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05x03 - Temple of the Tigers

Posted: 10/19/22 10:50
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts! ♪

- [Chris] On the
continent of Asia,

including parts of
the country of India,

an impressive big cat roams the
wild forests and grasslands.

The Bengal Tiger.

Hey it's us the Kratt Brothers.

I'm Chris.

- I'm Martin.

- [Martin] We've been
creature adventuring

with a lot of animals that
are masters of camouflage.

Like chameleons

who blend in with the
color of their surroundings

and sneak up on bugs.

- [Chris] Or this
Praying mantis,

who is perfectly
camouflaged as a leaf.

- [Martin] But there's one
master of camouflage

who is perhaps the most powerful
and stealthy of them all.

- [Chris] We're talking
about the tiger.

-[Chris] To be more specific,

the Bengal tiger
found here in India.

-[Chris] Oh wow.

Check it out.

The Bengal tiger.

One of the world's
mightiest land predators

with super strong muscles,
lightning fast reflexes

and look at those stripes.

Tiger stripe patterns
are like fingerprints.

No two tigers have the
same exact pattern.

And it's that striped pattern

that lets the Bengal tiger
blend into their surroundings

making them such
stealthy predators.

Oh Chital deer.

Aw, but lucky for them,

it looks like this tiger
has already had a meal.

Imagine if we could step
into the paws of the tiger.

- [Martin] Imagine if we had
Bengal tiger power.

- [Chris And Martin] What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with their
creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save some animals
today with Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild with
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild with
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild wild wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed and
lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight and lion pride

♪ Gonna go wild with
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ gonna go wild wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild with
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ gonna go wild wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild wild Wild Kratts ♪

- [Chris] Temple of Tigers

See, when you're
creature adventuring,

you need to be totally
tuned in to nature.

-[Martin] You have to notice
things that others miss.

- [Koki] Well, you guys are
the best there is.

Tell me more.

- [Chris] It's a special
awareness you have to have.

-[Martin] We call it our
creature sense.

-[Chris] Nothing gets past
us, nothing at all!

- [Aviva] Nothing?

- [Both] Ahhhhh!!

- What's the matter guys?
(Koki laughing)

- [Koki] Seems like that
creature sense of yours

needs a little tune-up there.

(both groaning)

- [Aviva] Yeah,
I just saw a raccoon

I wanted to show you guys.

See, that's all.

- [Chris And Martin] Oh great.

- [Koki] Great spotting Aviva.

- [Aviva] Thanks.

It was easy really.

Anybody could have seen it.

- [Chris] Uh, Martin,

do you think we've lost
our creature sense?

- [Martin] Maybe,

I mean that's just not
like us to miss so much.

- [Donita] Ahem! -
[Chris And Martin] Ahhhh!!!!!

- [Martin] Aw, you gotta be
kidding me?!

- [Chris] Surprised again.

- [Donita] Oh, hello
Kratt Brothers.

Nice day isn't it?

- [Chris] Well, we have
had better.

- [Donita] Oh well, cheer up.

A bad day can't keep a couple
of tigers like you down.

- [Dabio] Ow, you guys are
tigers all right.

- [Martin] Well thanks I guess.

- [Donita] Okay, well, it's back
to the mansion for us.

You know how it is, top
fashion designers like me

need to spend plenty of
time relaxing in luxury!

- [Chris] Well,
I wouldn't exactly call her

a top fashion designer.

After all she does like
to use innocent animals

in her fashion designs.

- [Martin] Well at least she's
going to sit around

in her mansion for awhile.

- [Chris] Well, we can't sit

What about our creature sense?

This is a crisis situation, bro.

- [Martin] Let's not jump
to conclusions.

We need to put our creature
sense through the paces.

- [Chris] And prove to ourselves
that we've still got it.

With the biggest
challenge we can think of.

- [Chris And Martin]
Hmmm... tigers!!!

- [Chris] That's it!

The ultimate stealth machine.

Who's more in tune with
nature than the Bengal tiger?

- [Martin] No one!

And if we can find a tiger
before a tiger finds us

we'll know we've still
got our creature sense!

- [Chris] Oh ho, let's do this!

- [Martin] Yeah!

- [Chris And Martin]
Bengal tigers here we come!

- [Donita] See Dabio,

I knew we could get them
to help us find a tiger.

All we had to do was mention
tigers and off they'd go!

- [Dabio] Ooo, you still have
your villain sense Donita.

- [Donita] I know. (laughter)


- [Chris] Ah,
the country of India.

Okay bro, time to
do this Pure Kratt.

No power suits.

- [Martin] Nothing but us and
our creature sense.

- [Chris] Now where are
those tigers?

- [Martin] They could be

I mean, a camouflaged
ambush hunter

that likes to
attack from behind.

See anything Chris?

- Yeah.

- [Martin] Ahhhh!!

Two faces?!!

Trust me bro, one Chris
face is more than enough.

- [Chris] You said it
yourself Martin.

Tigers like to
attack from behind

when the prey isn't looking.

So, wear a mask on
the back of your head,

and trick a tiger.

He can't sneak up
from behind me now.

Because there is no 'behind me'.

- [Martin] Nice!

But we're supposed
to find the tiger

before he finds us remember?

- [Chris] Right on brother!

- [Martin] So who needs masks?

- [Chris] Not us!

- [Martin] No way, no how!

(leaves rustling)

Ah, but do you have another one
of those masks just in case?

- [Chris] Got you covered bro.

- [Martin] Thanks.


(ominous music)

- [Aviva] Jimmy,

Jimmy, wake up!

Have you seen the
Kratt Brothers?

They're gone!

Koki and I can't
find them anywhere

and they're not answering
their creature pods.

- [Koki] I searched
the garage too.

No Kratt Brothers!

But their space pod's gone!

- [Aviva] So they did leave.

- [Koki] And I found this
on their computer.

- [Aviva] Bengal
tigers, a map of India?

- [Koki] Can you guess
what that means?

- [Jimmy] Tigers live in India.

I could of told you that.

- [Aviva] Jimmy,
set a course for India.

- [Martin] Hmmm, that looks like
good tiger habitat over there.

- [Chris] Yeah, but how
are we going to get across?

- [Martin] Hmmm...

- [Chris] Aha!

It's a good thing I packed our
trusty inflatable dingy.

- [Martin] Nice one bro.

- [Chris] Let's go.

Wow, it sure would be cool
to spot a tiger out here.

- [Martin] Yeah,
a big wildcat who loves water

and has incredible
swimming powers.

I mean that's pretty rare.

- [Chris] Yeah, they're
so good at swimming

that they'll even stalk
prey through the water.

Um, Martin, you want
a turn in the back?

- [Martin] Sure!

Wait a second. No way!

I'm not sitting in the back.

I've heard of tigers
snatching people out of boats!

- [Chris] Ah, well,
I don't want the back either.

- [Martin] Hey, no problem bro.

I know who will sit in the back.

Ah here he is.

- [Chris] Of course.

- [Martin] Brad!

It's a good thing I packed
our trusty crash test dummy.

Just in case, on the off chance,
the tiger finds us first.

- [Chris] Which is not
going to happen.

- [Martin] No way, no how!

Hey hang on there Brad.

We'll be there soon.



He's gone!

- [Chris] Ah, you thinking
what I'm thinking?

- [Martin] I think I'm thinking
what you're thinking.

- [Chris] Uh oh.

- [Chris And Martin]



- [Martin] Ahhh.

- [Chris] Ah, well I have a
feeling a tiger has spotted us.

- [Martin] But we still haven't
spotted one of them, aahh.

- [Chris] Yeah those stripes,

they just mix in with the
dappled vertical shadows

of the forest and make
tigers so hard to see.

- [Martin] And they're so

Those padded paws
don't make a sound.

(gasps) Aaahhh!!!!

- [Chris] A tiger, we found one!

- [Martin] Aw, I think
he found us.

- [Chris] Hey little guy!

Aw, you're pretty sneaky.

Nice camouflage.

- [Martin] (giggles) Yeah,
awesome camo!

Hey, that's what
I'll call you Camo!

Awww, well bro, I'm happy
we're meeting a tiger cub,

but you know what this means?

- [Chris] We didn't know
he was there.

We failed in our challenge.

Our creature sense.

- [Chris And Martin] It's gone!

- [Chris] Hey, where's he going?

- [Martin] Let's find out.


- [Chris] Wow!

- [Aviva] Jimmy, wait,
down there!

Is that Donita?

- [Donita] They went across
there Dabio.

We have to follow them.

- [Dabio] Uh, okay Donita.

- [Aviva] Hello Donita!

- [Donita] oh hello darling.
Nice day.

- [Aviva] Donita, I was

if you've seen the
Kratt Brothers out here.

It's important.

- [Dabio] Wow, we were
just going--

- [Donita] Ahem, um,
the Kratt Brothers,

why yes, we just saw them.

They were going that way.

- [Aviva] That way?

- [Donita] For sure, that way.

- [Aviva] Ah, okay, thanks.

- [Donita] Quick Dabio,
that way.

Follow those Kratt Brothers!

- [Dabio] Ah, aah, right Donita!

- [Martin] Wow, she's

The queen of her domain,
master of stealth.

I'm going to call
her Queen Stealth.

- [Chris] And look, Camo has a
sister and a brother!

- [Martin] Oh oh, nice eyes.

Oh I love that tiger
cubs have blue eyes

before they turn light gold.

I'll call you Baby Blue.

And you'll be Tackle!

- [Chris] Oh ho ho,

these tiger cubs love to
practice their tiger moves.

Wow Queen Stealth must
know what she's doing.

Three healthy tiger cubs.

- [Martin] Yup, she rules the

- [Chris] Totally in tune
with nature.

- [Chris] You know what Martin?

If anybody can help us get
our creature sense back,

it's her.

- [Martin] Yes we have
to tap into

the tiger's incredible
awareness of the forest.

Hey, Brad!

- [Chris] Check it out,
some fur.

Aviva come in, tiger
trackers here, come in Aviva.

- [Aviva] Well it's about time.

We were looking
all over for you!

- [Koki] Tiger trackers, really?

- [Chris] Actually we're in what
you might call a slump.

We really need your help.

- [Martin] Yeah, we need to
be more like tigers

and figure out tiger power.

Can you help us?

- [Aviva, Koki] Hmmm

- [Aviva] Okay we will.

But I'm only doing it
because my future inventions

depend on you guys
being sharp out there.

- [Koki] And because we
love tigers.

- [Chris & Martin] Thanks Koki.

- [Martin] Thanks Aviva.

- [Chris] She's on the move!

- [Martin] Let's go!

- [Aviva] Okay, so far so good.

No wonder the tiger is
such an awesome predator.

Its senses of sight, smell,
and hearing are top-notch.

What have you got
on the stripes Koki?

- [Koki] The camouflage feature
is tiger to the core.

Did you know that
underneath the fur,

even the tiger's
skin is striped?

And every tiger has
its own stripe pattern.

- [Aviva] Awesome lets implement
that into the suit.

Okay Jimmy. We're ready
to test the paw prototype.

- [Jimmy] Wow, it's about
as big as my face!

- [Aviva] It's in stealth
mode now.

See, no claws showing.

Just sound-muffling pads and fur

to make the tiger's
footsteps super quiet.

- [Jimmy] Oh yeah, they're
soft, niiiicccee ahhh.

- [Aviva] Jimmy careful,
don't press

- [Jimmy] Oooowwwww!!!!

- [Aviva] Ooh, the Hunting Mode

Hold still.

- [Jimmy and Aviva] Oooww,
ughh, ahhh!!!

- [Aviva] Tigers have
retractable claws Jimmy.

They can just pop them
out when they need them.

Claws are attached to
muscles and ligaments

that move them in and out.

Retractable, well, we
know it works right?

- [Jimmy] Glad to help.

- [Dabio] Ha ha ha, we
have tigers Donita.

- [Donita] Yes Dabio, yes we do,
and I quite like this place too.

Oh yes, this is quite my style.

Dabio, get the
satellite feed ready.

Get my things.

I will announce my new tiger
line from this very spot.

When I'm through, everyone
will be wearing Tiger Stripes!


- [Martin] Okay, now's our
chance to learn from the master.

- [Chris] Look at that.

She moves so fluidly and
silently through the forest.

We need to move like a tiger,
quiet and controlled.

- [Martin] Oh check it out,
all senses firing,

nothing gets past her.

We need to use all our
senses like a tiger.

That's weird, she's sniffing,

but I don't smell
a thing out here.

- [Chris] Well tigers have a
much better sense of smell

than we do.

- [Martin] Uh, do you think
she smells something?

- [Chris] Well, there's your
answer, a sambar.

That sambar's senses are
firing too and he's on alert.

- [Martin] Uh oh,
little does he know,

there's a tiger stalking nearby.

- [Chris] Amazing!

Her knowledge of the
forest is incredible.

We need to think like a tiger.

- [Martin] And sometimes, sit
quietly and watch like a tiger.

With that awesome camouflage,

the tiger is able to wait
until she's really close.

- [Chris] Before she

- [Chris And Martin] Whoaa!

Look out!

- [Both] Ooof!!

- [Martin] Ah, they're gone!

What happened?

- [Chris] I don't know bro,
but I know one thing.

That was an awesome
lesson in creature sense.

- [Martin] No kidding.

(gasps) Chris look!

I bet she's heading
back to the den.

Come on!

Got to be the tiger!

- [Chris] Huh, Martin did you
hear that?

- [Martin] Huh, yeah,
nice one, Chris.

Over there!

- [Chris] Good spot Martin,
something is in there.

Camo, what are you doing here?

Martin, do you realize
what we just did?

- [Martin] Yeah, our creature
sense, I think it's coming back.

- [Chris] And my creature
sense is telling me

something is still wrong here.

- [Martin] Queen Stealth,
she's leaving!

- [Chris] Come on Camo,
let's follow your mom.

- [Donita] Tiger cub shawl,
pose it,

tiger cub hat.


Mannequins, pose Beam!

Well done, now bring her here.

- [Martin] We were right!

- [Chris] Oh yeah,

we definitely have our
creature sense back.

- [Martin] But now, we have to
get Camo's mom back.

- [Chris] She helped us,

now it's our turn to help her.

- [Donita] Oooo, I like this.

Tiger stripes are all the rage.

I'm ready for my close-up Dabio!

- [Dabio] Yes, okay Donita,

- [Donita] Hello fans!

It's me Donita Donata

coming from India with the
latest in animal fashion.

This year is all
about stripes,

tiger stripes!

- [Chris] Seriously?

We got to stop her.

- [Martin] But we need a way to
get past all those mannequins.

- [Chris And Martin] Ah!

- [Koki] They're supposed
to be around here.

- [Chris] Hi!
- [Aviva And Koki] Ahhh!

- [Chris] We're back.

- [Martin] To our old selves.

- [Aviva] I can see that, here!

- [Martin] Wow, thanks Aviva!!!

- [Chris] And just in

- [Chris And Martin]
Insert tiger power disc.

Touch tiger.

And activate Bengal
Tiger Power!!!!

- [Chris] Awesome.

- [Martin] Yeah.

- [Chris] Now this is cool!

The keen senses,

the strong athletic body.

- [Martin] The stealth, the
camouflage, it's got it all!

- [Chris] Now all we need
is a plan.

- [Donita] Ah yes it's the
season of stripes.

Hats, shawls, rugs
all in tiger stripes.

Be sure to pre-order now!

- [Dabio] And got it Donita.

- [Donita] Good.

Now we need to collect as
many tigers as we can Dabio.

See that mannequin?

You can send it
out to catch some.

- [Dabio] Yeah, catch tigers.

You mannequin, go get,
uh it's gone Donita.

- [Donita] No it was just there.

Fine, send that then.

- [Dabio] Okay, right away

It's gone too Donita.

- [Donita] What, where are they

(growls) That's it,
mannequins come.

All right, Kratt Brothers.

I know you're out
there somewhere.

I just can't see you.

Show yourselves!

Pose Beam!!

Ha, I knew you wouldn't
be able to resist my hat.

Now where is that
green brother of yours?

- [Martin] Donita you can't
do this to tigers.

They're one of
the most beautiful

wildcats on the planet.

- [Donita] Exactly darling.

- [Martin] No, those stripes
aren't for you to use

to make you feel important,

they're for camouflage,

one of the tiger's
keys to survival.

Umm Donita?

Did you know that
every tiger's stripes

are a slightly
different pattern?

- [Dabio] Oooh its true .

- [Donita] That's marvelous.

No two items in my fashion
line will be the same!

- [Koki] Don't worry Camo.

Let the Kratt
Brothers handle this.

- [Donita] Every one will be


Get him!

- [Chris] Bring it on Donita.

Tiger power is not just
camouflage and stealth

but speed and agility too!

And strength!

- [Donita] Don't let him
reach my Pose Orb!

- [Chris] Got to do it for
the tigers!

Tiger Power!!!!

- [Martin] Finally free!

Step aside,

I'll take
those cubs Donita!

You've got bigger problems.

- [Donita] Uh-oh.


- [Aviva] Need a different ride?

- [Donita] You can have
your Bengal tigers.

- [Dabio] Oof.

- [Donita] Stripes
are so yesterday!

- [Martin] Back to mama.

- [Chris] Well, we did it.

The tigers are safe, living
free and in the wild.

- [Martin] And we got our
creature sense back!

Ooh and it may be sharper
than ever thanks to her.

- [Chris] I'd say that's a
Creature Mission accomplished.

- [Both] Shhhh, the bushes.

- [Aviva] What?

- [Koki] There's nothing there!

- [Martin] Brad!

- [Chris] We couldn't leave
without him.

- [Martin] You'll never know

when we'll need him on
another creature adventure.

He helped us figure
out the awesome powers

of the Bengal tiger.

- [Chris] So the tiger is one
impressive big cat.

- [Martin] No doubt about it.

The only other big
cat that matches up

in terms of size and
power is the mighty lion.

- [Chris] Right and we've been
creature adventuring with both.

So how do they compare?

The tiger.

- [Martin] And the lion.

So the biggest lions are males.

A male lion in his prime

can get up to be feet long
and weigh up to pounds.

- [Chris] So how does a lion
stack up

against a big male Bengal tiger?

If you compare Bengal
tigers to lions,

they're about the same size.

But the Bengal tiger's
cousin, the Siberian tiger,

is the largest cat in the world.

- [Martin] The lifestyle of
these cats is very different.

Lions are social.

- [Chris] Tigers are solitary.

- [Martin] Lions live in prides.

The pride is a
unique family group

made up of females, offspring
and one or two males.

- [Chris] So lions in Africa
live in groups,

but here in India, tigers
have a different lifestyle.

Oh yeah,

a mother tiger and two cubs.

Unlike lions who live in
prides, tigers live alone.

Except in the case of
a mother with her cubs.

These cubs look like they're
about four months old

and boy, are they playful.

Play is so important
to young tigers.

It helps them practice
their hunting skills

before they go out on their own.

This mother tiger has
a radio collar on her

because scientists are
studying everything they can

about these endangered cats
and how we can help them.


She's calling for her cubs.

Making sure they follow her

because they don't want to
run into a big male tiger.

There they go.

- [Martin] So lions and tigers
have their differences,

but both are impressive big cats

with incredible creature power.

- [Chris] You know, I think I'm
more of a tiger guy.

- [Martin] Oh yeah?
I kind of like lions better.

- [Chris] Keep on creature

- [Martin] We'll see you on
the creature trail.

(upbeat music)

- [Chris And Martin]
We'll see you there.