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04x10 - Potty Training Spike/The Art Fair

Posted: 10/19/22 11:39
by bunniefuu
[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

[ Pipes creaking]

Stupid leaky faucet.

[ Doorbell buzzing]

I'll get... Ow!


Oh, great!


Oh... I'll get it.

Good idea.

Good morning, charles.

Good morning, chuckie.

Hi, didi.

Thanks for watching chuckie.

Hey, do you think
stu would mind

Putting this potty seat adapter
on your toilet?

I'm sure stu would be happy
to put in the adapter.

In fact, he's working in
the bathroom right now!

Isn't this exciting,

You're moving to
the grown-up potty.

Today's the day.

Though I am a little worried
about getting him away

From that old clown potty.

Well, you know what
lipschitz says.

"All it takes
is a little praise."

We'll just be sure to tell
him what a good boy he is

And how proud we are
that he's using his new potty.

But right now, chuckie's little
friends are waiting for him.

[ Squealing, laughing]

here you go, chuckie,
have fun.

Hey, how you doing,

[ Sighs]

Hi, guys.

Um, is something wrong, chuckie?


Then why are you sitting

Scrunched up like a bug?

No reason.

You hiding

[ Gasping]:
I'm not hiding anything.

I just have to go potty.

So, why don't you
just go?

I can't go
when people are looking.

I really got to go right now

But all the grown-ups are
watching me every time I go

And I really got to go!

Hey, chuckie,
I got a idea.

Why don't you just go
on the tree?

Once you're potty trained

You can't go back
to stuff like that.

Why not?

Spike does it
all the time!

[ Thunder rumbles]

[ Birds singing]


Oh, all right!

I'll use the tree

But you guys got to
not look at me, 'kay?

Okay, don't worry, chuckie,
we'll all look at this flower.

[ Gasps]

Oh, no, he's regressing.

Chuckie, no!

Now, I know the big-boy potty
may seem a little scary

But you won't need to worry

Because I'll be watching you
the whole time.

[ Tommy gasps]

There-- safe, secure

And ready for action.

Look, everybody, chuckie's ready
to use his new big-boy potty!

Got it all set up for you,

There you go,
little fellow.

We're all very excited!

[ Teeth chattering]

[ Moaning softly]

[ Giggling]

Don't worry, honey,
we'll try again later.

Hey, chuckie, did you go?


The grown-ups were looking at me
the whole time.

I tried to go, but I couldn't.

Now I don't even got to go
no more.

I thought you said it was okay
to go potty on the tree!

I'm sorry, chuckie.

It used to be okay.

Maybe your mommy and daddy
changed the rules.

There's no
'splaining grown-ups.

now I know

I'm not doing
that again!


I guess spike
doesn't know.

[ Gasps]

[ Sniffing]

Spike, no!

I'm sorry,
spike[ spike whining]

But the rules
are changed

And your not opposed to go potty
on the tree no more!

[ Whimpering]

Tommy, we can't just tell him
not to go potty.

Everybody's got to go sometime.

You're right,

We got to teach him
a newway to go potty.

From now on,
I'm going to be spike's dad.

Yeah, and I'll be...

Uh, spike's other dad.

And we'll be spike's uncle bill
and aunt harriet.

[ Old lady voice]:
here's candy, young spikey.

[ Gruff, old man voice]:
pull my finger, son.

Okay, spike,
let's get started.

[ Gulps, whines]

Okay, chuckie,
here's the diapers.

Phil and lil,
you hold spike

While me and chuckie
put one on him.

Okay, tommy.

Here, spike.

Come on, boy.

Good doggie.

[ Spike whimpers]

Come on, spikey.

Don't be scared!

[ Spike barking,
phil and lil screaming]

Okay, chuckie

Now that that's
tooken care of

Let's put the diaper on him.

Come on, spike.

Atta boy.

Good doggie.

Over here.

Wait, tommy.

That's not how
you put on a diaper.

Why not, chuckie?

What's wrong?

You forgot the baby powder.

We don't want spike
to get a rash.

Oh, yeah, right.

[ Screaming and barking]

Over here.

Good doggie!

[ Screaming and barking]

hold it, you guys.

[ Panting]

I think I got a better idea.

Good doggie, spike.

[ Panting]

Phil and lil,
get the diaper.

Chuckie, you put on the powder.



Good doggie,
scratch, scratch.

[ All mumbling]

Hey, his tail is in the way!

I'm getting dizzy.

Chuckie, help them.

My arms is getting tired.

Okay, tommy.

There now.

Come on, spike.

Good doggie.

Give me your tail.

[ Gasping and snorting]




Good boy, spike.

[ Sniffing]

[ Growling]

Bad boy,

Now, tommy, as good daddies

We have to always
say nice stuff to him.

Oh, sorry, chuckie,
you're right.

What do we do now?

Well, I know what my daddy did.

[ Snoring]

Come on, you guys.

Help me get spike on the seat.

[ Grunting and groaning]

[ Gasping]

[ Snoring]

Now what, chuckie?

Now we wait
until he has to go

And then we all tell him
what a good boy he is

And how proud we are
that he's using the potty.

that sounds easy.


[ Snoring]

[ Still snoring]

[ Frustrated sigh]

I'm getting hungry.

I'm getting...[ Yawns]

I can't feel my toes.

But, guys, we have to wait
till spike has to...

[ Whimpering softly]

hey, he's moving!

He's doing it,
he's doing it!

[ Cheering]

[ Quiet bark]

Oh, no!

Bad doggie,

Bad boy!

Bad doggie, spike.

Very bad doggie!

[ All grunting]

We should of thought
of this afore, you guys.

Spike's a big boy doggie

And he needs to use
the big boy potty.

Phil, you open the potty
while we get spike up there.


Okay, spike,
come on, boy.

Up here.

Good doggie.

Sit on the potty.

Uh, what's the matter?

He's not paying attention.

He just doesn't know what to do.

Spike's never
used the potty before.

Maybe he needs someone
to show him how.

Oh, okay.

But I'm only going
to pretend to go

And everybody
has to cover your eyes

While I'm climbing up there.

Sure, chuckie!

[ Yelps]

[ Panting]

[ Grunts]

[ Grunting and groaning]

[ Sighs]

Okay, you can turn around now.

Now then, spike

As you can see,
I'm sitting on the potty.

It's... Um...

It's very comfortable
and... Um...

It's... Uh, a much more better
place to go potty than the tree.

[ Water dripping]

Okay, so...

When I want to go potty...

I just, uh, uh, close my eyes

And, um...

Uh, uh-oh.

What's the matter?

I really have to go potty again!

So why don't you just go?

I can't-- not while you guys
are in the room!

What should we do?

You guys got to go-- go!


Open the door,
open the door!

[ Groaning]

I can't reach.

It's too high.

[ Chuckie gasping in panic]

[ Groaning]

Help me up, you guys, quick!

Hey, chuckie, you ready
to use your big boy potty now?

[ Moaning softly]

Deed, he's ready!

[ Panting]

Chuckie, where you going?

Now, how did this get outside?

What in the world...?


[ Barking]

Spike, no!

Hey, hey!
[ Gasps]

Where'd my potty go?

[ Tinkling]


I guess they changed
the rules again.

Oh, that's good, 'cause I
really, really have to go now

And I don't care if you guys
watch or not!

Move over, spikey!

[ Panting, snorting]

[ Tinkling]

[ Satisfied sigh]

[ Chuckles]

You know, guys,
that kind of looks like fun!


Stu, call lipschitz!

I think we've got a problem.

[ Tinkling and giggling]

Good boy,

Good boy!

[ Splat]

[ Squishing...]

Cynthia, that's not
the color I wanted.

[ Thumping]

To help me pick out

For my den, charlotte.

Happy to help.

What about this?

Picasso's "cubist portrait"?

Oh, I think that one
might scare chuckie.

How do you make green?

Blue and yellow.

Thank you, mommy.

Angelica's painting.

My personal shaman said

It was absolutely
the best way

To nurture
her creative side.

[ Flipping papers]

This is it.

Warhol's "oatmeal guy."

No, no, no-no-no-no-no.

That would really scare chuckie.

[ Squishing]

It's perfect.

I'm the bestest artist I know.

Better than pink casso

And van goo.

Well, every great artist
needs aspiration.

And mine is cookies.

Let's go, cynthia.

Look, you guys.

Ooh, and a pretty picture
of a samwich.

That's not a samwich,

It's reptar
taking a nap.

I'm not sure

But I think it's a monster.

Hiding under a blanket

From an even bigger monster.

What do you
think, tommy?

I think it's not
finished yet.


It needs more...


I think

It needs

More that.

I think it needs

A sun!

[ All giggling]

Come on, chuckie,
try it-- it's fun.

Yeah, and squishy.

Hey! I don't want to play

Icky, yucky paints.

[ Gasping]

[ Spitting]

You dumb babies!

You ruined my picture!

Angelica, it wasn't me!

What do you mean?

I caught you red-handed.

You're in big trouble now.

No, no, no.


[ Chuckie huffing and puffing]

I'll get you...

[ Chuckie wailing]


You come back here, you!

I'll get you!

[ Splashing]

[ All hollering...]

[ Splashing]

[ Growling]


[ Growling]

No! No!

[ Yelling...]

Wait till I get
my hands on you, finster!

I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

And don't you ever come back.

[ Grunts]

[ Growls]

Cynthia, look at this mess.

I know my mommy is
going to blow her snack.

Oh, angelica!

C'est tres magnifique!

I love it!


The total
abandonment of form.

The disregard of balance.

It's so jackson pollock.

Do you have
a name for it?

Uh... Name?

Uh, oh sure.

I have a name for it.

It's called, uh...

"Lucky girl."


Forget wallpaper.

I have the most
fabulous solution.

I think that's everything
my angel's going to need

To be brilliant.

I don't think
this is a very good idea.

Oh, relax, chaz.

She's au courant.

She's in the vanguard.

She's on the edge.

Come along.

Bye-bye, honey.

Bye-bye, den.

Now, I have some ideas
for the living room

I think you're
going to love.

[ Gasps]

What is this?

It's my art, mommy.

Hmm. Uh...

Why didn't you do it
like your room?

That was so good.

This is so...


Oh... Uh, well...

I'm just getting started.

It'll be great.

I just need a little
more... Time alone.

Okay, sweetheart.

Make mommy proud.

[ Sighs]

Where are those dumb babies
when you need them?

[ Toy playing
"pop goes the weasel"]


Oh... Oh...

[ Huffing]


Hi, chuckie.

My favoritest pal
and new best assistant.

Uh... Sistant?

What's a sistant?

It's a helper.

You get to help me
paint your daddy's den

As pretty as my room.

You mean you're not mad

About the mess we made
in your room?

Mad? No.

Don't be silly, chuckie.

I wasn't mad.

I was a-cited.

Oh... Okay.

I guess.. If you're not mad

Then I could be your sistant.

You're going to be
sisting the bestest, chuckie.

I'm all coolant.

I'm in the van pool.

I'm on the hedge.


Never mind.

Just take some paint
and play.

You know... Throw it all over.

[ Sighing]

Come on.

Do something.

But I don't want to!

This is my repetition
you're messing with.

Now start doing it.

[ Yelling...]

I'll get you!

No! No! No!

I'll get you, you little...

[ Yelling...]

[ Gasps]

I can't believe it.

You're a genius!

[ Gasps]

I'm a genius?

[ Chaz screams]

don't worry.

Mr. Finster wasn't angry.

He just doesn't
understand fine art.

[ Tires squeal]

"Art fair this saturday."

Now there are some people
who understand fine art.

it means so much to angelica
to have her family here

For her first big art show.

She kept saying over and over

How tommy and the other babies
are her inspiration.

It was so cute.

I wouldn't have missed it
for the world.

I just love how kids
enjoy art for art's sake.

it's the most beautiful-est
prize in the world, cynthia.

And I'm going to win it.

Just as soon as I can find
those... Babies.

Oh, there you are, sweetie.

You'll be over here.


You must be angelica pickles.

We're very excited
to have you in the fair.

We even put up
this special curtain

So you can work privately...
As requested.

Thank you, mrs. Judge lady.

Okay, angelica.

We're going to
leave you alone.

Do your thing, sweetie.

Now to get to those babies.

[ Screams]

Oh, it's only a dumb mask.

[ All laughing]

Well, my favoritest
little baby friends.

Guess what?

I set up a little area
for us to play paints in.

What do you say?

No, angelica.

Every time we play
paints with you

You end up chasing
us all around.

But i...


I'll give you a reptar bar.

No way, nuh-huh-uh.



Reptar bar?



There's got to be some way
to get those babies into...

Aunt didi!

Oh, hi, angelica.


Uh, aunt didi, I know
the babies would be sad

If they couldn't watch me
do my art.

So, if you want to, aunt didi

You can bring them over,
aunt didi.

Oh, that's a wonderful
idea, sweetheart.


Well, babies...

Now I got you in my crutches.

You don't scare us.

But we're not going to play
paints with you no more.


I guess you babies win.

I'll go now.


Th... That's it?
We won?

Yeah, chuckie,
this time I think we did.

[ Yelling]

[ Screaming]

[ Yelling and screaming...]

Very nice.

That's right, jonathan.

Find her the biggest agent
in the art world.

I want her on tour.

London, paris, rome...



It's just angelica.

[ Yells]

Well, guys, I say

If she wants to
play paints

Let's play paints.

[ Babies laughing
and talking excitedly...]

Very nice.

Very nice.

Very nice.

Very nice.

Got to go.

Honey, the judges are here.

Angelica [ weakly]:
one minute.

[ Giggling]

[ Gasping]

[ Angelica screaming,
babies laughing...]


Uh... Ta-da!

Oh! Performance art.

I love it.

The winner of our contest

Is angelica pickles

And her little friends.

What do you call it,

[ Whispering]

"Still lucky."

[ Applause...]

[ Babies laughing]

I'm in the van pool.

I'm on the hedge.
