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06x05 - Hammerheads

Posted: 10/19/22 11:08
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Martin: On the continent
of North America,

in the eastern region of Canada.

We're here at the
Canadian Museum of Nature.

It's us, the Kratt Brothers,

I'm Martin...

Where's Chris?

Chris! Where'd he go?

Chris: Right here bro!

Out on the open ocean.

It's the home range of an
ancient group of fishes,

a group of fishes that lives
here in the Caribbean

and all over the world.

I'm talking about the sharks.

Martin: There are more
than different species

of sharks alive today.

Now when you see a shark, you
usually know it's a shark,

but each species has their
own special features,

shapes and colors.

Like the tiger shark.

Oh yeah, check out the
stripes of the tiger shark.

Sharks can be identified
by outside markings

and also by looking inside.

Now this is the skull
of a hammerhead.

Look at does
look like a hammer.

See the shape of a hammerhead.

This unique head shape means

that you'll never mistake a
hammerhead for another shark.

It's so unusual.

Pretty cool, huh Chris?

Chris: Oh yeah!

And this family gets
even more unique

when you check out the stingray.

They may not look very
much like sharks,

but this guy right here

is a close relative
of the hammerhead.

Martin: Hammerhead sharks,
what an amazing,

odd looking and incredibly
powerful creature.

Imagine if we had
Hammerhead shark powers.

Martin/Chris: What if?

(upbeat music)

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with their
creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save some
animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

Martin: Hammerheads.

Koki: It's a perfect
day to do maintenance

on the flotation stabilizers,

with this tranquil sea.

Got all my tools.

The Tortuga may be a
little tippy while I work.

So just don't rock
the boat g*ng!


Jimmy Z: Huh! I'm awake.

Guess I can wash the windshield.

Uh oh, aaah! Oof!

Maybe I need a
little more sleep.


Chris: Okay, here's
a place to dry and sort

my Creature Power Discs.

Aardvark, alligator...
nice one...

ant, antelope,

aye aye,


Aviva: While you take
inventory of your discs,

I should do a diagnostic on them

to make sure they're
working okay.

Chris: Good idea, what
do you have to do?

Aviva: Well, every
Creature Power Disc

has a barely detectable
electrical impulse

which indicates to me that
they're operational.

So, if I analyze the
impulse signature

with this highly
sensitive instrument...


steady electrical
impulse. All good.

Uh oh- the wild pony disc
has an irregular impulse.

Really irregular.

Chris: Oh yeah that one took a
beating last time we used it.



My disc!

Aww! Thanks for
finding it buddy.



But I thought you
already fixed it?

Aviva: I thought I had, so
I'll need to even it out,

and I better check out all the
other discs, Martin's too.

Hey Martin, could you bring
out your creature power discs?

Martin: Okay sure.

Chris: Yeah, good luck.

With his organization
system, there's no way.

He'll never find them all.

Martin: (whistling)

Here they are.

Aviva: Is that all of them?

Martin: Yeah, I think so.


Uh oh.


Almost lost one.

I'm going up top to chill
out and look around.

Zach: Ooh, so they're
relaxing today.

And doing busy work.

This could be a good
time for me to strike.

While they're defenses are down.

I just have to come
up with a plan.

Martin: Hey! I guess
you had the same idea.

Great place to
look around right?

You ospreys have sharp
eyesight don't yeah?

Hey you've just reminded me,

I forgot to give Aviva
my Osprey Power disc.

It was in my boot.

What're you looking for

with those big osprey
eyeballs anyway?


Whoa that's a big fish!

Can it be?

A hammerhead shark!

I love hammerheads!

Zach: Hammerheads. Of course!

I can make hammerhead Zachbots

and use them to knock
down the Tortuga door

and take all those
inventions that should be mine!


Martin: Whoa.

I gotta show everybody.


Koki: Whoa...a Hammerhead shark?

Their heads really do
look like a hammer.

Not a ball peen hammer,
or a claw hammer.

But they do look
like a sledge hammer.

Aviva: Guys...Martin's
spotted a hammerhead.

Chris: Where?

Koki: Yeah, where is she?

Chris: We've got to
get a closer look.

There she goes.

Koki: She's swimming away.

Aviva: Ahh, we'll never
get a closer look.

Martin: Hey, I've got an idea.

That fish might be too
big for you to catch,

but what about me?

With Osprey Powers!

Insert Osprey power disc,

touch Osprey,

activate Osprey Powers!

(exciting tranformation music)


Oh yeah!

Woo...let's go fishing!

Ah ha, hammerhead at o'clock.

Oh yeah, hammerheads like
to swim near the surface

in shallow waters.

They swim at the
surface so much,

hammerheads actually have a
natural sunscreen in their skin

so they don't catch a sunburn.

But swimming near the surface
make them easy for me to catch -

in my Osprey Power Suit!

Okay, but no talons,
toe pads only.

Koki: Wow!
Aviva: Awesome!

Chris: Alright Martin!

Martin: Yeah! Woohoo!

Whoa, ahhh, this shark is heavy.

Whoa, ahhhh, whoa!

Chris: forgot that
a foot long hammerhead

weighs about pounds.

Martin: Uh! Kinda...

Aviva: That's too close!

Martin: Whoa!

Koki: The discs!

Aviva: Oh no!

Chris: They're sinking!

Martin: Uh oh, ahh!



Chris: Our creature power discs!

Yikes, they're being covered
by sand with the wave action.

I can't find them!

Aviva: What? All of our
Creature Power Discs are lost?

Zach: Yes! Best day ever.

The Creature Power Discs
are finally gone

and my hammerhead Zachbots
are coming along nicely.

The design is genius.

Time to see what they can do.



With the hammerhead

my Zachbots will be able to
knock on the Tortuga door

and break it down.

They will smash it!

Oh, I smashed my cookie.


Aviva: Okay, so there's
good news and bad.

Chris: What's the good news?

Aviva: All the discs have
electrical signals.

Martin: What's the bad?

Aviva: They're
barely detectable.

And unfortunately,

my instrument that measures
electrical impulses

doesn't work under water.

Martin Did you say...

detecting very weak
electrical impulses?

Chris: Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Martin: Oh, I'm thinking it.

Chris: So, thinking it.

Koki: What are you thinking?

Chris: We're thinking the
hammerhead shark might be able

to detect the very weak
electrical impulses

on the creature power discs.

Aviva: Really?

Martin: Yes. The secret is in
the shape of its hammerhead.

Because somehow that shape

gives it the power to detect
electrical impulses.

Aviva: How exactly does it work?

Chris: That's what we've
got to figure out.

Martin: Let's get moving.

Because we have a creature
mystery to solve.

Chris: Prepare to dive.


(clang, clang, clang)

Zach: Hammerhead
Zachbots listen up,

you will smash down
the Tortuga door,

go in and grab all the Wild
Kratts inventions you can.

Then bring them to me.

Zachbots away!

Let's knock down that door!


Aviva: There's gotta be a
hammerhead out here somewhere.

Koki: I don't see anything yet.

Chris: Whoa, a hammerhead!

Ahh, the eyes way out
on side of the head.

That actually
creates a blind spot.

The hammerhead
can't see anything

directly in front of her.

Martin: Ahh, sometimes a
creature weakness is needed

to have a great
creature strength!

Chris: Very profound Martin.

What is so important
and beneficial

about that hammerhead

that would be worth
creating a blind spot?

The hammerhead seems to
be searching the floor,

swinging that hammerhead
side to side.

Martin: There's
nothing even moving.

But the hammerhead
seems to zero in.

Chris: And then with that
mouth under her head,

att*cks the sand.

Martin: She caught a flounder!

So how in the creature world,

did a hammerhead shark find
a fish hidden in the sand

that wasn't moving?

Chris: Okay, let's
review what we know.

All sharks have these senses
on their nose and face

that help them hunt.

Martin: Oh yeah, called
ampullae of Lorenzini.

Ah ha, really nailed that one.

These detect electrical impulses

that help a shark zero in

on its prey when it's close.

Chris: So, like other sharks,

the hammerheads must
have these too.

And I'm noticing it has so
many ampullae of Lorenzini

that cover its much wider
hammer-shaped head.

So, the shape makes room
for even more of them.

Martin: Look what's she doing.

Aviva: Okay recording

Martin: Cruising the bottom,
hammerhead close to the sand.

Whoa...bites the sand and
comes up with a flounder!

Oh, that hammerhead
shark knew exactly

where the fish was hiding.

So, with that wide hammerhead

filled with so many
ampullae of Lorenzini,

this shark can really
scan for electricity.

Aviva: So, it can
detect very faint

electrical impulses.

Martin: Like those
from a motionless fish

hiding in the sand.

Chris: So that means,
hammerhead shark powers

can enable us to find the
faint electrical impulses

on our Creature Power
discs lost in the sand.

She's on to something.

Martin: A stingray!

Chris: The hammerhead twists

and bursts forward after
the fleeing stingray.

She catches up and grabs it!

Martin: Another meal for
the hammerhead shark.

Wow hammerhead shark
powers are awesome!

Aviva: Oh yeah.

I understand how
all this works now.

This is going to be no problem.

Koki: Uh Aviva, I think
we have another problem.

A storm and it looks really big!

So, the winds will
increase the wave action

and stir up the sea bottom.

Chris: That could bury the
discs deeper in the sand

and move them away.

Martin: What? We might
never find them again!

Aviva, we've got to hurry.

Aviva: I'm hurrying,
I'm hurrying!

Zach: Get ready for
my storm, it's coming.

Zach Varmitech's
hammerhead storm.

(evil laugh)

Aviva: Yes! Complete.


Koki: Here are
two Blank discs...

Aviva: Insert discs,

energizing creature power
programming press.

Let's hope I've got the
hammerhead details right.

Koki: Looks good.

Aviva: Let's see if it
works. Printing complete!

Bros, the hammerhead
discs are ready!

Here you go Koki.

Koki: Sending via the
amphisub purge vents.

Martin/Chris: Gotcha! Insert
Hammerhead Power Disc.

Touch Hammerhead shark.

Activate Hammerhead
Shark Power!

(funky transforming music)


Martin: Whoa bro, you look
cool. And kinda hilarious.

At the same time!

Chris: Yeah, this is the
funniest head gear ever.

Martin: Yeah, you've
got one eye there

and one eye on the other side.

Chris: Yeah and I can only
see you when I turn my head.

I see you with this eye.

And...see you with this eye.

But you disappear when
you're right in the middle.

Martin: Hey, how'd our eyes
get out to the side anyway?

Chris: To make room for the
ampullae of Lorenzini of course.


Martin: Yes! Let's see if this
hammerhead headgear works.

Chris: And find our
creature power discs.

To the creature
power Disc rescue!

Uh Aviva, something's wrong with
this hammerhead power suit.

Martin: Yeah, you forgot
the fins and the tail.

Aviva: Did you really think

I would forget the fins and
the tail for shark powers?


Martin: No.

Aviva: Push the right toe
pad on your paw icon.

Martin: Okay.
Martin/Chris: Oh!

Aviva: I know that every shark

needs pectoral fins
for stabilization.

A tail for power
stroke swimming.

Martin: Awesome!

Aviva: And of course,

the dorsal fin also
helps for stabilization.

Martin: And for the
classic shark look.

Chris: Ah ha, now we're ready!

To the creature
power disc rescue!

Marth: Yeah!

Chris: Okay, this area is where
the creature power discs landed.

But the wave action
has moved the sand.

Martin: Covering
any trace of them.

Okay, time to see what these
hammerhead powers can do.

Hey, I'm sensing something!

An electrical signal.

A little over here...
oh-no...more to this side...

wait, here... there...

a flounder!

Chris: I'm sensing an
electrical signal too.

More to the right,

more to the left...

a stingray!

Aviva/Koki: It works!

Koki: Yes, they found the
electrical signal

of a flounder and stingray!

Aviva: Even though
the electrical signals

of those creature's bodies

are difficult to detect.

But the electrical signals
of the creature power discs

will be much fainter.

Bros, you've got to dial in on

even weaker signals from
the creature power discs.

Martin: Okay, okay we're on it.

Chris: No problem.

Searching for lower
intensity pulse.

Martin: This way...

I got one!


Chris: There's one over here!


Aviva: Great job guys!

Koki: At this rate, we'll have
all the creature power discs

before the storm hits.

Jimmy Z: Calling
swimming crustacean,

this is flying turtle here.

I think we've got
another problem.

It appears to be what
looks like Zachbots

with hammers on their heads.

And I think they might be
coming to attack the Tortuga!


Martin: Zach! We've got
to stop those Zachbots!

Chris: Let's get em!

Aviva: No!

You've got to find all
the creature power discs.

We'll stop the Zachbots.

Chris: Okay, great.

(bang bang) (bang bang)

(bang bang) (bang bang)

Jimmy Z: I'm not going
to just take a snooze

while you beat up my Tortuga.

Tortuga battle mode!

Fear the turtle!


Crunch time!


Chris: Spider monkey!

Martin: Yeah, sea horse!

Zach: Knock it down!

(bang bang, bang bang,
bang bang, bang bang..)


Jimmy Z: Nice try.
You can keep knocking,

but you can't come in.





(Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!)

Aviva: (gasps)
They're coming inside!

Zach: (laughter)

Koki: Gotta stop them!

Martin: Ooh...snowy owl.

Chris: Oh yeah, cheetah!

Koki: Oh no you don't,
not my giant screen.

Say hello to my sledgehammer.

Zach: Aaaahh
Aviva: Hey Zachbot.

You want a teleporter?

Come and get it.

Energize and zap it!

Chris: Zebra!

Martin: I think we've
found all of them!

Let's go!

Koki: We really showed
those Zachbots.

Zach: Don't look so smug.

My Hammerhead Zachbots still
have lots of your inventions

and they're mine now.


Aviva: Oh no that's
my Creature Power

Programming equipment.

I need that to make
creature power discs.

Zach's getting away!

Koki: How are we
going to stop him?

Zach: Victory!

Chris: Woo hoo!

Zach: Ah! Hey!



I'm wet.

Chris: Aviva...
Zach: Huh?

Chris: Here you go.

Aviva: Safe and back home.

Zach: Ohhhh....oh!

I'll get you next
time Wild Rats!

Martin/Chris: That's
Wild Kratts!

Zach: Whatever.

Chris: Ahh yes, all our
Creature Power discs,

safe and sound.

Martin: Yup, thanks to those
awesome hammerhead shark powers

that helped us find them.

Aviva: And, we were
also able to rescue

my creature power
programming press from Zach.

So, we can keep making
lots of new discs.

Martin: Of whatever
new animals we meet.

Chris: Living free
and in the wild!

Martin: Oh yeah,
the hammerhead shark

is such an amazing creature.

And as far as sharks go,
maybe the most recognizable.

With its eyes far apart
on that unique hammerhead,

you always know the
hammerhead shark.

However other sharks can be a
little tricky to tell apart.

But shark scientists can
tell different sharks

just by looking at their teeth.

See this long thin tooth,

that's a mako shark tooth.

And this tooth belongs
to a lemon shark.

And I'll never
forget Chris and I

finding that lemon shark nursery

with all those baby sharks.

They were hidden in the
shallow waters of the estuary.

The baby sharks start their life
here in the shallow water

to keep them safe
while they grow

because there are a lot of
predators out in the deep water.

But when these little lemon
sharks are big enough,

they'll head out to sea.

Chris: I love lemon sharks,

but one of my favorite
sharks of all,

are the gentle giants,
the whale sharks.

They're not dangerous at all,

in fact they're filter feeders.

So they only eat tiny
microscopic plankton

and small fishes in the water.

Chris: They have huge mouths,
and they just gulp down

gallons and gallons of water
along with their prey.

Chris: The food is filtered
out in their mouth.

The extra water goes
out those giant gills.

And with a name
like whale shark,

these are big fishes.

In fact, they're the
largest fish in the world.

Whale sharks are
peaceful creatures,

but there's another big shark

with a different reputation.

This tooth belongs to
one of the biggest

most famous sharks of all,

the great white shark.

And we got an up close
and personal look at one

on a dive in South Africa.

Chris: Oh yeah, I was in a shark
cage filming a huge female

that was circling the boat.

Suddenly, she
approached the cage.

That's when I got a good look
at those razor-sharp teeth.

Wow! What an
incredible creature!

Martin: One thing's for sure,
sharks are one of the coolest,

most amazing creatures
on this planet.

Keep on creature adventuring.

Chris: We'll see you
on the creature trail.

(show theme music)


Chris: To find out more
about cool animals.

Both: We'll see ya there!