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05x06 - Fire Salamander

Posted: 10/19/22 10:53
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild kratts ♪

- [Martin] we're here in
the northern hemisphere.

- [Chris] and much of
the northern hemisphere

Is covered in woodlands.

- [Martin] and this
is where we are

Creature adventuring today!

- It's us, the kratt brothers!

I'm chris.

- I'm martin.

And we're here in
this mature forest.

It's dark and cool down here

Because the canopy of
leaves blocks out the sun.

- Down here is the perfect home

For lots of animals,
including salamanders.

- But even this isn't cool, wet,

Or dark enough for salamanders.

- That's why they
live underground.

Under dead trees.

Under rocks.

- Let's try this one.

- Oh yes!

Over here!

Oh wow!

These are spotted salamanders.


They're black,

With yellow spots.

- Oh yeah, and that's
how they got their name,

Spotted salamanders.

Now these salamanders are
members of the ambystoma genus,

Which includes
spotted salamanders,

And marble salamanders,

And tiger salamanders!

These young salamanders,

Just recently transformed into
their adult salamander form.

The life cycle of the salamander

Is really cool.

Most salamanders start
out with the adults

Laying eggs in temporary
pools in the forest.

And then,

Those eggs hatch into
larval salamanders.

- Those larval salamanders have
gills and live in the water,

Until the gills disappear,

And they grow legs.

And then,

Those salamanders
crawl out of the water,

And start life underground.

Imagine if we could crawl into
the world of the salamanders.

- Imagine if we had
salamander powers.

- What if?!

(Jungle music)

(Theme music)

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures

♪ From the oceans to the trees

♪ The brothers kratt
are going places

♪ You never get to see

♪ Hanging with their
creature friends

♪ Get ready

♪ It's the hour

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today

♪ With creature power

♪ Gonna go wild wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild wild wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild wild wild kratts

♪ Cheetah speed and lizard glide

♪ Falcon flight and lion pride

♪ Gonna go wild wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild wild wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild wild wild kratts

♪ Go wild wild wild kratts

- Fire salamander.

Oh oh I can see why in germany,

They call it the black forest.

It's dark.

- And it's cool!

Delightfully creepy.

And I can't wait to find
some cool animals tomorrow.

- Yeah, what kind
of cool animals

Live in the black forest?

- I don't know,

But speaking of cool,

I'm gettin' cold.

Time to light a fire
and set up camp.

- Okay.

I'll set up camp,

And why don't you collect
wood for the fire?

- Sure!



- Hey!

So what are you waiting for?

Weren't you gonna get
some wood? (Laughing)

(Whip cracking)

(Log cracking)

- There.

- Great!

So let's get this fire started.

(Upbeat music)

(Fire crackling)

- Ah, that's better.

- Whoa!

And so is the black forest!

- Yeah, look at
all those shadows.

- It's like there's strange
creatures dancing in the trees.

- Yeah, this place
is really (gulps)


- Yeah,

This is fun.

(Spooky music)


- Something's crawling
out of the fire!


- Whoa!

- What is it?

- Crawling out of the fire?

- Yeah, go look.

- No, you go look.

- No, you look first.

- Uh, let's look together.

- Okay.





- Huh?

A salamander?

- [Chris] from out of the fire?

- Must be a fire salamander!

I read about them
in an ancient text,

That I think I have
in my backpack.


- What?

You carry around ancient texts?

- Yeah!

Doesn't everybody?

Where is it?

A ha!

The fire salamander.

Born in the fire,

The salamander is created
from burning wood,

And it's skin is unharmed
by the hottest flame.

- He looks all right to me.

He's not burned,

But he came out of the fire.

- Yeah.

Well, that makes
namin' this guy easy.

I'll call you, flame.


This guy, hi.

Your name is sparker.

- This is incredible!


The scientific name
for this species is

Salamandra salamandra,

Aka the fire salamander.

- (Gasps) can you imagine
a creature power suit

That made us immune to fire?

- Whoa.

- Hey aviva,

I know it sounds too
weird to be true,

- But there is the
fire salamander,

- That appears out
of burning logs!

- And is immune to fire.

- Huh?

- Wow!

- I'm getting started on
this unbelievable fire proof

Creature power,

Like now!

Now, what's your secret?

- Dabio, I'm feeling
creatively blocked.

- Oh, I hear
something good donita.

Martin and chris have found
a black and yellow salamander

That walks through fire.

(Gasps) it doesn't burn!

- What does it look like?

- Like this.

- Striking patterns!




It's coming to me!

- What donita?

- I, donita donata,

In a black and yellow bodysuit,

Enter the runway,

Walking through a wall of fire,

Unburned, unharmed!

What an entrance that would be!

- Oh.


- Yes.

That's my entrance.

Now all we have to do

Is collect , fire
salamander skins,

And sew them together into my
fireproof salamander bodysuit.

I'll be dazzling!

Dabio, drop everything.

We need to get to germany
and collect fire salamanders.

And martino and cristobal
have led us right to them.


They led us right
to them! (Laughing)

- Yeah (laughing).

(Both laughing)

- Wow.

A salamander that can
walk through fire.

- Wait a second,

Hold it.

This goes against everything
we know about salamanders.

Salamanders need
water to survive.

- Oh, thanks for
the reminder bro.

And you're right.

Salamanders are amphibians.

Like most amphibians,

A salamander's skin
always has to stay wet.

Whether it's a
spotted salamander,

A marbled salamander,

Or a tiger salamander.

The one thing that all
salamanders have in common,

Is that their skin has
to stay cool and wet.

- Yeah.

- Feel his skin.

Moist and cool.

- Very cool.

How could they be
born out of fire?

Salamanders are very
sensitive to heat.

I mean,

How could these salamanders
possibly be fireproof?

- We've gotta find out about
this salamander's life cycle,

And crack the mystery
of the fire salamander.

- Hm.

Well I think we're
gonna discover

What fire salamanders eat.

He's hunting.

- Whoa!

- Salamanders have
predatory powers.

They have special
teeth that hold,

But don't chew.

- Grab and gulp.

That's the salamander
hunting style.

What's this other
guy goin' after?

- [Chris] let's see.

- [Martin] oh, it's a spider!


Did you see that?

- Oh yeah.

He ate a spider!

- Yeah!

And did you see how he
used his eyes to swallow?

- Eyes to swallow?

- A salamander uses his
eyeballs to swallow.

- His eyeballs?

- Yeah, watch the eyeballs.

- Wow.

I need to record this!

- [Martin] see?

Pushing the worm down
with his eyeballs.

- Got it!

Let's go to the
x-ray instant replay,

To see if we're right.

- Nice.

- [Chris] the salamander
sh**t out his tongue,

Which is sticky,

And grabs the worm.

- [Martin] whoa,
in a half a second.

We needed instant
replay to even see that!

Then, he holds the worm
with vomerine teeth.

- Vomerine teeth?

- You know, those bony teeth
on the roof of the mouth.

- [Chris] yeah, vomerine
teeth hold the worm,

But no chewing.

Then the eye muscles pull
the eyes into the head,

And the eyeballs push the worm
down the salamander's throat.

- Eye-mazing!

- You mean, amazing.

- No.


That is one eye-mazing ability.

- Oh, I get it.


- Okay, it wasn't that funny.

- No!

Something is tickling me.


- The european hedgehog!


- Hey buddy!


- She's got her eye on
the fire salamander.

- Uh oh.

Hedgehogs are cute,

But they're little predators.

- Does a fire salamander
have any defenses?



That salamander did something!

- Oh, what happened?

- Let's go to the
instant replay.

Okay look.

The salamander's
flexing his skin

And glands behind his neck.

- [Chris] there's a
substance coming out.

Spraying into the
hedgehog's face!

- Must be a poison!

Because the hedgehog
doesn't like it.

The hedgehog got outta there.

- [Chris] and the
salamander is safe.

- That's an awesome
chemical defense!

- Great observation guys.

And I'm putting that power

Into the fire
salamander power suit.

How about the fireproof power?

- Nothing yet.

- Yeah, still don't know.

How can they be
born out of fire?

- Good question.

Okay, let's review what
we know about salamanders.

The standard cycle
of salamanders.

Eggs are laid in the water.

- [Martin] larvae
hatch in the water,

And breathe through
external gills.

See those fan like
things on their heads?

- [Chris] then, they
morph into adults,

And come out on land.

Some salamanders have
variations to this,

But there's one thing
they all have in common.

- I'm thinkin' what
you're thinkin'.

- You think?

- Yeah, the eggs have
to stay cool and wet.

The larvae have to
stay cool and wet.

And the adult
salamanders have to stay

Cool and wet!

- That's what I was thinking.

- They're from water.

It just doesn't make sense
that these fire salamanders

Supposedly generated from fire.

What is goin' on?

- Hm.

Yeah, and I'm having trouble
finding any fire resistance

In animals.

Trees, yes.

But I'm definitely not
finding it for amphibians.

- You guys can't figure it out?

Now you know how I feel!

- It really is a mystery!

(Rock music)

- Is the fire beam
installed and working?

- Uh, I think so.


- (Gasps) what are you doing?

- Uh, testing?

- Not in the plane!


You are so lucky those
were last year's fashions.

Are we in germany yet?

- (Gasps) oh! Hey!

I see the black forest!

(Mysterious music)

- Well, let's back it up.

One, we took logs that we
found on the forest floor.

And two, we put
them in the fire.

And then three,

A fire salamander
crawled out of the fire.

- Hey, let's take a
closer look at the logs.

- Hm.


Some of the wood here is rotten,

And moist!

- Of course!

The fire salamanders were
hiding in the cool, wet wood!

- When the wood was
put in the fire,

They crawled out of the fire
to get away from the heat!

- These salamanders
don't like fire at all!

- Aviva.

Cancel the fireproof fire
salamander power suit.

- Why?

- Well, these
salamanders are cool,

But they just don't have
fireproof creature powers.

- I'm sure they have other
cool creature powers, though.

- Yeah.

I mean, look how he protected
himself from the hedgehog.

- Clear out, kratts!

(Both yell)

- Both: donita!

What are you doin' here?

- All you have to know,

Is if you get in my way,

You'll get burned.


- Does any animal have
fire resistant powers?

- I wish!

We could really
use that power now!



- Donita, stop!

You're going to burn
the forest down!

- Who cares about the forest?

What I want,

Are those fire
salamander's skins.

- What?

- Why?

- I will sew those fire
resistant salamander skins

Into a fireproof suit,

And make my entrance at the
fantastic frogs fashion show,

Walking through a wall of fire.

- Okay, okay,

I think the heat
is getting to you.

These are living creatures.

- These salamanders need
their skin to survive!

- I don't care about that.

Fashion first!

And this year,


Fire's in!

(Exciting music)

- Sparker!

- Flame!

Donita stop!

- Never!

Aim the fire beam there, dabio.

Those fire salamanders are mine!


(Exciting music)

- Oh no.

We've gotta save them!

To the creature rescue!


- What?

The creatures are running
away from the fire!

- Yeah.

All the other animals
are in danger, too!

They know they've
gotta get outta here.

- If the wind blows,

The embers will hit the
trees and start a fire.

(Wind blowing)

- Fire!

- We've gotta put it out!

- I'll go after donita!

- I'll put out the fire!

- To the creature rescue!

- Where's that water blaster?

A ha!

All right!


Yes, I did it!



Oh no!

I'm empty!




Koki, jimmy, come in!

I need more water!

- Water?

- Donita's starting fires,

And I need a lot of water,

And fast!


- Donita!

Koki, engage
firefighting protocol.

- On it!

(Exciting music)

(Water splashing)

(Exciting music)

Convert legs into
water blasters!

(Exciting music)


Deploy water blasters!

(Water spraying)

- (Chuckles) thanks guys.

Fire's out.

- [Aviva] awesome martin!

- And I got a shower, too!

Now we gotta find chris.

He went after donita.

- I'll scan the treetops.

Hm, I don't see him.

- Gotta get higher!



See anything, aviva?

- Not yet.

(Gasps) there!

He's hanging on to
donita's scooter!

Uh oh!

Donita spotted him!

- [Martin] what's goin' on?

- [Aviva] he's been pose beamed!

They're taking him to her plane!

(Plane flies off)

We've gotta catch them!

- Hey aviva,

Do you have your creature
power vest handy?

- Right here.

- Feel like activating
a fast flying power?

Cause here's a nest
of peregrine falcons.

- You don't have
to ask me twice.

(Rock music)

-Both: insert peregrine falcon

Touch peregrine falcon!

Activate peregrine
falcon powers!

(Exciting music)

- To the --

- Oh!

I wanna say it!

- All yours.

- To the creature rescue!

- And the chris rescue!


- [Aviva] I love flying
fast with falcon powers!

- Put him over there dabio.

(Laughing, grunting)



- I like this
cristobal much better.


And he doesn't interfere.

Dabio, get the skins
off those salamanders.

- Uh, that sounds
kinda mean, donita.

- Mean?

What do you mean by that?

- Uh, nothing donita.

- Good.

Then get me the skins.

I'm starting up
the sewing machine.

And soon,

I will be styling in my new
fireproof fire salamander

Bodysuit (laughing).

It's gonna look so good.


- How do I do it?

How do I do it?


(Dabio clears throat)

'Scuse me,

Do you know how to get
the salamander skins off?


Oh, uh, okay.

I'll unpose beam
you for a minute,

But no funny business.

(Button beeping)

- Thanks dabio,

You're a good guy.

- How do I get their skins off?

- Uh, easy.

Just put them in water!

- Oh!


(Goofy music)

(Water splashing)

Okay, now what?

- Uh, just watch and wait.

Yeah, see how their front
legs swing by their side,

And their back legs hang back?

Then they use their tails
like a paddle to swim.

- Oh, they swim!

But when do their
skins fall off?


- Uh, just keep watching.

Soon, they'll swim right
out of their skins.

We just have to wait a little.

- Oh!

(Rock music)

- [Aviva] donita's
plane is fast!

- Our peregrine falcon
powers are faster!

Okay aviva,

Get ready to stoop!

- Stoop?

How do you do that?

- Oh stoop?

To stoop,

You just tuck in your wings,

And dive,

Like this!

This is how a falcon hits top
speed of miles per hour!

- Okay.


- Oh,

They're pretty swimmers.

- I know.

Aren't they cool to look at?

- Yeah (giggling).

- Dabio, why is chris free?

And, what are you doing?

Why are those
salamanders swimming?

Why do they still
have their skins!

- Because they need them,

More than you do!

- Salamander skins
belong to salamanders!

- Living free and in the wild!

- You always say that
when you beat us.

- Dabio, watch chris.

We're not beaten yet.

(Exciting music)

Mannequins, attack!

(Exciting music)

- [Martin] whoo! Missed me!

- [Aviva] too slow!

- I'm falcon fast!


- Your mannequins can't
catch them, donita!

- Don't distract me!

Mannequin, bag him!

(Exciting music)

- I'm not groceries.

Hey, you can't bag me!

Let me go!



- It's dark in here!



- Let's get you guys home!

- [Martin] these
mannequins don't give up!

- [Aviva] I know!

Any ideas?

- You missed again!

(Exciting music)

- When we swing past,

You take out my mannequin,

And I'll take out yours!

(Exciting music)

- Okay!

- [Martin] we'll have
to help chris, too.

- Give up yet?

- Don't think so.

(Exciting music)

(Grunting and groaning)

- Ready, aviva?

- Ready!

- [Both] one!



(Mannequins crash)

- [Martin] yeah!



- Huh?

(Mannequins crash)

- Dabio!

- Yes, donita?

- Put the mannequins
back together.

The wild kratts
are getting away!

- Martin!


I've got the salamanders!

Take them back to
the black forest!

- Got 'em!

- Got 'em!

- Yeah!


What about me?

- (Giggles) sorry bro!

Hop on!

- Thanks!

- Uh, dabio!

- That goes here.

No no.

That goes there.

- What are you doing?

- Huh?

- That doesn't look right.


- No!

My salamanders are gone!

- Savin' the planet
with creature power!

One species at a time!

- There you go, little guys.

- Time to go home.

- Back to the safety
of the forest.

- [All] living free
and in the wild!

- Oh yeah,

There are a lot of amazing
salamanders around the world.

About species.

Most of them living in
the northern hemisphere.

- Like, check out this member
of the salamander family.

It's a fully aquatic one.

This is a spanish ribbed newt,

And it has a really
cool creature power.

When a predator grabs them,

They expand their ribs,

And they can push them
right through their skin,

Delivering a poison
into the predator.


And check out his face.

That is one cute face.

- Hey, and you wanna see
another salamander with a cool

Creature power?

Check this out.

Under this wet moss is,


A fire salamander.

Wow (laughing).

Look at those bright
yellow markings, huh?

They're advertising the
poison of the fire salamander,

Because right behind
the salamander's eyes,

There are these glands
above this cheek,

And they have poison in them.

If a predator tries to
grab the fire salamander,

The poison releases.

The fire salamander can
even sh**t the poison

At the predator!

No doubt about it.

Salamanders are amazing animals

With super creature powers.

And these examples just
scratch the surface of the

Salamander world.

All right.

Now let's get our two young
spotted salamanders back home.

- Living free,

And in the wild.

So here's how you do it.

What you don't wanna do,

Is put the salamanders
down first.

- And then put the log down,

Because you could
accidentally crush them.

What you need to do is first
put the log back in place.

- And then,

Put your salamanders
down near the log,

And let 'em crawl in themselves.

That's the way they
safely return to their

Underground home.

- There are so many awesome
kinds of salamanders!

- And so many secrets
in the salamander world.

- I love salamanders!


- Keep on creature adventuring!

- We'll see ya on
the creature trail!

(Upbeat music)

(Theme music)

- To find out more
about cool animals.

(Upbeat music)