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02x03 - Bootsie's Day Out/Trouble at Tony's

Posted: 10/20/22 10:46
by bunniefuu
♪ They can climb great heights
to do what's right ♪

♪ The Spidey team
is on the scene ♪

♪ Swinging, spinning
crawling the walls ♪

♪ The Spidey crew do it all ♪

♪ They're your friendly
neighborhood spiders ♪

♪ And their teamwork
can't be tighter ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oh! ♪
- ♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ Go, webs, go! ♪

♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ It's time to Spidey swing ♪

♪ With Spidey
and his amazing... ♪

♪ Spidey and his friends ♪

♪ They're your friendly
neighborhood spiders ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oh! ♪
- ♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ Go, webs, go! ♪

♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ It's time to Spidey swing ♪

♪ With Spidey
and his amazing... ♪

♪ Spidey and his amazing... ♪

♪ Spidey
and his amazing friends! ♪

Bootsie's Day Out!

Well, here we are
at the pet salon.

I wonder why Peter asked us
to meet him here.

Hey, Gwen.

Hi, Miles.

Aw, look at Bootsie!

You look so clean and pretty.

And I got her
a sparkly new collar.


So why did you ask us
to meet you here?

Because I wanted
to show you...


I trained Bootsie
to walk on a leash.

See? Pretty neat, huh?

You're going to walk
Bootsie home?

I mean, she's not a dog.

Is that safe?

Oh, yeah.

I've been practicing with her
in my backyard.

She loves it.


- Bootsie!
- Stop!

Hey, kitty!

Ooh. Oh, my.

Bootsie, no!

That's not your yarn!

That's all right, dear.

Cats love to play with yarn.


I guess cats love to play
with tennis balls too.

- Bye!
- Buh-bye!



Oh! Hi!

No, Bootsie!

That's not your ball!

Ah, that's okay.

Bye, kitty cat.

Uh, Peter?

I don't think the leash thing
is working out so great.

What are you talking about?

All right, Bootsie, come on.

Oh, what a good girl.


I've got this
totally under control.

Or maybe not!


No, Bootsie!

Okay, you're right.

Walking Bootsie home on a leash
isn't working.

It'd be way easier
to get her home

in a cat carrier.

Too bad you didn't bring one.

I didn't bring one,

but who says I can't make one?

All I need is a box.


Ah, a little wire...



Ha! It seems like you have
everything in that backpack.

Let's go find something
to make a handle!

This is gonna be strong enough

to hold you for sure, Bootsie.

Hang on, Bootsie.

I'll have this cat carrier done
in a second.

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We found some rope
to make the handle.


And... finished!

- Nice!
- Perfect!

What do you think, Bootsie?


Where's Bootsie?

Bootsie! Bootsie?

She's running away!
Come on!


I've been watching
the jewelry store for hours,

but the owner never leaves.

How's a kitty
supposed to steal stuff

around here, anyway?

Ooh, meow is right!

Look at that sparkly collar.

I want it!

Ooh... whoo!



Hi, kitty cat.

My name is Black Cat.

Well, it's really Felicia,

but I like to be called
Black Cat.

Now, if you don't mind,
I'll just take your collar.

Aww, aren't you
the cutest ever?!

You know,

I think I'll keep you too,

and I'm going to call you...

Little Helper,

because you're
gonna help me swipe stuff.

I don't see Bootsie anywhere.

We've gotta find her.


Bootsie! Bootsie! Bootsie!



Okay, so here's
how it's gonna work.

First, we look around
for something pretty,



I want that sparkly bracelet.

Time to help, Little Helper.

You be a little cutie...

and distract that lady

while I swipe her bracelet.


Oh, I'm so sorry, ma'am.

My kitty cat and I

really should have been looking
where we're going.

Oh, that's all right, dear.

Oh, and isn't your cat

Can I pet her?

Be my guest.

Aww, look at you.

Aww, you like a wittle scratch
behind your ears,

don't you?

Oh, yes, you do.
Yes, you do!

You're so sweet.
Yes, you are.

Who's the cutest in the world?

Well, gotta go.


Oh, uh, uh, bye!

You are the best
Little Helper ever!

Let's go steal more stuff.


My, my bracelet!

Where's my bracelet?



She could be anywhere.

Webs up!
Spidey alert!

Come on!

What is it, WEB-STER?

Black Cat
has stolen a bracelet

and a sparkly headband.

She was with a cat
that looked like Bootsie.

That doesn't make any sense.

It is Bootsie!

Black Cat must have found her.

Do we have a location
on them, WEB-STER?

They were last seen
heading to Central Park.

We've got to stop Black Cat
and get Bootsie back.

Time to suit up
and swing out!

♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪

Peter, Gwen, Miles!

Webs up, amazing friends!

♪ They'll use
their best detective skills ♪

♪ Combine their science smarts ♪

♪ And they'll
put their heads together ♪

♪ 'Cause they're brave
and clever ♪

♪ It's time
to Spidey save the day! ♪


♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪



♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪

Webs out!

Oh, my!

Aren't you the sweetest?!

Yes, you are.
Yes, you are!

Hey, come back!

Huh? Wait!
That's my watch!

All right, Black Cat!

Aww, kittens.

Give the man back his watch.

And give us everything else
you stole.

Including Bootsie.

Who's Bootsie?

Uh, I mean, that cat you took
that isn't yours.

Where is she?

She ran off.

In those bushes!

No, I need
the pretty kitty cat

to help me swipe more stuff.

Give me my watch back!

Finders keepers!

Oh, no, you don't!

Hah! Whoo!

I don't think so!

Not so fast!


- Hup!
- Huah!

We'll be back with your watch!


She's fast,

but so are we!

Come on!

Whoo! Yay!

- Watch out for the cat!
- Look out!



Little Helper, come back!


You all okay?

All good!

Whoo, thanks!

Stay safe!

There you are!


Come back!





What do you think you're doin'?

Uh... leaving
to catch that cat!


Are you okay, sir?


Thanks, Team Spidey.

Black Cat smashed into me.

Looked like she was chasing

a little orange and white cat.

Did you happen to see

which way the cat went?

I saw it go
out of the park that-a-way.

Black Cat went right after it!

We've got to get higher up

so we can see
where they've gone.



No sign of them yet.

I'll use my Spidey-vision.

There's Black Cat!

There's Bootsie!

She's heading back
into the city!

We've gotta catch up!

Whoa, whoops!

Cute kitty.





Hmph. Now I'm all dirty,

and I've lost the kitty cat!

There you are, Little Helper!

I'm coming!

Now where'd you go, kitty?

There you are!




Now I gotcha.


Ah! Ugh!

Ah! Get away from me!


Little Helper, come back!

Ah, now what?

Excuse me!

Move your paws, please!


Can't hold on much longer!

There they are! Quick!

We're almost there!

Ah! Oh no.

That-that tickles!

They're gonna fall!

Let's make a web net.

Ah, I'm gonna sneeze.

Ah... choo!




Aww, you're safe now.

I mean,

we'll get this cat

back to its rightful owner.

Which isn't you, Black Cat.


I know.

It was naughty of me
to take that kitty cat.

She was just so pretty,

and her collar was so sparkly,

just like the stuff I swiped,



But this belongs
with the people who own it,

just like the cat
belongs to her owner at home,

where she'll be safe.

It's good
you gave everything back,

but next time, remember,

don't steal
other people's stuff.

Or their cats.

All right.


Hi, everyone.

Oh, what a cool cat carrier.


Bootsie was getting
a little fussy and distracted

by all the stuff in the city,

so I made it to keep her safe.

Oh, great idea!

You know what also stops her

from getting fussy
and distracted?

Her favorite toy.

Bootsie needs something
to keep her out of trouble,

and she just loves
chasing butterflies.

She sure does, Aunt May.

Trouble at Tony's!

Whoo-hoo, yeah!

This is going to be so cool!

I can't wait!

Here we are.

Tony Stark's apartment!

So this is where he keeps
his Iron Man suit?

Yup, along with
all his other inventions.

He's got
his own swimming pool

on top of a skyscraper?

I wonder what his place
is like inside.

Let's go find out.

Hey, everyone,

sorry I wasn't out here
to meet you.

I, uh, I got a little busy
baking in the kitchen.

That's okay.

Yeah, thanks
for having us over.

Happy to have you.

Come on in,
make yourselves comfy.



- Huh?
- Whoa!

Oh, yeah, watch out
for the pool noodles.

I really need
to put those away.

He's Iron Man,

he's an inventor,

and he plays with pool toys?

He's just so cool.


Look at this place.

It's huge!

Peter tells me
you're all curious to see

what kind of inventions
I've been working on,

so I figured I'd have you over
and show you.


Yeah, and I've got to say,

this place is amazing!

I know, right?

Hey, what's this?

You touch it,
and it plays music?

Yeah, that's
my floating music player.

Pretty neat, huh?

Touch it again,
it'll turn off.

That's pretty neat!

Everything in here
looks high-tech,

even this chair.

Chair activated.

Would you like to take a seat?

- Have a snack?
- Whoa...

Maybe a little nap?

I could tell you a story,
if you like.

No, no, no, no,

it's not story time.

Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, that's good.

Very well.


I've never seen a chair
like that before.

That's because you've never seen
a Tony Stark chair.

Yeah, I like to put
a little fun in my inventions.

I see you have guests.

Would you like to watch
a movie?

Not now, Sofa.
Thank you.


But maybe later.

Did someone ask for cake?

I have cake,
delicious chocolate cake.

Um, Tray, I didn't call you,

but thank you very much.

The cake is for later.

Go back in the kitchen.


I really gotta fix that tray.

Anyway, who wants to see
something really cool?


Right this way!

Navigation error.

Can't find kitchen.

Navigation error.

Can't find kitchen.

- Navigation error.
- Oh.

I'll be there in a second, g*ng.

Tray, what did I tell you?

Come on,
back to the kitchen, Tray.

Well, well, well.

Here I am...

At the home
of inventor genius Tony Stark.

How convenient

that he's built
the perfect invention

for me to steal.

Wait, I had a pamphlet!

It had a picture
of the invention and everything.

Mm, did I drop it?

A-ha! That's right.

There it is.

An armored glove
full of electricity...

Electricity I want for myself.

So time to break in

and steal his little invention,




He's home.

Well, looks like

I'll have to lure him away


I'm sure a prank phone call

will do the trick.

- Wow...
- Whoa!

Look at those!

So many Iron Man suits!

That's amazing!


Oh, yeah.

Well, they're all
pretty much the same.

You know, I was just trying out
different styles

before I built the suit
that I wear now,

but hey, here's what
I really want to show you.

These are some Iron Man gloves
I designed.

I call them Gauntlets.

Each one of 'em
has its own special power.

One sh**t water,
one sh**t fire,

and the other
sh**t electricity.


Which one is this?



I guess this one's water.


That's okay,
accidents happen.

I'm just glad it wasn't
the electricity one.

That has enough power

to light up the whole city.

- Whoa.
- Wow.

Uh, excuse me, g*ng.

Tony Stark here.

Mr. Stark,
this is the Mayor's office.

The Mayor?

Is everything okay?

Oh, I don't think so.

She says she really needs
to see you right away.

That sounds serious. Okay.

Oh, super serious.

In fact, she says
you should leave right now.

Okay, I'm on my way.

Hey, listen,

I've gotta run over to City Hall

to see the Mayor.

Why don't you guys
hang out here,

and, you know, watch the place
till I get back?

- Seriously?
- Sure.

That would be great.

You can count on us, Tony.



I'll be back in a jiffy.

I've seen him do that
a bunch of times,

and it still amazes me.

Bye-bye, Iron Man.

Now, to break in

and steal
that electricity Gauntlet.

Hmm, let's see.

I wonder where he keeps
his gadgets.

Huh? Weird.

Out of my way!

Whoa, Tony's music player
came on.

That's strange.

There's nobody here
but us, right?

I think so.

Let's check it out.

Ugh, what is this thing?


It turned off and on again.

But where is it now?

I don't know.

What? Spidey and his pesky pals?

I certainly didn't
expect them to be here.

Maybe that music player
was just malfunctioning,

like Tony's tray.

Oh, yeah, it's cake time!

Thanks, Tray,
but, uh, not now.

Whoa, check out this toaster.

It's all loaded up with bread
and ready to go!

Tony sure must like toast.

I wonder what other
kitchen gadgets he has.

Maybe I can
keep them busy in here

while I look for that
electricity Gauntlet.


What was that?

Why is everything
acting so strange?

Whoa! Hey!

We didn't order any toast.


Whoa, what's going on?

Whoa! I got ya!


That should give me enough time

to grab that Gauntlet
and escape.

Okay, I think I've had
enough bread for one day.





Well, that was really strange.

What is going on?

We've really gotta find out.



Here you are!

Now, to take all the electricity

from the electricity Gauntlet

and put it into me!

I'll be unstoppable!


How did you get in here?

Oh, does it matter?

I've stolen
the electricity Gauntlet!

Nothing can stop me now.


I hate water!

Wrong Gauntlet, Electro.

But this one...

Is not yours either.

Ho-ho, we'll just see
about that.




Whoo-hoo! Go get 'em!


Get that Gauntlet for me!

Let's give this a whirl!

You too! After that Gauntlet!



The Gauntlet!


Now bring it to me!

I don't think so!


I'll take that.

- Yah!
- Whoa!


Ghosty, over here!

Got it!

And I got you!

This one's not going anywhere!

Oh, come on!

Get that Gauntlet!

Hah! Looks like you took care
of the last one, Electro.


Those suits may be done,

but I'm not.

Um, excuse me.

Hey, g*ng, It turns out
that phone call I got,

false alarm,

so I'm on my way back home.

Iron Man out.

Hear that?

You won't be able to beat us
and Iron Man.

It's over.


Got it!


She took the Gauntlet!

- Huah!
- H'yah!

And now all the electricity
in this Gauntlet

is mine!

Yes! Yes!

I've drained
all the electricity out of it!

Take it if you want it so much.

It's made me so powerful,

no one will ever be able
to stop me!

What do you have to say
about that, spiders?

How about... look out
for the pool noodle?

Huh? Pool noodle?

Oh, the pool noodle.

We should pick that up.

Before someone trips on it!


Whoa, whoa...


My electricity!

The water fizzled it
all away from me.

You really should be
more careful around pool toys.

Great teamwork.

Now let's
straighten this place up

before Tony gets back.

Did someone just say my name?

Oh, Tony, you're back!

Yeah, I see Electro stopped by

for a quick dip in the pool.

Ugh, that's not
why I stopped by.

All right, let me guess.

She lured me away,

she tried to steal
my electricity Gauntlet,

didn't know you were all here,

and you did
a bunch of hero stuff.

Am I close?

Wow, surprisingly close,


How'd you guess all that?

Hey, I've been a superhero
a while now, you know.

These things happen
all the time.

You know, my life isn't all
fancy gadgets and cake.

Did someone say cake?

Hey, I actually did!

Who wants a slice?

We do!

Good Tray, good Tray.

Now, that was
a perfect entrance.

Boy, that's funny.