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06x13 - Iron Wolverine

Posted: 10/20/22 11:04
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Martin: Around the world
in the extreme north

is a creature that thrives
in harsh wilderness.

Martin: We're here in Alaska.

Chris: It's us
the Kratt Brothers.

I'm Chris.

Martin: I'm Martin. When
you think of weasels,

you usually think
of small, skinny,

fast moving creatures.

Like short-tailed ermines,

tree dwelling pine martens,

and water loving mink.

Chris: But there's one
particular member

of the weasel family
that's stocky,

strong and really, really tough.

It's a true predator
of the north.

Martin: Oh yeah!

Chris: They're in any
terrain. In the shores,

the mountains or in the woods.

Martin: This is a wolverine.

It's not a wolf,
it's not a small bear.

Chris: It's actually a
member of the weasel family.

A mustelid, and wolverines
have awesome creature powers.

Wolverines are true
northern creatures.

They live in boreal forests, far
up north, all around the globe,

where their incredible endurance

let's them control
massive territories.

Martin: Wolverines are
long distance runners.

They cover a lot of ground.

Martin: A wolverine's
territory can be

hundreds of square miles.

Martin: They're
not a huge animal.

Not compared to wolves
or grizzly bears,

but these wolverines are so
tough, so ferocious, so brave

and so strong, with
a powerful bite,

they are willing to take
on a wolf or a grizzly bear

that's many many times its size.

The wolverine is one
power packed creature.

Imagine if we could
keep up with this

awesome northern powerhouse.

Chris: Imagine if we
had wolverine powers.

Martin/Chris: What if?

(upbeat music)

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with their
creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save some
animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight and
lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪


Chris: Iron Wolverine.

Jimmy Z: It's pretty
wintery here

in the Scandinavian Subarctic.

Koki: I'm going to be
centered and ready to go.

Martin: ...



Yup, Big day tomorrow...

Jimmy Z: I like loading
up on carbs, but,

not sure I'm going to
like the race tomorrow.

Martin: It'll be fun, Jimmy.

An adventure.

Aviva: Yeah, Chris
sure is excited about it.

He's been planning non-stop.

Chris: This is going
to be the greatest race

the North has ever seen!

Martin: Wow, that's
the race course bro?

Up and down all
those mountain ranges?

Through such a vast wilderness?

Chris: Yup! You've heard
of the Iditarod right?

Epic sled dog race.

And the Vasaloppet
race in Sweden.

One of the greatest cross
country ski races in the world.

And Iron Man races that combine

swimming, biking, and running.

Well, I'm calling this
wilderness race...

The Iron Wolverine!

Jimmy Z: Sounds hard.
Koki: Say what?

Wolve- what?

Chris: Wolverine. This
race is named after

one of the greatest, toughest
adventurers of the North.

Martin/Chris: The Wolverine!

Martin: Oh they're so awesome.

The largest member of the
weasel family that live on land.

Tough, muscular, and full
of confidence and power

that's even bigger
than their size.

Chris: And they're
always on the move.

Covering dozens of miles a day.

Chris: This whole area
can be the territory

of a single wolverine.

Aviva: Wow. Why
such a big territory?

Martin: The territory of
an animal is basically

the amount of space it needs

to have enough food and
resources to survive.

Chris: Some animals,
like squirrels,

get everything they
need from a small area.

Jimmy Z: Me too.

All: I need's right here.

Martin: Other animals,
usually predators,

need bigger areas.

Chris: So while we're on this
race, keep your eyes peeled

for the super rare wolverine.

And maybe we can figure out
why they need so much space.

Tomorrow we ride.

And may the best trekker win

The Iron Wolverine trophy.

Jimmy Z: Just surviving
would be a win for me.

Chris: It's almost
starting time.

I can't wait to see the
travel mode everyone chose.




Chris: Brrrrrr!


Koki: Perfect for all
kinds of snowy terrain.

Chris: Awesome choice Koki!

Koki: Now it's time
to access my chi.

Martin: Wahooo! Here I come!

Chris: Cross country skis.

Keep kicking bro!

Martin: Or not.

Cause I brought a friend.

Ha ha! Yeah!

It's called skijoring.


Koki: I guess some people can't
do it on their own power.

Chris: And some people

don't want to use any
of their own power.

Martin: A rocket sled!

Jimmy Z: Hey-O! Ready to go!

Martin: What about you
Chris? What'd you choose?

Chris: Ta da!
Martin: Snowboard!

Good for downhill, but what
about flats and uphill?

Chris: It's an eSnowboard.

Electric battery boosters.

Martin: Oh! Cool!

Aviva: Are the
contestants ready?

Martin/Chris: Yeah!
Koki: All set!

Jimmy Z: Let's do this!

Aviva: On your mark...
get set...go!

Jimmy Z: This is going
to be a long race.

Hello autopilot.

Aviva: Ok, everyone is
off to a good start...

well, except Jimmy.

Checking Chris's progress.

Chris: Ha ha! Wahoo!

This brings snowboarding
to a new level!


Aviva: He's really moving.

Ok, how about Martin?

Martin: Haha! Whooo!

Let's work together pal and
bring this trophy home.

Aviva: And Koki?

(upbeat racing music)

Koki: Slow and
steady wins the race.

(upbeat racing music)

It is called the Iron Wolverine,

so I'm traveling
wolverine style.

My snowshoes are
like giant paws.

They spread out my weight,
so I don't sink deep down.

I glide over the snow and
save energy, wolverine-style.

Aviva: A wolverine!

I can't believe it!

Look how it's scaling
that snowy hill no problem.

Aviva: And they can
cover miles in a day.

Aviva: They are amazing!

Koki! Koki! Quick,
look behind you!

Koki: What!?

I don't see anything.

Aviva, you're breaking my pace.

Gotta go!

Aviva: They are mysterious
and hard to spot.

Wolverines are increible!

I've got to make a
Wolverine Power Suit.

(slow paced music)

Martin: Whew! We got to
the mountain range fast,

but getting up it is rough!

(strange growling)

Oh... what is that?

(strange growling)

It's...coming this way!

Hide! Aah!

Let's get a look
with the mini-cam,

Nothing. I don't see anything.



Checking recording.



A wolverine!

Oh, you're tough.
But don't worry.

We're not going to try to take
whatever your digging for.

What are you digging for?

Aviva: Those huge paws can
really move a lot of snow.

Martin: I think I
know what she's after.

Hold on Aviva.

Scanning under the snow.

There! A lemming!

She's trying to dig
out that lemming.

Aviva: You're
kidding me!

That's how she gets
food in the winter?

Martin: It's one
of the many ways.

Wolverines will eat
anything they can get.

That's why the scientific
name for a wolverine is...

um...ah...what is it?

Chris: Gulo gulo.


Martin: You're right.

Chris: Later brooooo!

Martin: Thanks Chris. That's it.

Gulo gulo. Latin for glutton.

If you're a glutton it
means you like to eat a lot.

Wolverines will eat
any kind of animal,

from mice to rabbits to
moose and reindeer.

Oh, this is easy.
I'll call you Gulo.

Aviva: Well, Gulo's getting
awfully close to that lemming.

Martin: No she's not.

Run, lemming, run!

(scampering music)


Now we!


Oh, there goes
my trekking buddy.

Aviva: Don't worry. I'll
make sure he gets home safe.

Martin: Thanks.
I gotta keep racing.

I have some catching up to do.


Chris: Wahooo!

Downhill is where
I take the lead!

Ye ha!


These creatures are
active all winter too,

but don't need to move
around such large areas

because they eat
plants and lichen.

In fact, over reindeer

can fit into the territory
of a single wolverine.

Whoa! There's that
single wolverine!

Oh, sneak attack from the trees!

And they're not
afraid to tackle prey

more than five times their size.

Martin: Whooaaa!

Chris: Oh no!

Martin slow down. Stooooop!

Martin: Cross Country
skis don't work so great

on steep hills!

Chris: No, no, no, no!

Martin: Look ooouuutt! Ooofff!

Chris: I'm starting to
understand why wolverines

have such big territories.

Martin: (mumbling in snow)

Chris: They're biggish
predators that don't hibernate.

So, in winter when
food's hard to get,

they need to cover a lot of
ground in search of a meal.

Martin: (mumbling in snow)

Chris: What're you saying bro?

Should I let you out or not?

We are in a race ya know.

I can't just leave my brother,

but I can give
myself a head start.

Martin: Get me out! Hey!

Get me out! Get me out!


Chris: Here reindeer,
tasty pine branches to eat.

There. That's right.

Just pick up these
branches and pull.

But take your time doing it.

See you at the finish line bro.

Martin: (mumbling in snow)

Aviva: This could take a while.

Wolverines are like
little powerhouses.

They're so strong
for their size.

They can pull things that are
almost five times their size.



No way. But with wolverine power

and can-do attitude...

it's doable.

Now, where is everybody?

Chris is in the lead, almost
to the bottom of the range.

Martin is next. But,

oh brother, he's..

Martin: Yeah that's it,
just a little pull.


Ah! Brr!

Aviva...he's free!

Koki's going steady
with those snowshoes.

And Jimmy...

is sleeping.

Jimmy Z: Ah...sleep and
slide....sleep and slide...






Get me outta this nightmare!

Oh wake up...wake up...

I am awake

and in the middle of a
pack of wolves' dinnertime! brave Jimmy...

Back off wolves!

Oh, it's working.
Yeah, that's right!

Back off! Grrrr!


Grrr...that's it...
go away!...Grrr...

Aviva: Jimmy! Jimmy!

Jimmy Z: It's ok Aviva.
I'm taking care of this.

Aviva: No you're not. She is!

Jimmy Z: Who? Whoa!

then I'll just step aside.

Aviva: That wolverine
is so headstrong,

she's willing to take on
a small pack of wolves

to steal their food.

Jimmy Z: I can't believe it.

Aviva: That's the wolverine
mentality I guess.

Their toughness is
bigger than their size.

And it's working.

The wolves have probably
had enough to eat anyway,

and it's not worth messing
with the power and fury

of a hungry wolverine.

Jimmy Z: She did it!

Aviva: Good job, Gulo.

Jimmy Z: That's amazing!

I'll just grab my sled
and leave you to it.

Huh? What're you doing
with that piece?

Saving it for later?

A natural refrigerator.
Great idea!

Now where was I?



Aviva: Just a few
finishing touches..

and print creature power disc.

Ha! This is going
to be a good one.

Calling all Iron
Wolverine contestants.

Come in Iron Wolverines!

Martin/Chris/Koki: Hi Aviva!

Aviva: I have an
important announcement.

I just finished making

a Wolverine Power Disc.

Chris: What?
Martin: Really!

Koki: Amazing!

Aviva: The first one to get in
the position to activate it,

can use it in the race!

Martin: Whoa...Wow!
That's motivation!

Chris: Wolverine powers
would win the race for sure!

Koki: Oh yeah.
That's gonna be me!

Aviva: Well get
to it then, g*ng.

Good luck!

And may the best Iron
Wolverine win the race!

Martin: Gulo, where are you!

Chris: I'm coming!

Koki: Here wolverine!

Jimmy: (snoring)

Koki: Wow, I wish I had the
stamina of a wolverine.


I really need to find
Gulo- Oof! Hey buddy!

It's you!

I thought you were a wolverine!


Hey! Do you want to
get back to running?

I know you do!

Slide Mode on.

Don't count me out yet.

Let's goooo!

With Sled Dog Powerrr!

Martin: Oh yeah! I'm making
pretty good time now,

but whoever finds Gulo first

is going to have
a huge advantage.


Where are ya?

Jimmy Z: (snoring)


Chris: Uh-oh! The
rocket boosters.

I'm out of power!

Whooaa! Oooof!

Aw...the last power
boost gets me every time.


I don't believe it!
I'm in a wolverine den!


Baby wolverines!

Aw, you must be Gulo's kits.

Nice to meet ya'.
Oh no you don't.

Ow! Yeah your jaws are pretty
tough already little guy.

Aviva: Chris. Looks like
you hit the jackpot.

Chris: I sure did.

Check out this snow cave Aviva.

Chris: Mother wolverines
make dens like this

up to feer in the snow.

Chris: It's nice and
warm down here too.

It's like an igloo.

Aviva: Those wolverine kits
sure look cozy in there.

Chris: Yeah, they'll
stay in here

'til they're a bit older.

Aviva: Then they'll hang
around with Mom and learn

the ways of the North right?

Chris: Oh yeah.
For about years.

Or 'til they're ready to
head out on their own.

Aviva: Those little guys are
packed with wolverine power.

Chris: Wolverine Power!


I can activate wolverine
power for the race!

Aviva: Do you want this?

Chris: Yes! Please!

Aviva: (laughter)

Ok, Teleporter
On... Aaaand...


Chris? What's that rumbling?

Chris: I don't know.
It sounds like...


an avalanche!

Lookout little wolverines.

Aviva: I'm coming,
Chris. Hang on!

(dramatic music)

Martin: Gulo! I'm
glad I found you.

Hey, you seem worried.

What's going on!

What are you smelling for?


Something's down there?

Aviva: Martin! It's
Chris and Gulo's kits.

They were buried
by an avalanche!

Martin: What?
Aviva: Here.

Martin: Wolverine Power Disc!

I'm on it. Insert
Wolverine Power Disc.

Touch wolverine and
activate wolverine Power!

(zap) (crackle)

Wolverine Power! Wow!

I feel fearless.

Like a compact
bundle of raw power!

To the creature rescue!


Aviva: Keep it
up Martin and Gulo.

Rapido! Dig, dig!

Chris: Oh no! We're
running out of air.

I hope they're coming for us.

Hang tough, little guys.

Aviva: Hurry! They can't
last long under there.

Martin: Coming bro!

Wolverine Power
don't fail me now!

These paws and claws
can really move some snow.

Wait. I found something.


Chris: Ahhhhh!



Aviva: We got them!
They're safe!

Martin: We did it Gulo.


Chris: They're safe.

Each and every one of them.

Koki: See ya later slowpokes.

Meet you at the
finish liineee!

Martin: What? Let's go!

Yeah, wolverine power will
carry me to the finish.

I'm not even tired.

Sorry Chris!

Chris: Awww! I'm never going
to be able to keep up.

And now Gulo's raiding
my food pack?

Oh no ya don't.

Wolverines are sneaky.

Whoaaaa! And strong!

And faaaast!

Hey, I know you drag carcasses
almost five times your weight,

but I'm not a carcass!

Martin: We'll you're
definitely dead weight bro.

Chris: Oh yeah! Go, Gulo...go!

(funky racing music)

Koki: Go buddy go!
They're gaining on us!


Aviva: It's going to come
right down to the finish.

But wait. There's
someone up ahead.



Chris: Gotta..
Martin: Catch..

Koki: Jimmy..
Chris: I'm....

Koki: Gonna....
Martin: Winnnn...

Aviva: It's Jimmy! By a hair!

Martin: Jimmy won?

Chris: But...he's asleep!

Aviva: Jimmy, wake up! You won!

Jimmy Z: Huh?

Aviva: You won! You're
the Iron Wolverine!

Jimmy Z: I did? I am?

Oh yeah, I am!

Oof! That's right.

The Iron Wolverine,
right here, folks.

Martin/Chris/Koki: (laughter)

Chris: Way to go Jimmy.

Martin: You're the greatest

cross country trekker
of the North.

Martin/Chris/Koki: Yay
Jimmy, hip-hip-horray!

Jimmy Z: Gulo, you and me. Ha!

We're Iron Wolverines.

Chris: And that's creature
mission accomplished.

The Iron Wolverine
race is complete

and we met one of the
coolest creatures of the North.

Martin: And we learned
a lot about territories.

That some animals,
like wolverines,

have enormous territories.

Koki: And other animals like
reindeer live in smaller areas.

Aviva: It's all based on
how big an area they need

in order to find all the
things they need to survive.

Jimmy Z: We did all that
while I was sleeping?

Aviva: We sure did Jimmy.
Jimmy Z: Ahem.

I'm not Jimmy.

I'm the Iron Wolverine!

Aviva/Koki: Woo hoo!

Koki: Yes!

Martin: So they're
roaming across

the rugged terrain
of the great North.

Chris: Wolverines are
a powerful predator

with outsized strength

and a tough "don't
mess with me" attitude.

Wolverines have a
great sense of smell.

That's how they find
a lot of their prey.

They roam around
their territory,

smelling, smelling
for any sign of prey.

Sometimes, what they do when
they're hunting big prey

like moose or
caribou or reindeer,

is they'll jump from a tree limb

onto the back of the moose

and take it down.

It's amazing.

But they also eat carrion.

Carrion is meat from animals
that have already died.

Chris: And in the winter,
they can smell carrion

under feet and feet of snow.

Chris: Wolverines are up and
active all winter long,

through some of the coldest,
harshest weather.

Bears go into a deep sleep
for most of the winter,

but not the wolverine.

The wolverine toughs it out
and is able to find food

with either it's
amazing hunting skill

or by uncovering animals

that have been unable to
survive the cold winter.

So whatever a wolverine
finds, whether it be...

coming through!

You have the right of way buddy.

Martin: They're one tough
creature with a powerful bite.

The wolverine has a bite

that can crush through
teeth and bone.

And rocks?

Chris: They can't
bite through rocks,

but what's he doing with it?

Martin: He's taking
it somewhere.

It's like he's caching it.

Chris: Caching. You mean
like hiding food for later?

Martin: Yeah. The caching
instinct in a wolverine

is extremely powerful

because it's a
matter of survival.

There is real limited
food sometimes of the year,

so they have to cache their
food any chance they get,

so they come back
and get it later.

That's why this wolverine
is carrying rocks.

Its instinct to cache.

Chris: So next time you're
out on a cold harsh day,

think of the wolverine.

Martin: Somewhere out there, in
some of the most rugged terrain

and harshest weather on earth,

the wolverine is
toughing it out.

Chris: One of the greatest
survivalists on the planet.

Keep on creature adventuring.

Martin: We'll see you
on the creature trail.

(show theme song)


Chris: To find out
more about cool animals,

Both: We'll see you there!