06x31 - Walnuts & Rain

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x31 - Walnuts & Rain

Post by bunniefuu »

And when that salsa cloud
had you by the tail...

Ha ha, yeah.

And I swung him around
into that golden cactus?

Man, that was algebraic.

Yeah, man, that adventure was tight.


I can't wait to get back home, though.

Yeah, me too!

- I need some sleep.
- I'm gonna play some "battle wars"

with neptr on BMO for an hour,

then work on that flier

for pb's laser recital

and catch up on my correspondence

with my pen pal Danny gladiolas

from over in maryville.

Great minds.

And then next what I'm
gonna do is I'm...




What the...?

Man, where's this supposed to

Uh, excuse me? Sir?


Oh! You're awake!

Oh, that's wonderful!

Oh, thanks.

Hey, where am I, anyway?

Why, this is the famed

kingdom of huge, of course.

You fell through that crack in

my ceiling and landed
in a normal-sized pie.


Well, my friend up top is probs
pretty worried about me,

so I'd best get going.

Can you give me a boost back up

to that crack or whatever?


No, no, no.

Don't be silly, child.

Your friend must be on his way

to find you right now.

You should wait for him here, or

you could miss each other.


I guess that does make sense.

Of course!

Besides, you're just in time to

witness the chiming of my wondrous clock!

It's set to do its chiming in

merely an hour's time!


Come! Food boyz!

Shower our guest with the
kindnesses of huge!

We will await the clock's

chiming in style and comfort.

Dig in, child.

There's always more to come!

Oh! Apple scruffs!

Just wait till you see my clock!

Oh, good. You're awake.

Good, good, good, good, good.

How you feeling?

My cabbage aches a little.

What happened?

Well, here I was, playing

some freecell, and then, wow,

you fell down the hole.

You bounced off parachute *2 and

landed on three old walnuts.

Parachute? Hole? Walnuts?

Fell down? Wait!

You mean we're falling right now?

Thanks for your help,
buddy, but I got to go!

Whoa. Hold up!

What's your hurry?

My friend's still up top.

He could be looking for me, or

he could be in trouble

and every second I'm down here,

I'm falling further away.

I got to get back!

Uh, I think that's a pretty bad idea.

You were unconscious while you

were falling, remember?

So you might have been falling
for weeks or even months.

Trust me... it's possible.

This is a very deep hole.

If you try to climb out,
you could run out of food.

But I've got to do something.

I feel like you should

probably not starve to death

so that when your friend comes
looking, you're still alive.


You know, I think you're right.

Finn is a pretty heroic kid,

I got to admit.

He'll probably be here in half a gif.

Oh, good, good.

Well, till then, please make

yourself at home.

Here, have a walnut.

Thanks, man.

I'm Jake, by the way.

Hi, Jake. I'm 7718.

Strange name, I know,

but I'm pretty sure.

See, I carved it in the floor

when I first got down here

so I wouldn't forget.

But you can call me seven for short.


Oh! So marvelous!




Oh. Oh, my.

Oh, my.

Well, that was actually pretty cool,

but I should probably get going.


But how can you leave now?

The clock is set to chime again

in merely an hour's time!

I feel like Jake should've
been here by now.

I mean, what if he's lost or... or hurt?

But this is not the huge kingdom way.

Sorry, man.

I got my mind made up.

Thanks for the food, though.

Food boyz, seize the child!


I'm sorry, son, but this
is for your own good.

If you just stay put,

all you need will come to you
in time, like it has unto me.

But you must sit, you must wait.

Yes. Yes, tie him up with normal
spaghetti and bring him food, yes!

Soon you will see, my boy,

all good things come to those who wait.

It started out as a day like any other.

I was a door-to-door sales bear,
specializing in candles and

playing cards, making my
way to the candy kingdom

like I'd done 200 times before.

I guess my horse got stung
by a bee or something,

'cause all of a sudden, he
just skronked the math out.

We went off-road, and I got
thrown back into my wagon.

When the shakin' stopped, I crawled out,

only to find I was wedged deep
in a hole and sinking fast.

I had just enough time
to rig up a parachute...

And I've been falling ever since.

Sometimes walnuts would fall into
the hole and sometimes rain.

And I guess that was enough.

- Mm. So how did you pass the time?
- Well, for a long time,

I just waited to be rescued. 599
Mississippi. 3,600 Mississippi.

But that was crazy-boring.

So then I got really into freecell
and things got a lot better.

- Freecell?
- Yeah, it's like solitaire,

- but there's very few unsolvable shuffles.
- Mm.

It's a great game. Great game.
I really love it.

But it's nice, you know, to have someone
I can play freecell alongside of.

Yeah, man.

You know, also, I know
some other card games

we could play. You know, together.

I forgot
there were games like that.

And then there was another time,

this was several years back,
the clock chimed early

and I thought, "oh, boy. Here we go."

But it turned out,

one of the food boyz had
simply gotten wedged under...

- Finn!
- Huh?

- Are you listening?!
- Of course.

- Food boy in the clock.
- Huh. Yes... Anyway, as I was saying...

One of the food boyz had gotten
himself wedged in the clock's...

All right, buddy,
let's run through this again,

'cause we're only gonna get one shot.

When the clock strikes 12:00,

I beckon kindly to yonder food boyz.

Hey, you guys like clean jokes?

Then Chuck some delicious
food in their mouths.

Having never before known generosity,

they'll immediately make me their
leader and undo my spaghetti.

Ha ha!

Then, with a perfectly timed serving tray,

I'll deflect the hunter bot's brass arrow.

Swift but delicate, the arrow

will gain heft via the chandelier
bat's filched asparagus.

Meanwhile, the serving tray from before

has entered phase two, sending
Ken mangosteen careening

into the clean silverware...

But also, the asparagus arrow has caused
a domino thing of food to happen,

culminating in a huge lemon falling!

It's not a perfect plan, but

with a little luck, I think
it's got a good chance.

Hey, you guys like clean jokes?

- Ha ha!
- What the...

Food boyz, seize the child!

- Unh!
- Finn?! Finn!

There's nowhere to run, Finn.
You know you'll never escape.

I'm not trying to escape anymore.

I'm gonna m*rder your
stupid clock, you psycho!


- Yep!
- Grrrrrrrrrr!




Crazy interest accumulate

figures bigger interest capital time

forgotten like stars and
naysayers cards and barbs

warm scarves to the hothouse
take your... socks off...

- Jake!
- Oh! Hey, Finn!

- Who's your new friend?
- He's not my friend! He's bad!

- He kidnapped the heck out of me!
- Why you...

What are you gonna do about it?!
Maybe I'll go ahead and kidnap

you t... ohh!



Hey, seven... Now that
you're out of that hole,

what's the first thing you want to do?


Oh! I want a giant flippin' hot dog. Mmm!

Ugh... Don't you know those things are
made out of, like, the grossest junk?

Man, I don't give a toot!
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