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01x09 - Breakthrough

Posted: 10/20/22 09:49
by bunniefuu
Spyder, are you okay?

Check this.

What the hell?

We've got to go find it.

Damn it!

Okay, I'll go find it.
You get that video out there.

I'm not sure it's good for company morale
for people to see you staring into space.

Not to mention your morale.

I'm doing okay.

And the company?

Well, I think I can stave off bankruptcy,

if I devote myself full-time
for the next three months,

to updated products
and aggressive sales calls.

Well, your enthusiasm is inspiring.


Truth is, I'm not much of a cheerleader.

That was always Ange.

Doing this without her just feels weird.

Have you talked to her at all?

She's not coming back,
if that's your question.

Do you have a plan to replace her?

You know what I mean. The job.

Yeah, I'm getting resumes.

But anyone smart enough to do that job
will be smart enough to find out that

that old chem bunker has been converted
into the headquarters

of my dinosaur-hunting team.

Well, that just makes us sound glamorous.

Have you called Mac?


I'm giving it some time.

How much?

I don't know. I mean, what am I
supposed to do? Give him a call?

Leave him a voice mail

explaining that the real reason
we're friends is that because

in some alternate reality,
he went back in time and saved my life?

I think his frozen body in the basement
is actually the harder part to explain.

Do you know anything about cost reports?

Not a damn thing.

Hey, guys? We got a problem.

- A dinosaur problem?
- A Triceratops in West Van.

Looks like the cost reports will have to wait.

Wait, how do you know
what kind of dinosaur?

Did you notice the hit count?

When I first came upstairs,
it was under 9,000. Now it's over 35!

That's a lot of eyeballs.

No chance it's a hoax?

No, I'm pretty plugged in to
the homebrew animation community.

This isn't a fake. This is a freaking real dino.

- And it was taken today?
- A couple of hours ago.

I've got a sniffer running on all dino stuff.
I caught it early.

So, a few thousand people click on
a dinosaur video

in between piano-playing cat
and faceplant-of-the-week.

No one'll take it seriously.

I'm not worried about some guy in Singapore
tweeting it to his friends.

I'm worried about locals recognising
that skate park,

and going out there to check it out.

Can you take this down?

Yeah, with a little effort. I mean, I'm on it.

I'll grab the gear. Let's get out there.

What's the status on the Anomaly detector?

Oh, we're still 12 hours away
from operational.

Any way I can help?


We'll be okay.

Once we're in the general vicinity,
the handheld can get us the rest of the way.

What about Mac? Are we going to call him?

No. Let's leave him alone.


Not sure how much these'll do against
a full-grown Triceratops.

This is bigger than anything
we've been up against before.

Well, that's comforting.

It's a prey animal. An herbivore.

There's a good case that
it'll just stand down

if it can find a safe spot.
Somewhere with edible plants and water.

Just so long as it doesn't spew
magic mushrooms all over me, I'm good.


Just past the baseball diamond.

That's where it was.
Maybe we can pick up its trail.

I think we know who shot the footage.

You all right?
I'm good, man.


You're the "FreakingRealDino" guys,

Yeah, cool, huh? Want me to sign your shirt?

You guys know which way it went?

I tried going after it, but it was gone.

Hey, Toby. Two news crews just showed up.
This thing's getting out of hand.

What do you mean “getting"?

The video is mirrored on over
a dozen different websites.

FreakingRealDino is trending on Twitter.

I can't shut down the whole Internet
and the local news.

Okay. Um...

Call Ken Leeds. See if he can help.

Copy that.

Hi, yeah, can I speak with Ken Leeds?

What is it regarding?

Uh... Tell him that I need help
containing a situation.

What is the nature of the situation?

Can I just talk to him? This is sensitive.

All matters that this office handles
are sensitive. You'll have to be more specific.

Who are you?

I'm Warrant Officer Lisa Merriweather.

I'm the Lieutenant's new assistant.

Oh. Okay, great.
So assist him and let him speak with me.

Not until you tell me what it's regarding.

Fine! A TV crew is about to interview people
who have seen a live Triceratops

for a special report on the news tonight.

Now can I speak with him?

I'll be sure he gets your message.

That thing is so big,
I'm surprised no one's found it yet.

You're right. It's huge.


It came this way.

I'm getting a reading from this direction.

Great. We've left the crowd behind,
and now we're trespassing.

Why is it that some people feel they need
10,000 square feet of personal space?

Well, a lot of tech guys live in this area.

We're not the most sociable bunch
to begin with.

This is pushed outward.

It looks like there are tracks here
going back and forth.

Well, maybe they're on vacation.

When do we ever get that lucky?

The Anomaly should be
just past that arch somewhere.

What kind of address is that?


The first letter of the Greek alphabet.

That's not an address.

Unless the guy who lives here is
trying to make a serious statement

about his position in the pack, in which case,

just peeing on the door every morning
might be quicker.

It's the symbol for the fine structure constant
of the universe,

and that right there is bad news.


This place belongs to Howard Kanan.

Guy's a legend.

Key patents in mobile communications,
medical imaging, remote oil-field sensing.

Every arena he worked in, he was brilliant.

Certifiable genius.

Genius? Like he could understand
how that thing works?

We've got to find that creature and get it out
of here before Kanan sees it.

If he knew, he'd want in.

Do you know that he buried every single
company that got in his way?

You know a lot about him.

Yeah, we've crossed paths.

I'm lucky I still have my company.

Evan Cross!

You thieving prick.

So, you two know each other.

Mostly from court.

He tried to sue me for patent infringement,
but he didn't have a case.

I lost. Doesn't mean I'm not right.

And you are?

Dylan Weir.

I don't hold any patents.


Why are you on my property?

Bird watching.
I heard there was a rare specimen out here.

Likes to roost near water.

Would that be the black oyster-catcher,

or the long-billed curlew?

Hermit thrush.

You, I like. Conditionally.

How about you, Cross? You here to
watch the birds or just steal them?

You know what, I think it's about time

you and I straightened out
this whole misunderstanding.

You did not pioneer photonic circuitry.

I did.

So, which part am I misunderstanding?
I invented it, and he stole it.

If you'd like...

- I can prove it.
- He can't prove that.

Yes, I can.

Come on in.

Hang on, if you think you have proof,
I should be the one that you show.

- Call me if you need anything.
- Back at you.

How can he be busy?

Unless a flying saucer has landed downtown,

we're the only thing
that Project Magnet does!

Yeah, great, awesome.
Why don't you give him another message?


Hey, Tobes.

Wow, affection really doesn't work for us,
does it?

I love you on the inside.

Where's Evan?

We need to have a serious chat.

He's on another dino-hunt, along with
every other lookie-loo in Vancouver.

- So the dinosaurs are finally out of the bag?
- Yeah.

And I have to figure out a way to put them
back in the bag, but I don't have a bag.

Leeds is AWOL, Ange quit,
Evan and Dylan are doing the fun stuff.

And if I don't figure out a way to stop this,

then we're going to have a lot of people
asking a lot of questions,

- that we don't want to answer.
- Like, why is my body in a freezer?

Forgive me if I'm having trouble
getting worked up about public relations,

but I'm not sure if I'm alive or dead.

- What was that?
- You're alive.

So, how can I be downstairs on ice?

Oh, come on, do you really want a discourse

in comparative theory of time displacement
right now?

Can you summarise?

That's not you in the cryo chamber, Mac.

You are you.

No, I'm not. I'm Evan's me.

The version he created when he pulled me
out of that life and brought me here.

- Well, come on.
- What?


Hey... Keep your eyes to yourself.


How long have you been living like this?

Like what?

Like a...

Junk food survivalist?

Minimising my distraction
so I can focus on my next innovation.

In harmonics?

Hey. I didn't bring you in here so you could
steal more patents.

All right, that makes two of us.
So what's your so-called proof?




I was working on the manufacturing specs
when you came out of nowhere.

Geared up in three months,
cornered the world market

before anyone knew what happened.

It's just business.

- A lot of people were doing parallel research.
- Yeah.

Sure, maybe. And you just happened
to have the breakthrough.

- Yeah. I did.
- And the fact that you couldn't use

a uniform superconductor?

How did you solve that one?

The nano wire?

Coated that with gold.

That's a cute trick.

But I had teams running manufacturing tests
on every option.

After 20 months of trials, we were finally
narrowing in on a solution, and boom!

Evan Cross comes in out of nowhere,

and you go into production without
one single trial?

How do you explain that?

I don't have to explain it. Check my patents.

I did! And what it shows is that you knew
the right answer right from the beginning,

no sweat equity at all.


I come to you in a dream?

- It happens.
- Yes, it does.

Most definitely. But here's the thing.

If you're that brilliant,

if you're that much of a genius,
it would happen again and again.

And since then...


I don't understand.

Either you're a patent thief...

Or whatever you've been working on for the
last five years is so big you're keeping it...

What, under wraps?

Or maybe things just didn't go as expected.

Oh, my God!

There's a bright line, isn't there,

between then and now?

Between everything so full of promise...

And everything so dark.


What happened to you?

You've got this huge house,

and you're holed up in here
obsessing over what went wrong.

Maybe things just didn't go as I expected.


I'm out by the pool.

You've got to see this.

Excuse me. I have to check on my friend.

The birdwatcher?

Don't suppose you're going to tell me
what she's actually looking for?

You wouldn't understand.

If this wasn't here,

would you have believed Evan
even if he did tell you?

You're saying he kept it for me?

I don't know.

But, I mean, if he planned on keeping this
a secret forever,

then storing your body
was a pretty stupid move,

and Evan Cross isn't stupid.

He stole my life.

He saved your life,

and he was ready to die to do it.

Think about it.

The moment he changed your future,

he must have known that your future self

wouldn't be there to stop him from
getting k*lled by a dinosaur.

So, if I wasn't there to save him,
why isn't he dead?

I don't know, and you know what,
I don't care,

because you're both alive,

and if what he did is responsible for that,

then I'm glad that he did it.

Because of the choices available,

this one's a hell of a lot more fun.

So, where do you suppose I came from?

Out of an Anomaly, apparently.

So, that must have been my job then,
saving people?

I mean, I'm wearing a uniform.

That's not really that much to go on, Mac.

You know, everyone around here
seems to think you're pretty clever.

I'll bet you could figure out what that
ARC symbol means if you put your mind to it.

I might consider helping you.

But only if you help me put that Triceratops
back in the bottle.

Well, I might have an idea about that.

Look at what I found.


Now we just need to find out where it goes.

I've got this.

You get that.

Where's Crazy Eyes?


With his PowerBars and regret.

Isn't it magnificent?

I've never had a chance to just sit
and watch one.

Evan, come on.

They're not all vicious K*llers.

This one doesn't mean any harm. He's just

out of place, is all.

It's still dangerous.

Look at it. The thing's bigger than
an elephant. And those horns,

they're like spears.

Not to mention the little problem we'd have
trying to explain it if someone else saw it.

Wait. We don't want to have to carry it.


That's one hell of a hermit thrush.

That's it, right?

I mean, this is it!

This is the big secret that you've been
working on for the last five years, right?

Am I right?

The great breakthrough
by the great Evan Cross!

Not exactly.

This is huge!
I mean, you're no genetic engineer,

my friend, which means that thing came

from a distant past.

I mean, I knew you guys were
hiding something, right? Right.

But Triceratops?
That wasn't even on the list!

And I love surprises!

What happened to that thing
not meaning any harm?

We must've frightened it.

Or else it thinks the pool is its home,
and it was just defending its territory.

I'll find it. You find the Anomaly.

Find the Anomaly...

Oh. Is it dead?

Yeah, it might need a little CPR.

Need help?

And that, where did you get it?

I built it.

No, it's way too sophisticated.

It's a pet project.

You want me to believe that you found
doorways through time,

and yet your breakthrough secret project
isn't from the future?

Maybe stolen? Maybe from my future?

Or mine?

Do you realise the implications of that?

Confirmation of Feynman's postulate
of branching timelines.

Look, nothing's been confirmed.

And this isn't going to help your case
in court.

Oh, forget court!

This is Nobel territory!
Beyond Nobel territory!

Howard, no. None of it can leave this room.

None. Are you...

None of it.

Okay. You want my silence?
Tell me the truth.

Come on!

This has got to be k*lling you!

You have to be desperate for someone
to talk to who can actually understand.

No. Not really.


Knowledge like this isn't power.

It's isolation.

Yes, Miss Nance,
I'll be sure he gets the message.

Now, was that Triceratops with one R?


Mac, I thought you were going to help me.

And so I have.

What the hell?

His name's Spikey.

There you are. Okay.

Slowly this time.

Yeah, see? There's nothing to worry about.

What is going on with you?

You can't think all of this is your territory.

It's the red.

You think I'm a rival.

Okay. Let's try this again.

You're just scared.

Why wouldn't you be?

I'm just going to make sure you don't
get into any more trouble.

This is fried.

I'd have put in a limiter
to stop it from overloading.

Oh, really? Well, thanks for the advice.

Do you have anything?

Yeah. Yeah, I've got something
you could kludge in there,

get it up and running. For a price.

This isn't a joke, Howard.

No, I get that.

This is the space-time continuum.

It has world-ending potential, and you

don't want to be the next Oppenheimer.



So why are you messing with it?

I don't have a choice.

As dangerous as these anomalies may be,

it's the only thing we have
to put these creatures back.

Have you ever been through one?

To the other side?


- Once or twice.
- And...

Was it amazing?

And frightening.

Look, the only thing I'm trying to do is
keep every single thing where it belongs.

How did that get to be your job?

You know that bright line you talked about
between then and now?

That happened for me

when a dinosaur k*lled my wife.

I get that.

When my wife died,

if I could have gone after ovarian cancer
with your r*fles,

I would have.


Dylan. You all right?

Better than all right.

I got me a dinosaur.

- Where?
- Tennis court.

The creature's fenced in, not that
that'll matter if it decides to take off.

But I'm going to find it some food and water.

Get it to hunker down.

How long till we've got an Anomaly detector?

We're working on it.

Work faster.

I've gotta find enough food
to fill a school bus.

Roger that.

I have to get this thing finished.

We have to put that Triceratops back through
that Anomaly before it closes.

How long do you have?

No idea.

You don't know?

I don't have a timer.
I've been working on one, but...

Evan, I can help.

You and I working together,
there's very little we can't solve.

I want in.



And I think I know what you like to eat.

It was, like 20 feet tall, with these
big, massive horns, and...

There it is! There's the dinosaur!

Oh, no.

Hey! Stop!

Hmm? Oh.

What the hell are you doing?

Dylan, I hadn't realised you were
already on the scene.

Well, we are, and I have everything
under control.

If you'll just get these people to back off.

Yeah, lower your weapons, and pull back.

- Uh... I'm here to help.
- Yeah, well, you're not helping, okay?

If you tranq that thing here, we're going to
have to drag it all the way to the Anomaly,

which, let me tell you from experience,
is harder than you think.

Yeah, I have a truck.

That's not the point. This is a docile animal,
and it can move under its own power.


I thought that Toby sent you
to the skate park.

Real-time satellite imagery revealed

a remarkably large mobile heat signature
on this property.

I'm here to offer full operational coordination
with your field efforts.

We are on the same team.

Then I have just the job for you.

The portals, you call them Anomalies, right?

Yeah. You like that?

Sure. Then this is your theory
on how they work?

Yeah, they appear, they fluctuate,
they disappear.

There's a pattern to it,
but it's different every single time.

I haven't been able to figure out
the Fourier series for it yet.

That's because you're going about it wrong.

You're trying to find a value lost in chaos.
That can't be predicted.

Elaborate on that.

What if it's not about
overlapping sine waves? What...

Let me explain.
The Anomalies, they're magnetic, right?

So every time they appear,
there's going to be a unique signature,

caused by an interference
with the Earth's magnetic field.

Done. So it's not a pattern
you're trying to predict.

- Of course. It's a harmonic signature.
- Right.

It's not the standing field I should be trying
to measure. It's the initial event.

It's like a musical note that fades.

Yes, and when it decays
past the critical threshold...

- The Anomaly collapses.
- Exactly.


So, all we need to do is suspend
a crystal in a fluid matrix.

We don't have time for that.
I have to find the Anomaly.

But thank you, Howard.

Thank you.

Excuse me. Excuse me! What the hell
do you people think you're doing?

I'm sorry, ma'am.

I have official authorisation
to commandeer these flowers

for reasons of national security.

But they're my prize-winning flowers!

Yes, I understand that they're beautiful.
Gentlemen, that's plenty.

- Thanks, great. Yup. Just...
- Oh!

In these
uncertain times, ma'am,

we all have to make sacrifices for freedom.

You look lovely today.

Oh, my goodness...

You think this will work?

The only better lure than food is sex.

Yeah, truer words.

When Evan tells us where to go,
we'll just walk it back,

nice and slow.

There's no need for all that excitement.
For once.

My God!

My God!

- Look at...
- Howard, don't get too close.

Look at the shard layer.

It's the edge of space and time...

Blown apart.

I think it's from the impact of colliding
four-dimensional surfaces.

I think it might just be the way the
human eye perceives it, but it is beautiful.


It's the bright line.

Between then and now.

May I?

It's okay.

Your timer, sir.

How did you make that so quickly?

I just tweaked a resonator
I've been working on for over a year.

It's almost like it was destiny.

And it works.

And we have less than two minutes.

Two minutes? You're sure?

A minute and 50 seconds.
Assuming this thing is accurate.

The calculated margin for error is .006%,
give or take.

- Where are you?
- Uh...

200 metres east of the bowling green.

Be there in 90 seconds.

- What are you doing? Where are you going?
- Anomaly. No time to explain.

- How can I assist?
- Get out of the way. This baby's going home!

Is this analogous to a bullfighter's cape?
Because bulls are colour-blind.

- They're more attracted to...
- Shut up.




It's 15 seconds. She's not gonna make it.

She will.
Look out!

- Move.
- Look out.

And with seconds to spare.
You okay?

- Howard...
- Three, two, one.

Who was that?

How long has he been here?

Be nice. He was very helpful getting fodder
for the big guy.

There was a man here. Where did he go?

It was Howard Kanan.
And you know where he went.

- Interesting development.
- Why would he do that?

I don't know. Curiosity? Arrogance?
Complete stupidity?

Or all of the above.

He's going to die in there.

Or worse.

Thanks, Mac.

You really saved my ass.
All of our asses, really.

Well, it was your ass that I did it for.

You might want to rephrase that.



- Don't tell Evan about this.
- Why?

I need to get some answers first.

With your help.

Okay, a deal's a deal.

But I will say that it's not the same here
without you.


Oh, my God, I can't believe I'm saying this.

I miss you.

Then do me a favour
and visit me from time to time.

I must get lonely down there in the freezer.

I'd like to think you were checking up on me.


Toby, what the hell's this?

Oh, it's... Uh...

It's just that...

Never mind. You get the Internet shut down?

Actually, I did better than that.

And on the lighter side,

an elaborate dinosaur hoax
swept the Internet today

following a prank at a local skate park.

There it is! There's the dinosaur!

So remember, if someone shows you
footage of a "freaking real dinosaur",

think twice before you believe it.

Over to you, Sam.

- Nice.
- Yeah, well, I figured,

it's not the last time someone's gonna get
a video of a dinosaur, right?

So, might as well make them all seem fake.

You called Mac in.


Sort of. But, you were right.

He's gonna need some time.

Good work.

Hey, show me that thing one more time.


...massive horns, and...
There it is! There's the dinosaur!

Any calls?

Just Colonel Hall. He'd like an update.

Oh, terrific.

Something's bugging you.

Is that where I'm headed?

Am I the next "Crazy Eyes"
living alone in a mansion somewhere?

You going down this road because of Mac?

You know he'll be back, right?

I was thinking about this, actually.

Three years I've been working on this tech,

thinking it would solve everything,

make up for everything.

Fix everything.

But what if it doesn't, hmm?

The first time I saw you, you had
one of those things in your hands.

You couldn't keep your eyes off it.

I thought you'd kept your phone
from the '90s or something.

Yeah, well, I always make
a good first impression.

But that thing, it gave me a gift today.


I've been really struggling with this work,

because it isn't like Predator Control.

This isn't mostly harmless animals
with the occasional k*ller.

These creatures are almost all K*llers.

But today we finally had one that wasn't,

and all we had to do was show it
the way home, and we did that.

We did it.

You have a feel for these things
that I don't have.

I'm not sure if I'll ever have it.

I used to coil razor wire back home.

We had wolves that would come down
out of the forest and try to eat our sheep.

My dad said we had to keep them out,

but every month or so, I would come out,
and I would...

They would get tangled
in the wire sometimes.

They'd chew their own paws off.

That's really when I got it, you know?

It isn't their fault, right?
They're just being who they are.

We're the problem.

We're the ones who want
everything to be human.

Now we've covered the whole damn world
in razor wire, so where are...

Where are the animals supposed to go?

But today, you came up with
a better way to help them,

to get them back to a time
with no humans in it.

Hey, that thing that Howard made,
you can make that again?

Then do it.

The tech isn't just to help you.

It's to help them.

It's the least we can do, right?

The mission objective was compromised
by circumstances, sir.

But on the positive side, the specimen was
returned to its natural habitat.

And there was an interesting development.
I'll have that in my report.

Uh, yes, sir, that goes without saying.

We are on the same team.

Yes, sir.