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02x04 - Sonic Boom Boom/Mini Golf Goof

Posted: 10/20/22 10:47
by bunniefuu

♪ They can climb great heights
to do what's right ♪

♪ The Spidey team
is on the scene ♪

♪ Swinging, spinning
crawling the walls ♪

♪ The Spidey crew do it all ♪

♪ They're your friendly
neighborhood spiders ♪

♪ And their teamwork
can't be tighter ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oh! ♪
- ♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ Go, webs, go! ♪

♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ It's time to Spidey swing ♪

♪ With Spidey
and his amazing... ♪

♪ Spidey and his friends ♪

♪ They're your friendly
neighborhood spiders ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oh! ♪
- ♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ Go, webs, go! ♪

♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ It's time to Spidey swing ♪

♪ With Spidey
and his amazing... ♪

♪ Spidey and his amazing... ♪

♪ Spidey
and his amazing friends! ♪

[Doc Ock] Sonic Boom Boom!

H'yeah! Got it!


Nice catch.

Sure you don't
want to play, Miles?

Maybe in a minute.

I'm almost done.

Peter, check this out!

I call it
the freaky fast flickaroo.

Hup! Ah!

Oh, nice throw!

I got it, I got it,

- I got... Whoa!
- [loud guitar music blaring]

Daddy, make it stop!

[groans] Seriously?

[singing along to loud guitar]

That guy is playing
his music so loud!


Excuse me, sir,

could you please
turn down your music?


Your music!

Could you please
turn it down?

Hold on.

I can't hear a word
you're saying.

[turns off loud music]
There, that's better.

What's up, little man?

You were playing your music
really loud.

It's making it hard
for everyone to enjoy the beach.


I thought everyone
loved loud music.

[clearing throat]
Ahem, not everyone.

Some people come here

to listen to the sound of waves

crashing on the shore.

Or the squawking seagulls,




I wanna pet kitty.

That is not a kitty.

It's a crab!

Ah, and they're everywhere!

Sorry, sweetie,
no more beach for us.

We'll come back another day.

Whoa, look at them all!

Whoa, that's too many for me.

Wait for me!

I'm outta here.

[gasps of panic]

What is going on
with these crabs?

Aren't they supposed to be
in the water?


It looks like they're trying
to get away from it.


Maybe they somehow
got confused?

Let's try turning some around.

That's weird.

It seems like they're afraid
to go back in the ocean.

Well, we can't just
leave them here on the beach.

They'll get too hot in the sun.

Hey, what if we took them
to the aquarium?

I bet Isla would know
what to do with them.

Oh, yeah.

She knows all about
marine animals.

Maybe she could explain
why they're acting like this?

That would be great.

So, I guess we'd better start
picking up crabs.

Good thing we've got our webs.

[together] It's Spidey time!


♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪

Peter, Gwen, Miles!

Webs up, amazing friends!

♪ They'll use
their best detective skills ♪

♪ Combine their science smarts ♪

♪ And they'll
put their heads together ♪

♪ 'Cause they're brave
and clever ♪

♪ It's time
to Spidey save the day! ♪


♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪



♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪

Webs out!


Don't worry, little guy,
I got ya.


Here you go, buddy.

You're safe with me.


Ha! Hup!


And one more.

Looks like the beach is clear.

Let's get these
to the aquarium.

Hup! Hup!

There you go,
my crabby little friends.

I reckon the water in this t*nk

will be a lot more comfortable
than a hot beach.

Thanks, Isla.

They do seem
pretty happy in there.

For some reason,

they just wouldn't go
back in the ocean.

You should have seen it.

They were crawling away
from the water

as fast as they could.

Hmm, that's not normal
crabby behavior,

and unfortunately,

they're not the only
sea creatures

acting like that.

Check this out.

See this sweet little octopus?

He climbed
right up into a boat.

That starfish crawled
all the way up onto the pier.

Took him all day.

Why would they do that?


There must be something
in the ocean

that's bothering them.

Huh... I wonder what it is.

Maybe we should go underwater
and find out.

Time to take a deep dive
with the Team Transport.

We'll let you know
if we find anything out, Isla.

Good luck!

Hup! Hup! Bye!

Wow, it's beautiful down here.

Yeah, it's so calm
and peaceful.

It's like a whole other world.

If I were a crab,
I wouldn't leave this place.

[deafening booms pulsing]

Whoa! What is that?

I can barely hear anything.

Look at those fish!

I wonder where
they're all going!

They're probably
trying to get away

from that horrible sound!

Maybe that sound

is what scared the crabs
out of the ocean!

Well, then we should find out
where it's coming from!

Let's try going

in the opposite direction
of those fish.

[booming pulses]

Ugh, the sound
is getting louder.

We must be close.


I could barely think

with that thumping
going on in my head.

That was worse than
the boombox guy at the beach.

Hold on,
I think I see something.

[Spin] Doc Ock's undersea lab!

Oh, man, she's behind this?

But why is she scaring
all the sea creatures?

We'll have to go find out.

Let's use
our new underwater suits.

All right!

Let's go!

Time to Spidey swim.

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[Spin] She's working
on something in there.

[Spidey] Whatever it is,

it's probably making
all that noise.

[Ghosty] Guys!

Over here, I found a way in.

[evil chuckle]

Just one more tweak
to the magnet one setting,


[gasps] There!

My Boom-Boom Blaster
is perfect!

[deafening boom pulsing]

[laughing wickedly]

Aah! That's the same noise
we heard.


[CAL trilling]

[trilling loudly]

These booms are so blasty,

no one will be able
to hear a thing.

[evil laugh]

[trilling angrily]




We've been spotted.

CAL, what's gotten into you?

Hold on, I can't hear a word
you're bleeping.

[booming stops, CAL trills]

[gasping] Ugh, spiders.

Your blasting is over, Doc Ock.

That device is scaring away
all the sea creatures.

This is their home.

I don't care about the fishies.

All that matters

is that my Boom-Boom Blaster

is un-boom-boom-bearable!

[cackling] Exactly as I planned.

[blaster booming,
laughing maniacally]

Aah! That is awful!

I can't even think.



Now I can
Boom-Boom Blast the city,

and I won't turn it off

until I get everything I want!

Come along, CAL.

City, here we come!

[evil laugh]

[evil laughter]

[Spin] We have to stop her.

She said she was going
to Boom-Boom Blast

the whole city.

Only problem is
she can Boom-Boom Blast us, too.

We need a way
to protect ourselves

from the noise.

Maybe some kind of covering
for our ears?

Like how I wear headphones
to protect my ears

when I play the drums.

Although I think they'd need
to be way bigger

to stop Doc Ock's noise.


Like... that big?

Oh, great idea.

We can make our own
ear protectors out of web.

Well, does it work?


[together] It works!


- [laughing maniacally]
- Huh?


this looks like a superb spot

to start Boom-Boom Blasting.

Listen up, everyone.

You're about to get blasted.

[car tires screech]

[evil laughter]

[deafening booming]

[Ock laughs wickedly]

It's working, it's working!

Oh, they hate it so much,

and I love it!

Hey, that's too loud!

What's that?

You want it louder?

You got it.

[booming grows louder]

Aah! No more!

Just make it stop!

I'll do anything!

Oh, of course you will.

All of you.

Everyone in the city
will give me whatever I want

to make it stop.

[evil laughter]


Hup! Hup!

Huah! Huah!

Take it down a notch, Doc Ock.

[laughing maniacally]



Didn't you learn the last time?

[screaming in pain]

[buttons beeping]

It's not working?

These web ear protectors
you came up with

work great!

I can't hear a thing.

I still can't hear you.

But hey, these web
ear protectors I came up with

sure work great!

Now let's cancel this noise.

[powering down]

[sighs in relief]

Phew! Thanks, Team Spidey!


Huh? Oh.

Oh, you've blocked
the boom from my blaster,

but I can still use it!



That's enough, Doc Ock.



Looks like
she's Boom-Boom Busted.


[CAL trills] Uh-oh.

You too, CAL.

[trills] Whoa!

[trills in defeat]

[all laughing]

There we are,
my crabby friends.

Easy does it.

Back to the ocean you go.

Aw, look at them.

They can't wait to get back.

The ocean will be
a nicer place to live

now that there's no more
Boom-Boom Blasting.

Thanks to you, Team Spidey.

You can always
count on us, Isla.

Yeah, we always come through
in a pinch!

- [crab snaps]
- Ow!

[chuckles] It's okay, amigo.

I'm sure you didn't mean it.

Oh. [Laughs]
Look at them go.

Back home
to the nice, quiet ocean.

Now, that's a happy sight.

- Whoo!
- [laughing]

Yeah! [Singing]

[Green Goblin] Mini-Golf Goof!

[Gwen] Okay, here I go.

Oh, so close, honey.

Thanks, Mom.



It took me a while,
but I finally did it.

Isn't this great?

A whole afternoon
of mother-daughter fun

playing the Stacy family sport,


[Gwen laughs] Yeah.

I just wish I were
a little better

at the Stacy family sport.

Look at this shot
I have to make.

My ball has to go past
the moving blade

on that windmill,

and into that tiny hole?

Give it a try.

Who knows?
You might do it.


Here I go.


Ooh! [Laughs]

See what I mean?

You want to know something?

I had a lot of trouble
with this shot

when I was learning
to play too.


Uh-huh, until
your grandma taught me

the trick is, don't rush.

Wait for the right moment.

[Gwen] Ah, okay.

Let me try it again.

That's my girl.


Don't rush.

Wait for the right moment...



I did it! I did it!

Great shot, Gwenny!

Quick! Let's go see the ball
come out the other side.


How long is it
supposed to take?

It should have
come out by now.

Maybe it got stuck?

Hey, what happened
to my golf ball?

Oh, what's going on?

Come on...

- Hmm, where did it go?
- Hmm!

Are all the golf balls

[wicked cackling echoes]

Looking for your golf balls,

It's Green Goblin!

What's he doing here?

I've got 'em right here.

I made little tunnels

that lead from every hole

right into this windmill,

where I turned your golf balls

into teeny, tiny,

ooey-gooey golf pranks!


Look out!

[golfers screaming in panic]

[Green Goblin
cackling wickedly]

Quick, behind here.

Run, everyone!

My golf prank's goo
is sticky like glue.

Now, stay here, Gwen.

I've got to get everyone else

out of the mini-golf park.

But don't you need help?

All I need

is to know you are staying safe

until I get back, okay?


Thanks, Mom,

but there is no way

I'm letting you face
Green Goblin alone.

Time to Spidey swing!

♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪

♪ They'll use
their best detective skills ♪

♪ Combine their science smarts ♪

♪ And they'll
put their heads together ♪

♪ 'Cause they're brave
and clever ♪

♪ It's time
to Spidey save the day! ♪

Stop right there, Goblin.

Oh-ho, a spider's come
to spoil my fun.


Have some gooey golf pranks!

Hup! Ho!

- Run, run, run!
- Aah!


Ah, Ghost-Spider.

Boy, am I glad to see you.

Lucky catch, spider.

Catch these!



I've got this.

Hup! Hup! Whaa!

Got it.


Come on, let's get you
to the exit.

Oh, thank you!

Now it's time to catch you.

Come on out, Gobby.

One way or another,

I'm stopping this windmill!

You can't stop
my windmill.

It's spider-proof.

I'll just speed it up.

[cackling wickedly]


I've got to get Gobby
out of that thing.

I just don't see any way
to get inside there...

except that little hole.


I know just
who can fit through it!

Ant-Man, Wasp?

- What's up, Ghost-Spider?
- Is there trouble?

Green Goblin is gooing up
the mini-golf park.

I could really use your help.

We'll buzz right over!

[Detective Stacy]
Follow me to safety!

Ho ho, someone else needs
a gooey golf prank

to goo them all up!


Look out!


Are you okay?

Yeah, just... stuck.

[Green Goblin cackling]

I hope you don't mind
if I borrow your hot dog cart.

It will shield us
from the pranks.

Ghost-Spider needs my cart?

Please! Happy to help a hero!

Grab on. I'll pull you free.



No problem.

The exit's right over there.

- I'll walk you out.
- Huah!

Good luck, Ghost-Spider!

Thanks! Huah!


Everyone's gone
from the golf park, Gobby.

There's no one left
to hit with your pranks.

Time to stop.

Time to stop?
[cackling wickedly]

I'm just getting started!

Time to roll out
to the amusement park.


[Ghosty] What?

You can't take that thing
into the amusement park.

There's so many people there.

[laughs] Exactly!

More people
equals more fun to ruin.


[grunting with effort]


Ugh! I can't stop it!


We're here!

Good! You're just in time.

Gobby's inside that windmill.

He's heading
for the amusement park.

And you can't stop him?

Not from here,

but there's a little hole
on the front

way down by the bottom.


So I'm guessing

you need us to shrink down,

go in through that little hole,

and once we're inside...

- We're on it!
- Whoa!

Uh, yeah, what she said!

Whoa, look out.

Those windmill blades
keep swinging

right in front of that hole.

You're gonna have to time this
just right,

or we might not survive.

Don't worry.

I'll fly us right past.

- Ooh!
- [Ant-Man screams]


- Phew!
- We're in.

[Ghosty] Great.

What do you see?

[Ant-Man] All kinds of stuff.

Gears, tubes,

some launch chutes,

golf balls, funnels.

[Wasp] It looks like
some kind of machine.

Golf balls go in one side,

but little pumpkins come out
the other side?

Those are the pranks!

He's been blasting them
at everyone.

We'll look for a way
to stop him.

I'll try to keep him

from reaching
the amusement park.

Let's see
where this tube leads.

Sure, here we go!


[grunting with effort]

Hup! Hoo!



[panting in fright]

Wait a minute.

Why am I running?

I'm super strong like an ant!



Hey, I see the cannon.


[cannon booms]



[gasping] I got you!




Everything okay in there?

Whew, thanks.

Uh, yeah.

I almost fell
into a bunch of gears and stuff.

Could've been a major owie.

There are a lot
of gears in here.

[Green Goblin] Can't hide
forever, Ghost-Spider!

Wait, if the windmill
is full of gears,

I wonder if we could
jam them up.

It could stop
the whole windmill.

Right, so we just
need something

to jam the gears up with.

Definitely not with me.

No, thank you.

There's got to be something.

Spidey sense!

[Green Goblin cackling wickedly]


I see you!

Oh, no, you don't!

Thanks for the save.

You got it.
How can I help?

We need something

to jam up the gears
on the windmill.

Something like...

Ooey-gooey golf pranks!

He's heading toward
the amusement park again.

Ant-Man? Wasp?

Can you get Gobby
to turn his windmill

back toward me?


To the cockpit!

H'yah! Ha ha!

You should find shelter.

I'm safe.

You be careful, and good luck.


I'll need a golf club.

This will do.

[grunting with effort]

Oh... we're in?

We're there!

We made it
to the Gooey Goblin Chef.

Hey, Gobby?


Yeah, I think you got
a bug problem.

- Yaah!
- [grumbling]

Look who buzzed in.

Wasp? Get off.

Get off!

H'yah! [Grunting]

S-stop that!

Don't touch those!

Get back!

[grumbling and fuming]

Perfect! Here they come.

Ant-Man, Wasp,

can you get Gobby
to sh**t a prank at me?

On it!

Yoo-hoo, Gobby!

Come and get me!

- [growling] Y'ah!
- Ha!


And I'm ready for my shot.



Playing golf
at a time like this?

Looks like you've given up,

I never give up, Gobby!

See if you can get him
to sh**t more pranks.

You got it.

Leave her alone!

Stop sh**ting
your pranks right now!

I'll sh**t
all the pranks I want!

Change in plans, Spider.

I'll goo you up first,

then I'll goo up
the amusement park.



Huh. Perfect.

Uh! [Groaning]

Here I come!

Come on, Ghost-Spider,

you can do it.

Come on, come on...





Come on...

Okay, I can do this.

Hey, Ghost-Spider.

My mother once taught me

the trick to making
a difficult shot is...

Don't rush.

Oh, yeah.

Wait for the right moment!

You've... heard it before?

I have.

Thanks for reminding me,
Detective Stacy.

Wait for the right moment...



[Gobby screams]

- Yes!
- Whoo-hoo!

What a shot!


[Gobby wailing]

My Gobbilicious windmill!

What did you do?

It's ruined!


Where do you think
you're going, Gobby?



You spoiled all my fun!

I sure had fun.

Me too!

Buzz bump! Bzz!

Thanks for the help, you two.

Any time.

If you need us again,
just let us know.


[together] Bye!

And thank you, Ghost-Spider.

Now, I need to go find
my daughter

and make sure she's all right.

Yeah, of course,

and, uh, I've gotta go too.


[Detective Stacy calling] Gwen!



Oh, I'm so glad you're safe.

What a relief.

Too bad Green Goblin
ruined our day together.

It's okay.

Thanks to you,

I learned how to hit the ball

into the hardest hole
in mini-golf!

[chuckles] You're welcome.

So, now that
Green Goblin's gone,

you wanna play another round?

You're on!

You wanna go first?

Oh, I don't need to rush.

Gonna wait for
the right moment, huh?

- Very funny, very funny.
- [laughing]
