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03x03 - The Compass

Posted: 10/20/22 07:56
by bunniefuu

Shifu... you ok?

My memories from before
are returning. Heh!

My body, it is taking longer.

Well, you know, considering...

- I was dead? Mmm.

You're feeling better, right,
since you smashed the pendant?

I have.

I am hopeful it severed
Xiao's connection to me.

Perhaps I am merely... out of practice.

NICKY: Well, that's what I'm here for.

- You, me training again,

almost like nothing's changed.

Only now, you are teaching me.

Change is inevitable, my child.

To move forward,

change must be embraced

in all areas of one's life.

You mean romantically?


I never should have
introduced you to the family.

You can tell Althea that just because I

haven't given her any
news about me and Bo,

I have been embracing change plenty.

I am glad to hear it.

- NICKY: Shifu.
- PEI-LING: Hmm?

That change thing.

You should try it, too.

Other than one family dinner,
you haven't been out much,

and I love having you back, but
this isn't just our second chance.

It's yours, too.



- MEI-LI: Lao Gong?
- JIN: Oh.

Lao Gong, everything ok?

Yeah, all good.

- Breaker tripped.
- MEI-LI: Oh.

I thought the house
was haunted. Heh heh!

Yeah, haunted by Althea.

Have you seen the stuff
she's been plugging

in the wall every
morning, just for her hair?

It's like high school all over again.

I don't mind. Ah, give
me something to do.

- MEI-LI: Oh, so you're

not gonna take it, the job offer?

Eh, Anthony's a good
kid, and I'm flattered.

Politics? That's not who I am.

Little late to jump into those waters.

Besides, you get in, it changes you.

Or you can change it.

The city needs someone
like you, Lao Gong.

really mind if it's not... ♪


So, vegan marshmallows, huh?

Mm-hmm. Don't knock
'em till you try 'em.

MCINTOSH: ♪ if anybody
deserves a moment ♪

NICKY: How's this?

- MCINTOSH: ♪ just like you ♪
- BO: Looks amazing.

MCINTOSH: ♪ to make
you think about... ♪

Time for a taste test.

Well, hold on, hold on.

♪ Free, babe ♪

♪ if everybody got a moment ♪

♪ just like you ♪

Or this?

♪ So go on, go on and get home ♪

- ♪ go on, go on ♪

You got to get that?

Only to put it on silent.

- ♪ Home, go on, go on ♪
- _

Actually, I, um, I have to take this.

- Hey, Evan, what's up?

I just got a call from
an old FBI contact.

looking for someone...

- Henry.
- NICKY: Why? What... what happened?

EVAN: Well, details are fuzzy,

but it sounds like Henry
broke into a museum in Iceland.

Someone ended up dead.

Th... they think he k*lled someone?

EVAN: Interpol's declared
Henry a person of interest.

The FBI has been tasked with tracking
him down. They want to talk to you.


Nicky, what do you want to do?

Come on. Just up ahead.

Welcome to our humble abode.

Where is Suyin?

The Harvester got her.

Who is she?

This is Zhilan.

She's with us now.

Is this everyone?

Someone you're hoping to see?

Seems like we were
scattered to every corner

of... whatever this place is.

I'm guessing there are
still others out there.

What is this?

SIMON: That's a memorial,

the names of all the spirits

the Harvester has taken.

SIMON: Zhang Fang-s...

- Was she...
- My mother.

I'm sorry.

SIMON: She was part of our camp.

She was one of the first to fall.

She talked about you,

- said she was looking for her daughter.

Wasn't me she was looking for.

- And you have had no contact since?
- No.


Sorry. I... that's a
little hard to believe.

You were dating Mr. Yan for over a year.

Now you're living in his apartment

and working at his old job,

and you haven't heard a
word from him in months?

It's the truth.

It... it wasn't a great breakup,

but he's a good person.

If he's in trouble, I want to help.

Is there anything you can tell me?

We just want to ask him some questions.

RYAN: Ah! Yeah, this is
bad, like, really bad.

I mean, do we know anything else
about Henry and this... m*rder?

- NICKY: No, agent was a brick wall.

I mean, there's got to be
something we could do, right?

[SIGHS] If I wasn't in Internet jail,

I would have just hacked
into the agent's tablet

and peeked at the case details.

- I'm sorry.
- RYAN: Ok, this went down

in Iceland. We put our focus there.

No, local authorities and
Interpol combed the country.

- I think Henry's moved on...
- RYAN: You think?

Have you tried everything to reach him?!

- NICKY: Yes.
- RYAN: Have you

- called, texted, emailed?!
- ALTHEA: Ryan...

I did. I've tried everything!

When Henry left, I looked everywhere,

even reached out to the Wan Zai.

He's completely
disconnected from the world,

from me.


Uh... I'm sorry.

It's just...

If one of us was in trouble,

Henry'd drop everything to help.


NICKY: I'm so sorry about cutting
our date short the other night.

No, I get it. You had to
help your friend out again.

Actually, it was a
different friend this time.

My... ex-boyfriend.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

Is that a serious thing?

Yeah. It... it was.

Um, for what it's worth,
we're, like, really exes,

like, "haven't spoken in months" exes.


So what's going on?

There was a m*rder in Iceland,

and Henry's wanted
for questioning. He...

- Thank you so much.
- SERVER: I'll be with you shortly.


I know he's innocent,
but he's in trouble.

I don't know how to find him,
and Althea's got some ideas,

but she's outta
commission tech-wise, so...

So... you need my help?

Obviously, you can say no.

Ok. Uh, this wasn't
what I was expecting.

What do you need?

I need you to hack into
an FBI agent's computer.






progress finding Henry?

Uh, nope. Nicky says he's
completely unreachable.


You looking for something?

RYAN: My earbuds. They were right here.

SEBASTIAN: Nightstand drawer.

Had to make some room
for the breakfast spread.

Keep them there so I
always know where they are.

Now you'll always know
they're in the nightstand?

Sorry. I was just trying
to make some space so I

can stop tripping all over your stuff.

'Cause I'm such a slob?

I didn't say that. Just be nice,

you know, to have some room
to actually cook in here.

Are you ok?

Yeah. It's just, you know, hopeless.

My place is too small
for a chef's kitchen.

"Your place"? Heh!

Funny. I thought it was ours.

Hey. Seb, come on.


I'm glad you called.

Yeah, yeah. Um, sorry
about the other day.

It was just a lot to
process in the moment,

but I... I think I remember
some stuff that might be helpful.

Yeah, the day Henry left,
it was the earthquake, right?

Power had been out, and all the
food in the fridge had spoiled.

Shouldn't you be jotting this down?

- AGENT: Yeah, you're right.
- NICKY: Heh!

- AGENT: Ok, go ahead.
- NICKY: So we had no idea

what we were gonna eat for breakfast,

and I'm not much of a cook myself,

and... that's when

Henry said something to me,

and it was so weird,

I'll never forget it.



[WHISPERS] Bagels.

There's a spot down the street,

so we went and ate them.


- AGENT: That's it?
- NICKY: You don't understand.

We never eat bagels.

Is that helpful?

Ms. Shen, next time you call

an FBI agent, really think about
whether it's worth their time.

- AGENT: This is unbelievable.
- NICKY: What do you mean?

Buy you enough time?

See for yourself.

Everything they've got on your ex.


DANNY: I don't know what you want!

HENRY'S MOM: I just want you to be here!

You've been gone for weeks!


MAN: He's a fast one.

- What if he gets away again?
- We'll find him.

I know where he's going.

BO: Any of this useful?

NICKY: Just that Henry entered
with the m*rder victim, Grant,

but it's clear from the video
they were partners, not enemies.

From what I'm reading, the
FBI's theory is that Henry

and Grant broke in to steal something...

A rare artifact called
Lai-Taang Bow-Raan.

They want Henry for
questioning, but he's

- not their lead suspect.
- NICKY: Who is?

Calvin Zarco... South African national,

known antiquities thief,
a notoriously lethal one.

Zarco was spotted in
Reykjavík the same day.

Safe bet that wasn't a coincidence.

NICKY: Ok. Ok, so...

So Henry and Grant broke in together.

What if they were all
after the same thing?

Zarco kills Grant, but Henry
got away with the artifact.

You think Zarco's still after Henry?

Explains why he hasn't
reached out for help.

- BO: He's running for his life.
- NICKY: Ok,

we don't have any leads on
Henry's location, but maybe

we should track Zarco instead.

Chase the chaser. Smart.

If he's any good, he'll
lead us right to Henry.

Authorities are stumped.

They've got no idea where Zarco is.

I may know someone who does.

FEMALE SINGER: ♪ Watch how I grow up ♪

♪ I tear the house
down when I show up ♪

♪ don't test my composure,
given the right chance... ♪

Look what the mongoose dragged in...

My old pal, Shaolin.

Hey, Razor.

- ♪ Beast mode ♪

No symptoms.

My memory is returning,
my sleep has improved.

Did you find something in my blood work,

- something unusual?
- RYAN: No, no. All very normal,

uh, human. No sign of, um...



As I said, I feel fine,

but Nicky thinks it is time

for me to venture out into the world,

experience life again.

Do you have any plans today?

Me? Uh... No, nothing, actually.

- Um, I'm...
- PEI-LING: I am sure you're very busy.

You would rather spend your
day off with your boyfriend.

- You know, Seb's busy.

I'm all yours. Where should we go?

RAZOR: How we doing this, Shaolin?

I've been training all
morning; No need for a warmup.

- Right here, right now?
- I'm not here to fight.

Hey, you promised me a rematch.

Why else would you be here?

- What do you know about Calvin Zarco
- I'm not touching that.

- NICKY: Henry needs my help.
- RAZOR: I heard.

Antiquities theft...
It's a small community.

Your boyfriend sure
kicked a hornet's nest.

- Ex-boyfriend.
- Ex, huh?

Heh heh! Good for you, then.

The smart thing you can do
is forget about all this.

- NICKY: I can't.
- RAZOR: Look, I like the kid,

but Zarco's got resources, a
small army at his fingertips.

And he's ruthless. He's
not like you and me.

The guy has got no... code.

If Zarco wants Henry, he'll get him.

That's why I need to find Zarco
first. I think you can help me.

I do, and word gets out... no.
Sorry. Not worth the risk.

Is it worth a rematch?

A chance to finally beat me?

I win, you tell me everything
you know about Zarco.

You win, you get to prove
our last fight was a fluke.

And I get a favor.

Job comes up, one I think
you'd be handy for...

I'm there.

- HULVEY: ♪ Whoo! ♪
- RAZOR: Gotta warn you,

I've been practicing every day.

HULVEY: ♪ Whoo! Never going
down when he's on our side ♪

♪ Never going down ♪

♪ We on that higher power ♪

♪ We lions, not cowards ♪

- ♪ put your robe on, we the choir ♪
- RAZOR: Damn.


HULVEY: ♪ we
champions, throw the flowers ♪

I've been practicing, too.


Now, where is Zarco?



Whoa! What is all this?

Inventory, from our big-box
suppliers. You know...

You know, years running this place,

we have never ordered
anything beyond two weeks.

Where are you gonna put it all?

That's what Mama wants me to figure out.

ALTHEA: Good luck with that.

- JIN: Oh, oh, Althea?
- Hmm?

Uh, you're not doing
anything right now, right?

[CHUCKLES] If you're teasing me

about not having a job, it's too soon.

Plus, I'm only giving this to Mama.

One favor a day is plenty.

Not even for your Baba?


- That's not fair.
- Oh... please?

Look, I have no idea what I'm doing.

Now, you're a wizard at this stuff.

This is different.
I'm only good at code.

These are real boxes and real supplies.

- I... I wouldn't know where to start.
- JIN: Tsk. Here.

I believe in you.

JEREMIH: ♪ High in the sky and
I feel like I got wings again ♪

How'd it go?

Turns out Razor's got
a buddy on Zarco's team.

They're hot on Henry's trail,
landed in Bangkok this morning.

I'm guessing that's where you're headed.


City of what, million?

You want an extra set of eyes?

I think I need to handle
this one on my own.

Probably for the best.


I know how weird this is,

the ex of it all.

Thank you, for everything.

Anytime... but just to be sure,

I don't have anything
to worry about, right?

You and Henry?

No. Henry and I are done.

JEREMIH: ♪ If you lead ♪

♪ I'mma follow ♪

♪ Follow you, follow you, follow you ♪


You make an excellent tour guide.

RYAN: No, no, no, you
make an excellent tourist.

You did the wharf, rode the trolley,

- dragged me all through the Castro.

Most friends who visit only
want to do the cool stuff.

You know, sometimes I take
this place for granted,

but seeing this city
through your eyes...

I had fun.

- SERVER: All right.
- PEI-LING: Mmm.

So we have one Star Kreme Cider...

And one Prohibition Iced Tea.

Oh... oh, Ryan, I do not drink alcohol.

Oh, no, no, it's a mocktail. Thank you.

- SERVER: Mm-hmm.
- RYAN: Nicky's favorite...

Lots of sugar, zero alcohol.


- So, where next?

- I have taken enough of your time...
- No, no, no. I'm free.

Your schedule, perhaps,

but I have seen you checking your phone.

Is it Sebastian?

- RYAN: It's that obvious?
- PEI-LING: Hmm.

We had a fight.

- Did you apologize?
- Apologize? [SCOFFS]

You don't even know what
we're fighting about.

He was the one who moved
my stuff without asking.

[SIGHS] It's been hard.

His place was trashed in the earthquake.

We had to move in together pretty fast.

I feel like I lost
all my space overnight,

and he probably feels like...

[SIGHS] I haven't given
up enough. You're right.

I should just apologize, let him win.

Love is not about winning
or losing, hmm?

But I agree.

An apology is a great place to start.

Nicky wasn't joking.

- You're good.



NICKY: You sure I'm going the right way?

EVAN: I'm tracking
Zarco's guy in real time.

My buddy at DHS was able to use
the number you got from Razor.

NICKY: Am I getting warmer?

EVAN: Yeah, they're just around
the corner. What's your plan?

NICKY: Catch up to Zarco and his

men, see if I can
get a lead on Henry.

EVAN: Whoa, wait, wait.

- They're on the move, fast.
- NICKY: Where?

EVAN: Uh, they're heading
into an open-air market just ahead.

Get to the end of the
alley and take a right.

You should be able to cut them
off. Ok, keep going, straight.


EVAN: Ok, go left.
All right, keep going.

- EVAN: Straight...

And stop, right there.


- Nicky?
- Hey.


are you doing here?

NICKY: Thought you
could use some help.

We gotta go.


No sign of Zarco's men.

- NICKY: Think we lost 'em?
- HENRY: For now.

They've been on my
heels since Reykjavík.


- We should be safe here,

at least for now.

Yeah, Razor says Zarco's got
contacts all over the city.

Razor? That's how you found me?

Had to get creative.

[SIGHS] How are you?

I don't even know where to start.

Si Nan.

You did it.


Dried goods, non-perishables, sauces.

Everything is labeled and
stored so that anyone can see

what needs to be replenished.

SEBASTIAN: Wait, I'm confused.

The spices, they're scattered
all over the kitchen.

By design.

Ingredients are now stored by menu item,

not ingredient type.

Each dish gets its own outpost.

But we use black rice vinegar

- in several different dishes.
- ALTHEA: Mm-hmm, and thanks

to our new partners, we have enough
inventory to cover our redundancies.

With the volume we'll be
doing, the product will be

consumed long before they expire.

You haven't seen what
Althea did in the office.

- MEI-LI: Oh.
- ALTHEA: Ooh. See for yourself.

- JIN: Ha ha ha!


I could never pull this off. Ha ha!

You know, I've just been feeling
so useless without computers,

like I'd never be good at anything
again, but tech is just a tool.

I miss Insta desperately,
but, well, it's nice

knowing that I can solve
problems without a smartphone.

- JIN: Ah. Oh. Ho ho!

I was new to all of this, but I did it,

so thank you for getting
me out of my comfort zone.


All right.

Don't say it.

Say what?

I don't have to

because you are already
thinking it, Lao Gong.

I feel like I'm missing something.

Your mother thinks I am limiting myself.


I'll give Anthony Chan a call.

- MEI-LI: Yes!
- ALTHEA: About what?

Getting out of my comfort zone.

So the Compass reacts to you?

Yeah. Wasn't until I saw it
up close that I remembered

I'd seen these symbols before.

When I was a kid, when my dad was

claiming to be an antiquities dealer,

he brought an object home,
something called the Lodestone.

The Lodestone and the
Compass are connected,

- both parts of the same myth.
- NICKY: What do they do?

From what I've read, if
they're brought together

at this sacred site
called the Foundation,

it activates something,
something called Genesis.


Yeah, no idea what that is.

All these objects were forged thousands

of years ago by a sect of monks,

and the myths that sprung
up in their wake are...

varied, imperfect.

I'm... I'm so close to
figuring out what my dad meant,

to the secret of who I am.

The Lodestone wasn't with
his things when he died,

and for all I know, Zarco
has it, but... [SCOFFS]...

if... if I could find the Foundation,

it might give me a
clue as to what's next.

According to my dad's research,
the Foundation is somewhere here,

in Thailand.

I thought you were
running for your life,

that I came here to save you,

but I guess

this isn't over.

Your mother.

Didn't know her long, but
she seemed like a good woman.

I only met her once, in the realm.

When she... learned what I had done

with my life,

what I had become...

she rejected me.

When I saw you and realized

that there were other
Guardians in this place,

I thought that maybe I could find her...

I'd have a second chance.

You were... hoping for...
[SCOFFS] redemption?


Sorry, it's just... you k*lled me.

And from what I've heard, I wasn't

the only life you took back on earth.

- ZHILAN: What you've heard?
- SIMON: Oh, yeah.

Everyone in this cave
knows you're a m*rder*r.

Is this your idea of a pep talk?

Look, my point is...


We're all stuck on this rock together.

What you did back on earth, it...

it's in the past.

Nobody cares.

If you want to make amends,
focus on what you can do now.


What happened?

Jia. She's gone.

We were gathering
supplies by the tree line.

The Harvester came out of nowhere.

He got her.

Oh. Heh!

Pei-Ling. Are you looking for Ryan?

Uh, actually, I came to see you.

Oh, of course. I... take a seat.



I... I never imagined I
would have this opportunity,

but there is something

I always wanted to say to you.

I am sorry.


[SIGHS] When Nicky
came to the monastery,

I knew how worried you must have been,

not knowing where she
was, how she was doing.

I felt I had to respect Nicky's choice.

I was tempted to call you

many times.

Now that we have met, I must apologize.

Oh, no, no.


you have nothing to be sorry for.

When you took my
daughter in, she was lost.

I pushed her away

and at a time in her life

I didn't know how to help her,

but you did.

And when she came home,

she was transformed.


The strength I saw in her as a child,

it had blossomed.

And she was...




and I knew she learnt that from you.

And that change in her?

It changed... all of us.

I owe you so much.



- You.
- You're hurting me.

The Warrior's mother.


It... it... it was not...

- I'm sorry. Sorry.
- MEI-LI: Pei-Ling, wait.



It's all in Thai, but from the pictures,

I'm guessing it's mostly
about ancient agriculture.

How's the family?

Everyone's good. Yeah.

Ryan, the big man in the E.R.

Althea's in Internet
jail, but she's coping.

Restaurant's got a
corporate sponsor now.


Pei-Ling is... alive,

living with me

in your apartment.

- Pei-Ling?
- Yeah.

Long story.

- Actually, a lot has changed.
- Hold on.

It's the Lodestone.

- The same one from my father's study.
- NICKY: What is that?

It was written on the Lodestone.

Well, we need someone to translate it.

"The Compass and the
Lodestone will summon Genesis

from the Foundation at
the Center of the Rose."

How did you do that?

Just came to me.

Ok. "Center of the Rose."

Does... does that mean anything to you?

Before he died, Grant told
me about this ancient temple.

He called it... "The
Flower of the Heavens."

- The Center of the Rose.
- Could be.

- Where is this temple?
- It's in Kanchanaburi.

- It's about an hour away by motorcycle.
- NICKY: Ok, let's go.


Uh... I'm sorry, Nicky.

- I... I really am.
- NICKY: Henry, we really don't

- have to do this right now.
- HENRY: No, I know I hurt you,

- and I should have reached out.
- NICKY: Why didn't you?

I was afraid that... that if I called...

- What?
- That...

that you'd come!

I thought... I had to do this alone...

Yeah, yeah, you said that months ago,

and I... I get it, but we
could have done it together.

You know why I fell in love with you?

It's because you know who you are.

Even when you're in pain,
even when you're struggling,

I... I see it, and I've never had that.

Ever since I was a kid, I've felt...


So when the last thing
my dad tells me is

that there's something about me,

I thought, "this is it."

If I can solve this... this mystery,

I... I'd...

I'd finally know who I am...
and I'd finally be worthy of you.

- Oh, it sounds so stupid.
- NICKY: No, it doesn't sound...

No, I know it's stupid because
the second I saw you today,

every cell in my body
screamed at me, "this is it!"

This is how it's supposed
to be, you and me,



Henry, I want you to find
what you're looking for,

and I want to help you.

But we can't go back.

WOMAN WARRIOR: What are we supposed
to do? We can't just stay here.

MAN: She's right. We
can't just sit around.

We were barely a mile
from here when he att*cked.

He's getting closer.

SIMON: Look, we've been safe here.

We have enough supplies
for the moment, ok?

We'll just... we'll go out less,

make do with less, just for now.

Or we fight.

I know I only just got
here, but this life...

Hiding, waiting to be taken
out... it's no way to exist.

GUARDIAN: What choice do we have?

That thing can destroy
us with a single blow.

We can't fight it.

I can.

The Harvester cut me, and I didn't die,

so, maybe I am alive

or just... different
somehow. It doesn't matter.

If you'll help me...

I'll fight him... and I'll k*ll him.


Should be just up ahead.

This must be it.

The Foundation.

This is it, right? What now?

I don't know.

You said that we can't go
back. What did you mean?

Henry, let's figure this out.

No, not till I know. Are we done?

- Are we done?
- NICKY: Yeah.

I'm sorry. I... I had to move on.

ZARCO: Hello, Henry.

- Sorry to interrupt.
- [g*ns COCKING]

You have something that I want.

It's not much to look at, is it?

But it's not about how it looks.

It's about what it can do.


HENRY: Let us go. You
have the Compass already

- and the Foundation's right here.
- ZARCO: Rule of , Henry.

The Compass and the Lodestone

must be brought to the Foundation.

Yeah, well, I can't help you there.

My father used to have the Lodestone,

but honestly, I thought you stole it.

You really don't know.

I crossed paths with
your father years ago.

Offered to join forces.

He refused.

Can't imagine why.

He didn't want money.
He didn't want power.

I could never figure out why he was

so determined to get
his hands on the Compass.

Then I discovered something
interesting about the Lodestone.

The Lodestone isn't just an object.

It's a vessel.

HENRY: For what?

A spark, the energy
to anoint the Compass bearer,

the one person who
can initiate... Genesis.


- HENRY: Oh!
- DANNY: Henry, what's going on?

Henry? Henry!

The Lodestone.

It chose you, Henry.

You... are the Compass bearer.

I'd just k*ll you, but only you

can bring the Compass to the Foundation.

Only you... can achieve Genesis.

What do you want it for?

It's said to be a very powerful locator

of mystical energy,

a divine object.

The thing that first
brought magic into our world.

On the other side of Genesis,
you will be my instrument.

That's what drove your
father for all those years.

He wanted to find the Compass

to destroy it,

and to protect... you.

- [g*nsh*t]
- HENRY: Dad?

Please stay with me. Stay with me. Dad?

I won't do it.




- HENRY: Mmm!
- ZARCO: Don't resist, Henry.


ZARCO: This is what you
were meant to become.



Too late. Can't be stopped.






