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02x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 10/20/22 11:19
by bunniefuu
Hey, Lucien, you fumbled the ball, man.
Go get it.

Yeah, yeah. Right.

Aw, man.

Help! Someone help!

What's that idiot doing?

Help! Help! Someone!

- Okay, where is it?
- Identifying location now.

In the river?

Still trying to confirm the exact coordinates.

What's happened?

The anomaly must have closed.

- Well, did you get the exact location?
- We didn't have enough time.

Give me the coordinates!

Do you want something, Caroline?

- Nothing.
- Good.

It's just I noticed
you do a lot of scissor kicks.

And scissor kicks aren't gonna be enough
to disable your opponent.

Really you should be looking
to catch them... excuse me,

really you should be looking
to catch them in the throat area.

Like, uh..


Your way he gets a few bruises,
but mine, he's totally on the floor.




Dinner is served.


Wow. Amazing!

- Is that all for me?
- Yeah, you and...

Where to start?

It's Cutter.

He's been calling you.

No. I've had no call come through.

You must have.

Abby, I think I'd know if Cutter
was calling me, 'cause it... Oh.

Connor. We've got to go.

I could have sworn this was switched on.

What could possibly be so important
that you have to just leave everything?

Turn the lights out when you leave.

- I'd like to say...
- Connor!

Sorry, Caroline.

They just left.

You were supposed to delay them.

I put them off as long as I could.

The boy's name is Lucien Hope.

His friends said he seemed
to be struggling with something.

- Did they see anything?
- No.

Maybe he just lost his footing.

No, the lid's been lifted clean off.

Water pressure?

Could be.

Rainfall's been below average for the month.
And floods don't happen for no reason.

Which means the anomaly's under water.

- Where does this drain go?
- Back to the canal.

Seal it off and tell Abby and Connor
to meet us at the other end.


Do you think he's still alive?

I don't know.

But I ain't giving up on him
until I know for sure.

What the hell is that?


Stephen, it's not human.



It can only get out into the canal.

I'm gonna have to say something
to Caroline, you know.

It's weird, us rushing off together
all the time. Here's what you can tell her:

Stop coming over to my flat
every five minutes.

Our flat.

All right, your flat.

Why is she at mine so much, anyway?

Don't be naive, Abby.

You're looking at the reason, aren't you?

Not much going on there, is there?

We're taking it slow.

Yeah. She is.

You know what? you don't know what ou're
talking about. Why don't you stay out of it?

- Connor...
- No. I don't care what you think. All right?

Abby, is there any way out of this canal?

The locks have been closed.
It's completely sealed.

- Then it's still in here.
- What is?

I'm not sure. But we have to find out
fast. It'll be dark in a few hours.

Jenny? Go in that boat with Abby and Connor.
You see anything, call us.

Let's go.

We've being searching for hours.

We're never gonna see
anything in this light.

What's that over there?

- There.
- Where?

Can you get us a bit closer here?

Looks like skin.

Yeah, from a mammal.

Looks like whatever
it is just shrugged that off.

- Back up. I saw something.
- Where?

That way, port, about 20 metres.

I said port!

This is port!

Starboard, then!
Just go, before it disappears!

How am I supposed to steer
if you don't know which way is which?


- I've lost it now!
- Oh, great, great.

- Why don't you give me a go.
- What can you see that I can't?

Maybe you've -

For heaven's sake! You two argue
like a couple of kids over a toy!

Look, out of the way! I'll do it.





What just happened?

I don't know.
We must have hit something.

Come on, we'll get you out.

That's it, Jenny, swim.


What the hell is that?

Jenny! You have to get out of the water.


- Come on, Jenny! You'll be OK! Just swim!
- I can't swim!

Come on! Swim, Jenny!

You have to hurry up, darling!

Come on! You're going to be fine.

Swim quicker. Swim quicker!

Come on! You can do it! Keep swimming!

- Jenny!
- Connor!


Come on, Jenny, here. Quickly.

Stop, Stephen!

Better late than never.

Get the body back to the ARC, ASAP.

Roger that.

What was that thing?

How are you doing?

Three months ago, my idea
of a life-and-death issue was...

getting front-row seats
at London Fashion Week.

How d'you think I'm doing?

You don't have to do this.

You know, you can quit.

I think I'll take my chances.

Look, Claudia -

- So sorry, Jenny.
- You know what?

You saved my life.

So just for tonight,
you can call me anything you like.

But for the record...

I really hate that name.


Does your fianc? know what you're doing?

He knows I'm working for the government...

that's all.

Luckily he's not very...


Not about my work, anyway.

So what about you?

Do you have... someone?


I'm not particularly good at that.

My wife left me eight-and-a-half years
ago to travel through the anomalies,

and the next woman that I liked, she...

she left.

I don't seem to be a particularly attractive
romantic proposition at the moment.

And on that note, if you'll excuse me,
I have a hot date with a dead shark.

Do you think this is what took Lucien?

What a terrible way to die.

Poor kid.

Yeah. But we have to know for sure.

Wait a minute.


Muscle spasm.

It's some kind of proboscis.

It's a tongue covered in teeth.

Probably used to grab his victims
and then pull them into his mouth.

Unless I've missed my guess, we're looking
into the future evolution of the shark.

Let's get this done.

We're going to have to cut it open.

Wow, that's strong.

Oh, God.

There's nothing else left in its stomach.

It's not him.
He can't have been digested by now.

Exactly. It takes days
for a shark to digest its prey.

Lucien, he went missing hours ago.

So, not guilty?

So it was another one?


- Give me some good news.
- We still haven't found the boy.

No, that's bad news.
Good news makes people happy.

Keep trying.

We found the shark.

Now you're getting the hang of it.

So then,

- problem solved?
- No, not quite.

There's another predator.

- Abby saw something.
- Another shark.

Or it could be something else.

All the evidence points to a marine mammal
that sheds its skin, like a seal or a walrus.

And the boy was taken off ground.

So even if the shark could swam up
the flooded drain, how did it grab him?

Using that proboscis.

That wouldn't explain the singing.
A shark can't make that sound.

It doesn't have vocal chords.

So to sum up then, we're looking for
a deadly skin-shedding aquatic predator,

with a neat line
in Charlotte Church impressions.

Well, the marketing
possibilities are endless.

- What do we do?
- Drag the canal.

Whatever it is has got to be in there.

If it's a mammal, it can leave the water,
so we should widen the search.

Start the search of the canal
again in the morning.

If nothing turns up, then, and only then,
we'll consider the options.

Good decision, sir.

Exactly what I was going to suggest.


How terribly reassuring.

Come here.

What's she doing?

She stayed up for me!

She didn't stay up, did she?
She's asleep.

It's the thought that counts, isn't it?

Hello! What are you doing?
You should have gone home to bed.



Could you just -

What were you doing in there?

Oh my God!

- How did this happen?!
- Oh, my God.

I have no idea. Maybe -

I'll get some towels.
I'll get some towels.

Maybe he crawled in
when I was putting things away.

- I'll call a vet.
- No!

- Get me some tinfoil.
- Tinfoil.

- Yeah.
- Right.

- I should go.
- Yeah, good idea.


I'm sorry.

I hope he makes it.

Look, you don't need to go. Uh...

He's going to be OK, isn't he?

Don't touch him, Connor!
You don't know what you're doing.

Keep your girlfriend away
from him in future, yeah?


Look, something about this doesn't add up.

I think we should widen the search
to the canalside.

This is another of your hunches, isn't it?

We can't just drop everything, you know.
There's a plan in place. A good one.

When have I ever been wrong?

Except about women, generally.

Look at the odds,
it's got to be in the canal.

Just give me a few minutes,
I just want to look over there.

What am I meant to tell Lester?

- Cover for me.
- No.

'Cause you're wasting time.

Ten minutes.


So what's going on?

I know you.

You know that guy that hit you...

- What if he comes back?
- He won't.

I've seen him before.

In the mall.

He was the cleaner.

I've seen that guy too.

I saw him at the ARC.
He was dressed like a soldier.

Are you sure?

- Yeah.
- All right, something's going on.

We're being watched.



We should get Stephen, yeah?

Are you recording this?

What does that sound like to you?


A bit like something I once heard
in Glastonbury, in a chill-out tent.

- Glastonbury?
- Yeah.

Like you've ever been to Glastonbury.

How would you know?

What's going on with the pair of you?

Connor's dating Cruella de Vil.

Oh, for crying out loud. It was an accident.
How many times do I have to -

Right - grab those recordings
and let's get back in the boat.

OK, here'll do. Play back the recording.

See if we can invite them
to come and see us.



Maybe no one's home. Eh?

I think this is silly. We should be back up
Stephen search the canal, Cutter.

It's not in the canal.


Something's taken her!


Put that down! You could k*ll Abby!

I can't see her!

Get help! Now!

- Connor, now!
- Ok, ok.

No. No.

What are you doing? We have to keep looking!

We can't - we can't just stop!

This is Abby! We can't just give up, right?


I'm not stopping looking for her!

Connor, Connor, Connor,...

We're doing everything we can.

We told you to get there. And you didn't
come! ?You didn't even get help! Why?

Why didn't you help her?

- How did this happen?
- I was following up a lead.

And who did you tell about it?

Did you know about this?


- And now the girl's dead.
- She's not dead! She's not dead!

We could just go out there, we can find her!

All we need to do is get back
in the boat and do something!

Why is nobody doing anything?

- Take him home.
- Please!

Don't do this!


I suppose being a team player, for just once
in your life, was completely beyond you.

I take responsibility for this.

How very gracious of you.

But it's still out there.

We are very close,
and we still have to finish the job.

This job's already finished, for you.

Go home.

You're in charge.

Oh, don't look at him. Look at me!

Come on! What do you want?

Something better than sonar.

We have to go over
every inch of the canal again.

A remote control submarine can do it.

- Get it for him.
- You're looking in the wrong place.

- Do you agree?
- No.

Whatever took Abby is in the canal.

OK. Straight down and we go straight for it.

- How deep is it here?
- About ten metres, sir.



- He-e-e-elp!
- Lucien.

I thought you were dead!

What is this place?

I don't know.

They took us down here, those things.

Don't waste your time.

- I already tried that.
- We have to try.

Come on, help me.

We're going to die, aren't we?

My friends are looking for us.

They're going to be here soon.

They don't even know we're alive.

They'll find us.

I promise.

You're not supposed to be here.

Where else am I going to go?

I could have you thrown out.

Yep. You could.

Thought you might be interested in this.

A local builder logged a complaint.

He can't get in to demolish an old warehouse,

because the basement flooded
in the tidal surge.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe we're looking for
the creatures in the wrong place.

At the very least,
it's definitely worth checking out.

As petty-minded bureaucrats go,

you're the best.


I know how you feel.

But I need your help.
I think I know where to look.


- Listen to me.
- It was my fault.

I should have asked for backup,
and I didn't.

I reckon that's cost the life
of a very brave, very beautiful girl.

And you're...

you're right to blame me.

But surely, if there's even half a chance
we can stop the same thing happening

to somebody else,
then we owe it to Abby to do it.

And this time, I'm asking for backup, so...

will you come and help? Please?


OK. Um...

If you change your mind,
Jenny Lewis knows where to find me.

- Help!
- Help!

What do you think they are,

those things?

I don't know.

But if they were going to k*ll us,
they would have k*lled us already.

There's a reason why we're still alive.

Don't tell my mates, will you?

That I was scared.

You're not scared.

Seriously now.

Who'd be frightened of an overgrown tadpole?

You're fine. Honestly.

We've swept the whole canal.

Sweep it again.

Whoa! Back it up, back it up!

There! Try down there.

Listen, the opening's too small.
We're gonna smash out the sub.

I'll buy you a new one.
Just keep going.

Would this help?


Yeah, that'll do the trick.

Ah, thanks for coming.

Well, with respect,
I'm not doing it for you.

It's what she would have wanted.

We had an argument.

The last things we said
to each other were mean and...


She knew how much you cared about her.

- You think?
- Yeah. I know.


You right?


The anomaly, it's reopened.

- You'll crash it!
- Sue me.

Cutter, the anomaly's reopened.

I know.

This way.

The water! It's getting deeper.

- Help!
- Help!

Someone! Help!


What are we supposed to do now?

It's just a wall.

He-e-e-elp me!

I can hear shouting. Somebody's in there!

They're going to get us out. You'll see.

We're not going to drown!

It's OK.





Hello? In here!

Quickly! The water's rising!


Hang on, we're going
to get you out of there.

You all right?

You've got to help Abby.

- What?
- Abby.

Abby's still alive?

- They took her.
- Where did they take her?

Down the pipe.

The pipes down here?

- They took her down the pipe...
- Abby!


Lucien, what did it look like?


I ain't going back in those tanks again.

What the hell is that?

Lucien, stay where you are.


Two points.

Who says I can't play?

Nice shot.

What was that?

What the...

Give me your g*n.

Give me your p*stol.

Come on!


It's OK! You're safe now!


No, Connor!



I'm coming!

Stay there, Lucien, stay there.


Get down. Get down!



- Abby!
- Connor!

Abby! Come here, grab my hand!

Come on. Just Climb up.
You can do this.

That's it. I've got you.

Grab hold of this. Come on.

That's it. You're nearly there.
Use your hands.

Connor, I'm slipping!

OK - you need to come up now.

I can't! I'm pulling you over, Connor.

- Just leave me.
- No. I'm not letting you go.

I lost you once, Abby.
I'm not losing you again, ok?

Now, come on. We can do this.

There's no point in us both dying.

Just let me go.

Let me go.

I can't.


I love you.

I'm not...

I'm not leaving you here.


Time to go.


- Right. Get these two, take 'em out.
- Sir.

Hey. I'm just gonna run a few more tests.

Then we're gonna get you back
to your parents as soon as we can.

They've already been informed
that you're safe.

Your mates! They came!

No bother!

I reckon your boyfriend did a good job.

He's not my boyfriend.

- Has the anomaly closed?
- No. It's still there, and likely to recur.

You know what, Leek?

I think this whole area could benefit
from a government redevelopment grant.

We'll start by sealing the anomaly site
with a few thousand tons of concrete.

That should do it.

Shall I speak to the contractors?

No. Don't worry, I'll get a shovel
and a cement mixer and do it myself.

Yes, of course you should speak
to the contractors, you idiot.

Next time I sack you,

you might at least pretend to stay
sacked for more than five minutes.

Still, I suppose it's just as well
you decided to disobey my orders.

If it'd been left to Stephen,
we'd still be looking in the wrong place.

Jenny, would you like to join us?

That's unfair.


No, I called it wrong.

I was lucky.


you were.

So is that it?

- What?
- Is that what our future looks like?


Not ours.

The Earth's.

Humanity is going to be long gone by then.

Or perhaps we do survive, and we just evolve
back into the world where we came from.

You mean those things
could be our descendants?

Yeah. It's possible.

Well, don't fancy yours much.

Maybe you should have a lie-down.



Back there, on the other side
of the anomaly,

you said something.


I said a lot of things, didn't I?

Mainly "aaargh!"

Maybe I didn't hear you right.

I thought you said something about how...

you felt about me.

Did I?

- Abby, I -
- Connor!

- You're not even dressed!
- Not dressed?

- What do you mean?
- The theatre, remember?

Yes. The theatre. Of course.

Yeah, I am - I'm ready.
We should go.


- I'll see you later, Abby.
- Mm! Sure.

Abby, you look absolutely exhausted.

You really must let me talk to you
about makeup some time.

You realize you might have
compromised this whole project?

It was a mistake.

Cutter wasn't meant to be there.
Won't happen again.

Well, I hope not, because the consequences
for you could be very bad.


please try and stay out of sight in the future.
It would make life easier for everyone.

Hopefully Cutter won't remember him.

Nick has an excellent memory for faces.

I hope this isn't going to go wrong, Oliver.

I'd hate to think
I'd put my faith in the wrong man.

Now that I see people very rarely,

it's hard to know if my judgment
is as good as it used to be.

I hope you can deliver what you promised.

I can.

I can.

Remember, I have a lot
riding on this as well.

Then I'm sure everything
is going to be just fine.