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08x20 - Bow Wow Wedding Vows

Posted: 10/19/22 17:32
by bunniefuu
[ snoring]

[ gasps]

[ kids laughing]

[ giggling]

[ barking]

[ barks]

[ kids laughing]

It's spring, kids.

You can play outside again.

Have fun!

[ barks]


Everything's so purple.

You mean blue, Tommy.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, I get my colors
all mixed up sometimes.

Hey, it's not
cold no more.

Look, you guys,
and no juice bugs.

[ screams]

[ gasps]

[ giggling]

Look at all the
pretty-ful flowers.

[ sniffing]

Mmm... This is
my favoritest kind.

Mine, too.

[ munching loudly]

[ barking]

[ giggling]

Now I get to play outside games

with my bestest doggy friend.

Fletch, Spike. Fletch.

[ barking]

Thanks so much for helping us

with the Easter
brunch tomorrow.

We've been so busy lately,
we haven't even had time

to give Fifi her spring haircut.

Kira and I are going all out.

We've hired a Brunch Consultant
and everything.

Wait until you see

how Ralph's designing
the backyard.


Local celebrity Brunch
Consultant, Ralph Cluckdorf.

He has his own cable TV show,
Ralph On Brunch.

That doesn't sound
very appetizing.

Designing the backyard?

He's sculpting it into
the eternal themes of spring.

Uh, making the bushes out back
look like little bunnies

and chickies and eggs.

We're sorry
it took so long

to invite everyone over

but you know
how it is with
young love.

You want to spend
all your time
with each other.

[ sighs]

It's important
to keep romance alive.

Don't you think so, Stu?


Pipe cleaners.

Perfect for my
new invention.

[ sighs]

Has anyone seen
my glue stick?

I think we have
another one

in the hall closet.

Look at the
I made you

Mr. Chuckie
and Kimi's daddy.

Am I good with
macaroni hair gel

and cheese
spread, or what?

Now your Easter munch
will be extra special.

Thank you, Angelica.

Those decorations definitely
are... s-special.

Why don't you go play outside
with the rest of the kids.

[ laughing]

Go and fletch it, Spike.

[ whining softly]

Spike, wait!

Come back.

We was playing.

Here, Spike.

Come here, boy.


I wonder why he
ran off with
Fifi so quick.

Maybe Fifi gived him
some chores to do.

Or maybe their
favoritest TV
show is on.

Don't you babies
know nothing?

It's so oblivious
what's wrong with Spike.

He's in love.

Oh, well, that
explains it, then.


Oh, brother!

I guess it's up to me

to tell you about
the birds and the bees.

Cover your ears, Shorty.

You're too young
to hear this.

You see, Tommy

Spike's falled in love
with Fifi

and now he's forgotted
all about you.

I don't believe you, Angelica.

Spike won't forgetted
about me.

He's my bestest doggy friend.

We knowed each other
since I was a baby.

You area baby.

Well, since I was

a baby baby then.

Come on, guys.

Let's go find Spike.

He'll 'member me.

Yeah.Let's go.

Of course he will.

Good old Spike!

[ sinister laugh]

[ doorbell rings]

You'll love Ralph.

He's always so happy.

Oh, I'd be happy, too

if I had a high-paying,
imaginary job

like Brunch Consultant.

Uh, Stu, meet Ralph,
the Brunch Consultant.

to meet you!

Uh-uh-uh. No need
to feel embarrassed.

You just haven't enjoyed
the Ralph experience.

You got Ralph,
you got a party.

Why? 'Cause I'm happy,
happy, happy.

Here's my card.

That's me, smiling.

Now, Chas and
Kira Finster

I want to turn you
into bush people.

Well, actually, Ralph

we had more of
an Easter theme in mind.

Oh, Easter, spring.
Spring, love.

With my magic clippers
creating your likenesses

I will immortalize in shrubbery
the Chas and Kira love thing.

[ sighs contentedly]

You know, Stu,
now is the perfect time

to do some spring-cleaning

and maybe we could start

by throwing away your less-
than-successful inventions.


Hey, Spike.

Come here, boy.

Come here.

It's me, Tommy.

Your bestest baby friend.


Old buddy?

I know, Tommy.

Say some of the stuff
you always say.

Maybe that'll
get Spike's
memory going.

Good idea, Chuckie.

Um... let's go on an adventure.

That wasn't your bestest work,

I didn't believe you
really wanted to go
on an adventure at all.

Uh, all right, then.

Um... a baby's going to do
what a baby's got to do.

That was a
pretty good you.

I'm still
not buying it.

When Daddy forgets stuff

he ties stringies to his finger
to member it.

Oh, good idea,

Let's go find
some string.

Yeah!Let's do it!

Good string-finding,

Spike'll be back to normal now.

Wake up, Spike,
wake up.

[ yawns]

[ giggling]

I guess we forgotted
to tie the strings.

We never learneded
how to tie strings.

Spike's never gonna

'member you,
'cause he's in love.

Hey, wait a minute,

My mommy and daddy
are in love

but they still 'member
other peoples.

Yeah. Same with
my mommy and daddy.

Ours, too.

Once you get married

you're not lovey-dovey

'cause you're busy
making babies and stuff.

It's like the song says...

♪ First comes love,
then comes marriage ♪

♪ Then comes driving around
the baby carriage. ♪

Get it?

Well, Spike and Fifi

already gots
the lovey-dovey part.

So nextest
they gotta get married

and then Spike'll
'member you, Tommy.

But I told you guys--
Spike didn't forget me.


[ sighs]

So, there's gonna be a wedding?


Yahoo! A wedding.

I'm in charge.

Oh, honestly, Betty.

It's as though Stu
doesn't even see me.

I'm telling you, Dee,
once the romance goes

it's the beginning
of the end.

You got to lay down
the law now.

Howie! It's
a Betty moment!

That's right.

That one needs more purple.

Three, two, A.

♪ There is the bride,
there is the bride ♪

♪ Her name is Fifi...

[ clearing throat]

Hello, Fifi and Spike.

I'm your Speecher, Tommy.

Dearly blublubbered...

We are here today to see the
marrying of Fifi and Spike.

Fifi-- if you take Spike
to be your awful wedded groom

say "I do."

Um, babies?

Dogs can't talk!

[ Spike barks]

Spike, if you take Fifi

to be your awful wedded
bribe, uh, bark again.

Uh, or that.

I now denounce you

Fifi and Spike!

Except married.

You may kiss the bribe.

Hit it, mister!

[ playing off-key]

Good job, Fifi and Spike.

I mean, Mr. and Mrs. Fifi
and Spike.

Now let's see if he
'members you, Tommy.

Sure he will.


I don't think it worked.

Oh, of course
not, Tommy.

The wedding's
not over yet--

we still got to have
the receptacle.

Aah... not my sonic
insect repeller, Deed.

It's perfect for
the brunch tomorrow.

Stu, we're supposed to be
throwing away inventions.

And... frankly, Stu

you should be spending
more time with me

and less time
with your inventions.

Because, well...

I'm starting to feel
a little... neglected.

After all, it is spring...
the season of love.


Come with me.

I want you to see
what I've been working on.

Oh, Stu. I love it.

It has a built-in
irrigation system.

It can grow flowers
all by itself

so it stays

just like you.

[ Didi screams]

It might still have a few bugs.

It's the thought
that counts. Oh...

Babies and gentlemen

welcome to the Fifi
and Spike wedding resec...

risk... party!

And now, the sappy couple,
Mr. and Mrs. Spike

and their special song.

[ song on radio]


it's not working.

not dancing.

Maybe he'll feel
more like it

after we give him
his presents.

Good idea.Okay.

I hope you guys
don't gots one already.

I got you some
belly-button lint.

Oh, no.

I gotted them
belly-button lint, too.

[ chortling]

Here's your present, Spike.

'Member what good friends
we are?

See-- we're licking each other
and we used to run and jump

and roll around
in the grass

and do all kinds
of fun stuff.

Oh, you just gots
to 'member me, Spike.

You just gots to,
'cause... I miss you.

Here, look.

You guys...

he 'members me.

[ whining]

They got their gifts
so wedding's over.

You mean Spike's married now,
but he still don't 'member me?

Tough break, Tommy.

Maybe you should get
a pet pony instead

and keep it
at my house.

Chuckie, Kimi, Fifi--
time to go home.

He just moved it out
with his new bride.

He didn't even
bark good-bye.

Don't say
good-bye, Tommy.

You'll see him at
the big munch tomorrow.

So what?

He won't 'member me

[ sniffs]

I guess it is true.

My bestest
doggy friend

has forgotted all about me.

[ sobbing]


[ barking]


[ laughing]


You do 'member me!

I knew it!

[ laughing]

[ wedding bells ring]


[ gasps]

Dillie, are you awake?

[ louder]:
Dil, are you awake?

Dil! Are you awake?!


[ screaming]



I know it's late, Dilly,
but I couldn't sleep.

I miss Spike.

Bestest friends
don't forget about
each other, right?

But I guess he's happy
with Fifi now.

So, if my friend's happy

I guess I gots
to be happy, too.

So that's what I'm going
to be at that munch.

[ groans]


Thanks, Dilly.

Talking with you
really helped.

[ blows raspberry]

Happy Easter, Charles.

[ groans]

Happy Easter. Come in.

Where's Stu?


Oh, hi, Chas.

Hi, Stu.

Have a seat on the couch

with the rest
of the bunnies.

[ distant sobbing]

Um, Ralph?

[ sobbing]

Is something wrong?

What are you, crazy?

I'm a party planner

crying under a table
in the fetal position.

Of course something's wrong!

I spend my life
planning party after party...

Always a planner, never a guest.

Gee, I'm sorry.

What's wrong with
your face, Tommy?

Looks like gas to me.

No, guys, I'm just real happy!

Happy for Spike,
even if he doesn't 'member me.

For sure?You mean it?


[ barking]


So, how about
those dummy bears, huh?

It's okay, guys.

I'm happy, see?

[ groaning]

Before we start
the festivities

Kira and I would like
to thank everyone

for sharing
our first Easter with us.

And now, I'd like to introduce
a very special guest.

Hi, everyone.

My name's Ralph,
and I'm a party planner.

Hi, Ralph.

And now, please welcome

the brunch's official
Easter Bunny, Howard!

As opposed to me, Stu and Drew
who just wanted to dress up.

Hi, kids!

Isn't Easter egg-citing?

[ laughs]


I'll take care of that bee.


[ crashing]

W-why don't you kids
go start the egg hunt?

[ "Charge" playing]

I just remembered why I put

my sonic insect repeller
in the closet.

[ yelling]

[ cooing]

There's a eggy!

Oh, that's the bestest
eggy I ever seen!

Here's one, too.

Want to go eat mud?

I thoughted
you'd never ask.

[ laughing]

Um, are you sure
you're all right, Tommy?

You seem a little too happy,
like clown happy

and that's just scary.

I miss Spike.

I'm not happy.

I'm real, real sad!

[ crying]

It's okay, Tommy.

Just use my sleeve as a hankie.


Spike 'members you!

I don't know.

Maybe he's just mixing me up
with somebody else he forgotted.

No, he went
right to you, Tommy.

He 'members you, Tommy,
just like in the old days.

Yeah, like yesterday.

I knew you'd 'member me, Spikey.

I knew it, 'cause
I never forgotted about you.

[ barking]

Oh, I think he wants
us to follow him.

[ buzzing]

That was the best brunch
I've ever been to

and now it's over.

[ sobbing]

That's right, Ralphie boy.

You just let it all out
on the Betster.

Well, it's not exactly

the kind of brunch
we had in mind

but it's definitely special.

[ barking]

That must be
Spike's new house.

Oh, no.

I hope nothing's
wrong with Fifi.


Fifi and Spike got a visit
from the storch!

From a whole lot of storches.

All right, Spike and Fifi.

Spike must have forgotted you
for a little while

'cause he had lots of other
stuffs to think about, Tommy.

I think you're right.

I wasn't losing
my doggy friend.

I was getting
a bunch of new ones.

Wow, see, babies?

First there's love,
then marriage

and now they're going to drive
'round a puppy carriage.

What would you babies do
without me?

Here's the kids.


So that's what was under
the big curly suit.

They're adorable.

Wow, this really is
a special Easter.

Isn't love grand?

Yes, it is.

[ sobbing]

Okay, I'm going
to go finish

shaking the bugs
out of my pants.

That's a good idea.

I'm saving some bugs
as souvenirs.

I can't believe
Spike's a daddy, you guys.

And Fifi's a mommy.

And I'm the puppies' uncle.

Nuh-uh, Philip,
I'mthe puppies' uncle.

You're going to like
having babies, Spike.

We're fun!


Well, most of us.

[ laughter]

[ gobbling]

So, how about
those dummy bears, huh?