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02x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 10/20/22 11:18
by bunniefuu
Which way?

I was following you.

What was that?

Eat paint, ladies.

Get off!

Warren, you are such a loser! Just push off!

Is that supposed to be frightening?

- You're late.
- Yeah.

- Are you all right?
- I got you a coffee.

That's lovely of you.

I'm sorry, Caroline, but I can't stay.

Oh, that's a pity.

Work again?

You must be the busiest student
I've ever met.

I Know. It's just a bit crazy right now.
I've got to do this presentation...

about zoology.

It's really boring stuff. I'm sorry.

- Connor?
- Yo.

Come here.

Come here.

Try me.
I'm interested in animals.


Oh! I really wanna stay.

I have to run. I'm sorry, Caroline. I am.

You're sweet.

Am I?

Thanks for the coffee. It's really...

quite hot.

I'll text you.

- I really just burned my tongue.
- Get in the car, Connor.




So, how's your boyfriend?


Fine, thanks.

Just waiting for Connor.
He should be here in a minute.


Mr. Carl, Would you kindly put me
in the driving seat please?

I'd like you to meet
the Anomaly Detection Device...

or ADD for short. Actually, that's probably
not the best acronym.

- Connor.
- Sorry.

- Breathe.
- Sorry.

What you looking at is a fully
integrated graphic representation...

of the radio communications matrix,

networking the whole
of the UK's transmitters.

Congratulations. You build
your very own Sat Nav.

I believe you can get them
dashboard size nowadays.

This watches over the UK 24x7, so...


- What is that?
- That is just a demo.

When a real anomaly appears this machine
can alert us within seconds.

Good one.

Thank you very much.

Here's one I made earlier.

It's a palm-held detector,
to use in the field.

It's a short wave radio receiver
with a range of 100 meters or so.

I was hoping for something
a little bit more compact.

Ok, it's a just prototype,
so we can work on that.

Have you tried beaming up with it yet?

Are you here to help
or just to be sarcastic?

This is a serious piece of kit -

will be when I iron out the kinks.

- Technical question.

- Yes.
- Is the detector online now?

It is.

So it should be picking up
every new anomaly?


So why have I just been told
that we have a new creature attack?

I've seen enough, Abby. Zip up the boy.

Claw marks everywhere.
He's been ripped to shreds.

If I was back at the zoo
I'd say it was a lion.

- See how the bones were gnawed.
- All right, big cat, then.

No radio interference. No magnetic field.
No sign of an anomaly.

You know...

I checked. I double-checked every chip
and circuit board in that detector.

It's working, I'm telling you.

If there was an anomaly,
it'd have shown up.

- I'd stake my life on it.
- May have to.

No, no, maybe he's got a point.

Perhaps there is another
explanation for this.

There are thousands of big cats sightings
each year. Pumas, Leopards, Lynxes.

Yeah, but none big enough
to do this kind of damage.

It could have escaped from a private zoo.

Yeah, well find out
if anything's been reported.


Everything OK?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

If it is just an ordinary big cat...

If it's a normal explanation
for all this stuff,

the ADD would be off the hook, right?


Valerie Irwin, did you find the body?

No. I'm Deputy Park Manager.

One of the guests who was out running.
He called the police.

- Who have you told?
- Just my managing director, Peter Campbell.

Good, No press? No friends?

Keep it that way. This whole instance
is under wraps for the time being.

Are you the police?

I'm going to speak to the man who found
the body. Do you know where he is?

I put him in a hospitality suite.
Obviously he's shocked.

I'm sure. Whenever you're ready.

- I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?
- I didn't.

After you.

Are you insane?

This is peak season. Do you have any idea
how much money we're talking about?

Hi there, I'm Peter. Hope you're
having a great holiday...

at Blue Sky Park. Keep Smiling.

A big cat just mauled
one of your guests to death.

Are you sure?

- Did you see it?
- Not yet.

Then this conversation is over.

Hi, I'm Peter. Keep smiling.

Look, you have to evacuate this place.

Peter, he's right.

When I want your opinion I'll ask for it.

What if I close the park
and nothing happens?

It'll cost millions in compensation.

He got a point.

- What?
- We don't want to create unnecessary panic.

How about we shut off the paintballing area,
keep everything else open?

How's that sound?

I can live with that.

Keep smiling.

If you say "big cat" out loud again,
I'll sue you.

I really want to k*ll him.

Evacuate and we got media meltdown.

How am I supposed to keep a lid on that?

What if the press dumble
into an anomaly in the woods?

Listen, this animal is gonna k*ll again.
It's inevitable.

Perhaps, but I have to think running
that risk is the lesser of two evils.

Yes, but if we keep this open,
people are going to die.

It's your job to see they don't...

it's my job to protect the integrity
of this operation.

At any cost?

Maybe we get lucky.

Maybe the noise will keep the predator away.

You have to spoil everything, don't you?

I saw that.


That's not fair. She was doing it as well.

These people shouldn't be here.

- Cutter.
- Stephen.

I've picked up a trail on a farm
west of the paintball area.

I'll be there.

Abby, let's go.

Connor, keep your eyes open,
if you see anything suspicious, call me.

Hang on, what am I supposed to do
if I do see something?

Talk it to death?

Here are the keys to the g*n cases.

Only as a last resort. You got it?

Loud and clear.

Caroline: Where R U? Having Fun?


Stephen, did you see anything?

Fresh tracks.
I think it's doubled back on us.

What? You mean it's headed
back towards the park?

Looks that way.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

- Cutter!
- Connor?

There's a creature here. I'm going after it.

Out of the way.

Go on. Out of the way.

Please get out of the way.

Out of the way.

Don't sh**t. Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t.

You, you shot me!

You shot me. Look! Look at that.

- You all right, though?
- Do I look all right? You shot me!

I'm calling the police.
I could have been k*lled.

That won't do you any good.

I've spoken to the police, Mr. Comb, and
they won't be taking any further action.

And what am I supposed to tell everyone?

Why don't you tell them it was just
a silly stunt that went wrong?

And, of course, you must let us pay
for a new costume.

If you'll excuse me,
I have got a train to catch.

I have to be at head office tonight
to try and explain...

why someone was sh**ting at our guests.

It was an accident.


- It's Jenny.
- What?

She says the farm Stephen saw
belongs to Michael West.

Look at this.

He used to import exotic animals.

Lost his license three years ago for illegally
bringing lion cubs for a private zoo.

All right, tell her I'm on my way.

He's on his way.

She said she'll meet you there.

Why is she coming?

Because she doesn't trust you
with the public.

Why is that funny?


Who are you?

What do you want?

I'm from The James Lester
Animal Foundation.

You've probably heard of us.

- No.
- Never mind.

We had a bit of bad luck recently,
had to have a lion put down.

I heard that you might be
the man to help us replace it.

I'm not in that game anymore.

You're not exactly going be feeding
chickens with all that meat, are you?

- What do you got in the barn?
- You?ve to leave now.

Not until you show me
what you got in the barn.

- I'm warning you...
- Mr. West.


Jenny Lewis.

Nice to meet you.

I'm sorry about my colleague.

I told him it was a dirty trick.

- Trick?
- Yeah, trying to catch you out like that.

We're from the Ministry, you see.

We had a report that you might have gone
back into animal importing Business.

That's rubbish.

Of course it is

So it won't bother you showing us
what's in the barn one bit.

Will you?

It's dogs. That's all.

I love dogs.

Couldn't have a quick peek, could we?

You'd better stay back.


- I'm breeding them for pets.
- Pets?

Guard dogs.

Thank you very much, Mr. West.

Sorry to have bothered you.

You're a flirt.

- Flirt?
- You, you were flirting with him.

I was just being friendly.

Your way wasn't exactly working, was it?

I don't have the eyelashes for it.


You do the creatures,
I'll do the people.


- What are these?
Heat-sensitive cameras.

The creature knows this territory well.

It just made a k*ll here.

And I think it will come back.

And it most likely is nocturnal. So
its senses are gonna be sharper than ours.

I shouldn't have to say this,
but be careful.

Any questions?

- What?
- Can I have a g*n?

Take a wild guess.

- No?
- Good guess.

If you're worried, stay close to Abby.

I was trying to protect
people today, you know?

I think if you in that situation
you'd have done exactly the same thing.

Yeah. Maybe without sh**ting
the guy in the lion costume.

The sun was in my eyes.
I'm not talking about it again.

Although you do look really hot through these.

It's infrared, Connor, not X-ray.

It's Valerie.

I know who you are.
What are you doing out here?

My van. The engine just cut out.
I didn't know what to do.

Where do you live?

When you catch this animal
what will you do to it?

I don't know.

k*ll it I suppose.

I hope not.

Tell me something.

Why the secrecy?

No police. No press.

Why is this such a special case?

I can't talk about it. I'm sorry, Valerie.

Mystery man.

That's me.

Look, Valerie, I'd love to tell you more.

There are things happening.

Things we're trying to keep under control.

Things you've done you mean?

I can't say anymore.

Help me!

Please! Help me!

What was that?

Oh, my God!

Stay here.

Oh, my God!

Hello? Can I help you?

Is anyone there?


I told you to stay in the car.

Is it here?

Just go back to the car
and drive yourself home.


Don't leave me alone.

Come on.

Can't you get it any clearer?

I'm working on it.

You have no right to hold me
or confiscate my pictures.

You want to help, don't you?
A man's just been k*lled.

I know. I saw it.


That creature!

No-one knows exactly what happened yet.

Are you being serious?

It's all in the photographs.
This will make me a fortune!

These pictures are classified.
We'll need your SD card.

This is a four gig ultra fast.

How can I make your life better?

- I'm sorry?
- Kenny, isn't it?

- Yeah.
- Kenny, I used to be a trainspotter.

I come from a long line of them.

Wonderful hobby, isn't it.

- It's more than just a hobby.
- Of course, I understand.

Every man has his passion.

Listen, you could just...

help me out...

and I will get you VIP access
to the train depot of your choice.

You can do that?

You'd be amazed at what I can do.

I want to see the UFM116
Track Inspection Vehicle.


Thank you. You can go now.


You're a real piece of work!

Thank you.

I'll take that as a compliment.


I think we might have a problem.

It's a Smilodon,

better known as a sabre-toothed cat.

Fast. Elegant. A real natural-born k*ller.

Please tell me what's going on, Stephen,

I know you want to.

Look, we're the good guys, Valerie.

At least I think we are.

Just go inside and get some sleep.

If we lay a second trap there,

- We've got the whole area covered.
- OK. Take Connor with you.

Got it fixed.


The van.

It seems to be OK now.

- What are you doing here?
- We just working out where to lay traps.

No, don?t worry, We'll leave the place
looking as good as new.

Surely you should look by the railway.

No, it won't stay there.

Too many people.

Whoa, Valerie.

Valerie. What's wrong?

This shouldn't be happening.

None of it.

Let her go.

She's been through quite a lot.

Abby, whoa! Stop! Stop digging!


Hey, come on!

Come on! Come on!


He's virtually cut in half.

- How long's he been there?
- I don't know. About A week, a month.

If it's been there that long the anomaly
could have formed before ADD started,

which would mean there's nothing'
wrong with it, guys.

There's one problem.

The saber tooth may have k*lled the guy
but it sure didn't dig a trench

ten feet deep and buried his body.

Someone knows.

Someone has been protecting it.



Jenny needed someone to pin
an escaped lion story on to.

She said this man West fitted the bill.

She wanted to create
a cover story for the press.

She left half an hour ago.

Better stay here in case it comes back.

Go with him. I'll be fine.

So you want me to tell the police
I've been keeping a lion here?

I need someone to blame, Mr. West
and I'm afraid you're my only candidate.


I won't be stitched up.

I'm sorry. Did I make a mistake?

You mean you're not breeding dogs to fight?

Admit the lion was yours and I'll give you
a few days to get rid of the dogs...

before I call the police.


I'm sick of you people.

Always harassing me.

Taking away my livelihood.

Put the g*n down.

We both know you're not a violent man.

I won't be pushed around anymore.

Mr. West...

Get in!

Give me the g*n.

Are you OK?

I'm fine.

Shot him, it's my best coat!

The sabre tooth.

Is it here?

Sabre tooth?!

What are you on about?

If West's acting, he deserves an Oscar.

He's no idea what we're talking about.

If he didn't bury the body, then who did?

Happy now?

Oh, yeah!


It's all right.

It's all right.

I won't let them hurt you.





It's Valerie. She's hiding the sabre tooth.

I'm at her house. We'd better find her fast.

That's Valerie's car.

Where's she going?

Maybe she's letting
the saber tooth loose somewhere.

Not if I can help it.
Hold on.

Don't sh**t me.

- Where's Valerie.
- She said the clutch need fixing.

You gave me a fright there.

Valerie, what are you doing?
What am I doing?

What about you?

Don't tell me you're not
responsible for all of this.


You people with all
your mysteries and secrets!

I knew who you were from the first minute.

You created him in some horrible
genetic experiment. Didn't you?

He escaped and now you've come
to take him back. Well, I won't let you.

That's not how it is.

Please don't lie to me.

I'm not stupid.

I'm gonna take him somewhere safe

and tell everyone what you've done.

What could you say?

That you buried your boyfriend
after your pet k*lled him?

That was an accident.

Dave got careless.
He didn't know how to handle him.

And you do?

He trusts me.

I'm the closest thing to a mother
he's ever had.

I went into my garage one day and
he was just somehow magically there.

A tiny cub.

Frightened. Alone.

Half dead.

- I had to look after him.
- I can understand that.

You've done very well, Valerie,
but you have to give him up now.

So you can t*rture him?

But of course
you don't call it that, do you?

You call it research.

No. That's not what's going on.

Do you think I can't see how special he is?

How unusual?

You created him, and now
you want to destroy him.

I care about that animal as much as you do...

but he doesn't belong here...

and you can't help him.

But I can.

You don't care about him.

- If you did, you'd tell the truth.
- I'm telling you the truth.

You have to trust me, Valerie.

It's OK. It's OK. OK.

Come on. Help me.


It's too late.

I'm sorry.

I didn't want any of this to happen

but I can't abandon him now.


If he kills me,

he's probably gonna k*ll you, too.

He'd never hurt me.

Don't hurt him!

Valerie, stay away.

Stay away!


You're safe with me.



It should never have happened.

We could have saved her.

I tried.

How many more Valeries
are there gonna be...

before we start telling people
what's going on?

You said something to her.

Something that made her think
we were to blame.


I didn't say anything.

But I wish I had.

Sadly the creature died...

while being taken back to the ARC.

Heart attack. Probably induced by shock.


How's that possible?

It was a perfectly healthy animal.

Don't know.

Maybe Abby overestimated
the tranquillizer dosage.

Don't, don't, don't you dare!

Abby knows exactly what she's doing.

I mean...

I want to do my own postmortem.

Ah. Well...

the creature's been destroyed.

I mean,

we have to be aware
of the risk of disease.


Now if you forgive me I'm gonna go home.

This whole experience has been
totally exhausting for me.

Right. That is it.

This machine is officially double,

Demonstrations prove nothing, Connor.

It's not a demonstration.

That's a real anomaly.


It's working.
It's actually working!

What are we doing standing around here for?

A good point.

Oh, no, I can't.
I've got a date with Caroline.


Is she pretty?



Your payment.

I think you'll find it's all there.

It's not enough.

It's what we agreed.

You haven't got that little creepy Connor
trunk put his tongue in your mouth.

Sometime you have to take one for the team.

But it was worthy my sympathy.

It's OK, I suppose.

Stay close to him...

and find out anything you can.

What was this about, anyway?

None of my business.

I get it.

I'll be in touch.