06x24 - Evergreen

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x24 - Evergreen

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

Stop, demon!

Get back here,
I say.

Ha ha! Nowhere to run.

I, the great and powerful
Urgence Evergreen,

command you
to freeze into a million pieces

and leave young Gunther alone!

Foolish demon.
You leave me no choice.

"Zap, zap, zap, zap, zap!"

No, Nina.

You're supposed to be frozen.


Nina, the portals!

The elementals are gathering!

Come on,
you blockhead.

I just think we should
discuss this, Evergreen.

Are you listening, Chatsberry?

When this comet hits,
everybody dies...

not just everybody
but us, but us.

Now, now, hold on, Evergreen.

Hath not a comet impacted
our world every thousand years

with no lasting grievousness?

Ah, but this, Balthus, is
no ordinary comet. Behold!

See how it writhes?

It aches for our extinction.

- If...
- But, Evergreen,

even if the comet is
as dangerous as you say,

what can we possibly do?

- We build a crown.
- A crown?

Like none seen before or ever after...

a magical crown whose phantasmal circuitry

will bond to its first bearer

and grant him his one deepest wish...

To destroy the hideous comet
which threatens our world.

The good news is I already built the crown.

The bad news, it needs a power source...

the enchanted Ruby eyes of
the ancient lava dog, Magwood!

- And that's where you come in.
- Wait, wait.

Evergreen, please.

Wish-magic is really the real deal.

This wish may see things in
you you cannot see yourself.

Can you truly say you know
your heart's truest desire?

I'm with Chatsberry.

If this comet hits, we
four indeed may perish,

but the elements we embody...

fire, ice, candy, and
slime... will live on.

But a misplaced wish could
cause irreversible damage

to the very structure of existence!

Well, that's just great.
What about you, Slimy-D?

♪ Yo, yo.
My name's Slimy-D, ♪

- ♪ and I'm here to... ♪
- Slimy-D stands with us.

We reject your plan,
Urgence Evergreen.

Very well, then.
You leave me no choice.

Urgence! Stop!

You'll doom us...



Doom you to no doom maybe.

Pack my things, Gunther.

We ride forthwith
for Mount Magwood.

You get to watch me
save the world.


Come on, Gunther.
Get your head in the game.

Sorry, Master Evergreen.

And he expects me to teach
him the ways of magic?

As if.

Ouch! Ouch!

Ouch! Uh, Master Evergreen,

can I ride on the palanquin
with you? My feet are soft.

No, you're right. Whoa!

Ooh, boy.

Gettin' fat.
Gettin' fat, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- However, I would suggest

that this is still
a nice night. It's quiet.

Mm, it is quiet. Why don't
you put on some music.

- The chimes, Gunther.
- Okay.

Gunther! I said chimes!

- Gunther, no!
- Aah, aah!

Sorry, Master.
I'll put him back.

Mm. What?

Aw, never mind.


Take the jar
and find me some water.

There's not enough moisture in the
air for me to make us an ice camp.

Uh, Master?

I'm sorry... I don't think I've
seen any water at all today.

Just do it.
Don't anger daddy.

Wait. Are you my father?

No, but I stole your egg and
mutated your brain. Get going.



You don't know
where you're going, do you, girl?

Aw, you're good at this.

Man, you know who I like?

Master Evergreen. He could do anything!

One thing he's gonna do...

he said he's gonna teach
me magic. I can be like him!


Nina, no!


Master Evergreen.

I found the water so
you could build a... oh.

I guess he also found water, too.


Now, Gunther, listen to me.

Don't follow me into Magwood's lair,
or else he'll melt your dome.


Oh, Gunther!
You should see this!


Gunther, no. You failed.
He'll melt your dome.

Not as grand
as you once were, eh?

Master Evergreen, I'm sorry,
but I got worried.


Ohh, boy. Um, maybe, maybe, maybe...

Maybe I can do
magic... like Master Evergreen.


Blah. Sorry.

That's what you get.



This is why
I don't teach you magic.

- Nina, Keena, Peena, Preena...
- Gunther!

What the heck are you doing?
Get in here! Gunther!

Ah, there you are,
you blockhead.

Quickly, take your position.
We have precious little time.

Once I complete the bonding chant,

you deactivate the force field.

Bonding, bonding, three, two, one.
You can do it, you can do it.

Three, two, one.
Bonding, bonding.

I did it. I...


Come on, now.

What I ever do to you?

Watch the column, stupid!


Easy now.

Oh, wow.
Did you see th... ohh!

Ow! My front bone!

Gunther, can you hear me?

Aah... yeah, yes, Master Evergreen.

Okay, good. Now,

aiming at the sound of my voice,

throw the crown so it lands
right on top of my head.

I... wait.

No, no, there's no time.

- It must be you, Gunther.
- Me?

Don't worry. It's easy.
Even a mush-head like you

couldn't donk it up too bad.

Just focus on
your deepest, truest wish...

the destruction of the deadly comet...

and the rest
will take care of itself.

My deepest, truest wish.

Gunther, no.

- Gunther, no.
- Gunther? Buddy?

- What are you wishing for down there?
- Gunther, no.

Gunther, no. Gunther, no. Gunther, no.
Gunther, no. Gunther, no.

Gunther, no. Gunther, no.

That... that's the wrong wish.
You've got to snap out of it!

- Gunther, no!
- Use a concentration spell

or... or a basic focusing
charm like I taught you!

I mean,
like I meant to teach you.

- I...
- Gunther, no! Gunther, no!

- Gunther, no! Gunther, no!
- Gunther, no!

Gunther, no! Gunther, no!

Gunther, nooooo!


Man, what a dream.

Uh, do you guys ever
have that dino-boy dream,

uh, with the asteroi... what?


What is it?

Somethin' in my teeth?

Something in my hair?

Something in my nose?

Something in my... ear?
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