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02x01 - Electro's Gotta Glow/Black Cat Chaos

Posted: 10/20/22 10:45
by bunniefuu
♪ They can climb great heights
to do what's right ♪

♪ The Spidey team
is on the scene ♪

♪ Swinging, spinning
crawling the walls ♪

♪ The Spidey crew do it all ♪

♪ They're your friendly
neighborhood spiders ♪

♪ And their teamwork
can't be tighter ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oh! ♪
- ♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ Go, webs, go! ♪

♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ It's time to Spidey swing ♪

♪ With Spidey
and his amazing... ♪

♪ Spidey and his friends ♪

♪ They're your friendly
neighborhood spiders ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oh! ♪
- ♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ Go, webs, go! ♪

♪ Hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ It's time to Spidey swing ♪

♪ With Spidey
and his amazing... ♪

♪ Spidey and his amazing... ♪

♪ Spidey
and his amazing friends! ♪

Electro's Gotta Glow!

Don't you just love
Times Square at night?

Yeah, there's so much
to look at.

Check out all those lights.

Ay, it's pretty, isn't it?

But stay close, niños.

I don't want
to lose sight of you.

Oh, don't worry about us,
Mrs. Morales.

Yeah, we know better
than to wander off

in a place like this.

Although, uh,
now that I say that,

where's Miles?


There he is.

Oh, no, you don't!


Oh, excuse me, ma'am.

- Young man?
- Huh?

Don't you mean "Madre"?


Sorry, Mom.

All I have to do
is beat this level, and...

Aw, man, the battery died!

I'm sorry, hijo.

Good thing there's
so much else to do here

play video games, eh?

Oh, yeah!

Like I heard about

this cool pirate-themed
frozen yogurt shop,

Yogurt Ahoy.

Pirates and yogurt?

Count me in!

Ahoy, maties!

I bet that's it right there!

- Wow!
- Whoa!

In Times Square,

even the yogurt shops
are all lit up!

And they've got a bunch
of tropical flavors!

I'm getting Captain Coconut!

Bluebeard Banana for me.

Ooh, Polly Wanna Pineapple
for me, please!

Okay, kids.

I'll go in, and you grab
a table out here.

Let's sit here.

We can see
that giant TV screen!


Imagine having that
in your living room!

It would sure use up
a lot of electricity.

Ooh, did someone say

What a coincidence.

That's just what I'm here for.

Yeah, yeah,
run away, everyone.

It's me, Electro!

I'm gonna steal all
the electricity in the city

with this.

My trusty Electro-Zorber!

Ooh, this looks like
a good place.

All I have to do

is jam my Electro-Zorber

into the ground,

and it'll soak up
all the electricity

from the entire city!

The city's electricity
will be mine, all mine,

stored inside this device

for whenever I want to use it!


The lights just went out.

Looks like
they're going out all over.


Look at that!


Hey! What's up, everybody?

Guess who's got
all the city's electricity?

All mine now,

right inside this device.

Yay for me.

Boo-hoo for you.


We've gotta stop her!

It's Spidey time!

Go, webs, go!

♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪

Peter, Gwen, Miles!

Webs up, amazing friends!

♪ They'll use
their best detective skills ♪

♪ Combine their science smarts ♪

♪ And they'll
put their heads together ♪

♪ 'Cause they're brave
and clever ♪

♪ It's time
to Spidey save the day! ♪


♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪



♪ Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man ♪

Webs out!

I dropped my Wubby!

Oh, hey, wait a second!

I can't find my Wubby!

We'll find
your toy Wubby, honey.

It's gotta be here somewhere.

That little girl lost her toy.

Why don't you two go ahead,
and I'll help her.

Sure thing, Spidey!

Don't worry, I'm here to help!

Oh, thank goodness.



Hang on, Spin!

I fell in a manhole!

I can't see!

I've gotta help that guy!



Thanks, Ghost-Spider!

Guess it's up to me
to get Electro.

What happened
to all the lights?


Peter? Gwen?


Where are you?

Oh, yeah, my mom!

Ma'am, if you're looking
for those three kids

who were sitting at this table,

don't worry,
we took them to safety.

Oh, what a relief.

Please just stay right here,

and I'll make sure
you all get back together.

I feel so much better

that Team Spidey
is here to help.

- Gracias!
- No problem!

I think she dropped it
around here.

It's gotta be here somewhere.

Ah, there!

My Wubby!

Thanks, Spidey.

You're welcome!

You two be careful, now, okay?


- Hup!
- H'yah!

Well, Electro got away.

Yeah! It's so dark,

everybody needs our help
just to stay safe.

We've gotta get
the lights back on.

How do we do that

when Electro has
all the electricity?


Well, wait a second.

She doesn't have
all the electricity.

Oh, hey!

That's right!

Our Spidey gadgets and vehicles

all have their own source
of electricity.

And I can think of
a big Spidey vehicle

that has a whole lot
of electricity in it!

The Team Transport!


please send us
the Team Transport.

Launching Team Transport.

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Here's what I'm thinking.

We take electricity
from the Team Transport...

And we use it to charge up
our Spidey suits!

How do we do that?

Check this out.

Electric charging cables!

Just like how I charge up
my video game!

Are you ready?

Let's power up!

There we go!


It's working!

Light-up suits!


And that's not all.

I've made one other update.

Check this out.

Glow webs? Sweet!

Let's brighten things up
around here!

Glow, webs, glow!

This should help you see
where you're going!

Thank you, Spidey!

These glow webs
are lighting everything up!

I can see!

They'll help

until we can get
all the electricity back

from Electro!

Will you look at that?!

Ooh! Bonito!

So pretty!


It's beautiful!

Now everyone can see!

And now that
that's taken care of,

it's time to find Electro!


- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

I bet all the electricity
that Electro stole

will make a really bright
glowing light.

If we can find that,

we can probably find her.

Like that!

So much electricity
whenever I want it,

thanks to my Electro-Zorber!

Ooh, maybe I'll charge up
a little right now.


I can feel it!

I am so powerful!

She just used that thing

to charge herself up
with electricity!

Yeah, which means

she's even more powerful
than usual.

What if instead of
going after Electro,

we lure her
away from her device?

Then one of us could grab it!

I like it!

Hi, Electro.



What are you doing here?

And how are you
all lit up like that?

My Spidey suit's
full of electricity!

There's more electricity

I haven't stolen yet?

Well, then,

I'll just have to take it
from your suit!

Hup! H'yah!

You gotta catch me first!

Hey! Come back here!


I'll go help Spidey!

Can you get the Electro-Zorber?

I'm on it!




Stay... still!

- Whoa!
- Yoo-hoo!


I'll take your suit's
electricity too.

Only if you catch me first!

You can scurry all you want,

but you won't scurry far!


Now's my chance.

Got the Electro-Zorber.

Time to sneak out.

It's working.

Spin's getting away.

I've got you spiders now!


Looks like I'm running low
on electricity.

Well, that's fine.

I'll just get more from my...






And the electricity inside it
isn't yours!

You can't stop me
with your webs!

Look out, Spin!

Come on, come on!

Almost there!


Aw, rats.

Out of electricity.

- Uh-oh!
- Let's get her!



You defeated me,

but I gotta admit,

these glow webs are kinda cool.

Time to give the city back

all the electricity
Electro stole.

Way to go, Team Spidey!

That's more like it!


Now let's get back to my mom.




Oh, Peter!

You're back!

Oh, thank goodness
you're all safe.

Spin promised you would be.

Yup, we're fine!

Just a little hungry, maybe.

How about some frozen yogurt?


I'm sorry, niños.

Unfortunately, it all melted.


It still tastes good!

Well, all right, then.

Yogurt shakes it is!

A yummy treat with you kids?

Now, that's the best way
to enjoy Times Square.

- Mm!
- Pineapple!

Black Cat Chaos!


Give that bracelet back,

It's not yours!

I told you
to call me Black Cat,

and no, I won't give it back.

It's too pretty.

H'wah! H'yah!




- Hup!
- H'wah!

Need a hand, Spidey?

Iron Man!


Suit, stop!

Whoa! What?
Where'd you come from?

Suit, don't let her escape.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

I'll take that bracelet!


Thanks for the assist,
Iron Man.

Any time.

Now to deal with Black Cat.

Wow, she got away.

She is one sneaky kitty cat,
isn't she?

Well, we got the bracelet.

I'll take it back

to the jewelry store
she stole it from.

Hey, I'll join you.

Suit, fly!

Ah, look at
that shiny metal suit.

It's so pretty.


Hello, ma'am.

We were able to get
your stolen bracelet back.

Thank you both.

You're welcome.

Now, you be sure

to put that bracelet
in a safe place.


Black Cat did not
see you coming back there,

and how did you do that spin?

I equipped the suit
with all sorts of goodies.

Check it out.

A smoke screen!


for when you need
to confuse the baddies.

Hey, watch this.

It looks like
you could use some help

cutting through that pipe.

Spidey? Iron Man?

Wow, thanks,
th-that'd be great!



Thanks, Iron Man!

You got it, sir.

Have a good day!


That was amazing!

How do you get the suit
to do what you want?

Oh, I got a bunch of ways
to control it.

Some things
I press a button for...

...or I can basically move

and the suit knows
just where to go.

Watch this.

Suit, up!

Wait, where'd you go?




Suit, down!

And... stop!

Voice activation.

I can tell my suit what to do,

you know, for when I feel
like bossing it around.

That is the coolest!

Uh, hey, I've been working
on some pretty cool moves too.

Check this out!

A little old twist,

and a double somersault,





Hang on, Spidey, I got ya!

Uh, I got it!


Close one, buddy.


Huh, I thought
that would be cool,

but it was just
a big embarrassing mistake.

Hey, it's okay.

You know, making mistakes

is a normal part
of trying something new.

You know, this one time
I was trying a new move,

I said "stop" a second too late

and, uh, smashed
right into a brick wall.


It was gnarly.


Well, thanks.

Uh, what for?

I don't know,
for understanding, I guess?

It makes me feel a lot better.

You know what would make us
both feel a lot better?

A healthy snack.

I'm starving.

How about frozen bananas?

Frozen bananas?

I love frozen bananas!

I know just
where we can find some!

Here we are!

Let's see, what's good here?

Hmm, hang on.

Hey, where'd the suit go?


See, I tap the suit here,

and it shrinks
into these shades.

It's called nanotech.


Whoa! Whaa!

Then to put the suit back on,

I put the shades on,
I tap twice,

and the suit nanotech's
back around me,

and I'm ready to go.



That's a great design!

Yeah, thanks.

Now, let's see what's on
this frozen banana menu.

Louisiana Spiced Banana
sounds yummy,

but which topping
should I choose?


- Ooh...
- Raisins?


It doesn't sound
like it would be good,

but it is.


Banana chips on a banana?

You'd have to be
bananas for bananas to eat that.

- Hey!
- Black Cat!

Give those back!

I got 'em!

No, you don't!

You don't understand

how powerful
those sunglasses are.

Let's see, I tap twice.


Oh, neat!

Now, how do I make it go?



Suit, fly!


Yeah, that voice command
does definitely work.

We've got to stop her!

I'll try to reach her
on my comm.

Black Cat, Tony Stark.

Come down right now!

No way!

I'm having too much fun!




Close one.

Let's try... up.

We've got to stop her!

Black Cat,

you don't know
how to use that suit.


I'm already flying!

Whoo, buttons!

I love buttons.

I wonder what this one does.



Hi, everyone!


Look out!

- Whoa!
- Wow! See that?

Spidey, I gotta
get back to the lab.

I have a device there
that'll stop the suit.


I'll see if I can catch her
and bring her down.


I've got to slow her
down somehow.


Hey, Black Cat,

I bet you can't fly around
that skyscraper 10 times.

Watch me.


That'll give me some time
to catch up.

This is easy.

Four, five...

Okay, almost got you,



Hey! No fair!


Fun's over, Black Cat!

I don't think so!

Suit, spin!


Whoa, whoa!

Stop playing around!

Suit, up!

You'll never catch me!

Oh no!

I'm so high up,
I'm flying into space!

I'll end up on the moon!

Suit, stop!

Suit, down!


Oh, no, no, no, no, no.


Suit, up!

Oh no!

I'm blasting into space again!


No, up!

Down! Up!

My tummy
doesn't feel so good!

Black Cat, come down!

Maybe this'll help.


Or this!



Too fast!

Tell the suit to stop.

I can't,

because then you'll catch me,

and I'll be in trouble!

Oh no!

- H'yup!
- Thank you, Spidey!

You're welcome!

Watch out!


This isn't fun anymore!

Black Cat, stop!

You're gonna hurt someone
or yourself.

I gotta get away.

Whoa! Stop!

Stop pressing buttons.

You're making it worse.

I know!

I'm a bad kitty cat!

I just want it to be over...

but now everyone's
gonna be so mad at me!


Just tell the suit
to come down!


You've caused enough trouble!

See? You're mad at me.

Oh, I never should have
taken this suit.

What have I done?
What have I done?

I thought this would be cool,

but it's just
a big embarrassing mistake!

That's just what I said
to Iron Man

when I messed up.


Look, I was
mad at you, but, hey,

like my friend
pointed out to me today,

we all make mistakes.

I made a big mistake

right in front of him.

Did you
steal his Iron Man suit?

Well, no,

but still, I was embarrassed,
and I felt bad.

Iron Man
was nice about it, though,

so it was okay.

So if I come down,

you won't be mad at me?

If you're really sorry,

and you learned your lesson,

I won't be mad.

I'll just be relieved.

Suit, down!


Forgot how fun it is to drive.

Still, I'd rather fly,

so time to give me back my suit.

I'm sorry I took it.

Oh, you are?

Oh, okay, uh,

I'm glad you learned
your lesson, young lady.

She did learn a lesson,
right, Spidey?

I'm pretty sure, yes.

Okay, well,
just don't do it again.

What's that?


Oh no!

When you lasered through

some of the cables
on the bridge,

you must have weakened it.

Well, we've gotta do something,

or it's going to fall down.

If you can hold up the bridge,

I'll web up the cables.

Got it!

How's it going
up there, Spidey?

Give me a minute!

I made a big mistake!

Help! Help!


Oh no!


Black Cat?

Oh, thanks.


All fixed up here, Iron Man.

Well, that's good news.

Here goes nothing!

Ha! Yes!



Way to fix the cables, Spidey.

Good work
holding up the bridge.

Black Cat just saved me!

A taxi was heading
right for me,

but she stopped it just in time!

I'm glad you're safe.


Good thing that's over.

You got that right, pal.

And thanks to Black Cat!

Well, where is Black Cat?


That's my car!


It's just so shiny and pretty,

I couldn't resist.


I don't get it. I mean,

first she causes
a bunch of trouble,

then she does something good.

Then she's back
to her old tricks.

That's Black Cat for ya.

She just can't help
being naughty.

Come on, we better catch her.

Here we go again.