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06x05 - Thunderstruck

Posted: 10/20/22 08:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...


This piece of trash
is with al-Sham Brigade.

It appears our enemy has arrived.

OMAR: Says his name is Hamal.

Claims he saved them
from al-Sham sn*pers.

Over here, uh, messing
with your stem cell schedule?

JASON: Yeah, I missed
one treatment already.

But you know, look, I'm good.

If I can attach a BLE sniffer
to Hamal's phone...

The next time the IP pings,

we'll know if they're in the vicinity.

And if they are, then we...

we got the group that hit the Crampton.

Maybe we should cut down
on Brian's hours at daycare.

With you at work
and-and Brian places to be,

I just... I feel like
I'm not pulling my weight.

My love, you're focusing on yourself

and your recovery.

All you gotta do is walk in the building

that al-Sham's strongholding,

all right? It's easy.
You're in, you're out.

We're giving that kid a chance
to earn his freedom, okay?

Freedom Hayes already agreed to.

We were sent here to avenge the deaths

of Americans, you understand?


Oh, my God. oh, my God. Oh, my God!

Brian? It's okay. It's okay.

It's just... the s...
the smart-sock, it fell off.

It's fine. It's a false alarm.

I had everything under control.

Nothing in his phone's
gonna give him away, right?

Not as long as he keeps it
in his pocket.

He did it. The IPs are populating.

What's this guy doing?

JASON: Walk away, kid.
Come on, a long walk.


OMAR: Your team.

Your call.



♪ ♪

listening to binaural audio therapy

for brain plasticity.

Let the entrancing soundscape
aid your cognitive functioning,

memory, and relaxation.

Allow the stress to fall away,
as your mind heals itself.

♪ ♪







- Thank you for believing in me.
- JASON: Okay.








[WHISPERING]: Oh, what the f*ck?



RAY: Leave it all in the customer
satisfaction survey

- when we check out.
- SONNY: All right.

Is this house haunted, or
were you up all night, Jace?

RAY: I heard the floorboards creaking

with that sharky-ass signature of yours.

And you left the sandwich stuff out.

Man, I ever tell you guys
about my paranormal experience

at my Grand-Ninny's house?

I was up. Didn't eat.

If your brain can't remember it,
the carbs don't count.

Mess was mine. I was up, too.

The two of you in a low hover,

- and you didn't bump into each other?
- Stop.

Yeah, I usually sleep well.

The last few nights since that op,

sending Hamal back
in the lion's den, not so much.

I spent the night scanning
!sis and al-Sham chatter,

but it was a wash.

No mention of the Crampton attack.

We've been poking around
in Syria for the past two weeks,

and we haven't still
figured out who the hell

blasted our ship. I mean, come on, man.

I'd much rather be back home
right now helping Clay.

Look, the task we had Hamal do
for us could still pay off.

Those cell phones he put on our radar,

they are live, and we are tracking 'em,

so the next time we get a hit
on the weapons buyer's IP

that we came here chasing,

we'll see if those cell phones
are near it.

And that's gonna tell us
if the militia's the group

that hit the Crampton or not, period.

How long are we gonna wait to say it?

Tearing up that kid's golden ticket,

tossing him to the wolves,

that Hail Mary fell short.

No one's happy about what
happened to Hamal in there.

We don't like it. How big of us.

- We did it.
- I did it. It was my call, all right?

You got a f*cking problem with that?

- RAY: And it wasn't for nothing. Hold up.

Take a look at this.

That is the IP used
to purchase the rockets

that hit the Crampton.
It just popped up.

Brigade's cell phones that Hamal

helped us track down all around it.

That just f*cking confirms
right there, right,

that the militia att*cked
the USS Crampton

and k*lled American sailors.

We finally got some payback
in our crosshairs,

now that we know who we're after.

- That's right.
- RAY: And where they live.

Concentration of the cell phones
in this little two-block area

of a town called Ajami says that
that's the hornets' nest.

Look at those little f*ckers
swarming around there.

That is a whole lot of evil
in a cul-de-sac of suck.

What, you think the shot-callers
are there, too?

On us to find out.

SONNY: Mm-hmm.


- RAY: We need to go all in on recon.

Rotate two-man teams
to surveil that area.

Turn cell phones into names,
faces, and ranks.

But the Brigade owns that neighborhood.

All eyes in it belong to them

and will be watching for outsiders.


We loop Dev Group in on what we uncover

and let the intel crew
help us see the matrix.

We build out the org chart,

see who's at the top of the food chain.


RAY: That's our man,
al-Sham's ace of spades,

Jamar Yasiri.

Syrian national who cut a bloody path

through the ranks in Afghanistan

for the past decade
before settling back here.

Hitting a U.S. ship , miles away,

that's a page out of UBL or Zarqawi,

take your local terror global.

Ooh, homeboy's ambitious.

We, uh, we got an address
for this shitheel?

Davis's team is working on it right now.

And when we get it, Yasiri's gonna learn

that payback is a m*therf*cker.

♪ ♪

Babe, that's great!

That means the center could be opened up

sooner than we thought.

Ah. All right.

I love you, too.


My baby. [SIGHS]

OMAR: Good news?


Badass wife macheted through
the Navy financial red tape

on this project we're working on.

Couple of me-first frogmen
make a few bucks

off their Tridents, the rest
of us get cavity checks

every time we open a credit card.


This is your, uh, vet center?

I heard about that.

Yeah. Yeah, we got a space,

we're staffing up.

Could be open in a month.


- Something you always wanted to do?
- No.

Not really.

But I went through some
things that lit the fire.

I've been meaning to ask you about that.

I mean, you're a legend in the teams.

First frogman ever taken.



I mean, it's gotta be hard
for you to be back here

in Syria, no?

Shit, I can't even eat
at the same Thai spot

my ex and I loved.

Sorry. Not my business.

RAY: No.

No, you know what?

Uh... It's okay.


it had crossed my mind.

But the... the place

that they had me c*ptive
in the end, Tartus...

- ... it's a long way away from here.
- Mm.

But, uh...

... it's never that far away from me.

Yeah, some things you never shake.

I'm good now, though.

But for a minute there,

it felt like I had been broken in half

and put together crooked,
you know? [CHUCKLES]

OMAR: But you went
straight back to operating.

RAY: Didn't know what else to do.

OMAR: Yeah, who does?




JASON: I need to talk to you, man.

- Up here.
- RAY: All right.

What's up?

Now he's grilling you
about your captivity.

[SIGHS] Really?

That was you playing lifeguard.
I did not need that.

He is asking you questions

about when you were operating
and struggling.

What if he catches wind
about you freezing up

when Brock needed you that day?

And here I was, hoping
that your paranoia

about Omar was simmering down.

Ray, you have more to lose than I do.

If he blows the whistle about
you playing hurt, then what?

You lose your bird,
your pension, your vet center.

Everything, up in smoke, gone.

Omar has been at this long enough

to know none of us
are in mint condition.

He is not gonna dime anyone out.

Shh, shh. Stop.

Just don't give him the a*mo, all right?

We deal with Yasiri,

then when we get back home,
we deal with Omar.

You'll be jumping in two sticks.

Four per stick.

Now, the plane will racetrack
for ten minutes

until the first jumpers are
confirmed in the drop zone.

Both sticks will go on bag
at my -minute warning.

Hey, I already checked
those reserve flaps.

Hey. You think I'm not doing my job?

Trust me, man, I've seen
what the f*ck can go wrong

with a reserve chute.

Okay? I don't need you checking my work.

- Spenser, easy...
- Shut your mouth, Karlson.

Hey, protocol is two inspectors
check the gear, Spenser.

What the hell's got you on tilt?

Take a seat, the rest
of us will handle this.


You've reached Clay.
You know what to do.

What's all this?

Uh, just trying to create something.

Clay's medkit got blown clean off him

right before I got to him,

and I ended up having to use mine,

and that is no bueno.

So, what are you thinking?

I think if I could flatten it all out

and stretch out my blow kit

and put it under my ballistic plate...

Actually, that's a pretty
smart idea, Sonny.

Why does every damn
compliment I ever get

always start with "actually"?

Look, I'm the one guy
who's always been saying

you're more than just a sh**t.

Yeah, you've always seen
my potential way before I did.

I mean, you did draft me, after all.

Yeah. Yeah.

Actually, I got stuck
with the last pick, so...


Hey, so, uh, what Clay went through...

You're, uh, just... trying
to help the next guy.

Something to do between cracking skulls

and getting back to help Clay.

You hear from him? You know, I...

I tried texting him. I didn't hear back.

No, no, I... I haven't heard
from him, either.

But, you know, uh... you know Clay.

- He's just probably busy, or...
- Yeah, I mean,

between Green Team and his family,

he's got a lot on his plate.

Once there's a check-in from Echo Team,

- I want to vet their Caracas package.
- Yes, ma'am.

Lieutenant, I've got something on Syria.

Thank you.

It's still unclear why
a local Syrian militia

ventures to the coast of Turkey
to attack our ship, but...

"Why" comes after "who" and "where".

What do we have on Yasiri?

FRS identified this man
as having been born

in the same tiny village as Yasiri.

Close in age, must go
way back with the boss.

Well, if anybody's getting face time

with Yasiri, it'd be him.

And this building he went into
three times last week,

check out these cell phone patterns.

Two times, a cell phone goes
into that building,

and minutes after emerging,

initiates a down-network
cascade of communications.

What's that sound like to you?

Soldiers getting their orders.

My money says the man
that's giving them is in there.


Ah. Yo, I need a team

to get eyes on a possible HVT location.

Well, all right. I'll roll with Sonny.

Well, yeah, you see,
Sonny's on a supply run

with Brock and Trent, and
I gotta hold it down here.

- So, that just leaves...
- Me and Omar.

Awkward car rides
are a small price to pay

for a shot at our white whale.

- Yep.
- Yep.

Way you swooped in
when Ray was telling me

about his captivity...

you weren't protecting him
from me, were you?

- Ray can take care of himself.
- Check.

But he must have needed it back then.

I mean, kitting right back up
after what he went through?

He must have leaned hard
on the whole team.

Had to have been some moments
you all had to carry him.


Look, despite whatever noise you heard

about my time at Foxtrot,
I want you to know,

I would have carried Ray, too.

Do it for any teammate.

What happened with Foxtrot
at the end there?

I heard you and Hancock
were like water and oil, huh?

[SMACKS LIPS] Yeah, whatever our issues,

they were personal, never tactical.

Right, so you saved
the tactical questions for me.


Like I said about Hamal...

your team, your call.

Look, what happened to Clay, you know,

with what he went through,
and any way to keep my guys

out of the fire, I'll take that.

Just... sending in Hamal was, uh,

the least terrible option.

Just wish it turned out better.

w*r got that kid.

Wasn't you. And that call put us here.


That's him. That's Yasiri, right there.

OMAR: Holy shit.

Yo, we could take him right now.


Are there... are there
any other enemy with him?

I'm only seeing the one.
Shit, let's move.


[ECHOING]: We'll pull up,
get the drop on the guard,

throw Yasiri in the truck,
and we're gone.

- Hold up.
- No, no, no, we gotta move.

- He's gonna go back inside.
- Stop the truck.


We've been made.
Get us the f*ck outta here.

No. We're clean, let's do this.

JASON: I said we're f*cking
made. We're made.

Get us the f*ck outta here, now.

The hell happened out there?

- Confirmed Yasiri's location.
- OMAR: Yeah.

Asshat was right in front
of us, we had him.

No shit. Y'all move on him?

Yeah, we couldn't. Got burned.

OMAR: [SCOFFS] My ass, we were.

Civilian saw us, ran off,

set up a flag. Had to bail.

Civilian? It was a clueless kid.

We were clear.

Why don't you say what
really went down out there?

You don't trust me.

Whether it's new-guy bullshit
or Foxtrot rumors,

when it came time to execute,
you didn't think I could,

and so you pulled the ripcord.
f*ck this.


Well, guess that one-on-one
with Omar didn't go so well.

I really thought we were burned, Ray.

HVT in your sights and you stand down?

That is a new look for you.


[EXHALES SHARPLY]: It's my head.

It's my head.

I had my sights on Yasiri,
and the whole world

just dropped out underneath me.

Ringing in my skull, vertigo, tinnitus,

the whole f*cking thing, man.

That's textbook symptoms.

I couldn't put Omar at risk
knowing I was compromised.

- There's no way.
- And you couldn't tell him why,

and you couldn't let him take the lead.

Yeah. Anyone else out there with me,

I would have been able to do it, but...


Jace, right now, bigger picture

is even the people you trust,
they don't know what happened.

As far as any of 'em know,
you think Omar's shaky.

And if Bravo thinks...

Look, if we don't get
another, uh, another shot here

at Yasiri, Command's gonna
start asking questions

that I do not want Omar to answer.

We gotta put all of our energy
into finding this dirtbag, Ray.

Jace, right now,

the way you got everybody
eyeballing Omar,

mission success is no guarantee.

I mean, before we roll anywhere,
the rest of the team

has to know that Omar
is a good piece of gear.

[WHISPERING]: Come on, man.


So, it was just you,
the admiral, and the president?

Oh, I was quaking
in my junior grade shoes.

Had no business being there.

But the admiral I was working for

was a tremendous mentor.

Oh, gosh, it's so nice to find
someone like that, ma'am.

... looked at me

and asked a question
he often asks of colleagues.

"What keeps you up at night?"

That's not rhetorical.


Well, honestly, ma'am,

lately it's worry that
the US Crampton attack

has drawn us into yet another quagmire

that necessitates high-risk,
low-impact ops.

Considering the recent history of Syria,

certainly worthy of some lost sleep.

- And you?
- Oh.

The stakes of it all.

How failing to have a full view
of the playing field,

or gauge the proper response

could cause geopolitical repercussions

that last a generation or more.

Well, after our lunch,
I'm trying to have a fuller view

of the playing field.

You were right, of course;

I'll have a far bigger impact
on our committee

by figuring out how my objectives

align with my colleagues.

I've found it's always easier
to sell my ideas

when I'm not wearing them on my sleeve.

I didn't realize I was selling anything,

just arguing for what I feel is right.

Well, a dose of Madison Avenue
won't hurt your cause,

now that you got
the K Street schmoozing down,

inviting me here.

I'm here because I believe in you.

I know you'll fight like hell
for what you care about.

I want to arm you for that.


I am so sorry, ma'am.

I am needed back at work.

Thank you for this.

Go turn that insomnia into action.

This is why we normally
put it in his crib

when it comes out of the laundry.

Well, we have time to find it now

while he's asleep.

Well, you don't want to hear him
wake up screaming

because he doesn't have
his favorite doll.

- What are we searching for?
- Brian's stuffed duck.

Oh-ho-ho, yeah, no,
we need to find that one.

Sooner rather than later, if possible.


Is your leg hurting, babe?
You can sit, we got it.

My leg is fine.

There, it's between the couch
and the table there.

- Ah. [HISSES]
- Oh.

- Honey...
- I had it.

- I had it.
- I'm paid to help.

With Brian, not me.

You know what, thank you so much, Mia,

I think we got it. Everything
else was good today?

- Yeah, he was hungry.
- Oh, good.

- See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow.

- MIA: Okay.
- STELLA: Appreciate it.

Mia's really great with Brian, right?

I'm sure you two are gonna
get on the same page soon.

Yeah, it's fine. I'm rolling with it.

I'm just trying to take some
of the pressure off of you.

Between Green Team and your recovery,

you're just... you're juggling so much.

How was work?

Your Green Teamers still excited

to have a world-class door-hitter

showing them the way?

Got nothing to prove to them.

Work was work.

That's all I get?

You realize you were
a lot more chatty with me

about your work day when
it was in actual violation

- of national security?

I'm sorry that my career change
has been so hard on you.


I feel like you've really
been struggling

the last few weeks.

Are you missing Bravo?

I'm sure that you are.

Being with Green Team
is not like being with them.

But... [SIGHS]

When you took time off for your family,

you knew it would be different, right?

[SIGHS] I need to get some air.


Son of a bitch.

I was worried it was about Jason's head.

Just wish I was the one
backstopping him.

But you know Omar is rock-solid
in the field, right?

Yeah, of course he is,

'cause you don't get to IC
by pissing down your leg.

You know, besides, I kinda like Omar.

Just don't tell Jace that.

Well, see, that's the problem.

Jason's inability to bring Omar
into the circle of trust,

it just... it hurts Bravo
inside and outside the wire.

Yeah, and missing our shot with Yasiri,

Command's gonna start asking questions

if we don't get another crack at him.

Yeah, make it even more important

that he shows Omar all
his cards sooner than later.

Okay, well, my two cents:

Jason has been more
Jason than usual lately.

All right? Now, we force him
to try and trust Omar,

it's just gonna backfire on us.

We all know what happens
when Bravo gets cornered.


This place is bad enough without that.



Yes, sir.

We'll dig right into this
new package right away.

Our Batphone just rang.

Looks like we're about
to put on our action tights.

Intercepted communications
from cell phones

within Yasiri's circle indicate
that he has changed locations.

He is now believed to be at a property

near the border city of Suluk.

I'll punch his ticket to wherever he is,

change of address don't matter.

His reasons for being there might.

Intel says that he plans
on using the location

as a base to launch an offensive

against a nearby !sis compound.

We're gonna hit an HVT at his own base?

Oh, sure, step into
a fully-revved w*r machine,

but a tweenage civilian
scares us off. That tracks.

It is unclear what type of force
he will have at this compound.

But Yasiri is elusive enough

that we may never get
another shot at him.

Well, we'll take this one.

- Damn straight.
- RAY: No, hold up.

With the unknowns
we're facing on this op,

there is absolutely no room for mistrust

or miscommunication.

All right. Let's hammer it out now.

Anyone have doubts about me, speak up.

Look, repping the Trident
for years speaks for itself.

We all trust you outside the wire.

Besides, rolling up against
a w*r machine like this,

we're gonna need the extra help
you hooked us up with.


This man Yasiri
is preparing to attack !sis,

and you ask us to help stop him?

The irony is not lost
on us either, Commander,

but this is the best way
to cut the head off

of the al-Sham Brigade snake.

One snake in a nest of many.

They are striking each other.

Why put my soldiers between their fangs?

Bravo will be the tip of the spear.

Your troops will be in good hands.

They're in my hands.

What happens to them, I'm the one

whose heart carries it.

Right, Master Chief?

I agree with you.

Good leader always puts the safety

of his warriors first, but inaction

comes at a price, too.

What if you were able to take out !sis

before it even became !sis?

If you could wipe out
all that bloodshed?

- This enemy is not !sis.
- JASON: Give it time.

- NOURI: You believe that?
- Mm-hmm.

Enough for me to risk their lives?

Look, I know you'd do anything
to protect them.

But what we do today

could protect them for years to come.


They're in.

The Hayes magic works again.

♪ ♪

For all we know, the Brigade
owns the whole area.

Enemy staging inside

might not be the only ones
we're up against.

Sonny, Brock, stay back with YPJ,

be the blocking force. On me.

Copy, boss. This way.


No sign of the HVT.

All right, let's move, we got
two more buildings to clear.


Move, Yezda, move, move!

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]


Shit, Yasiri's squirting.

Bravo , this is Mako .

Our HVT is moving to a vehicle

on the green side of Building Two.

You have eyes on?

Negative, , we're taking
heavy fire down here.

My dance card's full!

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

f*ck, we're losing him again!

Bravo , hold tight,
we're going after the HVT.

Hurry back! We can't fight

this daddy-daughter dance-off forever.


♪ ♪

What the hell is he stopping for?

Bravo , this is Mako .
Why the slowdown?

HVT vehicle has come to a stop.




Yasiri's gone, Jace.

Oh. Come on.

What the f*ck was that, an RPG?

Moving too fast, came
screaming in from above.

f*cking kidding me, a f*cking drone?

A drone with that payload?

Where'd Yasiri get his hands on that?

You mean, on those.


Better get the f*ck off target, boys.

Bravo , this is , we're
headed back to your pos.

Coming in hot with armed UAVs above.

Find a piece of cover.


I really hope you're hallucinating.

Try to make a run for it
in these vehicles,

the eye in the sky
will just keep following.

They're not gonna stop hunting us.


Oh, m*therf*cker!

Drones are zeroing in.
We're about to get eaten up!

Ray, top of that building.
GCS equipment?

Yasiri was based out of here
for his attack on !sis.

- It might be his TOC.
- Could be where the drone pilots are.

- Long shot at best, Jace.
- It's all we got right now.

If the drone pilots are in there,

it's the last place they'll strike.

Trent, Omar, Brock. With Ray, move!

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

[LOUD g*nf*re]

- The hell did that come from?
- Down there on the left.

They were piloting the drones from here.

Yeah, pilots heard us coming,
covered their tracks,

detonating any SSE
we could have grabbed.

Not the typical MO of street thugs.

JASON: Mako , we got heavy g*n
making late entry out here.

Need more sh**t.

Let's move. Ray, move.

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

You stopped the drones, but
we are running out of cover.

- We need to take out that g*n!
- No shit, we're trying.

- What about air support?
- Enemy has too many assets.

When's the last time you said that?

- I need to do something!
- Stay in the fight.

We survive this, we'll be able to exfil.

Inaction has a price, too.

Commander, there are more enemy inbound.

We can't stay here.

- Where the hell are you going?
- Commander!

It's the way it must be!


RAY: Enemy's moving on her!

JASON: Keep them pinned down.

She's Winchester! We gotta help her out!

- They're gonna take her alive.
- She won't let them.



Christ! f*ck!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Oh, no, no, no! Hey! Hey!

Back, get back, get back!

Listen, she did that
to protect all of you.

She did that to protect
all of you, okay?

Don't mess it up! Get in.

Move! Move!


[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

♪ ♪




I just heard what happened
on Bravo's Yasiri op.

I feel sick.

No one imagined that al-Sham Brigade

possessed UAV airstrike capabilities.

Well, I should have.
If I had been more focused

- on their target package...
- You did your job.

We can't see around every corner.

But there were signs that the Brigade

is playing on a different level
than other regional militias.

Start with the fact that
they went international

to hit the Crampton.

It's hard to draw a line
from that to the idea

that they'd have
-million-dollar drones.

Yes. So, there's only one answer

that makes any sense.

They didn't have those weapons.
Someone else provided them.


Someone using the Brigade
as a proxy force.

The Syrian regime,
or one of the other hands

in the pot over there...
Russia, Turkey, Iran.

If there is a larger force at play,

it's doing more than
just providing weapons.

It's winning
the information game as well.

What the hell does that mean?

Al-Jazeera reported
that the drone strikes

that tore up that city
were ex*cuted by the U.S.,

including the one that
took out the building

with ten children in it.

The failed op,

the black eye of that fake news...

Command's hand has been forced.


You've come to pay honor.
That is noble of you.

Yezda, we can't tell you
how sorry we are for your loss.


JASON: We owe our lives
to her sacrifice.

Commander Nouri, she was a true leader.

YEZDA: Yes, she always looked after us

instead of herself.

We will celebrate her today,
sing her name out

as she joins the convoy of martyrs.

And then, we will truly honor her.

With you by our side,
we will slay the animals

that took her from us.

I'm afraid we can't do that. Uh...

What do you mean?

You can find Yasiri again.

We're getting pulled back
to the States tomorrow.

You are leaving us?

Yezda, look, I know it's a shit end

to the deal, okay?

It was up to us, you'd
be our ride-or-die.

Commander warned us...

the Americans would only let us down.

It's not our call.

Politics. I'm sorry.

Your master's whistling, you go running.

You are no warriors.

You should not be here.


♪ ♪


- STELLA: Hey.



- Hey.
- Where's Mia?

I told her not to come today.


Don't worry. Brian's still alive.

Mm, we could interview other options.

If you want, we can talk about it.

It doesn't matter who's here.

I'm sorry, then I'm not understanding

what the... what the issue is.


You don't trust me with my own son.

Why-why would you say
something like that?

Look, I-I saw the way that
you looked at me that night,

when his monitor was
going off, and you thought

that because of my leg, I wasn't
gonna be able to help him,

- I was just gonna let him...
- That was not what I was thinking.

- Of course it was.
- No, it wasn't.

Why else would you have
someone here babysitting me?

I'm trying to make things
easier for you.

Just f*cking be honest
with me, seriously!




Look, I have overcome every obstacle

that I've ever faced in my life,
and now all of a sudden,

people just that I'm incapable
of the simplest shit.

Honey, I'm just trying to help you.

- No one's trying...
- I don't need your help, okay?

Or Mia's, or some assh*le
at Green Teams.

- Or Sonny's.
- What?

Yeah, he-he left me a message.

He said he's been trying
to reach you for a week,

and he hasn't heard from you,

and that he's worried about you.

So, you can't be honest with me,
but you and Sonny

can conspire behind my back?

No one is conspiring behind your back.

I haven't even talked to him.

Hear what I'm saying. Can we just...


STELLA: What are you doing?

Clay, what are you doing? Don't go.

What are you doing?


Oh, no, no. No, seriously.

It's okay, baby. It's all
right, Mommy's here.

Stop it. Honey, stop.


I don't know what
you're doing right now,

but please, don't do that.

- Where are you going?
- He's the one who needs you.

- Don't go.

- Clay, don't go!