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06x11 - The Great Froggyback Ride

Posted: 10/20/22 11:04
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Martin: On the South
American continent,

in the largest rainforest
in the world, the Amazon.

We're here on the
rainforest floor.

Chris: It's us,
the Kratt Brothers.

Martin: I'm Martin.

Chris: I'm Chris.

A wet, humid rainforest

is a great place to
go looking for frogs.

Martin: So let's
split up, spread out

and see what we can find.

A frog!

Meet the giant
broad-headed treefrog.

This is a big treefrog
and look at that wide head.

This frog has amazing
tree climbing powers.

Look at those feet.

See the suction pad tips?

Those are great for
gripping while climbing.

Show us a jump climb.



Chris: There's one.

Whoa...look at
this awesome frog!

It's so colorful.

I love the bright green stripes.

Martin, check out this one.

Martin: Hey, I think this is
from the dendrobates family.

This family is full
of some of the most

colorful frogs in the world.

Chris: Oh yeah, all
different colors.

Blues, reds, oranges,
yellows and greens.

Every color under the rainbow.

Martin: Hey, those
lines really stand out.

Chris: And check it out.
It's got a little blue

under its legs. Underneath.

Martin: I like it.
I like this frog.

Chris: What an awesome
dendrobates frog.

Martin: And what are
those colors for?

Imagine if we could do

what these frogs can do.

Chris: Imagine if we
had the creature powers

of the dendrobates frogs.

Martin/Chris: What if?

(upbeat music)

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with their
creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save some
animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪


Chris: The Great
Froggyback Ride

Martin: Ah yeah, we have
all the colors of that

beautiful Amazon
rainbow right here.

Aviva: Great! Remember,

all these transmitter chips
need to be a different color.

Chris: So they can't
all be blue Martin.

Martin: Aww. Well,
this one will be.

Koki: Why do you guys like blue
and green so much anyway?

Chris: Green reminds
me of nature.

All the forests, jungles,
and grasslands

where I love to be.

Martin: Blue is like
the water and the sky

and... my eyes.

And besides, blue is a
primary color for paints.

Green is just a secondary color.


Chris: Yeah, well
green is better because

it's a mix of
two paint colors,

yellow and blue.

That's way more interesting.

Martin: It's true, but
you did use blue.

Chris: Right, but color
is pretty complex.

When you're talking about
light as opposed to paint,

then green becomes
a primary color.

Green and red light
makes yellow.

Martin: So it comes down to
this, all colors are cool.

Martin/Chris: Oh yeah!

Koki: Oh no!

Who splattered
paint on this frog?

Jimmy Z: I didn't do that!

Martin/Chris: A Poison Frog!

Martin: He's fine.

That's just how they look.

They are so colorful.

Aviva: Wow!

He's beautiful.

Martin: Yeah, this one's
called the cobalt poison frog.

Scientific name,
dendrobates tinctorius.

There are so many different
kinds of poison frogs.

All with their own
brilliant colors.

Koki: Whoa.
Aviva: Ooh.

Jimmy Z: Wow.

Chris: Yup, all the
colors of the rainbow.

Red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, violet.

Jimmy Z: Hey, you did
that without looking.

Chris: Yup.

Jimmy Z: Say what?


That's how I remember it.

Red, orange, yellow, green,
blue indigo, violet.


Jimmy Z: Cool.

Martin: That's what
I'll name you.


First name, Roy.
Middle initial G.

Last name, Biv.

Koki: Roy G. Biv.

I think he likes it.

Aviva: Ok. Dart shaft ready.

Just load the
transmitter in here

and we're ready
to do some science.

Chris: Ok great.

In order to study the home
range of squirrel monkeys,

we need to get those


those monkeys.

Martin: Squirrel monkeys live
in big groups that sometimes

break off into smaller groups.

It can be kind of confusing.

If we can track them, we can try
to understand them better.

Jimmy Z: But how do we get the
transmitters onto the monkeys?

Chris: The research blow
dart is the perfect method.

Aviva: Bulls-eye!
The special dart

sticks harmlessly
to the monkey's fur.

Koki: Now that
little transmitter

sends a signal to our tablet.

And we can see his
movements on the map,

even if we can't see him.

Jimmy Z: Awesome!

Let me get the next one
with my yellow transmitter.

That one.





(boing, boing, boing)


Oh no!


Chris: Look out!


All: Whew!


Martin/Chris: (groan)


All: (oof!)

Martin: Hey, little monkey.

Little monkey,

don't press that..



Chris: She miniaturized us!


All: Oof.

Martin: Hey, hang on
there. That's not a toy.

Chris: Yeah, we really
kind of need that,

so don't even think about...

running off with it!

All: Come baaack!

Martin: Oh no. That monkey made
off with our miniaturizer.

Aviva: If we don't get
that miniaturizer back,

we'll be mini-sized forever.

Martin: We got to catch
up to that monkey.

Chris: Is the transmitter
working Koki?

Koki: Yes. At least we
can track her movements.

Chris: Ok. We'll go
after the miniaturizer.

Aviva: And Jimmy and I
will hold down the fort.

Jimmy Z: I like that idea.

Aviva: Oh wow. This
place is so big

and we're like ant-sized.

Jimmy Z: How're we going
to get around in here?

Aviva: I don't know,
but we got to try.


Martin: Oh, hey Roy.

Chris: G.
Koki: Biv.


Martin: This is
such a giant forest

when you're such
a small creature.

Isn't it Roy?

Chris: Yeah, Roy definitely has
small creature experience.

Maybe we should stick with him.

Koki: Well, he is moving in the
direction of the miniaturizer.

Martin: Oh, I wish we had
a creature power suit.

Maybe Aviva can make us one?

Chris: Let's call her.


Aviva: Incoming call! Hurry!

Jimmy Z: I'm hurrying!



Glad I left my old
popsicle stick here.

Ok, get on.


Aviva: Ready!


Tortuga here.

Chris: Aviva, we could really
use a poison frog power suit.

Can you make one?

Aviva: What? I'm mini.

We could barely
answer this call!

Martin: We need a
creature power boost.

We can't cover any ground here.

It's our only chance.

Aviva: Ok I'll try.

Just don't let Roy out
of you're sight then.

Chris: We won't!
Martin: Follow that rainbow!

Aviva: Ok Jimmy.
Let's get to work.

Jimmy Z: Righteo.

But I'm going to need a snack.

Martin: Why are we stopping?

Chris: Whoa.

It's an ant crossing.

Martin: Amazing. A
snack for a poison frog.

How's that for a sticky-tongued,
wide-mouthed attack?

Koki: Thanks Roy.

I did not want to get
run over by an ant.

Martin/Chris: No! Stop!

Martin: Don't touch him.

Chris: He has poison skin!

Koki: Poison skin?

Martin: Yeah that's why
they're called poison frogs.

Some types of poison
frogs have enough poison

in their skin to
k*ll , mice.

Koki: And we're much smaller
than mouse size now.

Chris: Yeah, it's a great
defense against predators.

Koki: I'll say.

But where does their
poison come from?

Chris: From the food they eat.

Ants, termites, and millipedes

have certain chemicals that
the poison frogs collect

in glands inside their bodies.

Martin: These glands
concentrate the chemicals

and produce the poison.

Koki: That means you'd
better eat up Roy.

We don't want any
predators to get you.

Aviva: Ok Jimmy, stretch that
rubber band right across here.

This frog leg prototype
is almost finished.

A little more.

They have a lot of
stretchy, springy tendons

built into their legs.

Jimmy Z: Aaaahhhh!



Uh...I'm ok.

Aviva: (sigh)

It's a lot harder
making a suit in mini.

I'm going to ask them
to get me a DNA sample,

some skin or slime, that
would make it a lot easier.

Martin: Hey, where
you going Roy?

Whoa! You got to see this!

Chris: What?

Martin: It's a nest
of unhatched tadpoles.

They must belong
to Roy and his mate.

Chris: Cool! And Roy
has been guarding them

ever since the eggs were laid.

That's one of his jobs.

(buzz croak)

And making sure they
stay nice and moist.

Koki: Hey, maybe we can
take just a little dollop

of that slime for
Aviva's sample.

Martin: Yes, of course.


Sending Aviva the scan.


She's got it!

Chris: Hey, the tadpoles.
They're moving!

Martin: They're
beginning to hatch.

Koki: One's out!

Chris: Welcome to the
world little tadpole.

Martin: Happy Birthday!

Oh wow, these
tadpoles need names.

I'll name them after the
colors of the rainbow.

You'll be Red.

Orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo, and...violet.

Koki: Um, what's going on here?

Chris: A froggyback ride!

Koki: A froggyback ride?

Chris: Kind of like
a piggyback ride,

but pigs don't carry their
babies on their backs.

These frogs do!

Martin: We got to see
where he's taking them.

Chris: The rest of you
tadpoles wait here, ok?

Martin: Hurry, he's climbing!

Koki: They climb too?

Chris: I love these frogs!

Koki: I hope Aviva
hurries with that suit.

Climbing mini-sized
isn't going to be easy.

Aviva: With this slime
sample analyzed...


my programming...


is almost complete! And...

print the disc!

It's... ready!

Bros, Koki...are you ready
for some poison frog powers?

Chris: Definitely.

We can barely keep up with Roy.

Martin: He's fast.
Koki: That's for sure.

Aviva: Get set Jimmy!

Jimmy Z: Teleportation ready!

And...zap it.

Chris: Where's that disc?

There it is!

Can't lose it in the forest.

Got it!

Whew! Good thing I'm
the climbing brother.

Martin: Yeah and since you
got it first, activate bro.

Chris: Insert poison
frog power disc.

Touch frog, with glove.

And activate poison frog power!

(zap, crackle)

Which cool color
am I going to get?


What...where're the cool colors?

Aviva, help!

Aviva: That's what
happens when I'm rushed.

I got to work on that.

The poison isn't active either,

remember you'd have
to eat ants for that.

Chris: I'll pass.

But that's see what
these frog legs can do!

Oh ho! Whoa!

Wow, these legs can
really launch you far!

Oh ho! I love leaping
with frog legs.

Martin: Cool leaps.

Koki: Yeah. Hey look!

Roy's taking off.

Martin: Can you give us a lift?

Chris: All aboard for
a froggyback ride!

Martin: Wait for us Roy!

(upbeat climbing music)

Chris: Woo hoo! We're high now.

Enjoying the ride?

Martin: Well, froggyback
rides are pretty bouncy!

Koki: Whoa...and slipperry!

Martin: It's amazing that those
tadpoles stick on so well.

Koki: Hey, looks like that
monkey troop is close by.

Martin/Koki: (gasp)
Koki: There's one!

Those monkey's eat small
insects, lizards,

and amphibians.

Roy, look out!

She sees him!

Oh, why is Roy so bright
and easy to see?

Chris: Uh-oh.

Martin/Chris/Koki: Nooo!

(monkey squealing)

Chris: Good one, Mom!

She's teaching him an important
lesson of the forest.

Martin: Oh yeah, she's saying

"Don't touch those
bright, colorful frogs.

They're poisonous".

Koki: Amazing, so that's
why they're colorful.

Chris: Yup. A warning sign.

One that's bright, obvious,
and easy to remember.

Martin: It's an awesome defense
called Warning Coloration.

Koki: So if you're
a poisonous frog,

you want bright colors
that'll stand out

as a warning to predators.

Martin: Exactly, but if
you don't have poison,

you want to blend in
and hide from predators.

Chris: Like my suit.

It doesn't have poison
or colors so...


Martin/Chris/Koki: Uh-oh...
so we're in trouble!

(fast-paced music)

Martin: Hop Chris, hop!

Chris: I'm hopping!

(tense music)

Martin: Aviva, come
in. Mayday, mayday!

We need color quick!


Aviva: I'm working
on the update.


Martin: We don't even need
the poison, just the color.

Chris: Yeah, just the
color...the color!

Martin: If you can get the color
working, we can fool the monkey.

They know that bright
frogs are dangerous

and they think they're
poisonous even if we're not.

Chris: It's called mimicry.

Martin: Yeah, mimicry.

Aviva: Oh yeah.

Monarch butterflies
are poisonous.

But viceroy butterflies aren't.

The viceroys just
look like monarchs

so that predators
think they're poisonous.

Same with the non-
venomous milk snake,

who looks like the
venomous coral snake.


Chris: Yeah, so just
get us that color.

We need color!

Aviva: Ok, I'm hurrying...

(tense music)

Chris: Uh-oh. We're cornered.


Martin: This is not
going to end well.


Aviva: I think I got it.

Update suit! Please work.

Chris: Yay! I have color!

Aviva did it!

I have a yellow and
green speckled body.


Martin: Oh, you look cool
bro! And just in time.

Way to go!

Koki: Now they'll
leave Chris alone.

Chris: There's the monkey
with the miniaturizer.

Martin: Wait, wait, wait, wait!

Can we have our
miniaturizer back?

Koki: Please!

Martin/Chris: Ohhh

Martin: Uh-oh.

Chris: Listen.

There's something in there.

Martin: Roy!
Chris: G!

Koki: Biv!

Chris: What're you
doing in there?

All: (gasps)

Chris: These cool plants called
bromeliads gather rainwater.

Martin: It's like a hidden
mini swimming pool

in the middle of the forest.

Look, little Red is going in.

Ho ho ho! This is awesome!

A great little pool to
grow up in. Right Red?

Koki: So that's what the
froggyback journey

was all about?
To drop her off here?

Chris: That's right. The tad-
poles need water to develop in.

And check it out.
Mosquito larva.

Every pool is bound to have
some kind of food in it.

Larva, algae, invertebrates.

Little snacks for
tadpoles to live on.

So this is where Red will
live until she grows legs,

loses her tail, and transforms
into a bright colorful frog,

like Roy.

Aviva: Speaking of color, I've
programmed the entire spectrum

of poison frog colors into
your suit. Check it out.

Chris: Wow!

Martin: Whoa!
Martin/Koki: Awesome!

Martin: Look at the colors!

Koki: Hey guys, Roy's
on the move again.

Chris: That's because he
needs to find more pools

for the rest of the tadpoles.

Martin: Orange, and the rest,
will each get their own pool.

All: (gasp) Martin: It's her!

The monkey with the miniaturize.

Chris: Quick...hop on.

After her!

Oh no...

she's getting away!

Martin: Go Chris go!
Use those leg powers!

Chris: Hold on. This is it!

Chris: Yaaahh!

Martin/Chris/Koki: Whoaaaa!

Chris: Stuck the landing!

Martin: Quick into the fur.

Chris: I'm out of here!

Martin: Hey, I've got an idea.

Let's tickle her.
Koki: Why?

Martin: Maybe she'll
drop the miniaturizer?

Martin/Koki: Tickle,
tickle, tickle, tickle.

Koki: (gasps)


Martin/Koki: Tickle,
tickle, tickle.

Martin: Oh no.

She's asking to get groomed.

These monkeys are
picking parasites!

Koki: Doesn't she know
we're not parasites?

We're just ticklers.


This plan is backfiring!

Martin: Yeah, stay away
from those monkey fingers!

Koki: I'm trying!

Chris: They're in trouble!
I got to do something.

Hey monkeys! Check it out!

(techno tune)

Woo hoo.

I can do all the colors
that poison frogs come in.

(funky dance music)


Hey and check it out.


Blue and red make purple!


Koki: Ok Martin, while
Chris has them distracted,

we can grab the miniaturizer.


Martin: Oh yeah!
I love this beat.


Koki: Martin!
Martin: Huh? Whoa, sorry.

Chris: And rainbow
colors! ROYGBIV.

Red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, violet.


Woo hoo! And that's the show.

Thank you very much! Gotta leap!

Chris: Let's get...
All: Big sized!

All: Yay!

Koki: We did it! And we
can't lose this again.

Aviva, you guys will
be big-sized soon.

Aviva: Great job guys!
Chris: C'mon!

Aviva: Jimmy, they
rescued the miniaturizer.

No more mini-sized! Jimmy?

Jimmy Z: Over here Aviva.


Giant popcorn bowl pit.

Being mini isn't all bad.


Chris: Well, that's Creature
Mission Accomplished.

What an incredible
froggyback adventure.

Martin: Yeah. Thanks for
leading the way Roy.

Chris: We couldn't have
done it without you.

(buzz croak)

Aviva: Yeah, we learned
so much about poison frogs.

Jimmy Z: And about color

and how it can be really
important to some animals.

Martin: And, we got
our miniaturizer back.

Koki: We even got
a lot of data about

monkey home ranges
for our science study.

Martin: Ooh...hey
and check out

the poison frog pattern
I made up. (laughing)

Jimmy Z: Oh that one is awesome.

Martin: Thanks.

Chris: Hey, and this is what
it would look like on a frog.

Martin: So cool.
Aviva: It's beautiful.

Koki: Nice!
Jimmy Z: And a good pattern.

Here, can you do mine?

Chris: Ok.

All: Oooooh...

Aviva: Now mine!

All: Ahhh...

(buzz croak)

Chris: Poison frogs are awesome.

Martin: So is creature art.

Right Roy?

Chris: G...

Koki: Biv.

All: (laughter)

(buzz croak)

Martin: So poison frogs come
in all colors of the rainbow.

Chris: And those colors are
part of a very cool defence.

Bright colors can be useful
in the creature world

for a variety of reasons,

but many of the most
colorful creatures

happen to be poisonous.

Like the fire salamander.

And the monarch butterfly,

which has a powerful toxin

that makes predators sick.

So, why be colorful
if you're poisonous?

Let's take a look at the
family of poison frogs.

Like the three-striped
poison frog.

Poison frogs come in all these
colorful patterns because

they're saying something.

They're not trying
to camouflage,

they're trying to say to
predators, "hey, I'm poisonous,

so back off.
Don't mess with me".

Martin: Poison frogs, they have
different levels of poison.

The more colorful,
the more poisonous.

This is Pratt's rocket
frog isn't colorful,

but he's still
a little poisonous.

Just not as toxic as
Dendrobates tinctorius,

that comes in brilliant
blue or multi colored,

with yellow patterns
on its back.

And then there's
the blue jeans frog.

Which kind of looks like
it's wearing blue jeans

and a bright red shirt.

But one of the most toxic frogs

is the golden poison
frog from South America.

It's so toxic that even
touching it could be fatal.

Now this one, if you
touch, you'll get sick.

But this poison frog's
not deadly to humans.

But they have one
thing in common,

where they get their poison.

Chris: These frogs get their
poison from the food they eat.

They eat millipedes,

termites and ants

and there are
different chemicals

inside their prey's body

that they concentrate in
glands underneath their skin.

Those concentrated chemicals

are what produces the poison

in this frog's chemical defence.

Martin: And that is an
amazing creature power.

Chris: So, check out all the
different kinds of poison frogs,

Martin: And pick out
the species with your

favorite colors and pattern.

Keep on creature adventuring.

Chris: We'll see you
on the creature trail!

(show theme song)


Chris: To find out
more about cool animals,

Both: We'll see you there!