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02x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 10/20/22 11:20
by bunniefuu
- Sprat needs to go.
- You've got legs.

I'm busy, Steve.

She's your dog.

You said you'd look after her, remember?

Want to go wee-wees on Steve's car?

You do? Good girl!




Come back!

Bad girl!

Sprat, come back!



Come back!

Bad girl, come back!



Where are you, girl?


I'm coming, Sprat. It's all right.

It's OK.




I don't think we belong here.

Run, girl! Run!

Come on, over here!

Over here!


Transcript: evarin - Sync: MNk & Golgi


Come on, show me where you are!

No! No! What...

- What's up?
- I'm not sure, it's just... crashed.

Has it ever happened before?


Maybe it was some sort of power surge.

Because of the anomaly.
It could be a false alarm.

But there could be an active
anomaly out there right now!

I'll reboot it. One second.

Really strange.

Everything seems to be fine now.

Run a full diagnostic.

- It's completely contaminated.
- Spyware.

Allowing the user to
switch the feed from here

- to wherever they are.
- And cut us out the loop.

It must be that guy! The Cleaner.

What do we do?

First of all, find the anomaly.

Then clean up the detector.

And don't say a word to anybody.

You've one hour.

- Don't leave any trace of yourselves.
- We know what we're doing.


The last time you let Cutter see you.
That wasn't part of the plan, was it?

They're in.

This better not be another false alarm.

- Why, were you busy?
- Engagement party.

Very nice. Anybody we know?

Mine, actually.

Not my idea.

Future mother-in-law.
It's all rather dreary.

- So you'd rather be with us?
- I was going to say, any excuse.

So yes, even you.

- We have an active sign.
- I'll get changed.

No time. The anomaly's been open
for two hours, maybe longer.

Right, well, if I break a heel,

you're gonna pay.

She looks amazing.

So does a Thalosa Raptor.

No visuals.


No life forms.


Movement two o'clock.

It's a little girl.



I'm over here!

Follow me. Resume your mission.

- What?
- Follow me. This is not a rescue.

Move it!

She's just a little girl!
You can't leave her out here.

We're not social workers.
Let someone else save her.

Who's gonna find her out here?

Get off the sand!

Lester's got a group
of scientists who can do it.

We've got a job to do.

I'm trying to save you!

- Hey, look!
- What is it?

- Some kind of snake.
- What are you waiting for?

Oh, no...

You don't mind, do you?

I got slimed in the Devonian.

The smell would make your eyes water.

And this was the only shower
you could find within a million years?

Stop staring and pass me a towel.

What are you doing here?

You and I both know things
can't go on like this.

The anomalies are getting worse.

How long do you think the government
can keep on covering them up?

How long is Nick going
to keep playing their game?

- Forget it, Helen, I'm not interested.
- Never mind how you feel about me.

You know this is wrong.

You've gotta go.

Do you know what's really sad?

You don't know you're being betrayed!
They're not even being honest with you.

- What are you talking about?
- He hasn't told you, has he?

That's Nick for you.

Never was much good at trusting people.

Tell me what this is about.

I don't know much.

I just know they have another
agenda that you don't know about.

Who does?

You mean Lester?

I don't know who's behind it.

But if the shoe fits...

Call me when they're back.
I want a full report.

I can't stay here.
I should be at the Ark.

You stay there until the area is clear.

Did you say something?

Just goodbye.

It's me. Cutter's here.
I'm going to have to get out.

What about your men?

No sign, but don't worry,
we've got contingency plans.

- If Nick finds out...
- Well, he won't.

It's over here.
It's in the drainage pipe.

You'll have to contact the builders
and close this site down.

Sure. I'll throw some building
code violations at them.

Back up, back up!

What am I supposed to do with it?

It's called Sprat and...

- it lives a few streets from here.
- She.

It's a she.

She is shedding hair on my new dress.

We've got bigger problems
than your new dress.

The owner might be on the other side.

What would you do in my position?

What did you say to her, exactly?

Well, you know,

I think I said I loved her.

You think?

I did say that. It's just...

She was a bit busy.
She might have forgotten.

Women don't forget things like that.

She'll be waiting for you
to make the next move.

- Really?
- Yeah.


So what's that?

That's up to you.

But whatever it is, be confident.

Confidence is sexy.

If you love Abby, just tell her.

- Just tell her...
- Yeah.

You wouldn't do it for me, would you?

- I can be confident anyway.
- Yeah.

Aren't you forgetting someone?

I don't think it's working out with her.

- She needs to know that.
- Really?


I should tell her.

Honesty's important in these things,
isn't it?

Go on, then. Your big day.

Seriously, guys, prepare to be amazed.


It's a prototype. Not meant to be sexy.

That's not gonna make it through
the pipe, let alone the anomaly.

Can we have faith?
And a little bit of silence?

Thank you.

Is that my hair dryer?

Might be.

Now I know what Galileo
had to put up with.

High CO2, low oxygen.

It's pre-Carboniferous.

Maybe Ordovician or Silurian.

There's no dinosaurs,

no mammals,

and there's no birds.

Wait a minute. What's that?

- It's a little girl!
- What is she doing?

She's looking for her dog.

She might be injured.

There's nothing in
the Silurian to injure her.

We're talking a few
basic plants and bugs.

- How big are the bugs?
- Bug size, I think.

It's a pretty safe
period to get lost in.

She must be terrified.

We have to get her out.

Let's do it.

- Have you got a headache?
- Yeah.

It's the altitude.
There's no oxygen.

Maybe that's why the kid hasn't moved.

Can you hear that?

I don't think it's working out
with me and Caroline.

Never really had that...


Chemistry, yeah.

It's important.


So, do you think I should...

finish with her?

I think you should...

do what's right for you.

- What are you doing?
- Dumping her.

By text?

You can't do that. That is horrible.

- Thought I should do what I found good.
- I didn't mean that way.

- No?
- No!

Come on.

That's humiliating.
No-one deserves that, not even her.

- She was where?
- She fell down a pipe.

She fell down a pipe?

Look, I've got to do something.
Where is she?

- Steve, let the experts do their job.
- I need to help!

The best thing you
can do is just wait here,

I thought she'd run away.

But I've... I've been trying my best.

I'm not her real dad, okay?
Her mum...

I'll let you know the moment
there's any news.

What's that?

Heckler and Koch G36.

This is an army issue.
This is a classic mercenary's g*n.

Hard drive, night vision.
This is serious stuff.

He's here.

Who is?

There's no footprints leading the way.

They've left their water.
They've just disappeared.

We're not social workers.

- Let someone someone else save her.
- Who's gonna find her out here?


- It's some kind of snake!
- What are you waiting for?

What the hell is it?

- What is that thing?
- Oh, God!

They're all dead.

You're not surprised by this, are you?
What do you know?

- Nothing.
- Cutter,

- there's a traitor on the team.
- Maybe.

- It's Lester.
- It's someone.

They're playing us.
They have been since the beginning.

I don't know that.
And neither do you.

You admitted you don't know.

But rather than sharing it with us,
you shut us out

and we'll never be a team.

You sound like Helen.

We don't have time for this,
we've got to get going.

Hey! I'm here!

Hang on a minute.

- What's she saying?
- I don't know, I can't hear.

The rocks!
Get to the rocks!

- Run!
- All right, let's get going.

- What is that?
- I don't know.


Come on!

Get to the rocks!


You're welcome!

So, are you OK?


It will make you feel better.

That's better.


we've got to get you out of here.

- Are you gonna rescue me?
- Yeah. Any objections?

I was planning my own way back.

You messed it up
by making those things angry.

She's fine.
Doesn't need any hep.

You can tag along with me...
if you want.

Well, thanks.

What are those things?

But they're pretty horrible.

- They k*lled the soldiers.
- You saw that?

Heard it mostly.

I just know they come
if you walk on the sand.

- They must sense the vibrations.
- We're gonna have to go the way round.

If we stick to the rocks,
we can get close enough to the anomaly.

- What's wrong with your leg?
- Twisted it.

I made it to the rocks,
but they ate my dog.

Your dog's alive.
She's on the other side.


She left me behind, then.
That coward.

Let me look at your leg.

- You can't walk on that.
- Why do you think I've been sat here?

- I'm gonna have to carry you.
- No way!

- What's your name, anyway?
- Taylor.

And I ain't baggage.
No-one has to carry me.

- She ain't baggage.
- She ain't baggage.

So, is this some kind of giant wind-up?


One minute I'm in Hackney

and the next I'm in the desert.

The way I look at it, I've probably
been hypnotised or something

and you've brought me here
as this big joke.

- I bet there are cameras everywhere.
- Yeah,

and the public gets to vote
which one of us gets eaten first.

It's cooler than Big Brother.

All right...

Job done.

What was that?

I don't know.

Please tell me it's not rats,
they really freak me out.


- Too many legs for a rat.
- How many legs are we talking?


- Look, it's getting away. Quick.
- What about the...

Stephen, it's fading!

Put me down!
Put me down!

This way!

What are you doing?

Food Standards Agency.
Hygiene spot check.

- You can't just run...
- When was the last time you washed it?

Think about it.


It's over there! Over there!

Everything's OK.
Everything's fine, guys.

What are we waiting for?

I love this job.

Connor, I've got it.

It's all right, everyone.
Honestly, it's harmless.

What are you doing?

Just having a bit of a play.

Massive ball pool fan.

We all love ball pools,
but now is not the time.

We need to get this back.

It's breaking up!

Cutter and Stephen,
they're gonna be trapped!

We can't let that happen!
We have to warn them!

It's too dangerous!

They've gone.

It's gone.

We've lost them.

What happened?

When are we going back?

What are the chances of it reopening?

Some do, some don't.

But it could be tomorrow.

Or it could be in a thousand years,
we just don't know. That's the problem.

I'm sorry, James.

We may have to accept
that we've lost them.

How long can they survive?

If they find water,

then they could survive for a few weeks.

If they don't...

So what do we do now?

We carry on.

Daphne and Scrappy will have
to take charge of the anomaly operation.

- You mean us?
- Unfortunately, yes.

God help us.

Keep a permanent watch
on the anomaly site.

If it reopens, we go in after them.

What shall I tell the girl's stepfather?

Tell him we did our best.

In the meantime we have no option
but to get on with the job.

Good luck.

There you are!

There isn't a way out of here, is there?

- Sure there is.
- You're lying.

Adults always lie.

My mum told me
she was going to be all right,

but she wasn't.

She died.

Now you're lying too, just like her.

We're going to die in this stupid place.

All right...

We're not in great shape right now,

but I promise you one thing.

We're not going to die.

There are clouds due east,

which could mean a body of water,

so, food and shelter.

We should head that way.

We stay on the rocks
as far as we can, all right?

If you try to pick me up again,
I'll bite you.

I've got some lovely food for you.

Got you, lizard!

Would you rather die
of thirst or be eaten?

I think I'd rather be eaten,

then at least it's quick.
Two bites. Done.

You're like four or five bites,
so it would be worse for you.

Can you not try
and be positive for five minutes?

You know, hopeful.

We're probably the best food around.

Imagine you're a giant sand thing
living on nothing but millipedes

and then you get to taste people
for the first time, all gooey and warm.

We'd be like a delicacy.
So who will they eat first?

Why don't you sing a song or whistle,
or something?

Anything. Just stop talking.


- Did you see that?
- What?

Forget it.

Oh, thank God!

- Oh, yes!
- What is it?

That's hope.

- We've found a new anomaly.
- Which way?

I can hear a train.

- There were no trains in the Silurian.
- It's not a train.

It's a sand storm.
Let's go. Run!

I don't think I can do this on my own.

You won't have to.

They'll be back.

I know.

How long do we wait?

- I can't put this off any longer.
- We'll stay here.

Call me if there's any change or...

Just call me.

Leek, get over here.

Any news?

Sorry, sir.

A terrible loss.

Such a brilliant man

- and of course a good friend.
- Are you out of your mind?

- Cutter and I loathed each other.
- I didn't realise.

If there's one thing I despise more
than stupidity, it's sentimentality.

Go on. I assume you've got
some kind of work to do.

Yes, I certainly do.

I dropped the damned detector.

So this is where hope gets you.

Remind me to tell Connor
he did a good job on these things.

Which way?

- I'll take that.
- I thought it might be you!

There's only one ticket out of here
and I'm taking it.

And the water.

Nah. All of it.

Without water we're gonna be dead
in a couple of hours.

Tough break.

Come on.
Take us with you.

At least take the girl.
She's done nothing wrong.

At least leave us some water.

You follow me, I'll sh**t you.

We're dead anyway.

I'm warning you.

- You think I'm scared of you?
- You should be.

Help me!

Tough break.

It's eating me!

Stay here!

Who sent you!
It was Lester, wasn't it?

I'm a professional.

I don't talk...


You're absolutely certain
you don't know anything?

I know one thing.

It's not a great idea to run
and shout in the sand.

Good point.

We've got no choice, but
if we tread lightly, we should be OK.

According to this the anomaly should be
over the crescent of the dune.

Take my arm!

- Hold on! Hold on!
- It's got me.

No! No, stand still!
Stay till!


Stay back.

Take her!

- Come on!
- I need the bag!

Ditch the bag!

Get outta there!

Come on!

What are you doing?

Quick, get in!

Hold on!

- Are we going home now?
- We're going somewhere.

We're not at home,
but at least there's no sand.

- Any guesses where we are?
- Well, the air's normal.

Woodland looks familiar, it's gotta be
within the last few thousand years.

Hey, look!

Middle Palaeolithic.
Stephen, we gotta get away from here.

That doesn't look right.

- I think I just punched an actor!
- Yeah.

- I knew you'd make it back!
- It is really,

really good to see you guys.

Yeah, a few basic plants.
Some bugs...


These are the highest stakes
we've ever played for.

You say a word now,
we could lose everything.

- So do nothing?
- We just have to be sure.

Welcome to
The Lost World Adventure Park,

complete with cavemen,
concrete dinosaurs and water slides.

I never thought I'd say this, but

given the choice between you and Connor,
I'm glad to have you back.

When we picked up the anomaly,
we had no idea what might come through.

You are lucky we don't sh**t on sight.

Well, I'd better go and soothe
your cave man.

Let's hope the Palaeolithic was short
on ambulance-chasing lawyers.

I'm so sorry, Steve.

- We did all we could.
- No.

No, you said...

You're OK!

Oh God, I've been so worried.
If anything had happened to you...

- You're upset?
- Of course I'm upset.

I love you!

Listen, Taylor,

I miss your mum too.


I know.

- Sorry, Steve.
- No, no.

Guess what, I've been back
millions of years in the past and

almost got eaten by giant scorpions.

Of course you have, darling.
Of course you have.

Thank you.

I thought I was never gonna
see you again.

Bet you were devastated!


Oi, you!

Can I come and work with you
when I leave school?

Yeah, all right.
You'd be pretty good at it.

- See ya!
- See ya.

So can I get changed now?

A young girl trapped down a hole
on a city building site

was dramatically rescued today.

It's believed the girl was pursuing
her pet dog when she became trapped.

Police and fire crews worked through
the night to free Taylor Praed, 11.

Her condition was described
by sources...

So the chicken goes
down the embankment...

drops the book in front of the frog
and the frog is like, "Readit!"


Where's Rex?

Taylor, whose mother died recently,

has just issued a statement
thanking the emergency services

and members of the public...

Damn it!