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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 10/20/22 11:16
by bunniefuu
Anomalies are starting to appear.

Doorways in time to worlds
we can barely imagine.

The anomalies are conclusive proof
that the past exists.

In a fourth dimension as real and solid
as those we already know.

Our job is to predict and contain them.

Under the circumstances, I'm gonna allow
your exploratory mission into the anomaly.

People. Someone's been here before us.

Whoever it was, didn't get far.

H.C. is Helen Cutter.

I've just found out
that my dead wife was still alive.

- Who's that?
- Helen Cutter.

Helen, what the hell are you doing here?

You're gonna have to trust me.

Helen saved me.

- You've taking on him, haven't you?
- I trust him, if that's what you mean.


Claudia Brown.

- Having fun?
- Yes.

Would you like to sit down?

I've been thinking about Helen.

Oh, okay.

She saved my life.

It was much less complicated
when she was just the enemy.

Yeah, I gave up trying to
predict Helen's behaviour...

when she swapped our marriage for a
packaged tour into the Permian Era.

Maybe it was just a cry for help.

Counselling would have been simpler.

Nick Cutter talking about his feelings?

I don't think so.

Ought to try me.

And ask me anything, anything you like.

Do you still love her?

Ask me another one.


Was there any purpose to your visit?

Or is my love life
the only item on the agenda?

If we're gonna
defend ourselves more effectively...

then we've got to do
something more than just react.

We've got to discover
why these anomalies are opening.

And then predict
when the next one will appear.

Well, you know,
it may be possible to do that.

Are you going to tell me how?

I've got ideas, but I don't have
any proof. I need more time.

Fine, how does Monday morning sound?

You're spoiling me now.

- Are you okay?
- I haven't been sleeping well.

Bad dreams.

By the way,

when those things were attacking us...

you kissed me.

On the lips.

I know.

You do you know sexual harassment...

is a serious disciplinary
offence in the civil service.

This is Charlie One,
security breach in section 15.

Okay Charlie One,
await further instructions.

No trail, no footprints. Nothing.

Are you sure you didn't miss anything?

If there was anything out there,
we would have found it by now.

It must have gone back.

Okay, I'm a girl in a bar.

Tell me I look nice.

- You look nice.
- Make it more personal.

I personally feel you look nice.

The compliment, be more specific.

Well, you've got lovely legs and...

- ...fantastic-
- Eehh.

Yeah, no that specific.

Small talk. Flirty.

Just not too flirty, yeah?

- I've seen you here before, haven't I?
- Oh, that's good.

Your glass is empty,
let me get you another one.

I'll have a mojito, please.

Two mojitos, coming up.

Bar man.

Who do you think would win in a fight
between Wolverine and Spiderman?

I said flirty, not nerdy.

That's entry level comic book, Abby.
It's light, it's fun.

But girls don't talk comic books.

If you wanna be more successful with women
you gotta learn to compromise a bit.

Find out what they like.

And pretend I'm interested.

Until they want to snout me.

No, I get it.
But, Abby, you know, to be honest,

I think I can talk to women.

- I talk to you, don't I?
- We're pals.

- Yeah, but you can...
- Come here.

You can fancy somebody who's a pal.

Can't you?

The two conditions are not
mutually exclusive.

It's the zoo,
something's up. I got to go.

He made a mistake about Helen.
He should have told us about her.

But he was under enormous pressure.

He predicted the temporal fault lines.

And he's been correct
about the anomalies reoccurring.

That's not just luck.

If there's anyone who can help us predict
and contain these things, it's him.

How close is he to an answer?

I don't know, he couldn't say yet.

Look, one day soon, an anomaly is going to
open up and thousands of these creatures,

maybe millions, are
gonna come crawling through it.

Let's hope he's made his mind up by then.

In most eras of the world's history
you'd be dead by now.


What the hell are you doing here?

All this urban living has made
human beings such a lazy animals.

Second level hearing, no sense of smell.

- No worthwhile instincts.
- Well, there's no predators.

We have nothing to be afraid of
except each other.

Well, that used to be the case, but
times are changing, aren't they Stephen?

What do you want?

A cold beer would be nice.

See, first we thought the lions had been
fighting but none of them are wounded.

Then we realized we've lost one.

You put it out somewhere, and forgot
where you left it. Happens all the time.

Looks like something got wounded.

- Could it be a creature attack?
- I don't know.

There's no proof, is there?

All you've got is a missing lion.

- Maybe it just runaway to join a circus.
- Oh, whatever.

Why don't you just
tell me what do you want?

A meeting. With Nick and Lester.

Tomorrow morning at 11:00, here.

No armed thugs. No ambushes.
They want to hear what I have to say.

- They don't trust you.
- I don't trust them either.

But this is serious.

Three people have disappeared in the last
48 hours. I know what happened to them.

A creature.

What kind?

It's good to see you again, Stephen.

You know, you were
always one of my best students.

Not the brightest maybe but so full of...

idealism and integrity.

I miss that.

Thank you. I'm touched.


Thanks for calling.

No, no sign of the lion as yet.

We're still hopeful obviously.

Yes, yes.

Stephen was acting
really strange this morning.

Something weird is going on.

What's new?

Oh, I never said. The blood
analysis came back from the lab.

Most of it was from a lion,
but some of it was from a bat.

Bats get everywhere.

Yeah, but it's a really weird DNA.

They said they've never
seen anything like it before.

What does that mean then?

I don't know... Yet.

- Are you expecting a call?
- My boss.

No one's seen him since yesterday. They
found his stuff, but there's no sign of him.

He just vanished.


I'll get back to the zoo.

Are you sure you don't
already know what all this is about?

- Sorry, what does that mean?
- She's your wife. You join the dots.

Helen did save my life. I think
we should give her some credit for that.

And if she does know something
about the disappearances-

Now that's a police matter. There's
no evidence of creature involvement.


Okay, fine, we'll do it her way.

But if this turns out to be another
of her manipulative little schemes,

the deal's off and she goes
straight back on the wanted list.

You have a serious creature incursion.

A highly evolved ambush predator.

Intelligent, adaptable and ruthless.

If there was a creature on the loose
we'd know about it.

At least three people have
disappeared in the last few days.

- Missing.
- k*lled.

The creature has a lair somewhere
nearby and it has taken them for food.

- How do you know that?
- Because it nearly got me too.

What is it?

- It has no name.
- Then what era is it from?

It doesn't come from any era.

At least not one
that can be identified yet.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Yes, you do Nick.
You knew that'd happen one day.

You've known it ever
since you stepped into the past.

The future?

Are you saying we're being att*cked
by a creature from the future?

I've seen a lot of amazing creatures
but nothing like this one.

It has human levels of intelligence,

and abnormal supernatural
ability to stalk its prey.

It could be right here
now watching us and we'll never know.

If it's so clever, how did you see it?

I discovered it in the
Permian just after it had k*lled.

It was feeding
and its defences were down.

And what does it look like?

Like a great ape, but bigger...

faster and a lot more agile.

Ok, hold on, what makes you
so certain that it's not some...

lost species that just disappeared
from the evolutionary record?

No Nick, it's not like any creature from
the Permian or any other prehistoric era.

The only possible
explanation is that it strayed...

through a future anomaly into
the Permian era and then on to ours.

You know, I'm really beginning to regret
not staying in management consultancy.

So now's the future as well.

And apparently we can't
do a damn thing about it.

How did it get here?

I have no idea.

It was only when I got back
I found out that it was on the loose.

Obviously my first thought was
to do as much as I can to help.

How public spiriting of you.

Where can we contact you?

At my house. Of course.

You could have redecorated.

I like it.


Are you gonna
tell me why you were lying?

I've no idea
of what you're talking about.

Well, the others buy that lie
of you just wanting to help us.

But I've known
you for longer than they have.

Everything I said
about the Permian was true.

I discovered the creature
and made my observations.

But I got too fascinated.
I got too close.

It sensed I was watching.

So you became the prey.

Yeah, I only just got away.

The problem was
my escape route led me back here.

And it followed you.

So this is your fault.

I could have walked away.

But I didn't, I stayed to help.

I'm still human, Nick.

I do care for what happens.

Believe it or not, I do care about you.

- That's all she said?
- That's it.

Nothing else? No details at all?

Why? Put it down.

It's just I found some
bat blood at the zoo yesterday.


Well, this bat blood had really,
really screwed up DNA.

I mean, you know,
it's probably nothing, but...

one of the lion's went missing yesterday and
now Abby's boss he just disappeared as well.

Where's Abby?

She said she was working late.

Meet me at the zoo.

With as much backup as possible.

- Don't creep up on me like that.
- I wasn't creeping.

I was walking, normally.

Are you all right?

Why shouldn't I be?

There might be a creature here.

We think it k*lled the lion and
maybe your boss.

The others are on the way.

You came on your own
just cause you were worried about me.

Well, you and the sea lions.

I'll hate it if anything hurt them.

What are you doing?

There's something down here.

If we're ready to try and contain it...

- ...we can't afford to lose anybody.
- If you want to find its lair...

you're going to need dogs.

Excuse me.

You saved my life.

Thank you.

Although, now I come to think of it
you did leave it rather late.

Well, you know,
you were doing so well without me.

It was only when Nick ran off
that I thought I should intervene.

He didn't run off.

He went to get help.

He did everything he could to protect me.

He's attracted to you, isn't he?

I have no idea.

It's obvious you like him.

That's really none of your business.

- He's my husband.
- You left him.


You know, I can see...

why he's interested.
You're his type, Claudia.

Strong, independent,

reasonably intelligent.

Should we stick to the point?

So what can
you tell us about this creature?

It's fast, incredibly fast.

And it can camouflage itself in
almost any environment.

To survive in the Permian it had to be
highly adaptable, which is bad news for us.

Who knows?

Maybe that's how humanity meets its end.

By becoming the food source
for more successful species.

The creature's lair
must be somewhere very close.

What happens when we find this thing?

We k*ll it.

I thought we only
k*ll these creatures in self defence.

This one's too dangerous.

And if we k*ll it
we can't affect the past...

or the present.

sh**t to k*ll.
That makes a refreshing change.

I was beginning to feel
like a social worker.

There's nothing.

Make sure you verify your target.

Look up!

What the hell was that?
We need a bigger g*n.

It's one step ahead of us all the time.

It knew what we were going
to do before we even did it.

I warned you it was smart.

It'd be more helpful if
you could tell us how to catch it.

What we need
is something that gives us an edge...

some weakness
in its defences. Otherwise...

it's just gonna pick us up one by one.

The dogs. The dogs went crazy
before it att*cked.

What would make them go off like that?

It can't be smell, if there was
a scent trail they'd have followed it.


- A sound.
- They heard something.

It's using sound.

That's why
it manages to stay ahead of us.

It can detect physical movement
before it's within visual range.

And the dogs they detect a higher frequency.

That's how they know when it's nearby.

Like echo location.

High frequency sound waves.
It's like a sonar system.

Some animals use it to detect prey.

Like a bat.

Well, you said there was
bat blood in the lion enclosure.

That's it.

That's it, this thing must be some
kind of, I don't know, super bat.

He's right.

Three quarters of
all mammal species are bats or rats.

Maybe the future belongs to them.

We can use its own w*apon against it.

- An oscilloscope?
- It's in the car.

Go get it.

Okay, I know it's in here somewhere.


It's fast.

I thought I was gonna die there.

But you didn't.


I'm quite chuffed about that.

Maybe you should go home.

No, I'm gonna stay.

I mean, Han Solo, he wouldn't give up
before the job's done, would he?

I always saw
you more as R2D2 myself but...

I take the point.

- Hi.
- Hi.

You just saved my life.

I had to.

You haven't paid this month's rent yet.

- Abby.
- Yeah.

Thank you.

What do they keep in here?

It's an animals crate storage.

Great place for a lair.

Whatever is making
that noise is right on top of us.

The dogs should be going crazy.

It's in here somewhere.

Cutter! You need to see this.

My God, it's giving birth.


There are three bodies back here.

She's storing it to feed her youngs.

We've got company!

Where the hell is it?


If you k*ll them now,
you'll be making a big mistake.

What do you suggest?
A sympathetic foster family?

A dangerous anomaly to
the future it's opened in the Permian.

Predators could come pouring through it.

But why should
we keep these animals alive?

To pin point
the exact location of the anomaly.

All bats have
extraordinary homing instincts.

They'll know their own environment,
they can lead us to it.

- And what happens to them then?
- We k*ll them.

We k*ll them.

To let even one
of them loose in the Permian era...

could be a potential catastrophe.

They can wipe out whole species.

They can change things
in ways we can't even conceive.

And afterwards we keep a permanent
guard at the future anomaly?

The threat's too serious to be ignored.

Serious enough to warrant
a permanent intrusion into the past?

With the correct restrictions, yes.

I suppose just bombing
somewhere is out of question.

All right, we'll do it.
I just hope you're right.

We never discussed living arrangements.

I'm gonna take the spare room.

You don't have to.

We're still married.

Excuse me.

Be careful with them.
They're our only hope...

of finding the future anomaly.

If I don't make it back...

push Lester through
the worst anomaly you can find.

It's a given.

What happens if it closes
while you're on the other side?

We'll wait until it reopens.

I think we should get going.

Don't go. Stay.

I think this is a mistake.
I've got a really bad feeling about this.

It's gonna be fine.

I'll see you soon.

You think I should make a speech?

"One small step for a man... "
that sort of thing?

Maybe another time.

That wasn't very professional.

Sod off professionalism.

That was a very touching farewell.

Yup, it worked for me.

I suppose the object of the
exercise was to punish me in some way.

No, actually, it wasn't about you at all.


Are you sure?

There's no chance
you could have made a mistake?

Connor, give me the phone.

- Okay, I understand, thanks.
- The lab?


The creature's autopsy
proves beyond any doubt that it was...

definitely a male.

It's got to be a female,
it was nurturing its young.

Maybe in that species
that's a job for the boys.

It better be. Because if not...

it means the mother's still out there.

What happened?

- I'm not sure.
- Did you see something?


- Is the anomaly getting weaker?
- No, no change.

Hey, Nick! Come here.


Let's go take a souvenir.

Stand up.


The camp.

It's the camp we found the first time.

We made it.

It's us. We are the intruders.

The camp we found was old.

There was a dead body.

Don't you see? We've arrived five
years before the first time we came here.

We've created our own past.

We must be near the anomaly.

This is it, Nick.

We found it. We found the future.

That's all you cared about.

You just wanted
to find the future for yourself.

Stand back!

The first time we came here...

that body we found...

that was me, wasn't it?

I was looking at myself.

Did any of the young survive?

It looks like they're all dead.

This is over, we're leaving.

We should bury the men.

We don't have to go back, Nick.

The future anomaly must be here
somewhere. We can still find it.

The future?

Helen Cutter's last great frontier.

No. If you wanna
stay here and look for it, it's fine.

It's fine.

But you're gonna have to do it
on your own. Cause I'm leaving.

What do you got to get back for?

That girl?

Please don't tell
me you're in love with her.

Maybe, you know, maybe.

- That's not really the point.
- And what is the point professor?

The point is that I know where I belong.

What happened? Did you find the anomaly?

Captain Ryan didn't make it.
And all his men are dead.

Whatever happens,
nobody goes back through.

Well, I'm sorry to break
your new rule so soon, Nick, but...

I'm not staying.

But what did you come back through for?

Oh, just a little...

unfinished business.

You see, Nick,
it was just one of those things...

I was lonely and you
didn't seem to care about me...

and Stephen was so...

sweet and attentive.

- Shut up Helen.
- You mean you never told him?

Oh dear.

What an extremely awkward moment.

You see, I don't
want to be on my own anymore.

You once said you'd do anything
for me if I gave you the chance.

Well, here it is.

- Come with me.
- Don't do this.

Falling for one of your
students is never a good idea, but...

sometimes these
things just happen, you know?

How could you keep that
from me for so many years?

There wasn't a point in saying anything.

It was a long time ago, in the past.

The past has the habit
of coming back these days, doesn't it?

Well, are you coming?

You know what I forgot, Helen?

Sometimes you can be a real bitch.

Where's Claudia?

- Claudia?
- Where is Claudia Brown?

I don't know anyone with that name.

- No, come on, where is she?
- Really, we...

- ...don't know what you're talking about.
- Never heard of her.

You've been working
with her every day for months.

So don't tell
me you don't know who she is.

No idea, I'm so sorry.

Look, look, where is she?

- Cutter, we don't know her.
- No one knows her.

Wait, something's wrong.

This isn't right. Something's
going wrong. Something happened.

Something's changed.
We've done something.

Something that we've done has changed
the past and she's not here anymore.

Oh my God.