05x06 - Jake the Dad

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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05x06 - Jake the Dad

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ Adventure Time ♪♪

♪♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪♪

♪♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪♪

♪♪ With Jake the Dog
and Finn the Human ♪♪

♪♪ The fun will never end ♪♪

♪♪ It's Adventure Time ♪♪
Ripped By mstoll

Puppies! Puppies! Puppies!

Hey, Jake.
Hey, Lady.

We came to see
your new pups.


Hey, dudes.
They're still pretty sleepy.

Sleepy little sweeties.

Pups, meet everybody.
- Yes!

And this sweet little lady
is Jake Jr.


Oh. That's a butt.

Pre-e-e-e-tty cute.

Finn... I love all my little
babies so much.

I'm not gonna let anything
happen to them.

Dude, real talk...

are you worried about
being a dad?

No way.

Check this out.

Thanks, honey.

It's "Mom's Manual for
Raising Beautiful Children."

Aw, dude... mom!

She would have been so proud
to see you and your pups.

Look! Look!

Aw, BMO!

When's the last time
you washed your controller?



We were just wrestling.
Cool-uncle wrestling.


l-l-I think it's getting
kind of late.

Um, puppies need sleep.


Uh, Finn...

you should go home.

I'm gonna... live with Lady
and the pups from now on.

I'm a dad now.
It's a pretty big whoop.


Psst! Who wants to play
video games?!

Yeah, okay.
I guess we'll take off.

We'll hang out soon.

Aw, no prob, Bob.

Heh. Congrats again.

I'll be right back.

Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!

Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!

I'm gonna be
the best dad ever.

Breakfast time.

Sorry, honey.
I'm on guard duty.

You're sleeping for both
of us tonight.

Breakfast ideas for pups.

Recipe for French toast.

Butter, three large eggs,

a wide dash of vanilla, milk,

10 slices of bread
white, brown,

or country loaf.

In a large mixing bowl,
crack the eggs

and whisk the milk,
vanilla, and...


... all eggs and honey.

When your consistency is

set mixture aside.

Dip bread into mixture
and soak bread thoroughly.

Ha ha!
Kind of like a dead person.

Sauté your eggsoaked bread
slices until

They're just asleep.
It's okay.

You got to be a tough...

...a tough dad.

The puppies aren't moving!

Perform CPR!
They might be dead!

Saved 'em.
Mom's Manual knows best.

You guys are getting big.


Excuse me.

Mom's manual suggested
I read you guys a story.

This was your daddy's
favorite book

when he was cute,
like you.


Mm... hmm.

"There once were
five little babies

who were very cute
and very chubby.

One day, they met a fox.

'I'm so hungry

that there must be
something wrong

with my stomach,'
said the baby-eating fox.

'Will one of you babies
be so kind

as to look inside my belly
and see what's wrong? '

'We all will! '
Said the babies,

who were as helpful
as they were chubby."

This is a lot darker
than I remember!

Um... gimme a sec.

Is this appropriate
for babies?

Get that book out of here!

Yeah, okay.

Sorry, sweeties.
Mom's Manual says no.

Take them out
for fresh air, huh?

There... there might be
a giant fox out there.

Or some...
some other predator.


This is not for babies!

Hey. Free book.

H-Hey, everybody, look.

Look at this book I found
about eating babies.

A book about eating babies?

They just sit there
while you eat them.

Whoa! Eatin' babies.


Why haven't we been eating
babies this whole time?

I don't know, but I'm going
to go eat one right now.


Let's eat some babies!

Okay, everyone, your mom
wanted me to take y'all outside.

Be careful.

No, Charlie. No!

Too much germs, you know?

Everybody stick
together and don't do anything.

And we can all...

take a... nap.




Oh, my gloob!


It's every parent's worst

No! No! No!
Put that down!

Get off of there!
Aah! Come back!

Wait! T. V!
You're gonna hurt yourself!

Charlie, no!

Viola, wait!

Hey, Lady.

These puppies are really
wearing me out, you know?

I can hardly
keep my eyes open.

No, no. It's... it's all
in the manual.

You see, it's...


Is that a baby?

He doesn't... look right.

Why is he so sweaty?

And hairy?

Look, fellas, there's never
gonna be a perfect baby.

Times like this, you just
gotta dive right in.


What the...

What are you doing?!
Let me go!

Hold on. Hold on a minute.

Just... just lemme...

Y'all better watch out.



What are you doing?!
Go back inside!

The Manual's gonna flip!

Dad, the manual's
a bunch of junk!

Just give us a chance!

Jake Jr., you said your
first words...

"The Manual's
a bunch of junk!"

The Manual's a bunch
of junk?!


Stay back, Jakey.

My Manual says
it's too dangerous.

Mom, your manual's
a bunch of junk!

Look what I can do!
Ha ha!

Oh... dear... glob.

I'm sorry for being such
a little stinker, kids.

Come on and show the old man
what you got.

Whoa! What the...


You see, Dad?
We flippin' crushed it.

Crushed it!

You did.

I'm super-proud, y'all.

And I'm duper-sorry, too.

I've been trying to make you
know about safety

without actually learning
about safety the way I did...

by not listening to my mom

when that snake jumped out of
the policeman's boom box.

Yup. I've been trying to make them
know about safety

without actually learning about
safety the way I did...

by not listening to my mom

when that snake jumped out of
the policeman's boom box.

♪♪ I said to the bread lady,

"What happened to your
husband? ♪♪

♪♪ Is he bread? Is he bread? ♪♪

♪♪ I've got all the bread
you need" ♪♪

Hey, guys. I'm back.

Is everything okay?

Did you ruin it?

Nah, nah. It's cool.

It turns out the pups can pretty
much take care of themselves.

They don't really
need me around.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

I guess Rainicorns age
really fast.

They're basically, like,
older than me already.

Kil Whan has a beard now.

- Oh.
- Ah, it's okay.

I've got a slammin' family
right here, too.

Plus, all my stuff is here.

♪♪ Come along with me ♪♪

♪♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪♪

♪♪ We can wander through the forest ♪♪

♪♪ And do so as we please ♪♪

♪♪ Come along with me ♪♪

♪♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪♪
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