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01x05 - Undone

Posted: 10/20/22 09:46
by bunniefuu
If we mess this up,

it'll be the end of life as we know it.

Load 'em up!

- Are you ready?
- Yeah!

The goal of the game is to capture the flag
from Marshall House.

You must prevent them
from capturing our flag!

If you allow them to tear off the flag
that you're wearing,

then you are out of the game,
and you have let down your dorm-mates,

who will then never graduate
and end up in reality shows about hoarding!

- Are you clear?
- Yeah!

- Are you ready?
- Yeah!

Get flags!

Campus security.

Is this an emergency? Are you there?

Campus security.
Is this an emergency? Are you there?

Somebody, help me!

- How's the game going?
- Here's the question.

If "E" is the absolute value,
and "I" squared is the co-value,

what's the root coefficient?

That's funny,
I was just wondering that myself.

Cross takes the snap.

Fades back into the slot,
looks down the field, finds his man...

Oh! For the touchdown!

Not bad.

And here I thought
this whole genius millionaire thing

was just compensation for being
the last one picked in gym class.

The last one picked?

Actually, that was Kenny Paderno.

Heard he's a hedge fund mogul now.


So, what about you?

What's this whole savvy power woman thing
compensation for?

Oh, I don't need to compensate. I network.

Which is why I am so happy

that the new buyer for
the Soeng Group is a woman.

So they're interested.

China's busy buying everything else
in the world.

Why not our quantum dot technology?

Well, if they can keep us
from being financially dependent

on Ken Leeds and his government lunatics.

- Let me show you how it's done. Excuse me.
- All right.

Let's see what you got.

I'll call Soeng first thing in the morning.

You can keep working on your passing game.

Keep working on my passing game, huh?

Hey, Ange. Go long.

Come on, that was right in the numbers.

Yeah, right there.

That's the spot I can't reach.

Anywhere else, you let me know.

You don't have to work so late just for me.

You're working nights.

When else am I going to see you? Naked.

- This your house key?
- Hmm?

Around your neck.


Why are you wearing it in the shower?

No reason.

- Are you hoping I'd ask about it?
- No.

'Cause I don't need a key to your apartment.

Who says it's for you?

But if I want it, I know where to get it.

Toby, Toby, Toby.

Oh, you're in a good mood.

It's my zone, baby.
I get all my best ideas after hours.

Well, personally, I would like to have a life.

That's why I'm working on an app
that's going to buzz us

if the Anomaly detector gets a hit.

I am tired of babysitting this thing.

Well, who's going to keep me company?

Think I can make it?

While doing polynomials in your head?

Yes, I do.

What have we got?

We've got...

A delayed alert?

A delayed alert? I don't want delayed alerts.

Well, of course not,
but the system has to crunch

every cell phone signal in the city
looking for off-pattern data.

I mean, if you want faster alerts,
you've got to get me more servers.

Just how delayed?

The timestamp on the packet
is from thirty-four minutes ago.

But I mean, it's not a big deal, right?
Like, who's gonna be up at this hour?

At the university campus during frosh week?

Try narrowing the search field,
see if we can get a current status?


Current status...

It's already closed. That's good news.

Yeah, if nothing came through, it is.

Where the hell are you, Mac?

Oh, don't answer it.

It's Evan.

Tell him he owes me for pain and suffering.


What's up?

Hey, Mac, we've got a situation.
I need you in the field.

I'm on my way.

Another Anomaly?


So this is how we play it now?

I almost die trying to save you
from a giant bug,

and you pretend nothing happened?

Evan doesn't want you involved.

It's dangerous,
and the fewer people that are...

I'll just keep patrolling the parking lot.
Excellent use of resources.

What do you want me to do, Sam?

- It's Evan's call.
- I want in, Mac.

Talk to him.

God, you're sexy.

Well, you should see me
when I get what I want.

I can be very, very grateful.

"Who's gonna be up at this hour?"

Okay, my bad.

You getting anything?

It's hard to tell. The field flux is so low,
it could just be background.

It's not likely we'll get magnetic traces
from a closed Anomaly,

even with these new filters.

It's not likely, yeah, but it's still possible,

and wouldn't you rather find out now
while nothing is trying to eat us?

Hey, welcome to frosh week.

You're not going to give up on this, are you?

Nope. That's why you love me.

See anything?

Doesn't look like a T-Rex came through here,
if that's any comfort.

Maybe this time we're chasing
a Jurassic butterfly.

You'd need to get a smaller g*n.

Hey, our turf, our rules.

They're only on our turf by accident.

That's why we owe it to them
to put them back in their own habitat.

And if the Anomaly's already closed,
like this one?

What's with the blue lights?

It's an emergency system
that connects to campus security.

For att*cks.

Has anyone given you anything
to eat or drink tonight?

No. What do you mean?

Well, we have some cases of people
slipping dr*gs into drinks.

No, this was real!

It was like a dog, but it wasn't a dog.

It had these teeth, like, these huge fangs.

Are you sure that
no one's pulling a prank on you?

I mean, you never know
what people find funny.

No, this was an animal.
It chased me down here.

I barely made it into the bike lockup in time.

It was trying to get at me.

It only ran off
when it heard you guys coming.

You're okay now, Kate.
I mean, there's nothing here.

I can't believe this is how my first week
at school is turning out.

I'm sure it's going to get better.

- Now, what dorm are you in?
- Radcliffe.

Okay. I think it's best
if we walk you back to your room.

You'll find it, right? That animal?

We'll make sure everyone is safe.

She's lucky. She could be dead.

Well, she's not the only one
who could wind up dead.

Look at all these people out here.
What's her story?

It sounds like she was stalked down
that pathway away from the crowd.

If she's right about it being
some kind of canine or canine ancestor,

it makes sense.

Coyotes and hyenas,

they go after the stragglers
separated from the herd.

So it's a good thing that
there are a lot of people.

Safety in numbers.

And lots of witnesses.

Yeah, exactly, so let's get this wrapped up
before it becomes an issue.

Something was in these bushes.

It crossed that grass over there.

Hey, Evan?

I'm getting some readings.

You don't think the Anomaly
could have opened up here, do you?

Yeah, it's possible.

So, what do you think,
did it come back here after the attack?

It looks like it.

The tracks go to those blue light poles

and then they come back this way.


Come on, guys, we've got a job to do.

Yeah, right!

It's pretty overgrown down there.

Attractive habitat for a creature
out of its time.

No lights. A million places to hide. Perfect.

There are tracks in and out of here, too.

Apparently, it's going hunting in the library.

It's on unfamiliar territory
and it can't get home.

I don't think it's hunting.

- I think it's hiding.
- It's all the same.

Guys, let's just make sure
we're the ones who find it, all right?

And quickly.

Oh, my God. Look, there it is.

Dylan, you're with me.

You two, go in from down below.

It's inside.
Someone propped a door open.

The library's closed,
so unless this thing can open doors...

Looks like we might have
the little bastard cornered.

Stay close.

A lot of places to hide.


Little help!

Come on! Trap it!

Let him get outside.

Hey, guys, have you seen the creature?
We lost it at the stairs.

Haven't seen anyone
except the security guard, and...

Oh, shit, behind you!


We'd better bag that up to go.

What the hell are we supposed to do
with a tranq'd-up dinosaur

in the middle of the night?

You know the drill. We put it back.

What, through a closed Anomaly?

Looks like we'll have to wait for it to re-open.

What are the chances of that?

Unknown, our data set's too small.

You know, I love it when you talk
about my sat nav.

We've seen it happen before.

I can do some more readings,

maybe find out where
the Anomaly opened at least.

- Say we just snuff it while it's out.
- We're not doing that.

Why exactly does it matter
if we k*ll one man-eating lizard

from 500 million years ago?

Because, Mac,

one snowball can turn into an avalanche.

Don't you get it? If we k*ll one Stegosaurus,

then its great-great grand-stegosaurus
wouldn't be there to eat a bug

that could've eaten a snake,
that would've eaten a fish,

that could've evolved into a mammal,
and then guess what, we're all lizard-people.

Did you just say a bug ate a snake?

Really? That's what you got from that?

Would you two cut it out?

We have to focus on
getting this thing off campus.

It's not huge. We could cage it in a truck.

Yeah, good idea.

Sam's working night shift, isn't she?

- Yeah.
- Good.

Call her. Have her bring
the armoured cargo van down here.


She wants on the team, right?


Keep coming.

Little faster.

Loads of room. Loads of room.
Keep coming...

Sam, Sam! Close enough!

Got here as quick as I could, Mr Cross.

Evan. And we try not to drive
company vehicles at the speed of sound.

It annoys the neighbours.

I got it, sir.


And all right.

You first?


Side effect of the sedation I gave it.



That's tough luck on the shirt.

Make sure Toby doesn't stay all night.

At least you scored
some major points with Sam.

Maybe now she will finally take that key
that you've been wearing around your neck.

- What do you know about it?
- Are you kidding me?

You've been wearing that thing
for three days.

Why don't you just hold up a sign
that says, "I'm needy."

I'm not needy.

I'm wanty.

Okay. So, where are we going?

We know Cross Photonics is secure.

We'll take it back there
and put it in a loading bay.

Who else is in the building?

Just me and Bill Pearson on night duty.

Good guy. Zero curiosity about anything.

Well, it's definitely the right night for that.

And what's Ange gonna think
of making Cross Photonics

into a temporary dinosaur zoo?


She's never going to find out.

Mr Pearson.

Welcome back, Sam-I-Am.

Good evening, Mr Cross.
What do we have here?

It's a... It's a prototype.

Very unique technology.

Can't be very unique.
Either it's unique or it's not, right?

It's definitely "unique-er"
than your average unique.

We're going to be taking it out
before your shift ends.

Just make sure nobody comes near it.

We'll observe the high standards
of Cross Photonics Security, sir.


Hey, um,

call us if you need anything.

- A prototype?
- I don't want him deciding to get curious.

- Safer that way.
- Safer or simpler?

So you've tranq'd that thing up?

If I give it any more,
I could put it into respiratory failure.

Should be out for a minimum of three hours.

Okay, I'll work on finding a secure facility
in case we have to keep it.

Just until I come up with a better idea.

That girl needs to be convinced
that she didn't see a dinosaur.

You want me to ask her
if she's seen an Anomaly?

We've tried it your way. Now we try it mine.

Is it sad that I kind of miss all this?

Wait, you like that type?

I may have dated the captain
of the football team.

How did that turn out?

We broke up over a cheerleader.

Turns out we were both sleeping
with the same one.

That's her.

Hey, you're Kate?

We'd like to ask you a few questions
about the attack earlier.

Yeah, you and everyone else on campus.

You don't go here.

We're from the zoo.

That thing escaped from the zoo?

Yeah, yeah.

A couple of frat boys
stole an animal as a prank.

- A cheetah.
- A wolf.

But we've caught it now. It's all wrapped up.

You guys are serious, right?

It's not a joke. That thing really scared me.

We're dead serious.
We never joke about this kind of thing.

The animal's gone. You're safe now.

Does everybody who works at the zoo
end up smelling like you?

Did you see where it came from?

No, I just heard it up in the trees,
and then I ran.

Did you happen to see a light?

Something really bright
with a symmetrical rhythmic output?

Looked like a disco ball.

No, sorry. Nothing like that.

Well, thanks for your help.

It's definitely a therapsid,
something from the Gorgonopsidae family.

Okay, I've got the CCTV feed up.

Everything okay with Sam?

It won't be if Bill calls.

I think she's bluffing.

You can tell from that
grainy overhead camera?

You must be hell at the table.

You should try me sometime.

You're on.

All right, now I just have to get rid
of the delay in the alerts.

If that Anomaly recurs,
we have to get back there fast.

If it doesn't open again,

we could just start a permanent sanctuary
for stray dinosaurs.

We could call it Cross' Critters.

Only if you muck out the stalls.

You'd be the first person in the world
to show people a Lycaenops.

It's a Permian predator
from what's now South Africa.

It's a reptile, but more like a wolf than a cat.

See, this is all part of my plan.

I let you think you're kicking my ass,
and then in the last hand,

I sweep in and take all your money.

So your plan involves me kicking your ass?

That way your overconfidence
works in my favour.

Gotta make room for more coffee.
And don't look at my cards.

I don't know what you're talking about.

This is a waste of time.

It's a hypothesis, Mac.

Even if we prove it wrong,
it's still information.

I should've said no.

I shouldn't have brought Sam into this.

Last time I checked,
you don't give work assignments.

And Sam is pretty kickass.

I'm sure she can handle herself.

Oh, my God, the Anomaly, it opened.


Damn it!

Closed again. Great.

Well, maybe it will come back,
and we can send that creature home after all.


Hey, it's me.

- Hey, me.
- Where are you?

- Whatcha doing?
- Oh, you know, official business.

Anything exciting?

Not really. This dino stuff is really boring.

You wouldn't like it.

You're so lying.

I know you went out on a limb
to get me into this, and I am going to...

- thank you like you've never been thanked.
- Well...


Get back over here.

I think someone may be
trying to steal this prototype.

Shit, Mac, I gotta go.
I'll see you in a little while, okay?

Sam, wait.


- What is it?
- Something's wrong.

She's not answering.

This is security!

I'm opening up this door.

What the hell?

Did she say the creature had gotten out?

It didn't sound like she was with Bill.

She got a call from him on the radio
while we were talking!

She left Bill by himself in the loading bay.

The creature's still tranquillised, right?

Yeah. In theory.

We're coming back!

Look, if there's a problem, we'll handle it.
We'll be there in a minute.

I wasn't asking.

Mac, we don't even know what happened.

Let's find out.


Oh, my God, Bill.


The tranq I gave it...

It must have an incredibly fast metabolism.

Ange does the interviewing.

But when it comes time to let someone know
they got the job,

she always lets me make the call.

So they'll be loyal to me.

Bill was here for four years.

Sam, three.

Mac, you don't want to see this.

Wake up.

I'm sorry, Mac.

No tranquillisers?

When an animal kills,
it's my job is to put it down.

The old rules don't apply.

That would've meant a lot to me
two hours ago.

Mac, just... Just slow down.

There's 100,000 square feet
of factory floor out there.

- We need a plan.
- This is on your head.

I have a plan. To k*ll it.


Don't do this, Mac.

- Mac!
- Evan, I found something.

- Where?
- Look, right there.

On the edge.

It's coming out of the vent
that leads to the roof.

How did it get there from the loading bay?

- It didn't.
- The markings are different.

Shit. A second one must have come
through the Anomaly when it reopened.

It's a good foot taller than the first.
I'm guessing this one's a male.

How the hell could this happen?

How did that thing find us?


It must have followed the scent of the female.

It's not unusual for animals
to smell pheromones from miles away.

Or it followed the smell on Mac.

Oh, God.

- What?
- Mac, you've got to stop what you're doing

and go take a shower.

- Are you mad?
- There's a second creature and it's here.

It must have followed the smell of urine
on your clothes.

It followed us?

Mac, there's a target painted on your back.

Perfect. It'll come right to me.

Yeah. You don't want that.

Oh, I assure you, I do.

It will k*ll you before you even see it, Mac.

You won't have a chance, okay? You just...

You need to take a shower. Now.

Change your clothes, okay? Right now.


We gotta go find him.

Evan, we're past that.

I thought you were trying
to keep them alive, too.

I am.

I was trained to make it first priority
to get them back to their own habitats.

But I also know that once they k*ll,
they have to be destroyed.

No! Evan's right.

If k*lling these things could change our past,

then they need to be protected,
no matter what.

Even if they k*ll the people we love.

Believe me, there's no one
that wants to k*ll these things more than I do.

- But we can't.
- That's a theory, Evan.

You can't know what would happen.

Unless there's something
you're not telling me.

Keep scanning the video.
Let me know if you see Mac.

What about the Lycaenops?

Mac first. I'm not finding another body.

These creatures are predators,
adapted for stealth.

- Keep your eyes open.
- I plan on it.

I'm guessing the female is the hunter.

The male will look for her,
but if anything gets in its way...

It's my fault.


Bringing the female here. It was my decision.

Let's just find Mac.

You just try me.

Evan, I found Mac.

He just passed the clean room.
He's heading towards the lehr.

He's chasing one of those things,
but I can't tell which one.

Okay, yeah.
If I pick him up again, I'll call you right back.

Come on, Mac.

Show your skinny British ass.

She said he's heading toward the lehr?

Yeah, it's a kiln for the photonics.

You see anything?

About a million places to hide.

You're looking in the wrong direction.


It hides up there.

Kate said it was trying to get at her
from above.

Makes sense if it's a jungle creature.

Best view would be in the trees
looking down.


- Is it the male or the female?
- Who cares?

The male will lead us to the female.


If I get a shot, I'm taking it.

Not if I'm around.

Go ahead, Toby.

Evan? Can you hear me?

What is it?

- Toby?
- It's here.

Let's move!


Get down!


- You all right?
- Yeah.


What are you going to say to make it better?


arrange for the offices to be closed
the rest of the week.

Dylan, secure the firearms
and put these animals in the freezer.

I'll call Lieutenant Leeds
and work out a cover story for the police.

Then I'll notify the families.


I'm fine.