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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 10/20/22 11:15
by bunniefuu
Anomalies are starting to appear.

Doorways in time
to worlds we can barely imagine.

The anomalies are
conclusive proof that the past exists.

In a fourth dimension as
real and solid as those we already know.

Our job is to predict and contain them.

I've just found out
that my dead wife was still alive.

We want you to go through
the anomaly and bring her back.

People are dying back at home and
you want me to just runaway with you?

- Are you rejecting me?
- I'm asking you to come back with me.

She has to be brought back here.
By force if necessary.

- I need you to get me out of here.
- Well, then tell me what you know!

Tell me where the anomalies are,
tell me why they're happening,

then maybe I can help you.

You're taking on him, don't you?

I trust him if that's what you mean.

You know this is all Helen's.
Unleashing a pandemic on us...

is just one
more part of her twisted plan.

Unless you act
within the next few hours...

a pride of sable tooth K*llers will be
rampaging through central London.


Tiger Woods,

eat your heart out.

- Jeff.
- My ball's stuck in the bunker.

Are you on the green yet?

- Yeah, easy.
- Okay.

- Good morning.
- Hey.

- Oh, you shouldn't have-
- Shouldn't what? Excuse me.

Oh, I'm gonna go
play Oblivion if you're up for it.

Widely held as a classic.

When you say widely...?

- 34?
- Sorry?

Connor, the thermostat.

It's at 34.


Rex was looking a little bit chilly.

The way I see it, if we get too hot we could
just take a bit more clothing off, can't we?

If our fella gets too cold,

well I couldn't bear it if
anything happens to him, Abby.

You're right, okay.

Close your mouth,
Connor, you're dribbling.


you could have got your own buggy. You
didn't have to be such a tight, did you?

Oh come on, give me a lift.

Come on, hurry up.

You jerk.

Where are you, little ball?

I'm off to Yoga.

All right.

And any time you need help
with your bending or with distraction...

give me a call.

Windows shut at all times.

Get in and leave by the same exit.

One week subject: how many
days are there on a week Connor?

- Is this a riddle? How many?
- Seven.

That's neither funny nor clever.

Neither was the fact that
you said you'd be here a week.

And you're still here a month later.

I'm still working on it.

Following up a few leads.

Yeah, I can see that.

She likes me, Rex.

Oh yeah.

She likes me bad.

Four hours?

I told you to seal the perimeter,
not to dry stone wall it.

I want it done in an hour.

Where's the golfist body?

In the casualty clearing centre,
in the main house.

- Are there any more victims?
- None that we know of.

Good, keep me briefed.

Okay, thanks.

What did he see?

All over by the time we got here.

Have you found the anomaly yet?

Well, we're not absolutely
sure that there is one here.

And I need to see the victim.

Look, I think should warn you,
Lester's getting impatient.

He thinks you cause more
problems than you solve.

What do you think?

I think it'd be helpful if I could show
him we're making some sort of progress.

Or what?

Or it becomes difficult.

Look, Lester doesn't own this.
The government doesn't own this.

If you really
wanna help keep him off my back.

Please, don't make me take sides, Nick.

Are you enjoying that, Rex?

Abby Maitland's love shack
Number one stud speaking.

Oh, no, no, no.

It's Connor professor.

Yeah, must have been a-


He's been turned to shreds.

It's almost surgical the way the
flesh's been torn away so cleanly.

There's no wastage.

Any idea what might have done this?

A creature of devastating power.

And savagery
to do that in just a few minutes.

But one thing's for sure,
it came through an anomaly.

The first thing
we have to do is to find that.

No trampled or
broken vegetation or track marks.

And no sign of any anomaly.

But there is
one hell of a magnetic field.

So it's got to be here somewhere.

Unless there's
a pylon causing interferences.

I can't see anything.

Quiet and let me think.


We didn't say anything.

No, I mean it's too quiet.


There's no bird's sound.

Not a pip.

They're scared off.

What would scare the birds away?

You were wrong.

It's not a pylon, there is an anomaly.


We stand away underneath it.

It's an aerial predator.

Yeah, that's one way of putting it.

Now, how the hell
do we cordon off the sky?


I mean, this thing
could be anywhere by now.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

So, not so hard to find, then.

Access all areas. I think you're fine.

Thank you.

Oh my God! Sorry, sorry,
I didn't mean to shout, I was just...

just a bit shocked, that's all...

that you are here.

I mean, it's lovely
that you're here and everything...

but it's probably best
if you stay in the car, mate.



There's a good lizard.

Nice and still.

Nice and still, Rex.

You wanna play?
You wanna play! Of course you do!

Rex, please mate. My life's not
gonna be worth living if we get caught.

Just get back in the car, yeah?

Rex! Rex!

- What is it?
- A Pterodactyl Pterosaur.

It's probably a Pteranodon.

- Is it what k*lled the golfer?
- I'd say it's definitely in the frame.

A Pteranodon was supposed
to eat mainly small reptiles and fish.

Probably just snacking
until humans came along.

Why is it circling?

Looking for a roost?

No, there's spoil for choice.

It's clearly looking for something.

Rex! Rex!

You know what? I swear when
I catch you, you're gonna be the first...

animal to become extinct twice.

Come here, I'm serious.

- Is that Connor?
- What?


I'm gonna be honest with you, you're
making my life quite difficult right now.

What's he doing?

Or more importantly,
what's our friend up there doing?

It's not looking for a roost.

It's looking for lunch.

- Connor!
- Connor!

- Connor!
- Connor!

Great. Do you hear that?
That means game over.


If you think I'm chasing after you one
more step, you're sorely mistaken, sunshine.

Ryan, come over here quickly.


- Get into the trees!
- Run you idiot!

Rex, run!

- Run, Connor.
- Cover it.

- Oh, no.
- Rex, come on, mate!

- sh**t him.
- No, wait a minute.

There's something
about this that doesn't adapt,

I'm just
not entirely sure of what it is yet.

- Do it!
- No, we should only k*ll these creatures...

- ...when there's absolutely no other choice.
- Choice? What other choice?

In a matter of seconds
Connor's gonna be ripped to shreds.

- You can't take that chance.
- Follow your orders, captain.

Yes, madam.

It's out of range.

I really wish you hadn't done that.

God knows how many people
you've just condemned to death.

Wait a minute. There's a lizard with him.

A lizard?

Silurus Saurovus.

Oh, he left Rex escape.

- What have you done?
- You kept him.

No... Yeah.

Yes, he came back.
I was just looking after him.

What do you think we're doing here?
Running some kind of private zoo?

I'm sorry guys.

That's why your flat was so hot.

Look, we don't know
enough about the creature yet.

Lester was right.
You, people, are a menace.

What do you think that
we're doing here, Nick?

- Come on, nobody's-
- ... playing some kind of game?

Nobody's taking this
more seriously than we are.

Look, it's wounded, okay?
So it's not going to go far.

It needs to roost.

I hope you're right.
For all our sakes.

Come on.

- She's got a point.
- Look, I'm not being sentimental.

There were good reasons
for not k*lling the creature.

- And you're sure about that.
- No, of course I'm not sure!

I've probably just made
the biggest mistake of my life.

It's just a hunch, that's all.

- That was a bit of a laugh, wasn't it?.
- Silly.


Hey, look...

I just didn't
want Rex to be locked up.

Popped and prodded by Lester's people.

Can I keep him?

You better bloody find him first.

Pteranodon haunted from high
vantage points, cliff tops, mountains,

anywhere that gave him
a good sight of potential prey.

We need to be looking at all
the highest points within a couple of miles.

Real time image is coming through now.

- There it is.
- We got it.

Office building, less than a mile away.
It should be empty on a Saturday.

- Let's go.
- We've got to get there first.



Come on, mate, come to daddy.

You don't leave here until you find him.

Sorry, I can't think how he got out.

Abby, look, I'm sorry.

If anything happens to him, I'll...

Just find him!

I'm finding him, I'm finding him.

We should wait for Ryan.

What's that?

- A tranquillising g*n.
- No way.

It could take down
five of those things up there.

I'm not taking any more chances.
I want it dead.

- Oh, just humour me.
- What?

Have I ever let you down before?
Don't answer that. Just trust me, please.

How do you keep doing this to me?

Look, where in unknown territory here.
I don't know.

The only thing that I know
is that k*lling these creatures...

without a good reason is not the answer.

You've got until Ryan gets here.
One chance, one shot.

- I never thought she'd buy that.
- Neither did I.

Damn it.

We're gonna have to find a way
of bringing it back into range.

Do you see the red crest
on the top of her head?


That's it.

- I need your shirt.
- What?

- Your shirt!
- Come on, it's magenta.

- It's close enough.
- It's nothing like red.

Wait. Forget about this. You owe me.

- You're good?
- I'm good.

Right, in your own time.

- The wind took it.
- Yeah, try again.

Quick as you like there, Stephen.

The damn thing keeps moving.

Yeah, that's what they do.

This time.

Come on, fella.

Stephen, sh**t it.

Stephen, for God's sake,
will you sh**t it?

You see that?

No need to shout.
What are we gonna do with it?

Take it back to the anomaly site.
Send it back.

That is it, Cutter! No more favours!

From now on we do this my way.
I take the decisions.


Where are you, dude?

Do you think he was gonna send
up a distress flare or something?

He knows the sound of my voice.
I'm thinking he might come running.

He's a lizard, not a golden retriever.

This is ridiculous. He could be anywhere.

Rex, Rex!


It's ok, it's ok.

- It's ok, nothing's wrong.
- What happened?

- You took a knock.
- Where am I?

In a hotel.


Let's see how you're doing first.

What's your name and how old are you?

Claudia Brown, I have no
intention of telling you.

I'll do some tests at the hospital,

but I think it's nothing
worst than a mere contusion.

We're getting low on oxygen.

I got another bottle in the ambulance.
I'll better get it, just in case.

Sit down.

What are you doing?

I have absolutely no idea.

But I've seen them doing it on ER,
so there must be something in it.

How are you feeling?

I'm okay.

- Any nausea?
- No.

- Any headache?
- No.

Does anything feel odd at all?

Just one thing.


I can't see anything.


What's he looking at?

Get down!

I wouldn't get too close if I were you.

That thing can come round at any time.

It's gonna be out for hours, yet.

How nice.

You have no idea
how revealing dung can be.

You can learn a lot from it.

It's exciting stuff.

That's just not right.

Abby, are we alive?

We're alive.

That's a good thing.

The temporary blindness
it's a symptom of mild concussion.

- You're gonna be fine.
- Right.

Trust me, I'm a Doctor.

Well, I'm a professor,
and that's nearly the same thing.

Do you see anything at all?

A little. It's getting better.

See? It'll be back in no time.

Listen, you know the hunch of yours?
You were right.

Old leather face didn't k*ll the golfist.
The beak says it's all wrong.

The dung is the clean shot.

Let me guess. No human remains.

No just a few small reptiles
and some fish bones, that's it.

Exactly what I thought. It
wasn't Connor it was after, it was Rex,


Stephen, listen, I'm gonna have
to call you back. My phone's out of juice.

- Okay.
- Did you catch any of that?

The Pteranodon is innocent.

What do you want me to do?
Pay compensation?

You have to admit it.
You made a lucky guess.

No, you're missing my point. If
the Pteranodon didn't k*ll the golfist,

then, what did?

What was that?

I don't know.

Give me your phone.

It's in my bag.

In the car.

All right. I have to get to a phone.

Nick, don't leave me.

It's okay, I'm still here.

Just keep calmed.

All we have to do
is keep all the windows...

and all the doors shut.

And we'll be fine.

There'll be nothing to worry about.

And we'll be just fine.

Okay, listen, there has
to be a phone around here somewhere.

You're gonna be okay.

Because nothing can get in here.

It's gonna be okay.

It's okay, it's okay.

All right, go, go, go.

Keep going, keep going.

They just went crazy.

I slipped in the blood, and then...

It's the blood, they can smell the blood.

Like piranhas. Oh God,
I have got much on me?

A little bit, yeah.

About the same as me.

Give me your top.

It's getting to be a little bit of a habit.

What? Asking for your
clothes or getting us att*cked?



There's got to be
a phone around here, somewhere.

Okay, look, I think...

- ...that there's one in the ambulance.
- Are you gonna go and get it?

Yeah, You're gonna be safe here.

What about you?

You know, I think I can make it.

I'll be back in a minute.

Oh, man.


Ryan, it's Nick Cutter.

We're being att*cked
by a squad of Pterosaurs.

Claudia is trapped in the hotel.

Yeah, I'll sit tight. You hurry up!

Fire, fire, fire.

All right.

Hole in one.

You little...

- Who's that?
- Helen Cutter.

Helen, what the hell are you doing here?

Do you really
wanna discuss that right now?

Maybe later.

- Do you see anything at all?
- I can manage.

Right. I'll leave you on your own then.


Only kidding. Here!

Get in there.

You're gonna have to trust me.

It's either that or a radical make up
from my friends back there.

Tight call. Maybe just this once.

Right. Do you see this door?
Go and stand by it.

When I say so,
go out and close it behind you.

- What are you gonna be doing?
- Cooking.

- Helen!
- Just keep calmed Claudia.

Easy for you to say.




Bon appetit.


You scared the life off me.

- You're all right?
- I'm fine.

Helen saved me.

- Where is she?
- I don't know.

- Is she still in there?
- She's gone.

- Like a ghost.
- Yeah, no surprises there.

What? Yeah, it was me. It was me with
a Zippo and a bottle of flammable gas.

All turned up pretty well in the end.

Not thanks to you.

Abby, I'm really sorry. I know
I should have been more careful with Rex.

I'll move out your flat tomorrow.

Where are you gonna go?

I'll be fine.

You know me.

Always planting vines in a fire.

Whatever that actually means.

Okay, here's the deal.

You do all the washing up for a month,
and make me breakfast every weekend.

And if you leave your dirty boxer shorts
on the bathroom floor one more time...

I shall k*ll you.

Does that mean I can...

- Does that mean I can stay?
- For now, yes.

Thank you! Thank you!

God, I must be going insane.

I quite like have you around.


- As a friend.
- As a friend, right.


What else?

Abby, the washing up thing. You
weren't serious about that, were you?

It was a bit harsh.

- Yes.
- Harsh but more than reasonable.

I know.

Guys, you better be quick.

I don't think the anomaly
is gonna hold much longer.


What can I say? The battery was down
I just couldn't get to the call in time.

So Lester doesn't know about this?

He wouldn't be happy if he did.

- Since when did you take sides?
- It's one off.

Against my better judgment.

And it better work.


Okay, baby, you'll be home soon.

So are you absolutely confident that
this creature doesn't eat mammals?

Dung never lies.

And if I'm wrong about that,

at least you'll always have
a special place in the history books.

I always wanted to be famous.

Let's do it.

All right, we're ready. Let it go.

Turn around!
Over here! Over here!

Come back!

Come on! Over here!

It's over here!

Yeah, this way!

Okay, come on.

Come on.

Come here!

It's beautiful.

Safe journey.

You have a serious creature incursion.

A highly evolved ambush predator.

Intelligent and ruthless.

With supernatural
ability to stalk its prey.

We've got company!

It doesn't come from any era.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Where the hell is it?

You knew that'd happen one day.

The future?