06x08 - Furniture & Meat

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x08 - Furniture & Meat

Post by bunniefuu »

[Mouse squeaks]

[Penguins wenk]

[All cheering]


♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the Dog
and Finn the Human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

♪ Money ♪

♪ M-M-Money ♪


[Insect buzzing]

[Lips smack]

[Continues snoring]

BMO: Stand and deliver, boy,
because I'm Robbing Hood.

Give me all your funny money,
Sheriff of Nauty-hams.

But, BMO, I don't want to be
the bad guy.

I want to be Robbing Hood's pal,
Frier Tux.

No, Neptr.

Ha ha!
[Squeak! Squeak!]

Frier Tux would never have
a mustache like that.


No fair.

En guard!

On Blitzen!

[Both grunting]

You're terrible!




What? Hey!

What are you kids doing
breaking the treehouse?!


Yo, BMO, what

You got too much money,

All of this dosh is threatening
the structural integrity

of the treehouse.

Who would have thought we could
have too much treasure?


I'm sorry, master.

Ancient Psychic Tandem w*r Elephant!

You told me to stay
inside the money room,

but now I am outside.

What is your punishment,

No punishment, dude.
Just chill where you are.

All right.

I will chill where I am
until you command me.

So, what should we do
with all this swash?

You should give it
to Robbing Hood.

No way, BMO.
This is our treasure.


Hey, maybe we could,
like, spend it?

How much of it?

Dude, like all of it.

Then we can go find
completely new treasure.

Neptr knows just the place
to blow your grease.

Behold this recent

Whoa! We get mail?

Check it out, Jake.

Dang! Wildberry Kingdom
got all fancy.

[Stretch! Stretch!]

[Coins clinking]

[Stretch! Squeak!]

I continue to chill.

Come on, Nauty-hams.

[Indistinct conversations]

Thank you.

Nice place.

So, how are we gonna spend
all this gish?

I don't know.

I've never really
spent money before.

I've only stolen it
or hoarded it.

- Ha!
- [Chuckles]

[Sighs] So, here we are
in the middle of town.

[Coins clinking]

[Stretch! Stretch!]

Let's parse out some dough
to spend.

Hey! What are you doing?!

No people or money allowed in
the fountain, ya dums!

Where's your sense at?!

Sorry, man, we were looking
to spend some cash in town.

Want some?

[Coins clinking]

Fellas, goofing
in a public fountain

is punishable by a lashing,

and you're trying
to bribe me?


Now, that's what I'm talking
about, fellas.

Have a good time
in the fountain.

[Both laugh]

Spending money is kind of fun.

Yeah, this'll be

Ho, ho, young berry lads!


Go buy the most
expensive meats and furniture

to adorn our new fountain home.

Keep the change for your
families in need.


Thanks, but we're, uh,

- Really?
- Uh, yeah, upper middle.

Just get the darn

Hey, no furniture or meat
in the fountain!

You'll wreck up the water!

You can't buy me off twice,


Ah, maybe you can, fellas,

maybe you can.

[Laughs maniacally]

Dude, we bought all
this furniture and meat,

and we still have a ton
of gamboni left.


Look at those gams!

Hey, yo, legs! Legs!

You want a bag of money?


Well, what are you
gonna do for it?

Well, um, I'm a dancer
by trade.

Show me.

[Mid-tempo music plays]


[Laughs maniacally]

Finn, look.
I made this guy dance.

Yeah, man. Whoo!

Hold it!

No dancing in the streets
without a permit!

Go away, dude.

Hey, you can't talk to me
like that.

[Coins clink]
All right, I'm going!

[Laughs maniacally]
This is crazy.

People do anything for money.

And I've got a ton of money.

Dance harder, Legs!

[Coins clinking]


[Laughing maniacally]


This bores me.
You're boring!

It's time to push
this thing further.

Middle-class berries,
watch after this treasure

while I'm gone.
- Okay.

[Crickets chirping]

[Both snoring]

[Clears throat]

Mayble, do you hear

Good evening.

Oh, no! We're being robbed!

Oh, no, we're not

We're actually here
to give you money.

- What?
- Listen.

I want to see you two do things
for this bag of money.

Okay, man.

Yeah, nice.

Goji Berry Man, you sleep on the
left side of the bed normally.

Now you sleep on the right!


I don't like sleeping
on your side.

It's too close to the wall!

Mr. Goji Berry, you sleep
on your back now...

and on top of the covers.

I can't sleep on my back,

I got sleep apnea.
I won't get any sleep.

My wife won't get any sleep.

My dance instructing
will suffer.

Turning down
all this smoosh, huh?

Dance instructing pays more
that I thought.

Wait, man! There's got
to be something else

we can do to get
those gold coins.

Well, sure, man.

As a matter of fact, you can
have all the gold coins...

all the gold coins
you can eat!


Dinner is served!

[Coins clink]

Yummy, yummy, yummy.

Hey, you kids need
some dessert?

I'll just see what I can
rustle up... in the toolshed!

[Laughs maniacally]

Guys, I'm super sorry
about my friend.


[Both munching]

Don't eat it, ya dums!

[Crickets chirping]

How much do you think
I'd have to pay them

to lick the dust off
of all this dusty stuff?

Dude, I do not approve

of the way you're spending money
right now.

Dude, they're not doing anything
they don't want to.

They want my sweet cheddar,

and I want to see
some stuff in exchange.

It's mutual... free market.

- What?
- Free market!

Don't worry, brother.

I'll help you see the error
of your ways.

Berry lads! Berry lads!

I need to spend all this
blingo fast.


Take me to the seediest alley
in the kingdom.

That's Crudberry
Back Alley...

in Crud Town.

[Crickets chirping]

[Coins clinking]

[Wheels rattling]

Friendly Crudberries,
I have money for you!

Come get it!

- Money?
- Money? Money!

- Money? Money!
- Money!

Easy, fellas!

Let's pass these out
one at a time.

[Coins clinking]

Hey, take it easy, breh.

Give us that money!

I-I-I don't want
any trouble.

I'm trying to help you.

[All grunting]

[Fists pounding]


[Breathing heavily]

JAKE: How much coin would
it take for you

to be my berry
foot warmer?

- Dude!
- Oh, hey, man.

Jake, this money is bad.

We got to get rid of all of it
right now.

Okay, I got a plan.

And this time, it's gonna
involve all the money.

[Mid-tempo music playing]

[Coins clinking]

♪ M-M-Money ♪

♪ M-M-Money, Money ♪

♪ Money ♪

♪ Money ♪

♪ Money ♪

♪ M-M-Money ♪

[pounding on door]


[Door clatters]

[Steam hisses]

Finn and Jake?

Princess, are you ready
to earn all this cay-ash?

[Coins clink]
- Wha?

All of this sweet,
sweet crunkle is yours

if you let me...

sit on your head.

Get out of here!

Psh, no one can say
no to this much dinero.

♪ M-M-Money ♪

Jake, I am warning you.

♪ M-M-Money ♪


♪ M-M-Money ♪

Aah! Guards! Guards!

Seize Finn and Jake
and prepare them for execution!

Or don't do that
and get paid mad bucks.

And take all their money!

Take all my money?!

[Cell door slams]

Well, we were trying
to get rid

of all that skrilla anyway,

Finn and Jake, yes,
you have insulted me,

but worse than that,

you have abused the power
of money!

[Berries gasp]

We will deal with you
swiftly and ironically

by encasing you
in your own molten gold!

[Liquid bubbling]

Release the golden flood!

[Wheel squeaking]

- [Gasps]
- [Gasps]

[Arrow tings, pipe squeaks]

Oh, no! Aah!

[Berries screaming]

Who dares?

Ho, ho, ho!

Robbing Hood is the defender
of the poor!

- Me too!
- Good shot, BMO!

I was aiming for the rope.

[Arrow plunges]


[Arrow tings]

Let's bounce, po' boy.



Finn and Jake, if you
ever return

to Wildberry Kingdom again,

I'll have you
double-dipped in gold!

Unless I get a written


Gold piece.

You want to flip to see who
writes that apology letter?

How about you write it,
I sign it?

No way, man.

[Door creaks]

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪

This party is so crazy!
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