06x28 - The Mountain

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x28 - The Mountain

Post by bunniefuu »

Commence dinner.

- Dinner is concluded.
- Concluded.


- Ooh!
- Mm.

Lights out!




Better get up here, Jake.

- Its about to happen.
- Coming!

Just got to get this cocoa pipin'.

Your loss, man.

The dap of the heavens only happens
every 20 years.

Oh, man. It's going down.

Okay. Let's watch some stars.

Hmm. You missed it. It was
honestly a little disappointing.

Oh. Okay.

Hey, man, I think I hear
something weird over there

with my little doggy ears.

Phew! Oh, my glob!

You are k*lling, Cinnamon Bun!
This routine is locked up!

Oh! Thank you, princess.
You are also k*lling.

You mean flame princess?

Naw, man. What I heard
didn't sound like her.

Give me a peek on there.

This is pretty much just a tube.

Huh. It's Lemongrab.

Uh, Lemongrab?! What's he up
to at this time of night?

Uh... It looks like he's headed
for the mountain of Matthew.

I hear Beaucoup Spookoo
legends about that place.

Beaucoup Spookoo, you say?

- We should follow him.
- Huh?

How come you care where Lemongrab goes?

He could... you know, he
could be messing with crazy

mystic power at that mountain.

It's like seeing a baby
playing with dynamite.

Plus, seeing flame princess
kind of messed me up.

Now I got to distract myself with work.

Okay, okay. I feel you.
Let's do some things.

There's his lemon camel.

Lemongrease must be inside already.

- Whoa!
- Come on, man!

Nope. Nope. Nuh-unh.

Dang it! Quit bustin' my buns!

You have no beeswax in the mountain
of Matthew, supple yellow dog.

But you, plucky adolescent...

You have way-cray beeswax.

- You gonna be okay by yourself?
- Yeah, man.

Okay. Just gonna sit down over here...

Not even.

Dong it!

Rocks. Dripping water.

More rocks. Oh, I'm becoming stressed!

- Continue forward.
- Hmm?

To reach me, you must choose correctly.


Come, Earl of Lemongrab!
Let us play the game of catch.

- I am eager to relate to you.
- Yes. I desire this, as well.

- Huh?
- Thank you! Thank you all!

As your younger, more relatable
new ruler, I shall endeavor

to undo all the order imposed
by my predecessor!

I unaccept!

No, Lemongrab! You are unacceptable!

Prepare to be served in a
pitcher by a little child!

What a wondrous time you've
experienced, and tomorrow

there will be more adventures to be
had for little lemonsweets.

- Ooh, wave farewell!
- What a lucky little boy you

- are to live so gaily.
- Lemonsweets.

- Choose.
- Ohh!

- Lemongrab!
- We understand your styles.

We are of the same styles.

- Eee! Aaaaaaaaaaah!
- No!

It is my love that he prefers!
He is spiteful of your love!

Don't hurt him! Ohhh!



Ohhh! Aaaah!

Ohhhh! I'm inside you!


Mnh. Sticky. Gross!

Aww! What is this?

Aaaah! Why?! Ohh! Shoosh!


Whoa! Ohh! Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa! Oh, whoa! Gross!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Blackness all over! Rolling in grease!

You want to humiliate me?! Whoop!

- Taste the grease, Lemongrab.
- Okay.

- It's lemony.
- Look up, man.


- I am grease?!
- Lemongrab, where you at?!

Uh, cool.

To reach me, you must choose correctly.

Who's that... Matthew? Whuh-oh!

Yo, get up, C.B.! This routine's got to be

- high-level outside the box!
- Hey, Finn, quick...

Be me, bro! Be me, bro!

Oh, yeah! It's time, BMO!

- What is it? I can't smell.
- Finn cakes, boy!

- Yummy! Ooh.
- Yo. Dang. Finn cakes.

- That's not fair.
- Okay. Goodbye, lemongrease.

- Goodbye, where?
- Goodbye from my grease body

into the blackness, where
only my pure essence can go!

Up-up, BMO. Finn always
gets the first Finn cake.

- Yo, give me a break.
- Pure essence! Eject!

Blorg! Bleject!

Lemongrab! Huh?


Later, spirit bro.


What the heck am I running on?
Oh, whoa! Whoa!



- Lemongrab, you okay?!
- Finn, don't mess me up.

- Hi, Finn.
- You're Matthew, huh?

Your rep precedes you, bro.

- "Proceeds"?
- What kind of rep?

Some stuff Jake said that I
interpreted as negative.

Well, ask yourself if that feels right.

What do you say, guy?

The meat bodies who've journeyed
to this mountain have

distilled themselves to their
original source materials and

- now exist in oneness.
- Oneness?

- That's you, bro?
- I keep adding to myself until

the second age of terror, when
I will emerge in my final form

- and restore the world.
- That's why you're here, L.G.

- To merge with Matthew?
- It is one option to know

- the ecstasy of my ego death.
- Oh.

Well, nice knowing you? I
mean, I know you got issues.

- But you're, uh...
- I know.

- Are you sure, though?
- Here's my other option.

You see these? Lemonjons?

- Uh-oh.
- These lemonjons are me,

- and I wonder if they can destroy you.
- Ooh, boy.

- Lemongrab, hold up!
- If you are the head that

Blooms atop the ziggurat,

then the stairs that lead
to you must be infinite!

Careful with those metaphors, bro!

Infinite stairs are unacceptable!

- Ohh. Aaaaah!
- Ooh! Whoa!

Whoa! Geez!

Oh, no, bro! Heck, no, bro!

- Aaaah!
- Yo!

Smash that Lemongrab!

Try it, grease!

Yes! Pow! Yeah! I got you, bro!

Why are you being so opaque
about not letting me in there?

Well, get out a pen and paper

and I'll school you on this biz.

- Gol' ding!
- Dude, I was gonna ask

- him to move.
- Oh.

Yo, class, hold on. Uh...

I'm done! Let's go!

- Okay. Here we are.
- Bye!


Yo, yo! It's grease!
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