06x16 - Joshua & Margaret Investigations

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x16 - Joshua & Margaret Investigations

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

Birthday! Birthday! Birthday!

Birthday! Birthday!
Birthday! Birthday!

Birthday! Birthday! Birthday!
Birthday! Birthday! Birthday!

Birthday! Birthday! Birthday!
Birthday! Birthday! Birthday!

Birthday! Birthday! Birthday!

Yay heyyy! Nice job,
Mr. Birthday Boy!

- Thanks.
- Man, you are like another year older,

but you look good...
Like, super good.

Yup. Mom and dad passed
down some pretty good genes.

Oh, yeah, mom and dad! Hey, did mom and dad
tell you any stories about when you were born?

Yay! Birthday
story time, please!

Well, it was
a day like any other day...

Oh there, there, baby.
You're going to be a fighter,

just like your mother.

Barrel roll. Ugh!


Steak break.

Let's get started.

These steaks are tough and stringy...
Like you.

Oh, good one, dear.
Hey, after dinner,

what do you say we check the
ticker-type for new cases?

you're in a family way now.

You should take
a backseat from investigations.

Oh, come on, Joshua!
Even with this

I'm as quick as ever.

Sure, my waist is bigger,
but that just

means more b*ll*ts
in my a*mo belt.

You're missing the point, sugar.

What if something bad happens?

Let's say we're out on the beat,

fighting some lowlife.
He throws a punch.

You zig when you should
have zagged, and Oops!

Junior takes a
knock to the noodle,

comes out with a
shiner the size of a grapefruit.

I can't take that kind of guilt,
and neither can you.

I can take care of myself
just fine.

And besides,
these babies don't come cheap.

We need to work together,
as a team

to bring in the bread.

Yeah, you got me there.

Now let's get over to that
ticker-type and look for some perps.

You relax, dear. I got it.

Hmm. Let's get a look here.

"Vampire girl spotted in the grasslands
harassing sheep and cattle."

Nope, nope, nope.

"Small fire goblin
burns down Candy Kingdom forest."

- Hey, that sounds fun. Let's do that!
- Wait. Wait! Here's one...

"Woman's pies go missing in bucolic
countryside, where nothing ever happens."

- The perfect case for my pregnant wife!
- What?

Now let's get an egg in
our shoe and beat it.

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh... ♪

Yes? Hello?

Afternoon, Mrs. Tree Trunks.

We're Joshua and Margaret
of Joshua and Margaret Investigations.

And this is our boy. We're responding
to a wire about missing pies.

Oh, yes! A...
A monster's been stealing

- my pies off of the windowsill.
- A monster, eh?

Oh, yes! You can see the monster
tracks leading off into the forest.

Well, those tracks are as
phony as a 3 dollars bill.

The monster tracks are very real.
My husband told me so.

- Oh, ho, hoh!
- Wyatt!

Aw, ha, geez, you got me.

What's the big idea, Wyatt?
Why'd you burgle your wife's pie?

Because it's amazing!
Oh, I can't get enough of it.

- You could just ask for seconds.
- But I want thirds and fourths!

- I want to stop when I want to stop!
- Oh, Wyatt!

Oh, ho, hoh!
It's the only good part of my day.

Well, there you have it.
The only monster here was this

- man's appetite for his wife's pie.
- Oh, no!

But the monster is real.

He snuck up and
rubbed my elbow while I was gardening.

And Leftenant Candy Corn said
it came in through

the window and touched
him on the chest.

Oh! Oh, now I got myself all scared.
Won't you check around to make

sure no one is out there?

Of course.
Probably nothing more than a peeper.

Ha! These country yokels
are all just superstitious.

I bet you that old elephant
sees a monster a day.

Joshua, look...

Something way larger than
Wyatt made them. These tracks look real.

Hot cram! A peeping monster!

This town would surely put up a collection
to nab this guy.

Oh, too bad you're preggo.
We got to pass.

- Come on, Joshua!
- What?


Margaret! Margaret!
Wait for pappy!

Hmm. The tracks
end here.

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Hey, hey! Beat it, uggos!

The peeper!

I'll show that peepsie
the pepper!

Joshua dear, I'm stuck.

Joshua, the
beast outflanked us!



Do your worst, you masher.

Joshua! Oh!


Drop that daddy!


- Oh, this is all my fault!
- Uh, yeah, pretty much.

Mmm. Mmm.

Ah, good last meal.

Okay, well, I got a bite by a monster,
a creature of the night.

We both know what comes
next for me.

- Just make it snappy, darling.
- Don't!

Don't be melodramatic, Joshua.

I've been doing some research.
Listen here!

I think if we can get a sample
of that creature's venom,

we can use
it to synthesize an antidote.

- Joshua?! Oh! Puddin' pie!
- Ugh.

I'm fine. Just got to pop
out and fetch that venom.

You're about as fine as
a canary in a cat mine!


Hey, where's the fire, kiddo?
You stay put.

So's I can keep tabs on you.
Feel better. Over.

Come in, Margaret.
Do you read me? Over.

I've got the peep
peep's trail. In pursuit.

You have to say, "over,"
or I think you're still talking. Over.

Joshua, I've stumbled
upon the beast's lair.

Just hang on, honey bunny.

- Bleh!
- Stay right there.



Oh! Not yet.

- Come on, come on!
- Hey!


What's your angle, slick?

You poison my hubby,
then play the innocent?

And what's with all this baby
paraphernalia? Wait a tick. Are you a baby?

- Uh-huh.
- Oh, no!

I must've scared the dickens out of you!

There, there, baby.

- I'm so sorry...
- For this!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Joshua, I got the venom! Oh!

Uh-oh, this baby
business is getting serious!

Oh, oh!

Joshua! Oh! Oh! Ohhh!


Margaret, stay away.
Something's about to happen!

Something's about to happen
with me, too!

- Aaah!
- Ohhh!

- Margaret! Aaah!
- Ohhh!

Shine the light, dear.

♪ Hello, daddy! Hello, mommy! ♪

♪ It's so nice to be here
with you now... ♪


Boy, Jake left a scar
on my head the size of a nickel.

I'll have to wear a hat now, Margaret.

Well, I think you'll
look good in one.

Are you sure
having him next to Jermaine is safe?

We don't even know what he is.

Of course we
do, dear... He's our boy.

That he is.

Yes, we've got one boy
that I gave birth to,

and one boy you gave birth to.
Let's never tell him how it happened.


- And so they never told me.
- Never told you what?

I don't know.
They never told me. Ha!
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