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01x12 - The Sound of Thunder - Pt. 1

Posted: 10/20/22 09:51
by bunniefuu
You guys aren't
messin' around, huh?

Well, if you can't
stand the heat...



That's how it is.

All right, let's go!

Let's put them
out of their misery.

Let's go! Here we go!

You're a dangerous woman.

Okay, give me love.

That was awesome.

You're so good.


Cece, hold up a second.

You're not going to make me
wait till next game

to see you again, are you?

You're cute, but
I'm seeing someone.

Of course you are.

Look at you.

How serious is it?

You don't like to lose, do you?

No, I don't.

Neither do I.


Oh, God.

See you later, Skyler.

Good luck with that.

I could've worked with that.

You've been
at ground zero on this

from the start.

Unlike Cross,

you understand
that this isn't something

that can managed
by a team of renegades.

You may not agree
with his approach,

but you can't deny
it's been effective.

They've been lucky,

but they won't always be,

which is why this new
civilian alliance

with Project Magnet

needs to be as tightly managed

as the military operation.

I want the best people
working for me.

That's why
I am starting with you.

And why I am starting
with Evan Cross.

First priority is the
anomaly detection tech.

Despite what
he may have told you,

that might not be so easy.

Well, he offered
full cooperation.

I know Evan.

He doesn't respond well
to threats.

Is that right?

Well, what is it that you think
he would respond to?


Isn't that why you hired me?

That is exactly
why I hired you.

I think this is the
most important project

you and I will ever
be involved with.

The potential benefits
are almost limitless.

So is the potential damage.

Ms. Finch, I live
by a very simple philosophy,

"leave the world a better place
than you found it."

That is what I plan to do.

Well, then,
we'd better get started.


You let me know
if you need anything.

Actually, there is one thing.

Ms. Finch.

What brings you here?

Colonel Hall has asked me
to take over the management

of Project Magnet.


Are you going to do it?

With your help.


I'm not sure how much help
I can be from in here.

The colonel has agreed

to expunge your record
and restore your rank.

It's the best I could do.

You did that for me?

Of course.

Well, uh...

Well, then, um,
Lieutenant Kenneth Leeds,

reporting for duty.

There you are.

Where have you been?

Setting up
that anomaly detector.

It's not a plug 'n play,
you know.

I don't even want to know
where it is.

But please promise me

that Hall will never find it.

Not a chance.

And as soon as the remote
telemetry re-calibrates,

we're up and running.

Yeah, no need to thank me.

Thank you.

Now we can get you back to work

on the new handheld.

Ooh, I am way ahead of you.

I started working on it

while the anomaly detection
software recompiled.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because Dylan said

the best way to deal with
an angry animal

is to steer clear.

I'm not angry, Toby.

You know what,

if I had an obsessive colonel
threatening to lock me up,

I'd probably
be pretty tense too.

But I have something
that's going to cheer you up.

It's the prototype.

To the mark three
that you designed?

It's tricked out
with a biometric lock

to stop any unauthorized use.

But the big leap

is that anomaly timer.

What? What's...

Is something wrong?
Did I do something wrong?

No, it's just...

It's not what I was expecting.

Well, I mean,
I had to mod the case

for the bigger screen
and the upgraded components,

but, you know, if you want,
I can change it?


You know what,
it looks exactly like it should.


So now all we need
is an anomaly to test it on...


I'll be right there.

I don't get it.

They could be
studying T-Rexes,

and they're analyzing algae.

Evan says one of Hall's ideas

is to bio-engineer
this stuff in the past

and make cleaner oil
in the present.

Could that actually work?

Even if you could do it,

messing with the past
is the ultimate bad idea.

He can't do anything

if he can't find the anomalies.

Well, that's not gonna happen.


I had some time
to k*ll last night

while my servers
were being moved.

I started digging around
for info on that patch

the other Mac is wearing.

I thought you said
it was a dead end.

Yeah, someone
with some mad skills

did a serious scrubbing
job on that info,

that's for sure.

But I found a blog

from a conspiracy
theorist in London

who says he has
inside information.

Doesn't get more
legitimate than that.

Hey, you take
what you can get, right?

But if he's right,

A.R.C stands for
"Anomaly Research Center."

No way.

Looks like the uk had
a dinosaur problem too.


So I was doing the same job
back there?

Well, you do
have a knack for it.

Did you tell Evan?


I thought you would
want to do that.


Strange not to be able
to enter the company

you helped build.

What are you doing here?

I thought you worked for
the competition now.

I have to talk to you.

Look, if you've come
to apologize for your testimony,

it's not necessary.

I haven't.

I told the truth.

It's not my job
to protect you anymore.

Good. I don't
need your protection.


I think you're going to
need it now more than ever.

Yeah, thanks to
your little friend Leeds.

Guy was playing us
from the start.

He just took a very
hard fall for you.

You should be thanking him.

Thanking him?

I'm about this close
to being locked up

because of him.

He was locked up
because of you.

He still would be
if I hadn't gotten him out.

All right, there are some dots
I'm not connecting here.

If you work at Seung,

how did you pull a guy
from lock-up?

I'm not at Seung.

I took another offer.

I don't like
where this is going.

Colonel Hall has asked me

to be the civilian director
at Project Magnet.

I accepted.


Trust me, Evan,

I would love to be on my way
to my new job right now.

I would love to never hear
another word

about anomalies
or dinosaurs ever again,

and I sure as hell would love
to not to be standing here

having this conversation
with you.

All right.

Then cut the crap.

What do you want?

I want you to join my team...

Hall's team.

So, you're going to re-engineer
the planet with him, huh?

Did he tell you

about his brilliant idea
to create some new kind of oil?

You have to look at
his entire plan, Evan.

It's not just about one idea.

If he could find a way
to stop global warming,

or save oceans,

or keep billions of people
from starving,

do you really think
that would be such a bad idea?

There's too many variables.

Yeah, sure,
he could fix one thing,

but then a hundred other things
could go wrong.

Then take a seat at the table
and help guide this.

I'm never
going to help that man.

I'm not asking you to help him.

I'm asking you to help me.

Hey, we can test it...

Hello, Toby.

Oh. Hi, Ange.

I'll show you out.

I know the way.

What have you got?

An anomaly just opened up
at Britannia Beach.

What is this place?

It's an old copper mine.

It was shut down years ago.

It's in that building.

Door's blown out

and tracks on the ground.

That looks like trouble.

Something left
and came back in again

dragging something heavy.

Like, person heavy?

Can't say yet.

Any idea what it is?

Small feet, but lots of them.

Four, possibly eight.

An arthropod of some kind.

Exoskeleton, maybe claws?

Hope it's not a crab.

I didn't bring any butter.

Holy crap.

stay behind me.

But it's right there.

I have to get closer
to get a reading.

Just stay behind me.


We've got this.

Stay close.

Okay, baby,
show me what you got.

It's working!

It should be open
for 48 minutes.

Good work.

You just made our job
a lot easier.

Wait a minute,
now it says 16 minutes.

I don't understand.

It's cycling up
like it's supposed to,

but it just can't seem
to make up its mind.

Maybe I missed something.

No, it's operational,

but it's processing
phantom data.

Background radiation
from the mine, maybe.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.
It's the first trial.

A few more tweaks,
we'll get it right.


What's going on?

The shell's too hard.

Evan, it's up here!

It can climb walls!

What is it?

Giant bug thing!

Wait, I can see it!
It's out here!

Some kind of chelicerata.

Brontoscorpio, maybe?

If that means "giant scorpion,"
I'll go with that.

It went under the pipe,

Try to knock it down.



Tried that!

Aim for its mouth!

I'm out.

Okay, guys, let's make a shield

and push it back!

It's through.

Hey, guys?

Do you think that thing's tail
is poisonous?


Almost certainly.

How do you feel?

Um, I'm a little freaked out.

It's not that deep,

but we have to get you
to an E.R. right now.

Vancouver General

won't know how to treat this.

I don't have time
to explain it.

I've got another idea.

Please tell me
you've come to your senses

and are taking my offer.

That's not what this is about.

You said you were hiring
the best, right?

Do you have a toxicologist?

Mara Fridkin.

No one better. Why?

It's Toby.

We're at Britannia Mines,

and she was just stung
by a giant scorpion.

I'll send in a medical team.

Medevac chopper.
Britannia mines.

Go with them.


See? There are benefits
to cooperation.

We have a situation.

Cross's lead tech
has been att*cked

and stung by a creature.

Wait a minute, so, wait,
there's another anomaly?

And Cross knows about it?


I've instructed Dr. Fridkin
to suspend research

and focus all efforts
on helping Toby.

Toby Nance,

that's the one who helped Cross
build the detector?

I would hate
for something to happen to her.

Oh, no, of course.

You do whatever it takes
to keep her alive.

I already am.

You realize this means

that Cross still has
a functioning detection network.

Toby first, then Evan.

Tell me when the numbness stops

and the feeling starts.

No. No.

No... yes!

Yes, I can feel that.

Okay, we're going to make sure
you'll be okay.

It wasn't a direct sting.

If it was,

she'd be dead by now.

Now, I can slow the effects
with epinephrine,

but to save her,

I'll need a targeted anti-toxin.

Don't you need
a venom sample for that?

- Can you get me one?
- Yes!

Do it quickly.

No, no, wait, you can't!

That anomaly could close
at any second!

You'll be trapped in there!

This isn't up for discussion.

Well, at least give
me the data card

so I can figure out
how long you have.

Keep this close.

It's okay.

Let's go!

We'll be right back.

It's okay.

Why didn't you go
with the chopper?

I'm coming with you.

This isn't an open house.

We have a job to do.

Ange told me
they locked you up.

Is that true?

It was a temporary situation.

It was resolved
to my satisfaction.

I think that's a yes.


Military personnel only.

You've gotta be kidding me.

You know, this would be
a whole lot easier

if you were working with us.

And if you weren't
working against us.

Tell them to let us in.

Not unless I come with you.



Cool. I'll take your MP-7,
and... this.

Watch your fingers.

Yes, sir.

Thank you. Follow me.

We get in,
find the creature,

get the venom, and get out.

And no
taking anything

to cut up and put
in a pickle jar.

I'm only here to help.

It's kind of
exciting though, huh?

Going through an anomaly.

Don't pretend like
it's your first time.

What are you doing?

What if something att*cks me?

Well, you'll just have to
be faster than one of us.

That creature just got
a hell of a lot harder to find.

What is this place?

Must be some kind of
temporal junction.

String theory has always
predicted they exist.

It follows, then,

that anomalies are
Einstein-Rosen Bridges...

More commonly called

Someone knows his physics.

Part of the job.

Stay alert, we're not alone.

Hall can't find out about this.

That may not be so easy.

The collection team
will already be on the way.

Well, you better stop them.

I'm supposed to stay with you.

Ms. Finch was very clear.
This is a joint mission.

We don't need a chaperone.

This is a doorway
to a hundred times and places.

You know what damage
Hall could do

if he finds out about this.

All right,
I'll take care of it.

You're going to believe him?

We don't have another choice.

I assure you...


Keep them out.

If you do, I might actually
start to trust you.

And if you don't,

it'll be you
on the dissection table.

Don't make me do that.

Good luck.

Okay, I'm going to need you
to stop the work

and relax.

Trust me,

she'll be a lot less relaxed
if you make her stop.

I need to figure out
how long they're going to have.

I'm not letting them
get stuck in big bug land.

I just, I don't understand.

I keep getting all these
conflicting readings.


Evan thinks that
it's background radiation

from the mines,

but I... I filtered for that.

I don't get it. I keep getting
all these phantom signatures.

You okay?

Excuse me.

Lie back.

Tell me there's a trail.

I don't like our odds.

There are
a lot of tracks around here.

It's pretty muddled up.

Looks like it's been in and out

of a few places.

It stayed local, though.

The tracks seem to circle back

to the same area.

Okay, then.

Let's go.

Hope it wasn't that one.

We've got to move.

What is it?

You've got to see this.

How is this possible?

This is Cross Photonics.

Not yet.
Look at the wall.

There's no marks.

This is before
I bought the building.


Where are you going?

I need to know what day it is.

We can't be here.

Just two minutes.

September 15th, 2006.

12:10 P.M.

She's alive.

But in six hours,
she's going to die.

Unless I stop it.

You know you can't do that.

I can't let her die again.

It's not your fault.

But don't you see?

If I do nothing, this time,

it will be my fault.

Just listen to yourself.

You know this isn't right.

If you do this,
everything changes.

Yeah, no more dinosaurs,

no more Hall,
and Toby will be fine.

Hey, Toby will be fine,

but not like this.

You don't understand.

Yeah, you're right.
I don't.

You think this could
fix everything,

but you can't know
what would happen.

It could just as easily
make everything worse.

We would never even have met.

Maybe it would be
better that way.

You do what you need to do.

I'm going to go
find that scorpion.

Lieutenant Leeds
gave us direct orders

not to let anyone in.

Our standing directive
is to collect specimens.

Colonel Hall assured us
full access,

and full military support.

Yes, sir.
That's our assignment.

But the lieutenant
was very specific.

Maybe you should check
with Colonel Hall's office.

Dr. Jardine!

Dr. Jardine, hi.


Uh, you may want to check
your Secure-Com WCD

for CFAC electronic communique

backslash PM,
forward slash Alpha Zulu,

underscore "Welcome Aboard."

Sent at 0900 hours.

It says that, um,
Angelika Finch

is our new civilian
director of operations.

This is her mission,

so we're here

in a support capacity only.

So what does she want us to do?

Well, she need you

to drive me back to the lab...


Yup, and she needs you
to stay here.

When the civilians return,

have them air-lifted
to the facility,

and then hold your post
until I return.

And nobody is to get in.
Is that understood?

Again, sir,
not established protocol.

Is that understood?

Yes, sir.



Great. Where's your car?

Tobes, you can barely write.

You need to stop.

I need to figure this out.

There has to be some constant

in this data.

How is she?



I've ordered
a blood transfusion.

We're just waiting for
the units to be delivered.

When will it arrive?


It's not soon enough.

I want all personnel
type-matched for donation.

Start with him.


I'll be right back.

Damn it!

I just came
to see how you were doing.

I'm fine.

And to apologize.

For what?

My preconceptions.

When your resume
first came across my desk,

it went straight into the trash.

I didn't think you were
someone to take seriously.

I get that a lot.

But I was wrong.

Toby, I've seen how committed
you are to your work.

How driven.

We have that in common.

You're not really
working for them, are you?

We're working together,

just like we always have.

But they're
trying to take over.

Yes, they are, and they should.

Because if Project Magnet
was in charge,

you wouldn't be here.

If they experiment
on the anomalies,

do you know how dangerous

that could be?

It can't go on like it is.

Evan should have never
put you in this situation.

He didn't.
The anomalies did.

Then let's do
something about that.


Do you still think that
there's a way to block them?

Theoretically, yes.

Then when you get out of here,

I want you to work on
making that theory real, okay?

Whatever support you need,
I will get for you.

I'll talk to Evan about it.

You don't need Evan's approval
to do the right thing.

If it was the right thing,
then he would be doing it.

He can't if he's in prison.

They wouldn't really
put him in prison,

would they?

Toby, you and I both know

that Evan is not going to build
that detection network

that he promised.

What did you think
was going to happen?

You can't let them
lock him away, Ange.

I can't help him.

Not without that network.

What if I told you
where it was?

I thought you destroyed it.

What are you doing?

We'll talk later.

What's wrong?

I can't feel anything, Mac.

Can we get some help!

I need a ventilator, stat!

Careful! Sand traps!

Here, throw me your r*fle!

Open your mouth, damn it.

Go! Get the tail!

Come on.

Damn it!

We'll catch it.


I wasn't sure you'd be coming.

Well, I can't let you
have all the fun.

Hey, how's she doing?

Not well.

I've been meaning to ask you.

Our new director,

Ms. Finch,

will I be reporting to you

or to her?

To both of us.

Because she's not going to be
very happy with me

if her friend dies in our care.

Well, don't let her die.

We're out of our depth here.

Well, then,
we'll all have to learn to swim.

Look, there's no training for
what we're trying to do here,

so the best we are
going to be able to do

is to trust our gut
and do our best.

You seem very sure, sir.

Well, we're all part of
the same team here.

We all have one goal,
to save the world,

starting with your patient.

Awesome, tremors!

That makes it easier.

What the hell are you doing?

She's got enough poison to fight

without you adding to it.

Oh, and you think this is
going the way it should?

Toby is dying.

They're going to make it.

And what if they don't?

Could Project Magnet
running things

really be that much worse?

It's Toby.

They'll make it.

I hope you're right.

But even if you are,

I'm not doing things
Evan's way anymore.

Hey, if that's its burrow,

we've got it cornered.

Yeah, well,

it's got a serious
home court advantage

in there.

Seems pretty solid.

Yeah, except
for the tremor part.

This hillside is honeycombed

with interlocking tunnels.

Yeah, and it's on top
of a major fault line.


I saved some fun for you.

What made you decide
not to do it?

The fact that you're right.

Right now
we need to worry about Toby.

There's something up there.

Direct hit.

At least he went quickly.

His insides are sucked out.

We need to get that venom.

That's some high
quality tiger blood

you're getting there.

Don't worry,
it's just temporary.

They'll be back soon.

Why aren't they back yet?

I don't know.

I'm going to send in
a rescue team.

You can't do that.


Trust me, you just, you can't.

That's all you're going to say?

I promised Evan.

The days of Evan Cross
setting the agenda are over.

I thought that was understood.

Of course, it's just...

I like to keep my word,

whenever possible.

If there is something
that I need to know,

I expect you to share it.

I understand.

Now, unless you can give me
a very convincing reason not to,

I'm sending in a team
to get them out of there.

It's some sort of junction.

Multiple anomalies.

They lead everywhere.

But you can't tell the colonel.


No more secrets.

If we're going to
control these things,

we need to know
all we can about them.


It doesn't like us.

Well, you just force-fed it
a 50,000-volt breath mint.

Now we just need to figure out

how to get to its backside.

If we move in,

it'll be forced to attack.

Then one of us
can get behind it.


All right, you keep it busy,
I'll go for the tail.

Got it!

Let's get out of here.




You okay?


Are you hurt?


But I'm trapped.

I'm out!

I'm good.

Hey, can you dig out?


Seems pretty solid.

You okay over there?

Hang on.

I got the tail!

And it looks okay.

Great! Great.

Okay, uh,

you gotta go.


Look, don't fight me on this.

Toby doesn't have time.

No. No way.

I can't just leave you.

Get the venom back to Magnet,

and then find something,

come back here
and move these rocks.

And what if the anomaly closes
while I'm gone?

Well, then, I'm going to be
really glad to know

that you got out before it did.


Look, my chances of
surviving until you come back

are a hell of a lot better
than Toby's

if you keep wasting time.

So will you just please go?



But I'll be right back.


I'll see you soon, then.


Sorry, you've got to go.

I need you to move.

She's asystolic!
I need the crash cart!

Starting compressions.

g*dd*mn it.

5 ccs adrenaline push.

Stand by for defib.

Where's my defibrillator?

Come on, Toby, fight for it.

Let's go! Let's go!

Come on, Toby...