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05x04 - The Dhole Duplicator

Posted: 10/19/22 10:51
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild kratts

Martin: on our planet,

There are so many amazing
creatures to discover.

Hey, it's us the kratt brothers.

I'm martin.

I'm chris and today,

We're checking
out a little known

And mysterious member
of the canidae family.

Martin: canids are
animals that look like dogs.

Like coyotes and
african wild dogs.

Chris: canids can be
found almost everywhere

And come in sizes
from big to small

Like this fox.

Chris: this is a cross fox.

A mix of two color
patterns of red fox.

The silver version

And the red version.

The red foxes,
including the cross,

Martin: usually hunt alone.

They're omnivores so they
eat almost everything.

Including small mammals
like rabbits and mice

To bring back to
their hungry babies.

On average red foxes have
between four to six kits.

Oh yeah, foxes are
really cool animals

And you know,

There's another
really interesting,

Unusual animal about
the size of a red fox.

And that canid

Is called a dhole.

Also known as the
indian wild dog.

Martin: now the dhole is
a very intelligent canid

And it lives in a pack.

Chris: they may not look big,

But together they have
the power of the pack

And have even been known
to chase away tigers.

Martin: and dholes are
playful, social creatures.

However, when it
is time to hunt,

The other animals better run,

Because dhole become
fierce predators.

So what are the creature powers

That make the indian wild dog
such a tough little canid?

Imagine if we had dhole powers.

Both: what if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures

♪ From the oceans to the trees

♪ The brothers kratt are going
places you never get to see

♪ Hanging with their
creature friends

♪ Get ready it's the hour

♪ We're gonna save some animals
today with creature power

♪ Gonna go wild with wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild wild wild kratts

♪ Wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild with wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild wild wild

♪ Cheetah speed and lizard glide

♪ Falcon flight and lion pride

♪ Gonna go wild with wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild wild wild kratts

♪ Wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild with wild kratts

♪ Gonna go wild wild wild kratts

♪ Go wild wild wild kratts

Martin: the dhole duplicator.

I'm not going to tell them
about the duplicator yet,

Not until I'm sure it works.

Aviva: okay, testing.


(Gasps) there's two of you.

It works!

I can't wait to tell them!

They are going to be so psyched!

Martin: whoa!!

What in the creature world?


What is it?

What are you reading bro?

The jungle book
by rudyard kipling.

Listen to this,

Martin: "even the
tiger will surrender

A new k*ll to the dhole".

Chris: oh ho.

That's cool.

There's a predator in india
who can take on a huge tiger.


How can that be true?

That's what it says
and it's a classic.

Okay, well then let's enter

The clues in the world
science database.

It takes on tigers.

Chris: okay, so it's a
carnivore, a predator.

"They are not as
big as the wolf."

Chris: smaller than a wolf,

And indian wolves are
pretty small already.

"The dhole, for instance,

"Do not begin to call
themselves a pack

"Till they are a hundred strong.

"What a terrible thing the
dhole hunting pack was".

Chris: and they live and
work in a big group.

Martin: the dhole,
aka the red dog

Chris: this is an obscure and
extremely endangered animal.

Okay I think it's obvious
what the wild kratts

Next creature mission
is going to be.

To find the dhole,
the wild dog of india.

So let's pack up our
adventure gear and get going.

Aviva, aviva!

You've got to get up here.

We've got to start programming

Martin: dhole powers!

Aviva: okay! Don't come down.

I'm on my way up.

What's up?

Our mission is to locate

A mysterious, small dog-like

Carnivore and--

(Gasps)i love small dogs.

I said dog-like, not dog.

Aviva: aw.

Martin: like pine martens,
wolverines, foxes and otters.

Okay, okay.

I'll start with the
carnivore base programming.

Chris: hang on aviva.

Check it out.

The dhole.

Now this may look like

A red dog,

But it's not a canine species.

It's its own genus.



Maybe I have to start from
scratch with this one.

Yes this species evolved
in the pleistocene era,

In the time of the
saber toothed cats,

Short faced bears, wooly
rhinos and mammoths,

And has survived pretty
much unchanged since then.

Martin, where'd you learn
to draw like a caveman?


And today the dhole is one of

The rarest carnivores

In the world.

An endangered
species, so secretive

That no one really knows how
many survive in the wild.

But the best guess
is only , .

And people don't even really
know much about them at all.

So this is going

To be a challenge.

To even find them,

We may need some help from
wild kratts kids in india.

Oh, my turn!

Calling all wild
kratts kids in india.

Aviva: have you ever
heard of or seen a dhole?

Are they for real?

Can you help us?

We've gotta meet the dholes!

Yes please help.

Message sent.

Hopefully, we'll
hear something soon.


Chris and martin: hmm. Nothing.

Here's an idea.

You know wild kratts
kids aren't the only ones

Who can help us.

Are you thinking what
I'm thinking bro?

I think I'm thinking
what you're thinking

Both: we could also get
some help from the creatures!

Martin, check it out!

Chris: sambar deer!

Martin: langur monkey!

Chris: peacock!

Wow, this is one
of the coolest things

About creature
adventuring in india.

These animals will
actually tell you

Where the predators are.

So listen, we're looking
for dholes, can you help?

Yeah a dhole, that
ferocious little carnivore?

(Bushes rustling)




This is it.

We're going to
meet the dholes.


Chris and martin: whoa.


Not what we were expecting.

But always a treat
to see a tiger.

Oh, unless he thinks
we're a tiger treat.

Martin, make like

A monkey and climb!

I'm with you chris.

Tiger, arch enemy of the dhole.

I don't know how any
group of small animals

The size of a fox could deal
with a huge cat like that!

Maybe the stories of
the fearsome dholes are

Just, well, stories?

Aviva: lucky tigers
don't like to climb.

Koki: yeah.

I never get tired

Of looking at tigers.

Yeah I like
their orangy color.

That is one cool cat.

Who would believe
that a pack of little

Dog-like creatures
could hassle them?

Well if anybody would know,

It would be the wild kratts
kids who live in india.


(Computer humming)

There we go.

Aviva: that didn't take long.

Koki: it's from mala in
madhya pradesh province

And that's where we are now!

Hi koki. Hi aviva.

Both: hi mala.

We're here in india
looking for dholes.

Are they the real deal?

Well I've never
seen a dhole,

But they are real and ferocious.

It's true.

They're very hard to
see and quite rare.

But my uncle has seen them.

Mala: a few times.

He's told me of a
family of dholes

That live up high in the
hills in the old ruins.

They den at the feet
of a giant statue.

Both: whoa!

Have you ever gone
there to see them?

Mala: no it's too dangerous

Because a tiger hunts
below the ruins.

Oh you mean this tiger?

Looks like today he caught us.

And that means
we must be below

The mountain where
the dholes den.

Martin: hey I see the ruins.

Alright, cool!

Let's go!


Both: ah!

Okay, forgot about the tiger.

So mala,

How do you get past a tiger
at the bottom of a tree?

(Chuckles) I
don't think you do.

Maybe you just wait
for it to leave.

Mala: but tigers are
very patient hunters.

Yeah we're getting that.







Martin look out for the tiger!


Martin: tiger!




Uh martin, the tiger's gone.

Oh cool


Martin: must be getting
close to dholes now.

I hope so.

Whoa, there it is!

Chris: the giant statue.

Yeah, whoa.

This place is so cool.

Martin: oh yeah, I totally
want to live here.

Okay this is my house.

Oh wow.

Martin: oh, hello.

Uh, hey chris, looks like
a sloth bear beat me to it.

Quit fooling martin.

Martin: but I'm not.

There's a sloth bear here.

A sloth bear.

We're focusing on
dholes today, remember?

And look at these tracks.

Sorry buddy.

I'll have to come back to
adventure with you okay?

We're doing a dhole
adventure today.

See ya.

Chris: check it out.

See the nails?

They're like little
dog-like tracks.

Well let's hope
they're dog-like

And not actual dog tracks.

That way, they might

Be tracks of the dhole.

Looks like a lot of tracks

Chris: and from lots of
different individuals.

A pack of tracks.

That could point to dholes.


Let's follow them and find out.



Martin: do you hear something?

By the rock!

What's that?

A baby rabbit?

A wild cat kitten?



Some kind of little pup?

Both: could it be?

A baby dhole!

Oh ho.

It must be.

Yeah and you look
dog-like, but different.

Kind of a dog and kind of not,
so, you must be a dhole

Oh yeah.

One thing's for sure, I'm
going to name you, little red.


Uh I think we have our
answer on the dhole question.

She's definitely
a dhole pup because

There's her mom!

Chris: hi momma dhole.

Wow that's a dhole.

Oh ho, an amazing new
animal for my life list.

Chris: the dhole.

Cuon alpinus.

Martin: really kind of
small and a little long.

Looks kind of like a mix

Between a weasel and a dog.

And totally fearless.


Where you going?

And why the hurry?


Uh I don't think mom
is too happy with us.

We don't want to hurt your pup.

Both: ah!

What's she doing?

Chris: there's nothing there.

You were saying bro?

Looks like a leopard to me.

Martin: those leopards
can hide anywhere.

One of the stealthiest of
all the world's wild cats.

Uh-oh this is bad.

This leopard is going
for the mother dhole.

Uh, and may I remind you

That sometimes leopards

Are man eaters,

So this isn't

Very good for us either.

Oh martin, how can such a
little carnivore be so brave?


That's how bro.

Martin: the pack.

Oh yeah, of course!

Power in numbers.


These little
carnivores are fluid,

Fearless, and energetic.

And together they are a
force to be reckoned with.


Chris: whoa!


That's some serious team work.

What a creature power.


Martin: aviva!

Are you getting this?

Oh yeah, all over this.

Martin: quick.

Chris: agile.

Martin: confident.

Chris: sleek.

Martin: fast.

Chris: intelligent.

Individually an
amazing animal.

Chris: together,
one big super predator.

Dholes survive in a jungle
of big cats with teamwork,

And even bring food
back to any members

That stay behind at the den.

Aviva: guys can you
give me a scan?


Great skeleto-muscular data.

Just putting on the
finishing touches.


Hurry aviva, the
dholes are leaving.

Almost ready.

Hurry we need the discs now!

We have to touch a dhole!

If the dholes leave,

We might never be able
to find them again!

Both: hurry!

I'm hurrying!

The clan is clearing out!

Dhole power is disappearing!

Two discs ready to go.



And zap it!

Insert dhole power discs.

Martin: and touch.

Both: oof.

Aw, we've got dhole power discs.

But the dholes are gone.


So close.

Hey, but what about little
red, the little dhole.

The dhole pup.

Aw, hey buddy.

Chris: why didn't you go
with the rest of the pack?

Of course, pups always
stay behind at the den.

And little red is going

To help us out big time.

Chris and martin:
activate dhole power!

Chris: quick.


Sharp senses.

Oh ho, I like it.

Yeah, this suit
is pretty cool.

But did you realize we're
just the size of a large fox?


Maybe we should just go
join the rest of the pack.

Chris: c'mon.

Good idea.

Martin: we'll see you
later little red.


Martin: oh, the langur
monkey alarm call.

Chris: and that sambar's
getting out of here.


Martin: so's that peacock.

Everybody respects dhole power.

Both: whoa!

Hey sloth bear.

How're you doing?

Where you going?

Aw, we were just best
friends a few minutes ago.

Only downside is

You can't make animal
friends in this power suit.

Still leopards will attack

One or two dholes
it catches alone.

With that leopard around,

We'd better find that
big group of dholes.


Oh no!

Chris: uh oh, just as I feared.

A twitching cat tail!

(Intense music)

Both: a tiger!

And he doesn't
seem afraid of us.

That's because
there's only two of us.

The dholes' power is
strength in numbers.

Yeah, we need the rest of
the pack, but they're gone!

We need more dhole powers!

Martin, let's get out of here!

Martin: I'm with you!


Chris, I think we lost her.



Aviva: because there's
only two of you,

The tiger has the advantage.

She sure has!

But if there were more of
you in dhole power suits,

Then the tiger would
think very differently.

But there aren't!


Good synopsis of
the problem aviva.

Yeah but how's a synopsis
going to help martin and chris?

I have something experimental
that I've been working on.

Koki, jimmy,

I need your help to bring
it up from the garage.

Hang on bros!

We're hanging!

Aviva: koki,
jimmy, you coming?

We're here.

What is it?

I call it the duplicator.

Both: the duplicator?

Aviva: it's like a real
life d copier of things.

A duplicator device.

But it's only experimental.

Chris: so let's experiment!

Martin: it's an emergency!

Chris: we can't shake the tiger.

Martin: we need more
dhole powers now!

(Grunting) almost there.

Duplicator ready.

Energize, and zap it.


Both: huh?

Martin: inside, quick.


Chris: it's getting
crowded in here.

Hi chris # .

No wait, I'm chris # .

You're chris # .


This is weird.

But totally cool.

The more martins.

The merrier!


Both: yeah!

Chris: one more time.


Now we've got a
pack of dhole power!

We'd better chase him
away from the den area.

More powerful than a

Martin: pound tiger!

Yep, I can understand
why you gave me that

World's greatest inventor
trophy for christmas.


Uh oh.

Hey, what's wrong with
martin and chris # ?

Aviva: oh no!

Chris: oh, now there goes
three, four and five!

Aviva: that's the problem
with experimental.



Oh no, we should've
gotten out of these ruins

When we had the chance.

We're cornered again.

I got this.

(Dhole speak)

Knock it off martin.

That's making the
tiger hungrier.

(Dhole speak)

Both: dholes!

Keep it going martin!

That's bringing the
dholes to the rescue.

(Dhole speak)

Chris: we now have
a pack of dholes!


Both: yes!

Martin: the tiger knows
not to mess with the pack.

You're safe now bud.

The dholes greatest
creature power.

And key to survival is.

Strength in numbers.

And teamwork!

Martin: hey little red.

Am I ever glad to
know about dholes.

Yeah who knew they existed?

And are we ever lucky they do.

Aviva: que bonita.

But we got to remember that

This endangered species

Is going to need our help

To continue to survive.

Living free.

In a pack!

And in the wild!

So the dholes.

Also known as the
indian wild dogs.

Are one of amazing member

Of the canidae family.

And there are so many more.

Of course, the classic canid,

Martin: the timber wolf.

Also known as the gray wolf.

This is the largest living
wild canid in the world.

Oh and then there's
the northern most wolf.

The arctic wolf.

Now this wolf has adapted

To live in the
frigid snowy arctic.

And a little bit larger than
a fox, there are the coyotes.

Chris: a mid sized and a
very adaptable canid.

And then there's the
canid that's kind of

The african version of

The coyote, the jackal.

Chris: this black-backed
jackal gets its name

From that cool black stripe.

Hey, speaking of africa,
that is where we had

One of our coolest canid
creature adventures ever.

Both: with the
african wild dog.

Martin: we spent weeks
with one particular pack

To really get to know them.

Here they come.

Martin: the pups, they
always stay at the den,

So wild dogs divvy up roles.

Chris: there are babysitters
that take care of the pups

And others that go off to hunt.

Chris: it's all about teamwork.

The power of the pack.

All the dogs are getting up now.

Chris: it looks like
we've got the makings of

A hunting rally here.

Martin: african wild dogs
work as a group to run down

And outnumber their prey.

Just like the dholes.

Chris: they're fast,
tireless and agile.

Another great member
of the canid family.

African wild dogs are the
closest living relatives

Of indian wild dogs.

And we've learned
that indian wild dogs

Are one cool canid.

These dholes are

Martin: quick and agile.

Chris: they have
super sharp senses.

They are smart.

Really intelligent.

Chris: and they're great at
working together as a pack.

So dholes are one
of the coolest canids

In the creature world

And we've got to keep
on creature adventuring.

We'll see you on
the creature trail.

(Upbeat music)

Chris: to find out more
about cool animals.