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01x07 - Babes in the Woods

Posted: 10/20/22 09:47
by bunniefuu
Oh, you're so mean to me.

I can't take it. My heart's breaking. Mm.

My sexy little woodcutters,
here we go, make me love you.

That's beautiful.

Here we go, Nat. You're number-one bad-ass.
You're right here.

Ally, move in a little bit. That's perfect.

All right, now, we're innocent,
but we're still fatal, okay?

Show me the contradiction, girls.

Here we go. All right.
Make me feel something.

Show it to me. Make me blush.

Oh, I love you.

Take another little piece of my heart.

That's beautiful. Uh-huh.

Here we go. Come on, make me feel it.

Make me feel it. Find the lens here.

All right, girls,
I need you to give me a little more.

Then stop calling us "girls."
We're not children.

Babe, you know I love you.


Just shut your mouth and take the picture.

Yes, boss.

I love it when you tell it
to me like that, I really do.

That's delicious. Yes.

That's so nice. This kitten's got claws...

Okay. Uh, and, uh.

Dynamite. Dynamite.

All right, Bobbie's gotta
take a quick five, okay?

Five, but not six. We're almost wrapped here.

I know, I know. It'll be five.

On my honour. 4:59. 4:58.


- Has he started smoking again?
- Probably.

That's gross.

What the hell?

If we're going to be
able to put these creatures

back through the Anomalies every time,

we've got to be able
to figure out when they're gonna close.

But there's a lot of false signals.

So we find a pattern in the radiation peaks.

That'll enable us to predict
the ultimate deflection.

That way, when the Anomaly closes,

we'll know if it's just temporary,
or closed for good.

Yeah, sure.

I mean, it sounds easy,
but turning abstract theory

into a gadget that actually works?

Less easy.

Never promised you easy.

Oh, man.

Great. Backwoods photo sh**t.

Of course.

Hey, Allyson, it's Toby.

Listen, it's kind of important,
so can you just...

Can you just call me back
as soon as you can?


- Mac! Listen to me.
- What's going on?

Why are you touching me?

- I need you to come with me.
- Come with you where?

The Anomaly alert went off,
and I was thinking

that maybe just, you know,
you and I can go check it out this time.

What have you been smoking?

Whether I like it or not,
we have to get Evan and Dylan

and go together.

Look, Mac...

Here's the thing, okay?

I used to be part of a different type of group.

"Fatal Babes"?

Well, that is...


The alert says that the Anomaly is basically
right next to my friend's cabin,

and I'm almost 100% positive
that they're all up there right now.

- Mac!
- Yes, fine. Models in danger.

No. Friends in danger.

Even so, there is no way in the world
we're going up there alone.


Can I talk to you about something?


So, I told the Soeng Group
that I'd decided to stay here.

They took that as a negotiating tactic
and upped their offer.

I'm glad I could help.

You really are staying?

That's the idea.


You and me...

We're trying something new here,

and we don't know
how that's going to turn out.

Wow. Okay, good.

What did you think I was going to say?

I don't know.

Evan, we're still the same people
we were yesterday.

Pot stickers, prototypes,
and me busting your ass

about that weird leather blazer
you wore to commencement.

Yeah. Still me.

I know, but now...

Well, it's different, too.

And that's okay. Isn't it?

Evan! Anomaly alert!

Saved by the bell.

Sorry. I have to go,
but we'll talk about this later.


Where're we heading?

Okay. Two things.

First, the Anomaly
is on the north side of Mount Seymour.

I've been there before,
it's near a friend's cabin.

Okay, Dylan should be in by now.

- Grab your stuff and meet me out front.
- Wait, wait, wait.

The second thing is...

Evan, there's something that I never told you
because I didn't know what you would think,

but in university, I made money

by doing something that
some people might consider...

You used to be a Fatal Babe.

Yeah. I know.

What? You knew?

You can't scrub the whole Internet, Toby.

And you should know by now,
you can be whoever you want to be.

Doesn't matter to me.
Grab your stuff. Let's hit the road.


Good morning.

Good timing. We've got a fresh one.

- All right. Where are we headed?
- Into the woods.

- What else do we know?
- That Toby's a pin-up girl.

- A Fatal Babe, Mac. Get it right.
- Still hot.

I know, right?

We'll take two vehicles.

You and I can ride together,
look for the Anomaly...

And the creatures.

If there are any.

You two, head to that cabin
and evacuate Toby's friends.

Tobes? You mind driving?

Uh, yeah. It's about time!

Ange? What are you doing?

You said we'd talk about it later. Now's later.

Thought I'd come along.


You want to come with us?

Hey, Dylan, I'm gonna be joining you today.
I'll try not to get in the way.

Ange, these things can be really dangerous.

At the risk of sounding patronising...

Nine years of martial arts.

Okay! You can come.

What, is he smoking
the whole pack?

His van's still in the driveway.

I can't believe he flaked out
when we're almost done.

Okay, Ange. Let's get you up to speed.

Have you been hunting?

- I can't say I've ever had that opportunity.
- No problem. Ever fired a r*fle?

Not that I recall.

Okay. A taser?


- You call that a taser?
- What?

This is a taser. For wildlife.
Range up to 10 metres.

Holds three sh*ts.

It won't k*ll a creature,
or a person for that matter,

but it'll knock 'em out for a minute or so.


- You activate it with this switch...
- Hang on.


If you don't have time to reload,
which, trust me, happens sometimes,

the end here is also a contact taser.

- Like the one in your purse.
- Now, that's handy.

- Whatever it is you're doing, stop it.
- What? I'm not doing anything.

Wow, I never knew you had that pierced.

Don't make me
hurt you.


Three bars, two bars... No!

- Out of service area?
- Thank you. There is a God.

- Stop thinking it!
- Can't help it.


Hey, you go look for the Anomaly,
and I will take care of my friends.

No, I think it would be much better
if we stuck together.

What? I'm a team player.
Safety first, Anomaly-looking second.

Let me do the talking.

- Toby?
- Hey, Nat.

- What the hell?
- Come here for a second.

There's been some problems in this area,

and we need to get you guys
off the mountain.

What? What kind of problems?

I'm with predator control.
We've had some sightings.

Dangerous animals in the area. It's not safe.

Yeah. Yeah, there's been some really big...


Oh, my God, Bobbie's missing.
Our photographer.

For how long?

He stepped out about 45 minutes ago.
We looked around, but we couldn't find him.

We assumed he went AWOL,
like that time in Seattle.

But you think...

You know what? Let's not panic anyone,
but we definitely need to get moving.

Right. Yeah.

Look who I found.

- Toby!
- Toby!

Oh, my gosh! You look so great!

Yeah! Yeah, like, oh, my God.

It's been so long!

- I'm Allyson. You are?
- Mac.

Toby's friend.

A friend who's a boy.


- Hey, Mac. Whatcha got?
- Nothing yet.

Evacuating the girls as we speak,

but we've still got
a missing photographer to find.

- All right, let me know when they're clear.
- Copy that.

- Shotgun!
- Every time!

- I'm in the middle.
- Bobbie? We're leaving.


Nat, you coming?

You go ahead.
I don't feel right leaving Bobbie out here.

Your call.
Tell Bobbie he owes us a group shot.

- Later!
- Toodles!

Nat, don't... Don't worry about Bobbie, okay?

Mac'll stay here and look for him.
You can come with me.

No! Nat, no! Get in!

Damn it!

What the hell is that thing?

Oh, my God! It's following us!

Nat, slow down!

- That thing's gonna k*ll us!
- Nat! Stop the van.

Oh, my God!

Nat! Stop the van!

Look, just calm down.
Just take your foot off the pedal.

Nice and slow.

- Nat, it's gone!
- I don't care!

Toby! No!

- You okay?
- Yeah. You?


I don't see it.

- I can't believe you did that.
- I know.

She's gonna be okay, though,
but she is gonna be really, really mad.

- We're never gonna get that off.
- Great.

We're five kilometres away from the cabin.
No r*fles, no problem.

- Found the dinosaur.
- That's one hell of a silver lining.

Mac's not answering his radio,
but the jeep is here.



Look, this is crazy.

Why don't you just stay in the car
and let us handle this?

Really? Do you really see that happening?

You don't have to do this
to prove anything to me.

- I thought you knew me better than that.
- I did, too.

But to tell you the truth, Ange,
I don't get this.

This... This isn't you.

What is this really about?

I came because

I am tired of trying to pull you
back to the office all the time.

If this is what you do now,
then I want to understand it.

All clear.


- Mac, we're at the cabin, where are you?
- We're...

About a three-minute drive from the cabin.

If you're travelling at 150 kilometres an hour.

You've found the Anomaly?

No, but we found a dinosaur.

Very fast.

Very scary.

How big was it? What did it look like?

Almost as tall as the jeep.

Long tail. Really ugly.

You two okay?


But we've got a civilian with us,
one of Toby's friends.

- What have you told her?
- Nothing.

Toby tased her.

- What?
- Don't ask.

Are you mobile?

Not yet. But we're working on it.


'Cause I need you and Toby to focus
on finding that Anomaly.

Copy that.

So, definitely a dinosaur?

Eyes open.

Is there some sort of protocol
I should know about?

We only have one protocol.
Find it before it finds you.

- You sure you're okay?
- Never better.



Looks like we found
our missing photographer.


He was unarmed. We're not.

We should really try and get going.

Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm really, really sorry.

It's only going to last a few hours.
It's not permanent.

I think I'm going to puke.

What did you want me to do?
You were acting crazy.

Well, you didn't tase me
the first thousand times I acted crazy.

That's because
the make-up sex was too good.

I'm sorry.
The make-up sex and the what, now?

None of your concern.

We really gotta get going.

Oh, God. Don't make me move.

Okay, how about you just
try walking a little bit?

And we'll see. Okay?

What, so... Wait. What was that thing?

And where is it now?

Look, I need you to be cool.

Wait. Did you know it was going to be here?

Is that why I'm the only one
freaking out here?

Toby, what the hell do you do for a living?



It was a dinosaur. And Mac and I...

We hunt dinosaurs.


What, so that's your official job title?

- It's not a joke, Nat.
- Definitely not.

We've only got one taser between us.

Well, not only that, but we don't even know

how many creatures are out here
between us and the Anomaly.

Wait. The where?

It's a radiant magnetic event with...

Big shiny hole in the universe.
Spits out dinosaurs.

Come on.

I'll explain later.

It looks like a theropod.

This photo doesn't give us any kind of scale,

but with what Mac's saying,
I'm thinking it's at least a few metres.

Look at this.

Looks like the quill
from a porcupine on steroids.

Or a giant bird, for that matter.

But not a bird I know.

What's like a bird, but not a bird?


Break right!

Damn it!

Turn hard corners!

Ange, run towards us!

That was a little too close.

I might have to agree with you on that one.

- You two okay?
- Yeah.

Nice sh**t'.

Nice tacklin'.

Thank you.

Hey, can't let you get eaten.
You sign my paycheques.

I'm guessing it weighs close to 200 kilos.

The tranq I gave it
should put it out for six hours.

So let's plan on three.

For what?

For us to find that Anomaly
and put this thing back through.

Don't you think that's a job for Ken Leeds?

Number one, there's no cell service out here.

And number two,

I don't want Project Magnet up my ass
every time I need to do something.

Then what is your suggestion?
That we carry it?

We're definitely headed in the right direction,
but I can't tell how much further ahead.

Well, hopefully not much.

- Nat, you feeling okay?
- Not really, but I'll live.

That's not to be taken for granted.

Evan, you there?

Sorry, Mac. We got kind of busy.

We're on the move and we're looking,
but still no Anomaly yet.

Well, we've got a tranqed dinosaur
over here who needs to go home,

so the sooner you find it, the better.

They tranquillised that thing?

That's a relief.

Look, just stick together,

and as soon as you find anything,
let us know.

Copy that.

Think this is gonna work?

It'll be just like dragging
a dead moose out of the woods.

- You've done that before?
- More than once.

Between the three of us,
it shouldn't be a problem.

Why don't we just throw it in the jeep?

The Anomaly's that way.

I don't see any roads. Do you?

So, we're going to find the what,
the wormhole?

No. Wormholes are from outer space.

Anomalies are through time.

Technically, they intersect
different time periods.

Magnetic anomalies are what we look for
to find them.

She still talks like that?

I guess it's not something that you outgrow.

But I think it's adorable.

So, have you met the preacher-father yet?

Nat, don't.

Your dad is a man of the cloth?

He practically locked her in the closet.

And what about the Chinese grandmother?
What does she think of you?

Haven't had the pleasure yet.


So Toby's keeping you a secret, too.

I'm not keeping anyone a secret, okay?

Let's keep moving.

This guy's a stalker.

I'll bet he was watching us
for a while before he tried to take out Ange.

So why me?

You're the smallest.
He probably thought you were a juvenile.

Hey! Looks can be deceiving.

Come on, Cross. You can do better than that.

- What about Dylan, huh?
- Are you kidding me?

The women are doing all the work.

As usual.

Well, then you're obviously

pulling a different dinosaur
through the woods,

'cause I'm the only one pulling this one.

The dead-moose thing...
Does it get any easier?

You'd think so, but no.

What's going on back there?


- I don't think we're alone out here.
- You see something?

We've definitely got something's attention.

You know, if you were trying
to impress me,

being a dinosaur-hunter is pretty impressive.

It's pretty rock 'n' roll, right?

You know, I've often
wondered what would happen

if certain ex-girlfriends
of mine could see me now.

Well, if they could see you,

I'm sure they'd be very comforted
to know what a loser you still are.

Oh, hey, when I met you,

you were a physics geek
with a self-imposed curfew.

Now who's the loser?

It was in university,
and I had a lot of studying to do.

We all heard that, right?

Oh, God, it's back!

Evan, we've got something
following us out here.

- I don't feel good about this.
- We're in the same boat.

Something's stalking us, too.

If you can, move slowly.

- Keep the smallest person in the middle.
- Ten-four.

- Keep moving?
- Yeah.


God, I really wish we had a r*fle right now.

Well, this isn't quite the fantasy
I imagined this moment to be.

You just keep your taser up, please.

You see it?

If I could see it, I'd sh**t it, wouldn't I?

- What are you doing?
- Mac, it's a bear!

I can see that!

We need to save our
charges for the dinosaurs!

It still has teeth and claws.

Nat, you need to move closer
and put your arms up.

- We're in its habitat.
- What?

Just do it! Follow my lead!

You, too.


Go! Shoo! Get out of here!

Get outta here! Go away! Shoo!

Get outta here! Shoo! Go on, get outta here!

How'd you know to do that?

Dylan. Remember, last week?

Her PowerPoint presentation on predators?
Bears have bad eyesight.

Yeah. Right.

There aren't many bears where I come from.

- What?
- Oh, sure,

tase Natalie and not the bear.

Can we just find the Anomaly now?

Crisis averted. Ours was just a bear.

Well, that's a relief.


Maybe we should've rented
a helicopter for this.

Yeah, if you want to tell the pilot
why his cargo has a three-foot lizard tail.

I'm going to take a look around.

Maybe I can see more from up ahead.

So, putting the dinosaurs back,
that's all about not changing the past?

For Evan, it is.

I just want to put them back
in their own habitat.

Did it ever occur to you
that the dinosaurs back home

might be glad that this one left?

- Can I ask you a question?
- Yeah.

Why are you here?

I'm the CFO.
It's my job to oversee operations.


Actually, Dylan,
I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

That's fair.

What's going on up there?

Did I even hit it?

Well, it's a long way down.
Do you think it made it?

Yeah. It's a possibility.

So, what, do we just let it go?

Maybe that's a good thing.

You said it's stalking us, right?

That means it's moving under its own power.

It's definitely easier
than dragging two of them.

So, just to clarify, our plan is to let it find us,

and hope it doesn't eat us
before we get back to the Anomaly?

That's the dark way of framing it, but yeah.


My God...

It's magnificent!

For a big ball of death, it is pretty scenic.

Evan, we found the Anomaly.

Great, 'cause we're headed your way
and we're hauling a dinosaur.

And there's definitely a second one around!

Head towards the river.

If you fall into the raging rapids
in the chasm of death,

you've gone too far.

We're moving as fast as we can.

Both hands, Cross!

Copy that.

She's tough on you. I like it.

Yeah, the other night,

she asked me
if there's anything I'd regret leaving undone

- if I'd died in that warehouse.
- Yeah? What'd you say?

Guys, could you please
have this conversation

back at the office over a bottle of Merlot?

Not in the middle of dinosaur country?

Dylan! Dylan!

I'm okay.

No, you're not. You dislocated it.

Not my first time.

Watch our backs for a second, okay?

All right.

You have two options here,

- agony or more agony.
- Just do it.


On the count of five.

- You ready?
- Yep.

One, two...

- You bastard!
- It's not my first time either.

Easy does it.

You're going to be okay?


Yeah, I can't fire my r*fle. You keep it.

Give me the taser.

We still have to get that thing
to the Anomaly.

There's no way we're doing that
with two people.

Yeah, you're right.


we're going to need some more muscle here.

I can certainly offer you that.

Toby, what's the read on that Anomaly?

Uh, the magnetic flux density is stable
at a hundred milli-teslas.

All right. You gonna be okay to stay there
and monitor it if Mac comes back to us?

Well, I won't be alone.

Evan, I'm not sure about that.

I wouldn't have asked you
if I didn't need you here.

Mac, we'll be fine.


Just go do your job.

We won't do anything stupid.

I promise.

Don't stand in front of it,
and sh**t anything that comes out.

I'm on my way.

And I'll be running like mad,
'cause I'm leaving the taser with Toby.


He's not bad... For a guy.

He's kind of like the brother
that I never wanted.

Why do you keep looking at that thing?

Because the datastream
from the telemetry is incredible.

- I mean, if I can just figure out...
- Toby. It's not data.

It's miraculous.

It is.

You see, this is what I loved about you.

You always had a new adventure
planned for us,

like joining the Fatal Babes.

Well, you were just crazy enough
to give it a try.

I wasn't crazy.

Let's get closer.

No! Nat! No.


Guys, this is crazy.

This is gonna take us days.

And the second one is stalking us.

How about we just leave this one here

until we can get help to move it,
and chase the other one to the Anomaly?

I'm listening.

I think it just wants to go home.

It's been heading in the same direction
this whole time.

Maybe it's like a homing pigeon,

and we just need to give it a nudge
in the right direction.

So we can focus on the other one.

I guess its food back home
doesn't carry tranq r*fles and taser g*ns.

All right, let's do that.

Now we're just pissing it off.

That's the plan.

Then it'll want to go home.

Mac! Get out of the way!

Oh, shit!

Toby's on the bridge!



Toby! Get out of the way!



- You both okay?
- Yeah. We're okay.

Oh, wow.

So how long is this thing gonna stay open?

We haven't figured that part out yet.

We need to set up a perimeter,
make sure we don't lose any hikers.

And we still have to get the other creature
out of the forest and put it through.

- So, should I be calling Ken Leeds?
- No.

Okay, yeah.

I'll stay until he gets here.

Well, I can't call him
until I get back in cell range.

I'll drive her.

I'm in the middle of an important download.

Mac, you said you wouldn't do that.
Give it! Give it to me! Mac!

We pay them for this?

Not very well, if it's any consolation.

I gotta say, Leeds,

you really know how to make a silk purse
out of a sow's ass.

I never thought you'd make getting
Siberia'd to Project Magnet work for you.

I aim to serve.

If the guys on Point Frederick
could see us now.

Is that a personal camera?

What do you think you're doing?

Severe discretion, sir.
If anyone ever saw those...

They won't.

An ounce of prevention.
I won't tell the Colonel.

- Are you threatening me?
- I'm doing my job, sir.

Taking measures to ensure confidentiality.
If Evan ever knew about this...

Still taking directives from civilians?
You learn nothing in Kandahar?

I learned that it's the mission,
not the man, that matters.

Except when it comes to Evan Cross?

- Evan Cross is the mission.
- No, the Anomalies are.

And he's the only one who has a way
of locating them.

Why are you protecting him?

I'm not. I'm doing what's required
to achieve the mission's objective.

Or is it you you're protecting?

We need him, and he trusts me.

We only need what he has.

Once we get it, I guess
it's mission accomplished for you.

Well, if we push too hard,
we'll never get what we need.

There's always a way.
Or did you forget that too?