Yeah. Don't you?

After everything I said about not caring any more, my husband is actually jealous.

And that's what's important to you?


No, Nick doesn't matter now.

You and I matter.

Our project.

- Yeah. - What we are going to achieve together.

He shouldn't have hurt you.


My poor Stephen.

I'll sign for that.

You never can be too careful.

I thought a dramatic setting might be appropriate.

Why, were you hoping for divine intervention?

You'd better pray Caroline doesn't hurt Rex.

Why...does Caroline know about Rex?

- The thing is, me and Caroline - They broke up.

She's stolen him.


What kind of girl steals your lizard when you split up?

She doesn't actually know how...unusual he is.

Well, what if she gives him to somebody who does?

You're right.

Yeah. So get him back.


Should be any minute now.

Can someone tell me why we're here?

Connor reset the anomaly Detector.

A false alarm went off exactly 15 minutes ago.

There hasn't been an alarm.

That's because it was diverted first to the person who's been sabotaging the Detector.

They'll be coming here, right now, expecting an anomaly.

The next person through the door's our traitor.

Sorry I'm late.

I had a few loose ends to tie up.

I know what a difficult job it is to pretend to enjoy someone's company.

So er...well...

..I hope this makes up for it.

Connor's not going to get hurt, is he?

You mean you actually care?

I'm not...

I'm human.

Yes you are.

I hear you've got a present for me.


Undistinguished, but he can serve his purpose.

What purpose is that?

Why are you so interested in these...these things?

Look, if you really want to know, I can show you.

Your choice.

All things bright and beautiful

All creatures great and small

All things wise and wonderful

The lord God made them all

It's Jenny.

So where is it, then?

- You! - Where's the anomaly?

There isn't one.

Then why are we here?

That's a good question.

I give you 10 seconds to answer it.

I knew you were odd, but this is extreme, even by your standards.

The alarm was false.

The only way that you could've known is

if you created a diversion between the Detector and your own computer.

Now, who are you working for?

I must ask you to lower your w*apon!

Now, what do you want?

I don't know what you're on about.

All I know is I was told to bring as many men as possible

to this address to deal with an anomaly.

Who told you that?

I'm not very good at talking with a g*n in my face

so put it down and we'll discuss this!

I said: Who sent you!

This is your last chance.

You're gonna get us both k*lled.

Sir, lower your w*apon!

Lower your w*apon at once!

Last chance.


It was Leek who sent me.


We've got to get back to the Arc.


Anybody there?

You are on your own, James.

There's no-one there but you.

Leek, what the hell are you doing?

Now, I want you to feel what it's like to be on the wrong end of your grand disdain.

The little man looking up at the big boss.


I want security in here now!

They've all gone, James.

Either off on Cutter's wild goose chase, or dead.


..I'm going to hunt you.


You're never gonna make me beg for my life, so let's just end it now.

All right, if you insist.

Goodbye, James.

One more thing.


You really are a tiresome little man.

Come on.

Good boy.

Good mammoth.

Why would Leek go to so much trouble to try and k*ll me?

I think that's the icing on the cake.

There's something bigger than just you going on here.

I see, First I'm a traitor, now I'm insignificant.

You're gonna hurt my feelings.

If Leek wanted to k*ll you, he could've pushed you down a lift shaft but he didn't.

He studied the anomalies. He worked out how to control the future predator.

Doesn't sound like just a petty grudge.

So what does he want?

I don't know.

My kids are really pestering me for a pet.

If you can't find a home for it...

You're still cross with me, aren't you?

You held a g*n to my head.

I set a trap

And you walked into it. I mean, what was I supposed to think?

You could've trusted me.

I had overwhelming evidence that you were a traitor.

Your evidence was wrong.

I really don't know what you're complaining about.

Nobody got hurt. The plan worked.

In a roundabout kind of way.

What are you doing?

Trying to track down Leek. There's got to be a clue in his personal files.

Obviously know your way around.

Hack into him regularly, do you?

Oh, yeah.

You'd be amazed how much Lester gets paid.

What's my middle name?


You told me that once though, right?


Keep out of my personal information, Connor.

Oh, look.

Got it!






Mother's maiden name?

They always use that.



It's way too obvious.

Well, just try it.

Oh, look. We're in.

It's a b*mb.

Everybody get out now.



not you.

Leek knew we'd come after him, so he's booby trapped the file.

Why are we still here?

Because, if this b*mb goes off, we lose the Arc and everything in it -

the Detector, our research...everything.

We've got to stop it.


We can do this.

We can do this.


Which wire?

Which wire do I cut?

Red one.

Always the red one.

Count it down.


00:35:51,099 --> 00:35:51,800

00:35:53,099 --> 00:35:53,699

00:35:53,699 --> 00:35:54,800
Count slower.

00:35:56,099 --> 00:35:56,699

00:35:58,099 --> 00:35:58,599

00:35:59,199 --> 00:36:00,000

00:36:01,300 --> 00:36:02,800
7...Please don't leave me here.

00:36:05,000 --> 00:36:05,599

00:36:05,900 --> 00:36:07,000

00:36:07,599 --> 00:36:08,300

00:36:09,400 --> 00:36:10,000

00:36:11,000 --> 00:36:11,900

00:36:26,699 --> 00:36:29,099
He was using the battery as a power source.

If there's no battery in, there's no b*mb.

Never a dull moment.

You did what?

A b*mb?

Of all the crass, misconceived ideas, Oliver...

Do you want me to finish this now?

Because I can walk away at any time and, without me, you're nothing.

Do you understand?

You realise this is going to make Nick more determined to find you.

What is it?

My guess is that it's some kind of neural clamp.

It was surgically implanted in the skull of the predator.

It must be how Leek was controlling it.

The clamp is linked to the central nervous system

and it's operated by remote radio signals.

I've never seen anything this advanced.

Leek isn't this smart.

You mean he hotwired his brain by remote control.

Which is where he's made a mistake.

Any incoming radio signals are picked up by the Detector, right?


MSo all we have to do is track where this signal is transmitted from -

..and that's where we'll find Leek.

I'm on it.

Should we call Stephen?

Stephen's made his bed. Let him lie in it now.

You make a crude little joke like that again

you'll regret it.

Who was that?

A journalist.

Someone from the old days. I've arranged a meeting.

I'll come with you.

Not this time. He's an old friend. I'll be better on my own.

Won't he be surprised to hear from you?

You're supposed to be dead.

Exactly, which is why it'd be easier if I see him on my own. It's...

There's a lot of explaining to do.

If you get everything ready, I'll be back soon.

Will do.


I put a trace on the signal Leek was transmitting to the future predator.

There's no chance of making a mistake?

I don't do mistakes...

...often. Not in this case.

That's definitely the location.

- Come on, then. - Where do you think you're going?

Well, where do you think?

This operation's no place for a civilian.

The military will handle it.

Under my supervision.

Look on the bright side.

At least you're safe here.

I'm supposed to be out there doing something.

I can trace her.

What? Who?


You wanted me to get Rex back.

I could trace Caroline's mobile through the Detector.

Connor, that's an illegal use of government property!

I'm not looking.

- Is that her? - Yeah.

Well, that's where her phone is, anyway.

Come on. She'd better still have him.

We've found her!

We're gonna go get Rex back.

I'll come with you!

They'll probably only lose him again anyway.

You can't. Lester said -

Lester said that we couldn't go with him. He didn't say that we had to stay here.

Oh, what the hell?

This is it.

Are you sure about this?

It doesn't look the kind of place Caroline would hang out in.

Maybe it's some kind of retreat.

She was always very er...spiritual.

Or maybe you just messed up.

No, this is the place.

OK, gents, body cameras on.

They're here.

This is Caroline's bag.

Approaching the door now, sir.

Hold your fire. Hold your fire.

Entry team, standby. This is the door.


They're behind this door.

I wondered who was gonna come.

And I was hoping it was gonna be you.


It's almost like they knew we were coming, sir.


Nick, are you all right?



It's OK.

I'm sorry.

I told them not to hurt you.

What are you doing here?


You're behind this!

Helen has been very helpful.But, please, give a little credit where it's due.

What's going on?

All those creatures! Why are they here?

What are they gonna do with them?

I intend to be very, very powerful.

People are dying and many more will die unless you do something.

I've had enough of this.

There's a whole army of predators out there.

They're too powerful.There's nothing you can do!

Then we're all gonna die.

Stephen, open the door!
