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07x12 - Be My Valentine

Posted: 10/19/22 16:09
by bunniefuu
[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

[ Didi laughing and cooing]

You're mommy's
sweet valentine.

[ Laughing and cooing...]

Hey, how come we're eating
cookies that look like
our butts?

We are?! Ah...! [ Spits]

It's apposed to be a heart,
phillip... Like all thems.


My mommy made them
for valimtime's day

What's valimtime's day?

Mmm... Not sure, exactly,
but it gots yummy food.

These costumes are going to be
dynamite at the dance tonight.

And such a sweet
valentine's theme...
"Love through the ages."

Ladies and gentlemen

I'd like to introduce
the one, the only... Cupid!


Roses are red
and my dress is red, too.

Happy, happy, happy, happy
valentine's to you!

[ Gasps]

Look out, deed, cupid got me
with her arrow. [ Chuckles]

Oh... [ Laughing]

[ Horn honks]

That must be chas.

I'll bet he rented a car

To go with his costume.

Isn't this car neat-o?

Hiya, babies!

What are you eating?


Hey, those are cookie crumbs!

That means there's cookies
around here somewheres.

Huh? Ooh... Mmm...


Say, what have
we got here?

It's me-- cupid!

Cupid, huh?
[ Chuckles]

I got sh*t with your arrow
the day I met your grandma

Why, I remember it
like it was yesterday.

What an interesting story,

I'm going to go get
some cookies now.

Yep, I was sweet on trixie,
all right.

She was my valentine.

Fell in love the first time
I laid eyes on her.

The trick was getting her
to fall for me.

Heh, let me tell you,
that took some doing.

I got all gussied up
and took her out dancing.

[ Chuckles]
looked pretty dapper,
if I do say so myself.

Then we had ourselves
a cozy little dinner for two.

But I think
what really got her

Was the moonlight cruise
round the harbor.

By the time the boat
hit the dock... [ Yawns]

She was... Stuck on me, too.

[ Snoring...]

and ever since

I was put in charge of the
punchbowl for tonight's dance

I've been surfing the web
for recipes.

Would you do a taste-testing?

Well, sure, I'm game.

Oh, I'd love to.

[ Jiggling handle]

Oh, rats, I locked my keys
in the car!

Oh, we'll have them
out in no time.

this could take a while.

You gals pop over to my place
and help me pick out
a pair of platform shoes.

[ Grandpa snoring...]

Look, angelica's arrow!

Hey, give me that!

[ Sniffing]

Uh-oh, now you babies
really done it.

You hit spike
with cupid's arrow.

And you know what that means.

He gots fleas?

No, it means you better find him
a valentine to love.

Once cupid hits you
with a arrow

You got to get a valentine fast
or you'll end up with...
A broked heart.

[ Gasps] oh, no!

Poor spikey!

That's okay, angelica.

Mmm... We'll be spike's
valimtimes, won't we, guys?

Course we will.

We love our spikey.

Don't you dumb babies
know nothing?

You got to find a animal
to be his valentine.

And you better hurry,
before he gets sad

And his poor little doggie heart
starts to break into itsy-bitsy,
teeny-tiny pieces!

Don't worry, spike,
we'll find you a valimtime.

Hmm... Oh, you think maybe
one of the goldfishies would
like to be spikey's valimtime?

I don't think so.

Spike should have a valimtime
that's warm and soft and furry
like him.

He needs a valimtime like, uh...

[ Meows]


Happy valimtime's day,

Now, fluffy, give spike
a great big kiss.

[ Snarls]

[ Whimpers]

Okay, maybe later.

I don't think fluffy
likes spike.

But fluffy's
the only other aminal
we gots around here.

Mmm, well,
maybe spike needs to do

Some of that stuff
grandpa did for his

Mm-mmm, you look
real dappy, spike.

Yeah, and if I was a kitty,
I'd want you to be my doggie
valimtime. [ Laughs]

Okay, time
for some music.

[ Jazzy tune playing...]

Are they dancing yet?


Maybe they don't know how.

Well, I guess we
should show them.

[ Humming and singing
to music...]

Okay, your turn,
spike and fluffy.

Hey, where did they go?

[ Grunting]

I can't get my arm out.

Oh, here, let me
help you, buddy.

Ow... Ow, ow.

[ Whimpering...]

What's wrong
with spike?

He seems kind of sad.

Mmm... Mmm...

Um, angelica,
um, how can you tell

If someone's heart
is starting to get

Huh? Oh, um, well, the first
thing they do is, um...

[ Spike whimpering]

The first thing they do
is look out the window
and make funny noises.

[ All gasp]

Come on, guys, we don't
gots any time to waste!

Oh, spike,
time for dinner!

And bring
your beautiful
valimtime fluffy!

[ Kids grunting and muttering]

[ Growling]

[ Sniffing]

[ Gasps]
I think
it's working!

They are looking at each other
kind of funny.

[ Growling]

[ Snarling]

[ Whimpering]

[ Shrieking]

[ Barking]

Hey, look, fluffy's
stuck on spike!

That means she
likes him, don't it?

I don't think so,

Spike don't sound
so good, tommy.

What are we going to do?

Well, we can't let
spike's heart get broked.

Come on, we gots
one more thing to try.

Okay, let's make sure
we gots everything for
the moonlight cruiser.




Gots it.


Right here.

Okay, it looks like we're ready.

[ Grunting...]

Here we go, spike.

It's time for
your moonlight cruiser.

[ Growling]

[ Both grunting...]

[ Snarling...]

[ Both grunting...]

Don't worry, men, all the
devilles have trick elbows.

We can do

Amazing things.

[ Grunting
and groaning]


Uh... Ooh...

well, I'm impressed.

All right, move over, rookies.

You see, it's all
in the wrist.

What you got to do is...
Is to... Is to... Uh-oh.

I sure hope this
works, you guys.

[ Growling]

[ Hissing]

[ Snarling]

[ Hissing, snarling, yelling]

[ Meowing, barking...]

Spike... [ Gasps]

[ Barking and meowing...]

Hey, come back, spike!

Come back, fluffy!

Come back, moon!

well, we're back, fellas.

Did we miss anything?

no... No, no...

Everything's cool.

Uh, uh...
Hey, what do you say

We go into the house
and try out chas's punch?

Ooh, now there's
an idea.

I'm parched.

My, uh...
My throat's, uh, dry.

[ Barking and meowing]

Whoa... [ Screaming...]

Yah! Whoa!

[ Meowing]

[ Barking]

Look, you guys!

They're kissing!

The moonlight cruiser
must have worked!

Yeah, fluffy and spike
are valimtimes.

looks like they love
each other after all.

[ Cheering...]

[ Music playing in distance]


[ Kids laughing and giggling]

[ Crickets chirping]

Oh, stu...

I'm so excited.

We're finally
going to have

A romantic evening

In just a few minutes,
we'll be on the dance floor
in each other's arms.

A few minutes?!
I don't think I can
wait that long.

[ Gasps]

[ Kids giggling and laughing]

hey, deed!

Over here!

[ Kisses]
bye-bye, my sweethearts.

You have fun while mommy
and daddy are on their date.

Boy, I'm glad you guys
are finally here.

I missed you.

How come you were
so early, chuckie?

On account
of my daddy's

In charge
of the puncher bowl!

What's that?

Uh, well,
I don't know exactly

But my daddy says
it's really important.

I bet it's the most importantest
part of valimtimes day.

no, it's not, finster!

It's not?

No, chuckie.

Valentine's day
has to do

With loving
each other.

[ Sighs]

That's the most
important thing about it.

Yeah, on valentine's day
you gots to tell

All your favoritest people
that you love them.


I love you...

I love you all.

You're not supposed to say it

You're supposed to

Giveeach other

We are?

Yeah, you make them

With paper and glue and stuff.

That sounds like fun!

I'll make one for dil!

And I'm going to
make one for phil.

And I believe
I'll make one for...

Hmm, let me see...

Ouch! ...lil.

Thank you, phillip.

Uh, well, um, I'm going to
make a real special valimtime
for my daddy

Because I love him
a whole bunch, and...

He don't gots anyone else
to make one for him.

Good idea, chuckie.

[ ' S-style
rock music playing...]

I've combined
the best elements

Of different
punch recipes.


[ Coughing]

Ah, I see you detect the
subtle hint of juniper berry.

[ Laughs nervously]

Stu, is that the
charleston I hear?

Excuse us, chas,
they're playing our song.

♪ rum-bum-bum-bum, yeah!

One, two, three, one...

Two... Ow... Three...

Oh, I lost count.

Sorry, betty.

Don't count, howard.

Oh, just feel
those happening vibes.

All right, baby, whoa!
Look out!

[ Crash]

That's a pretty
fancy valentine

You're making
there, susie.

Who's it for?

Oh, just someone.

Someone named
timmy mcnulty?

If it is,
you can stop right now

Because I'm making
a valentine for timmy

And he's going to
like mine best, ha!

Maybe he will
and maybe he won't.

Hey, who took
the red crayon?

[ Burps]

Uh... I'll go get another one.

[ Grunts]

Uh... Was you using this crayon?

[ Giggles]

[ Diaper rustling...]

[ Panting]

[ Grunts]

Here, chuckie.

Phil, why is that girl

Staring at you?

I don't know.

[ Sniffs]

Maybe it's because
you smell like paste.


What happened, chuckie?

I was using lots of glue
on my daddy's valimtime

And then itched my head
and my hand got stucked.

[ Grunting...]

Ooh, ouch, ooh...

[ Screams]

[ Romantic tune playing]

Mmm... Do you remember
the first time we danced
like this?

Oh, sorry, I was just
thinking about dil.

About the way it almost sounds
like "mama" when he blows

I could have sworn
it was "dada."

[ Both laugh, sigh]

Happy valimtime's day, phillip.

Where's mine, where's mine,
where's mine?!

Oh, it's so prettiful!

You okay, chuckie?

Yup, and now my valimtime's
even better!

It gots my hair stucked on it!

Whoa...!let's see!

No, it has too stay nice
and clean for my daddy.

Hey, no fair!

We can use whatever
we want, angelica.

Hmm, nobody told me
we could use our own stuff.

Hmm... Hmm... Ah!

Timmy will love this.

Okay, everybody,
I'm going to sleep now

And when I wake up,
my daddy will be here and
I can give him his valimtime.

He's going to be so happy.

Wrong, finster!

Huh? What are
you talking about,

Valentines are only good
on valentine's day.

And when you go to sleep,
valentine's day is over.

So, sweet dreams.

Did you hear that?

I gots to get this to my daddy
afore I go to sleep.

If I don't,
then it don't count

And my daddy won't get
no valimtime!

Cheery cherry punch?

[ Gulping]

[ Yelling like tarzan...]

[ Cooing and hiccuping]

[ ' Tune playing...]

Look, you guys,
there's my daddy!

He don't look too happy
all by hisself at the
puncher bowl.

[ Sighs]

Just wait till he sees
your valimtime, chuckie.

[ Coos]

[ Both gasp]

Dil, come back!

Hmm... I'm done.

Uh, uh... Me, too!

Are those for me?


Just what I need!

[ Laughs]

Look, you guys, now my
fire truck has a hose

And my dogmatian got spots,
just like the real ones!

Boys! Who needs them?

Yeah, they're
so immature.

Happy valentine's,

You too, carmichael.

[ Conga playing]

[ Dil laughing]

[ Both gasp]

[ Both grunting]

[ Both grunting]

[ Laughing]

attention, valentinos
and valentinas.

Time to grab that special
someone for the last dance.

[ Yells]

Valimtime's day's almost over

And my daddy don't have
his valimtime!

There's only one thing
left to do, tommy.

Are, are you sure
about this, chuckie?

I'm sure!

It's for my daddy!

One... ... Five!

[ Chuckie yelling...]


How did you...?

Oh, is that for me?

Oh, chuckie, this is
the most beautiful valentine
I've ever gotten.

Thank you, son.

Look, you guys!

Chuckie's daddy
gots his valimtime!

[ All cheer]


You first.

I was just thinking.

I really miss...

The boys.


tommy! Dil!

[ Gasps]

Oh, stu, it looks like
they missed us, too.


[ Humming and cooing...]

uh... Was you using this crayon?